package com.telerik.metadata; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.telerik.metadata.TreeNode.FieldInfo; import com.telerik.metadata.TreeNode.MethodInfo; import com.telerik.metadata.bcl.JarFile; import com.telerik.metadata.desc.MetadataInfoAnnotationDescriptor; import com.telerik.metadata.desc.ClassDescriptor; import com.telerik.metadata.desc.FieldDescriptor; import com.telerik.metadata.desc.MethodDescriptor; import com.telerik.metadata.desc.TypeDescriptor; import com.telerik.metadata.dx.DexFile; public class Builder { private static class MethodNameComparator implements Comparator<MethodDescriptor> { @Override public int compare(MethodDescriptor o1, MethodDescriptor o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } } private static MethodNameComparator methodNameComparator = new MethodNameComparator(); public static TreeNode build(String[] paths) throws Exception { for (String path : paths) { File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { if (file.isFile()) { if (path.endsWith(".jar")) { JarFile jar = JarFile.readJar(path); ClassRepo.addToCache(jar); } else if (path.endsWith(".dex")) { DexFile dex = DexFile.readDex(path); ClassRepo.addToCache(dex); } } else if (file.isDirectory()) { ClassDirectory dir = ClassDirectory.readDirectory(path); ClassRepo.addToCache(dir); } } } TreeNode root = TreeNode.getRoot(); String[] classNames = ClassRepo.getClassNames(); for (String className : classNames) { try { // possible exceptions here are: // - NoClassDefFoundError // - ClassNotFoundException // both are raised due to some API level mismatch - // e.g. we are processing jars with API 21 while we have in // our class path API 17 // Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className, false, loader); ClassDescriptor clazz = ClassRepo.findClass(className); generate(clazz, root); } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.println("Skip " + className); System.out.println("\tError: " + e.toString()); //e.printStackTrace(); } } return root; } private static Boolean isClassPublic(ClassDescriptor clazz) { Boolean isPublic = true; try { ClassDescriptor currClass = clazz; while (currClass != null) { if (!currClass.isPublic() && !currClass.isProtected()) { isPublic = false; break; } currClass = ClassUtil.getEnclosingClass(currClass); } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { isPublic = false; } return isPublic; } private static void generate(ClassDescriptor clazz, TreeNode root) throws Exception { if (!isClassPublic(clazz)) { return; } MetadataInfoAnnotationDescriptor metadataInfo = clazz.getMetadataInfoAnnotation(); boolean hasClassMetadataInfo = metadataInfo != null; String predefinedSuperClassname = null; if (hasClassMetadataInfo) { if (metadataInfo.skip()) { return; } else { predefinedSuperClassname = metadataInfo.getSuperClassname(); } } TreeNode node = getOrCreateNode(root, clazz, predefinedSuperClassname); setNodeMembers(clazz, node, root, hasClassMetadataInfo); } private static void setNodeMembers(ClassDescriptor clazz, TreeNode node, TreeNode root, boolean hasClassMetadataInfo) throws Exception { Map<String, MethodInfo> existingMethods = new HashMap<String, MethodInfo>(); for (MethodInfo mi : node.instanceMethods) { existingMethods.put( + mi.sig, mi); } MethodDescriptor[] allMethods = ClassUtil.getAllMethods(clazz); MethodDescriptor[] methods = clazz.getMethods(); Arrays.sort(methods, methodNameComparator); for (MethodDescriptor m : methods) { if (m.isSynthetic()) { continue; } if (hasClassMetadataInfo && !m.getName().equals("<init>")) { MetadataInfoAnnotationDescriptor metadataInfo = m.getMetadataInfoAnnotation(); if ((metadataInfo != null) && metadataInfo.skip()) { continue; } } if (m.isPublic() || m.isProtected()) { boolean isStatic = m.isStatic(); MethodInfo mi = new MethodInfo(m); int countUnique = 0; for (MethodDescriptor m1 : allMethods) { boolean m1IsStatic = m1.isStatic(); if (!m1.isSynthetic() && (m1.isPublic() || m1.isProtected()) && (isStatic == m1IsStatic) && (m1.getName().equals( && (m1 .getArgumentTypes().length == m .getArgumentTypes().length))) { if (++countUnique > 1) { break; } } } mi.isResolved = countUnique == 1; TypeDescriptor[] params = m.getArgumentTypes(); mi.signature = getMethodSignature(root, m.getReturnType(), params); if (mi.signature != null) { if (isStatic) { mi.declaringType = getOrCreateNode(root, clazz, null); node.staticMethods.add(mi); } else { String sig = m.getName() + m.getSignature(); if (existingMethods.containsKey(sig)) { continue; } node.instanceMethods.add(mi); } } } } FieldDescriptor[] fields = clazz.getFields(); setFieldInfo(clazz, node, root, fields, null); // adds static fields from interface to implementing class because java can call them from implementing class... no problem. getFieldsFromImplementedInterfaces(clazz, node, root, fields); } private static void setFieldInfo(ClassDescriptor clazz, TreeNode node, TreeNode root, FieldDescriptor[] fields, ClassDescriptor interfaceClass) throws Exception { for (FieldDescriptor f : fields) { if (f.isPublic() || f.isProtected()) { FieldInfo fi = new FieldInfo(f.getName()); TypeDescriptor t = f.getType(); boolean isPrimitive = ClassUtil.isPrimitive(t); fi.valueType = isPrimitive ? TreeNode.getPrimitive(t): getOrCreateNode(root, t); fi.isFinalType = f.isFinal(); if (f.isStatic()) { if (interfaceClass != null) { // changes declaring type of static fields from implementing class to interface fi.declaringType = getOrCreateNode(root, interfaceClass, null); } else { fi.declaringType = getOrCreateNode(root, clazz, null); } node.staticFields.add(fi); } else { node.instanceFields.add(fi); } } } } private static void getFieldsFromImplementedInterfaces(ClassDescriptor clazz, TreeNode node, TreeNode root, FieldDescriptor[] classFields) throws Exception { FieldDescriptor[] fields = null; List<FieldDescriptor> originalClassFields = Arrays.asList(classFields); ClassDescriptor interfaceClass = null; String[] implementedInterfacesNames = clazz.getInterfaceNames(); if (implementedInterfacesNames.length > 0) { for (String currInterface : implementedInterfacesNames) { interfaceClass = ClassRepo.findClass(currInterface); if (interfaceClass != null) { fields = interfaceClass.getFields(); // If the interface iteself extends other interfaces - add their fields too getFieldsFromImplementedInterfaces(interfaceClass, node, root, fields); //if interface and implementing class declare the same static field name the class take precedence if (originalClassFields.size() > 0) { for (FieldDescriptor f : fields) { if (originalClassFields.contains(f)) { return; } } } setFieldInfo(clazz, node, root, fields, interfaceClass); } } } } private static TreeNode getOrCreateNode(TreeNode root, TypeDescriptor type) throws Exception { TreeNode node; String typeName = type.getSignature(); if (typeName.startsWith("[")) { node = createArrayNode(root, typeName); } else { String name = ClassUtil.getCanonicalName(type.getSignature()); ClassDescriptor clazz = ClassRepo.findClass(name); node = getOrCreateNode(root, clazz, null); } return node; } private static TreeNode getOrCreateNode(TreeNode root, ClassDescriptor clazz, String predefinedSuperClassname) throws Exception { if (ClassUtil.isPrimitive(clazz)) { return TreeNode.getPrimitive(clazz); } if (ClassUtil.isArray(clazz)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected class=" + clazz.getClassName()); } TreeNode node = root; String name = ClassUtil.getSimpleName(clazz); String[] packages = clazz.getPackageName().split("\\."); for (String p : packages) { TreeNode child = node.getChild(p); if (child == null) { child = node.createChild(p); node.nodeType = TreeNode.Package; } node = child; } ClassDescriptor outer = ClassUtil.getEnclosingClass(clazz); ArrayList<ClassDescriptor> outerClasses = new ArrayList<ClassDescriptor>(); while (outer != null) { if (!outer.isPublic()) { return null; } outerClasses.add(outer); outer = ClassUtil.getEnclosingClass(outer); } if (outerClasses.size() > 0) { for (int i = outerClasses.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { outer = outerClasses.get(i); String outerClassname = ClassUtil.getSimpleName(outer); TreeNode child = node.getChild(outerClassname); if (child == null) { child = node.createChild(outerClassname); child.nodeType = outer.isInterface() ? TreeNode.Interface : TreeNode.Class; if (outer.isStatic()) { child.nodeType |= TreeNode.Static; } } node = child; } } TreeNode child = node.getChild(name); if (child == null) { child = node.createChild(name); if (ClassUtil.isPrimitive(clazz)) { TreeNode tmp = TreeNode.getPrimitive(clazz); child.nodeType = tmp.nodeType; } else { child.nodeType = clazz.isInterface() ? TreeNode.Interface : TreeNode.Class; if (clazz.isStatic()) { child.nodeType |= TreeNode.Static; } } } node = child; if (node.baseClassNode == null) { ClassDescriptor baseClass = null; if (predefinedSuperClassname != null) { baseClass = ClassUtil.getClassByName(predefinedSuperClassname); } else { baseClass = clazz.isInterface() ? ClassUtil.getClassByName("java.lang.Object") : ClassUtil.getSuperclass(clazz); } if (baseClass != null) { node.baseClassNode = getOrCreateNode(root, baseClass, null); copyBasePublicApi(baseClass, node, root); } } return node; } private static void copyBasePublicApi(ClassDescriptor baseClass, TreeNode node, TreeNode root) throws Exception { while ((baseClass != null) && !baseClass.isPublic()) { setNodeMembers(baseClass, node, root, false); baseClass = ClassUtil.getSuperclass(baseClass); } } private static TreeNode createArrayNode(TreeNode root, String className) throws Exception { TreeNode currentNode = root; String currentClassname = className; while (ClassUtil.isArray(currentClassname)) { TreeNode child = currentNode.getChild("["); if (child == null) { child = currentNode.createChild("["); child.nodeType = TreeNode.Array; child.offsetValue = 1; } currentClassname = currentClassname.substring(1); currentNode = child; } String name = ClassUtil.getCanonicalName(currentClassname); TreeNode child = currentNode.getChild(name); if (child == null) { child = currentNode.createChild(name); if (ClassUtil.isPrimitive(name)) { TreeNode node = TreeNode.getPrimitive(name); child.nodeType = node.nodeType; child.arrayElement = node; } else { ClassDescriptor clazz = ClassRepo.findClass(name); child.nodeType = clazz.isInterface() ? TreeNode.Interface : TreeNode.Class; if (clazz.isStatic()) { child.nodeType |= TreeNode.Static; } child.arrayElement = getOrCreateNode(root, clazz, null); } } return child; } private static ArrayList<TreeNode> getMethodSignature(TreeNode root, TypeDescriptor retType, TypeDescriptor[] params) throws Exception { ArrayList<TreeNode> sig = new ArrayList<TreeNode>(); boolean isVoid = retType.equals(TypeDescriptor.VOID); TreeNode node = null; if (!isVoid) { boolean isPrimitive = ClassUtil.isPrimitive(retType); node = isPrimitive ? TreeNode.getPrimitive(retType) : getOrCreateNode(root, retType); } sig.add(node); for (TypeDescriptor param : params) { boolean isPrimitive = ClassUtil.isPrimitive(param); node = isPrimitive ? TreeNode.getPrimitive(param) : getOrCreateNode(root, param); if (node == null) { return null; } sig.add(node); } return sig; } }