package; import; import; public final class Shared { // Constants. public static final int INVALID = -1; public static final int INFINITY = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static int argb(float a, float r, float g, float b) { return Color.argb((int) (a * 255f), (int) (r * 255f), (int) (g * 255f), (int) (b * 255f)); } public static boolean isPowerOf2(int n) { return (n & -n) == n; } /** * @param i * : running variable * @return 0, +1, -1, +2, -2, +3, -3 .. */ public static int midPointIterator(int i) { if (i != 0) { int tick = ((i - 1) / 2) + 1; int pass = ((i - 1) % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1; return tick * pass; } return 0; } public static int nextPowerOf2(int n) { n -= 1; n |= n >>> 16; n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 4; n |= n >>> 2; n |= n >>> 1; return n + 1; } public static int prevPowerOf2(int n) { if (isPowerOf2(n)) { return nextPowerOf2(n); } else { return nextPowerOf2(n) - 1; } } public static int clamp(int value, int min, int max) { if (value < min) { value = min; } else if (value > max) { value = max; } return value; } public static long clamp(long value, long min, long max) { if (value < min) { value = min; } else if (value > max) { value = max; } return value; } public static float scaleToFit(float srcWidth, float srcHeight, float outerWidth, float outerHeight, boolean clipToFit) { float scaleX = outerWidth / srcWidth; float scaleY = outerHeight / srcHeight; return (clipToFit ? scaleX > scaleY : scaleX < scaleY) ? scaleX : scaleY; } // Returns an angle between 0 and 360 degrees independent of the input // angle. public static float normalizePositive(float angleToRotate) { if (angleToRotate == 0.0f) { return 0.0f; } float nf = (angleToRotate / 360.0f); int n = 0; if (angleToRotate < 0) { n = (int) (nf - 1.0f); } else if (angleToRotate > 360) { n = (int) (nf); } angleToRotate -= (n * 360.0f); if (angleToRotate == 360.0f) { angleToRotate = 0; } return angleToRotate; } public static int degreesToExifOrientation(float normalizedAngle) { if (normalizedAngle == 0.0f) { return ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL; } else if (normalizedAngle == 90.0f) { return ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90; } else if (normalizedAngle == 180.0f) { return ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180; } else if (normalizedAngle == 270.0f) { return ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270; } return ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL; } public static float exifOrientationToDegrees(int exifOrientation) { if (exifOrientation == ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90) { return 90; } else if (exifOrientation == ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180) { return 180; } else if (exifOrientation == ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270) { return 270; } return 0; } }