/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ package org.mozilla.android.sync.test.helpers; import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.repositories.domain.PasswordRecord; public class PasswordHelpers { public static PasswordRecord createPassword1() { PasswordRecord rec = new PasswordRecord(); rec.encType = "some type"; rec.formSubmitURL = "http://submit.html"; rec.hostname = "http://hostname"; rec.httpRealm = "httpRealm"; rec.encryptedPassword ="12345"; rec.passwordField = "box.pass.field"; rec.timeCreated = 111111111L; rec.timeLastUsed = 123412352435L; rec.timePasswordChanged = 121111111L; rec.timesUsed = 5L; rec.encryptedUsername = "jvoll"; rec.usernameField = "box.user.field"; return rec; } public static PasswordRecord createPassword2() { PasswordRecord rec = new PasswordRecord(); rec.encType = "some type"; rec.formSubmitURL = "http://submit2.html"; rec.hostname = "http://hostname2"; rec.httpRealm = "httpRealm2"; rec.encryptedPassword ="54321"; rec.passwordField = "box.pass.field2"; rec.timeCreated = 12111111111L; rec.timeLastUsed = 123412352213L; rec.timePasswordChanged = 123111111111L; rec.timesUsed = 2L; rec.encryptedUsername = "rnewman"; rec.usernameField = "box.user.field2"; return rec; } public static PasswordRecord createPassword3() { PasswordRecord rec = new PasswordRecord(); rec.encType = "some type3"; rec.formSubmitURL = "http://submit3.html"; rec.hostname = "http://hostname3"; rec.httpRealm = "httpRealm3"; rec.encryptedPassword ="54321"; rec.passwordField = "box.pass.field3"; rec.timeCreated = 100000000000L; rec.timeLastUsed = 123412352213L; rec.timePasswordChanged = 110000000000L; rec.timesUsed = 2L; rec.encryptedUsername = "rnewman"; rec.usernameField = "box.user.field3"; return rec; } public static PasswordRecord createPassword4() { PasswordRecord rec = new PasswordRecord(); rec.encType = "some type"; rec.formSubmitURL = "http://submit4.html"; rec.hostname = "http://hostname4"; rec.httpRealm = "httpRealm4"; rec.encryptedPassword ="54324"; rec.passwordField = "box.pass.field4"; rec.timeCreated = 101000000000L; rec.timeLastUsed = 123412354444L; rec.timePasswordChanged = 110000000000L; rec.timesUsed = 4L; rec.encryptedUsername = "rnewman4"; rec.usernameField = "box.user.field4"; return rec; } public static PasswordRecord createPassword5() { PasswordRecord rec = new PasswordRecord(); rec.encType = "some type5"; rec.formSubmitURL = "http://submit5.html"; rec.hostname = "http://hostname5"; rec.httpRealm = "httpRealm5"; rec.encryptedPassword ="54325"; rec.passwordField = "box.pass.field5"; rec.timeCreated = 101000000000L; rec.timeLastUsed = 123412352555L; rec.timePasswordChanged = 111111111111L; rec.timesUsed = 5L; rec.encryptedUsername = "jvoll5"; rec.usernameField = "box.user.field5"; return rec; } }