/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.newxmlfile; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AdtPlugin; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.AndroidConstants; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.descriptors.DocumentDescriptor; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.descriptors.ElementDescriptor; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.descriptors.IDescriptorProvider; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.menu.descriptors.MenuDescriptors; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.editors.resources.descriptors.ResourcesDescriptors; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.BaseProjectHelper; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.ProjectChooserHelper; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.project.BaseProjectHelper.IProjectFilter; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.ResourceNameValidator; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.configurations.FolderConfiguration; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.configurations.ResourceQualifier; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.manager.ResourceFolderType; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.AndroidTargetData; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.Sdk; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.sdk.Sdk.TargetChangeListener; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.ui.ConfigurationSelector; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.ui.ConfigurationSelector.ConfigurationState; import com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.ui.ConfigurationSelector.SelectorMode; import com.android.sdklib.IAndroidTarget; import com.android.sdklib.SdkConstants; import com.android.util.Pair; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.events.ModifyEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.ModifyListener; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionListener; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; /** * This is the single page of the {@link NewXmlFileWizard} which provides the ability to create * skeleton XML resources files for Android projects. * <p/> * This page is used to select the project, the resource folder, resource type and file name. */ class NewXmlFileCreationPage extends WizardPage { @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible) { super.setVisible(visible); // Ensure the initial focus is in the Name field; you usually don't need // to edit the default text field (the project name) if (visible && mFileNameTextField != null) { mFileNameTextField.setFocus(); } } /** * Information on one type of resource that can be created (e.g. menu, pref, layout, etc.) */ static class TypeInfo { private final String mUiName; private final ResourceFolderType mResFolderType; private final String mTooltip; private final Object mRootSeed; private Button mWidget; private ArrayList<String> mRoots = new ArrayList<String>(); private final String mXmlns; private final String mDefaultAttrs; private final String mDefaultRoot; private final int mTargetApiLevel; public TypeInfo(String uiName, String tooltip, ResourceFolderType resFolderType, Object rootSeed, String defaultRoot, String xmlns, String defaultAttrs, int targetApiLevel) { mUiName = uiName; mResFolderType = resFolderType; mTooltip = tooltip; mRootSeed = rootSeed; mDefaultRoot = defaultRoot; mXmlns = xmlns; mDefaultAttrs = defaultAttrs; mTargetApiLevel = targetApiLevel; } /** Returns the UI name for the resource type. Unique. Never null. */ String getUiName() { return mUiName; } /** Returns the tooltip for the resource type. Can be null. */ String getTooltip() { return mTooltip; } /** * Returns the name of the {@link ResourceFolderType}. * Never null but not necessarily unique, * e.g. two types use {@link ResourceFolderType#XML}. */ String getResFolderName() { return mResFolderType.getName(); } /** * Returns the matching {@link ResourceFolderType}. * Never null but not necessarily unique, * e.g. two types use {@link ResourceFolderType#XML}. */ ResourceFolderType getResFolderType() { return mResFolderType; } /** Sets the radio button associate with the resource type. Can be null. */ void setWidget(Button widget) { mWidget = widget; } /** Returns the radio button associate with the resource type. Can be null. */ Button getWidget() { return mWidget; } /** * Returns the seed used to fill the root element values. * The seed might be either a String, a String array, an {@link ElementDescriptor}, * a {@link DocumentDescriptor} or null. */ Object getRootSeed() { return mRootSeed; } /** Returns the default root element that should be selected by default. Can be null. */ String getDefaultRoot() { return mDefaultRoot; } /** * Returns the list of all possible root elements for the resource type. * This can be an empty ArrayList but not null. * <p/> * TODO: the root list SHOULD depend on the currently selected project, to include * custom classes. */ ArrayList<String> getRoots() { return mRoots; } /** * If the generated resource XML file requires an "android" XMLNS, this should be set * to {@link SdkConstants#NS_RESOURCES}. When it is null, no XMLNS is generated. */ String getXmlns() { return mXmlns; } /** * When not null, this represent extra attributes that must be specified in the * root element of the generated XML file. When null, no extra attributes are inserted. * * @param project the project to get the attributes for */ String getDefaultAttrs(IProject project) { return mDefaultAttrs; } /** * The minimum API level required by the current SDK target to support this feature. * * @return the minimum API level */ public int getTargetApiLevel() { return mTargetApiLevel; } } /** * TypeInfo, information for each "type" of file that can be created. */ private static final TypeInfo[] sTypes = { new TypeInfo( "Layout", // UI name "An XML file that describes a screen layout.", // tooltip ResourceFolderType.LAYOUT, // folder type AndroidTargetData.DESCRIPTOR_LAYOUT, // root seed "LinearLayout", // default root SdkConstants.NS_RESOURCES, // xmlns "", // not used, see below 1 // target API level ) { // The default attributes must be determined dynamically since whether // we use match_parent or fill_parent depends on the API level of the // project @Override String getDefaultAttrs(IProject project) { Sdk currentSdk = Sdk.getCurrent(); if (currentSdk != null) { IAndroidTarget target = currentSdk.getTarget(project); // fill_parent was renamed match_parent in API level 8 if (target != null && target.getVersion().getApiLevel() >= 8) { return "android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" //$NON-NLS-1$ + "android:layout_height=\"match_parent\""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } } return "android:layout_width=\"fill_parent\"\n" //$NON-NLS-1$ + "android:layout_height=\"fill_parent\""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } }, new TypeInfo("Values", // UI name "An XML file with simple values: colors, strings, dimensions, etc.", // tooltip ResourceFolderType.VALUES, // folder type ResourcesDescriptors.ROOT_ELEMENT, // root seed null, // default root null, // xmlns null, // default attributes 1 // target API level ), new TypeInfo("Menu", // UI name "An XML file that describes an menu.", // tooltip ResourceFolderType.MENU, // folder type MenuDescriptors.MENU_ROOT_ELEMENT, // root seed null, // default root SdkConstants.NS_RESOURCES, // xmlns null, // default attributes 1 // target API level ), new TypeInfo("AppWidget Provider", // UI name "An XML file that describes a widget provider.", // tooltip ResourceFolderType.XML, // folder type AndroidTargetData.DESCRIPTOR_APPWIDGET_PROVIDER, // root seed null, // default root SdkConstants.NS_RESOURCES, // xmlns null, // default attributes 3 // target API level ), new TypeInfo("Preference", // UI name "An XML file that describes preferences.", // tooltip ResourceFolderType.XML, // folder type AndroidTargetData.DESCRIPTOR_PREFERENCES, // root seed SdkConstants.CLASS_NAME_PREFERENCE_SCREEN, // default root SdkConstants.NS_RESOURCES, // xmlns null, // default attributes 1 // target API level ), new TypeInfo("Searchable", // UI name "An XML file that describes a searchable.", // tooltip ResourceFolderType.XML, // folder type AndroidTargetData.DESCRIPTOR_SEARCHABLE, // root seed null, // default root SdkConstants.NS_RESOURCES, // xmlns null, // default attributes 1 // target API level ), new TypeInfo("Animation", // UI name "An XML file that describes an animation.", // tooltip ResourceFolderType.ANIM, // folder type // TODO reuse constants if we ever make an editor with descriptors for animations new String[] { // root seed "set", //$NON-NLS-1$ "alpha", //$NON-NLS-1$ "scale", //$NON-NLS-1$ "translate", //$NON-NLS-1$ "rotate" //$NON-NLS-1$ }, "set", //$NON-NLS-1$ // default root null, // xmlns null, // default attributes 1 // target API level ), }; /** Number of columns in the grid layout */ final static int NUM_COL = 4; /** Absolute destination folder root, e.g. "/res/" */ private static final String RES_FOLDER_ABS = AndroidConstants.WS_RESOURCES + AndroidConstants.WS_SEP; /** Relative destination folder root, e.g. "res/" */ private static final String RES_FOLDER_REL = SdkConstants.FD_RESOURCES + AndroidConstants.WS_SEP; private IProject mProject; private Text mProjectTextField; private Button mProjectBrowseButton; private Text mFileNameTextField; private Text mWsFolderPathTextField; private Combo mRootElementCombo; private IStructuredSelection mInitialSelection; private ConfigurationSelector mConfigSelector; private FolderConfiguration mTempConfig = new FolderConfiguration(); private boolean mInternalWsFolderPathUpdate; private boolean mInternalTypeUpdate; private boolean mInternalConfigSelectorUpdate; private ProjectChooserHelper mProjectChooserHelper; private TargetChangeListener mSdkTargetChangeListener; private TypeInfo mCurrentTypeInfo; // --- UI creation --- /** * Constructs a new {@link NewXmlFileCreationPage}. * <p/> * Called by {@link NewXmlFileWizard#createMainPage()}. */ protected NewXmlFileCreationPage(String pageName) { super(pageName); setPageComplete(false); } public void setInitialSelection(IStructuredSelection initialSelection) { mInitialSelection = initialSelection; } /** * Called by the parent Wizard to create the UI for this Wizard Page. * * {@inheritDoc} * * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogPage#createControl(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite) */ public void createControl(Composite parent) { Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NULL); composite.setFont(parent.getFont()); initializeDialogUnits(parent); composite.setLayout(new GridLayout(NUM_COL, false /*makeColumnsEqualWidth*/)); composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); createProjectGroup(composite); createTypeGroup(composite); createRootGroup(composite); // Show description the first time setErrorMessage(null); setMessage(null); setControl(composite); // Update state the first time initializeFromSelection(mInitialSelection); initializeRootValues(); enableTypesBasedOnApi(); if (mCurrentTypeInfo != null) { updateRootCombo(mCurrentTypeInfo); } installTargetChangeListener(); validatePage(); } private void installTargetChangeListener() { mSdkTargetChangeListener = new TargetChangeListener() { @Override public IProject getProject() { return mProject; } @Override public void reload() { if (mProject != null) { changeProject(mProject); } } }; AdtPlugin.getDefault().addTargetListener(mSdkTargetChangeListener); } @Override public void dispose() { if (mSdkTargetChangeListener != null) { AdtPlugin.getDefault().removeTargetListener(mSdkTargetChangeListener); mSdkTargetChangeListener = null; } super.dispose(); } /** * Returns the target project or null. */ public IProject getProject() { return mProject; } /** * Returns the destination filename or an empty string. * * @return the filename, never null. */ public String getFileName() { String fileName; if (mFileNameTextField == null) { fileName = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { fileName = mFileNameTextField.getText().trim(); if (fileName.length() > 0 && fileName.indexOf('.') == -1) { fileName = fileName + AndroidConstants.DOT_XML; } } return fileName; } /** * Returns the destination folder path relative to the project or an empty string. */ public String getWsFolderPath() { return mWsFolderPathTextField == null ? "" : mWsFolderPathTextField.getText(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Returns an {@link IFile} on the destination file. * <p/> * Uses {@link #getProject()}, {@link #getWsFolderPath()} and {@link #getFileName()}. * <p/> * Returns null if the project, filename or folder are invalid and the destination file * cannot be determined. * <p/> * The {@link IFile} is a resource. There might or might not be an actual real file. */ public IFile getDestinationFile() { IProject project = getProject(); String wsFolderPath = getWsFolderPath(); String fileName = getFileName(); if (project != null && wsFolderPath.length() > 0 && fileName.length() > 0) { IPath dest = new Path(wsFolderPath).append(fileName); IFile file = project.getFile(dest); return file; } return null; } /** * Returns the {@link TypeInfo} for the currently selected type radio button. * Returns null if no radio button is selected. * * @return A {@link TypeInfo} or null. */ public TypeInfo getSelectedType() { TypeInfo type = null; for (TypeInfo ti : sTypes) { if (ti.getWidget().getSelection()) { type = ti; break; } } return type; } /** * Returns the selected root element string, if any. * * @return The selected root element string or null. */ public String getRootElement() { int index = mRootElementCombo.getSelectionIndex(); if (index >= 0) { return mRootElementCombo.getItem(index); } return null; } // --- UI creation --- /** * Helper method to create a new GridData with an horizontal span. * * @param horizSpan The number of cells for the horizontal span. * @return A new GridData with the horizontal span. */ private GridData newGridData(int horizSpan) { GridData gd = new GridData(); gd.horizontalSpan = horizSpan; return gd; } /** * Helper method to create a new GridData with an horizontal span and a style. * * @param horizSpan The number of cells for the horizontal span. * @param style The style, e.g. {@link GridData#FILL_HORIZONTAL} * @return A new GridData with the horizontal span and the style. */ private GridData newGridData(int horizSpan, int style) { GridData gd = new GridData(style); gd.horizontalSpan = horizSpan; return gd; } /** * Helper method that creates an empty cell in the parent composite. * * @param parent The parent composite. */ private void emptyCell(Composite parent) { new Label(parent, SWT.NONE); } /** * Pads the parent with empty cells to match the number of columns of the parent grid. * * @param parent A grid layout with NUM_COL columns * @param col The current number of columns used. * @return 0, the new number of columns used, for convenience. */ private int padWithEmptyCells(Composite parent, int col) { for (; col < NUM_COL; ++col) { emptyCell(parent); } col = 0; return col; } /** * Creates the project & filename fields. * <p/> * The parent must be a GridLayout with NUM_COL columns. */ private void createProjectGroup(Composite parent) { int col = 0; // project name String tooltip = "The Android Project where the new resource file will be created."; Label label = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE); label.setText("Project"); label.setToolTipText(tooltip); ++col; mProjectTextField = new Text(parent, SWT.BORDER); mProjectTextField.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL)); mProjectTextField.setToolTipText(tooltip); mProjectTextField.addModifyListener(new ModifyListener() { public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) { onProjectFieldUpdated(); } }); ++col; mProjectBrowseButton = new Button(parent, SWT.NONE); mProjectBrowseButton.setText("Browse..."); mProjectBrowseButton.setToolTipText("Allows you to select the Android project to modify."); mProjectBrowseButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { onProjectBrowse(); } }); mProjectChooserHelper = new ProjectChooserHelper(parent.getShell(), null /*filter*/); ++col; col = padWithEmptyCells(parent, col); // file name tooltip = "The name of the resource file to create."; label = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE); label.setText("File"); label.setToolTipText(tooltip); ++col; mFileNameTextField = new Text(parent, SWT.BORDER); mFileNameTextField.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL)); mFileNameTextField.setToolTipText(tooltip); mFileNameTextField.addModifyListener(new ModifyListener() { public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) { validatePage(); } }); ++col; padWithEmptyCells(parent, col); } /** * Creates the type field, {@link ConfigurationSelector} and the folder field. * <p/> * The parent must be a GridLayout with NUM_COL columns. */ private void createTypeGroup(Composite parent) { // separator Label label = new Label(parent, SWT.SEPARATOR | SWT.HORIZONTAL); label.setLayoutData(newGridData(NUM_COL, GridData.GRAB_HORIZONTAL)); // label before type radios label = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE); label.setText("What type of resource would you like to create?"); label.setLayoutData(newGridData(NUM_COL)); // display the types on three columns of radio buttons. emptyCell(parent); Composite grid = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE); padWithEmptyCells(parent, 2); grid.setLayout(new GridLayout(NUM_COL, true /*makeColumnsEqualWidth*/)); SelectionListener radioListener = new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { // single-click. Only do something if activated. if (e.getSource() instanceof Button) { onRadioTypeUpdated((Button) e.getSource()); } } }; int n = sTypes.length; int num_lines = (n + NUM_COL/2) / NUM_COL; for (int line = 0, k = 0; line < num_lines; line++) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COL; i++, k++) { if (k < n) { TypeInfo type = sTypes[k]; Button radio = new Button(grid, SWT.RADIO); type.setWidget(radio); radio.setSelection(false); radio.setText(type.getUiName()); radio.setToolTipText(type.getTooltip()); radio.addSelectionListener(radioListener); } else { emptyCell(grid); } } } // label before configuration selector label = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE); label.setText("What type of resource configuration would you like?"); label.setLayoutData(newGridData(NUM_COL)); // configuration selector emptyCell(parent); mConfigSelector = new ConfigurationSelector(parent, SelectorMode.DEFAULT); GridData gd = newGridData(2, GridData.GRAB_HORIZONTAL | GridData.GRAB_VERTICAL); gd.widthHint = ConfigurationSelector.WIDTH_HINT; gd.heightHint = ConfigurationSelector.HEIGHT_HINT; mConfigSelector.setLayoutData(gd); mConfigSelector.setOnChangeListener(new onConfigSelectorUpdated()); emptyCell(parent); // folder name String tooltip = "The folder where the file will be generated, relative to the project."; label = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE); label.setText("Folder"); label.setToolTipText(tooltip); mWsFolderPathTextField = new Text(parent, SWT.BORDER); mWsFolderPathTextField.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL)); mWsFolderPathTextField.setToolTipText(tooltip); mWsFolderPathTextField.addModifyListener(new ModifyListener() { public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) { onWsFolderPathUpdated(); } }); } /** * Creates the root element combo. * <p/> * The parent must be a GridLayout with NUM_COL columns. */ private void createRootGroup(Composite parent) { // separator Label label = new Label(parent, SWT.SEPARATOR | SWT.HORIZONTAL); label.setLayoutData(newGridData(NUM_COL, GridData.GRAB_HORIZONTAL)); // label before the root combo String tooltip = "The root element to create in the XML file."; label = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE); label.setText("Select the root element for the XML file:"); label.setLayoutData(newGridData(NUM_COL)); label.setToolTipText(tooltip); // root combo emptyCell(parent); mRootElementCombo = new Combo(parent, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.READ_ONLY); mRootElementCombo.setEnabled(false); mRootElementCombo.select(0); mRootElementCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL)); mRootElementCombo.setToolTipText(tooltip); padWithEmptyCells(parent, 2); } /** * Called by {@link NewXmlFileWizard} to initialize the page with the selection * received by the wizard -- typically the current user workbench selection. * <p/> * Things we expect to find out from the selection: * <ul> * <li>The project name, valid if it's an android nature.</li> * <li>The current folder, valid if it's a folder under /res</li> * <li>An existing filename, in which case the user will be asked whether to override it.</li> * </ul> * <p/> * The selection can also be set to a {@link Pair} of {@link IProject} and a workspace * resource path (where the resource path does not have to exist yet, such as res/anim/). * * @param selection The selection when the wizard was initiated. */ private void initializeFromSelection(IStructuredSelection selection) { if (selection == null) { return; } // Find the best match in the element list. In case there are multiple selected elements // select the one that provides the most information and assign them a score, // e.g. project=1 + folder=2 + file=4. IProject targetProject = null; String targetWsFolderPath = null; String targetFileName = null; int targetScore = 0; for (Object element : selection.toList()) { if (element instanceof IAdaptable) { IResource res = (IResource) ((IAdaptable) element).getAdapter(IResource.class); IProject project = res != null ? res.getProject() : null; // Is this an Android project? try { if (project == null || !project.hasNature(AndroidConstants.NATURE_DEFAULT)) { continue; } } catch (CoreException e) { // checking the nature failed, ignore this resource continue; } int score = 1; // we have a valid project at least IPath wsFolderPath = null; String fileName = null; assert res != null; // Eclipse incorrectly thinks res could be null, so tell it no if (res.getType() == IResource.FOLDER) { wsFolderPath = res.getProjectRelativePath(); } else if (res.getType() == IResource.FILE) { fileName = res.getName(); wsFolderPath = res.getParent().getProjectRelativePath(); } // Disregard this folder selection if it doesn't point to /res/something if (wsFolderPath != null && wsFolderPath.segmentCount() > 1 && SdkConstants.FD_RESOURCES.equals(wsFolderPath.segment(0))) { score += 2; } else { wsFolderPath = null; fileName = null; } score += fileName != null ? 4 : 0; if (score > targetScore) { targetScore = score; targetProject = project; targetWsFolderPath = wsFolderPath != null ? wsFolderPath.toString() : null; targetFileName = fileName; } } else if (element instanceof Pair<?,?>) { // Pair of Project/String @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Pair<IProject,String> pair = (Pair<IProject,String>)element; targetScore = 1; targetProject = pair.getFirst(); targetWsFolderPath = pair.getSecond(); targetFileName = ""; } } if (targetProject == null) { // If we didn't find a default project based on the selection, check how many // open Android projects we can find in the current workspace. If there's only // one, we'll just select it by default. IJavaProject[] projects = BaseProjectHelper.getAndroidProjects(new IProjectFilter() { public boolean accept(IProject project) { return project.isAccessible(); } }); if (projects != null && projects.length == 1) { targetScore = 1; targetProject = projects[0].getProject(); } } // Now set the UI accordingly if (targetScore > 0) { mProject = targetProject; mProjectTextField.setText(targetProject != null ? targetProject.getName() : ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ mFileNameTextField.setText(targetFileName != null ? targetFileName : ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ mWsFolderPathTextField.setText(targetWsFolderPath != null ? targetWsFolderPath : ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * Initialize the root values of the type infos based on the current framework values. */ private void initializeRootValues() { for (TypeInfo type : sTypes) { // Clear all the roots for this type ArrayList<String> roots = type.getRoots(); if (roots.size() > 0) { roots.clear(); } // depending of the type of the seed, initialize the root in different ways Object rootSeed = type.getRootSeed(); if (rootSeed instanceof String) { // The seed is a single string, Add it as-is. roots.add((String) rootSeed); } else if (rootSeed instanceof String[]) { // The seed is an array of strings. Add them as-is. for (String value : (String[]) rootSeed) { roots.add(value); } } else if (rootSeed instanceof Integer && mProject != null) { // The seed is a descriptor reference defined in AndroidTargetData.DESCRIPTOR_* // In this case add all the children element descriptors defined, recursively, // and avoid infinite recursion by keeping track of what has already been added. // Note: if project is null, the root list will be empty since it has been // cleared above. // get the AndroidTargetData from the project IAndroidTarget target = null; AndroidTargetData data = null; target = Sdk.getCurrent().getTarget(mProject); if (target == null) { // A project should have a target. The target can be missing if the project // is an old project for which a target hasn't been affected or if the // target no longer exists in this SDK. Simply log the error and dismiss. AdtPlugin.log(IStatus.INFO, "NewXmlFile wizard: no platform target for project %s", //$NON-NLS-1$ mProject.getName()); continue; } else { data = Sdk.getCurrent().getTargetData(target); if (data == null) { // We should have both a target and its data. // However if the wizard is invoked whilst the platform is still being // loaded we can end up in a weird case where we have a target but it // doesn't have any data yet. // Lets log a warning and silently ignore this root. AdtPlugin.log(IStatus.INFO, "NewXmlFile wizard: no data for target %s, project %s", //$NON-NLS-1$ target.getName(), mProject.getName()); continue; } } IDescriptorProvider provider = data.getDescriptorProvider((Integer)rootSeed); ElementDescriptor descriptor = provider.getDescriptor(); if (descriptor != null) { HashSet<ElementDescriptor> visited = new HashSet<ElementDescriptor>(); initRootElementDescriptor(roots, descriptor, visited); } // Sort alphabetically. Collections.sort(roots); } } } /** * Helper method to recursively insert all XML names for the given {@link ElementDescriptor} * into the roots array list. Keeps track of visited nodes to avoid infinite recursion. * Also avoids inserting the top {@link DocumentDescriptor} which is generally synthetic * and not a valid root element. */ private void initRootElementDescriptor(ArrayList<String> roots, ElementDescriptor desc, HashSet<ElementDescriptor> visited) { if (!(desc instanceof DocumentDescriptor)) { String xmlName = desc.getXmlName(); if (xmlName != null && xmlName.length() > 0) { roots.add(xmlName); } } visited.add(desc); for (ElementDescriptor child : desc.getChildren()) { if (!visited.contains(child)) { initRootElementDescriptor(roots, child, visited); } } } /** * Callback called when the user edits the project text field. */ private void onProjectFieldUpdated() { String project = mProjectTextField.getText(); // Is this a valid project? IJavaProject[] projects = mProjectChooserHelper.getAndroidProjects(null /*javaModel*/); IProject found = null; for (IJavaProject p : projects) { if (p.getProject().getName().equals(project)) { found = p.getProject(); break; } } if (found != mProject) { changeProject(found); } } /** * Callback called when the user uses the "Browse Projects" button. */ private void onProjectBrowse() { IJavaProject p = mProjectChooserHelper.chooseJavaProject(mProjectTextField.getText(), "Please select the target project"); if (p != null) { changeProject(p.getProject()); mProjectTextField.setText(mProject.getName()); } } /** * Changes mProject to the given new project and update the UI accordingly. * <p/> * Note that this does not check if the new project is the same as the current one * on purpose, which allows a project to be updated when its target has changed or * when targets are loaded in the background. */ private void changeProject(IProject newProject) { mProject = newProject; // enable types based on new API level enableTypesBasedOnApi(); // update the folder name based on API level resetFolderPath(false /*validate*/); // update the Type with the new descriptors. initializeRootValues(); // update the combo updateRootCombo(getSelectedType()); validatePage(); } /** * Callback called when the Folder text field is changed, either programmatically * or by the user. */ private void onWsFolderPathUpdated() { if (mInternalWsFolderPathUpdate) { return; } String wsFolderPath = mWsFolderPathTextField.getText(); // This is a custom path, we need to sanitize it. // First it should start with "/res/". Then we need to make sure there are no // relative paths, things like "../" or "./" or even "//". wsFolderPath = wsFolderPath.replaceAll("/+\\.\\./+|/+\\./+|//+|\\\\+|^/+", "/"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ wsFolderPath = wsFolderPath.replaceAll("^\\.\\./+|^\\./+", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ wsFolderPath = wsFolderPath.replaceAll("/+\\.\\.$|/+\\.$|/+$", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ ArrayList<TypeInfo> matches = new ArrayList<TypeInfo>(); // We get "res/foo" from selections relative to the project when we want a "/res/foo" path. if (wsFolderPath.startsWith(RES_FOLDER_REL)) { wsFolderPath = RES_FOLDER_ABS + wsFolderPath.substring(RES_FOLDER_REL.length()); mInternalWsFolderPathUpdate = true; mWsFolderPathTextField.setText(wsFolderPath); mInternalWsFolderPathUpdate = false; } if (wsFolderPath.startsWith(RES_FOLDER_ABS)) { wsFolderPath = wsFolderPath.substring(RES_FOLDER_ABS.length()); int pos = wsFolderPath.indexOf(AndroidConstants.WS_SEP_CHAR); if (pos >= 0) { wsFolderPath = wsFolderPath.substring(0, pos); } String[] folderSegments = wsFolderPath.split(FolderConfiguration.QUALIFIER_SEP); if (folderSegments.length > 0) { String folderName = folderSegments[0]; // update config selector mInternalConfigSelectorUpdate = true; mConfigSelector.setConfiguration(folderSegments); mInternalConfigSelectorUpdate = false; boolean selected = false; for (TypeInfo type : sTypes) { if (type.getResFolderName().equals(folderName)) { matches.add(type); selected |= type.getWidget().getSelection(); } } // For now, treat a selection of /res/animator as /res/anim/, // though we need to handle this better // TODO: Properly support ANIMATOR templates! if (!selected && folderName.equals(SdkConstants.FD_ANIMATOR)) { for (TypeInfo type : sTypes) { if (type.getResFolderType() == ResourceFolderType.ANIM) { matches.add(type); selected |= type.getWidget().getSelection(); break; } } } if (matches.size() == 1) { // If there's only one match, select it if it's not already selected if (!selected) { selectType(matches.get(0)); } } else if (matches.size() > 1) { // There are multiple type candidates for this folder. This can happen // for /res/xml for example. Check to see if one of them is currently // selected. If yes, leave the selection unchanged. If not, deselect all type. if (!selected) { selectType(null); } } else { // Nothing valid was selected. selectType(null); } } } validatePage(); } /** * Callback called when one of the type radio button is changed. * * @param typeWidget The type radio button that changed. */ private void onRadioTypeUpdated(Button typeWidget) { // Do nothing if this is an internal modification or if the widget has been // deselected. if (mInternalTypeUpdate || !typeWidget.getSelection()) { return; } // Find type info that has just been enabled. TypeInfo type = null; for (TypeInfo ti : sTypes) { if (ti.getWidget() == typeWidget) { type = ti; break; } } if (type == null) { return; } // update the combo updateRootCombo(type); // update the folder path String wsFolderPath = mWsFolderPathTextField.getText(); String newPath = null; mConfigSelector.getConfiguration(mTempConfig); ResourceQualifier qual = mTempConfig.getInvalidQualifier(); if (qual == null) { // The configuration is valid. Reformat the folder path using the canonical // value from the configuration. newPath = RES_FOLDER_ABS + mTempConfig.getFolderName(type.getResFolderType()); } else { // The configuration is invalid. We still update the path but this time // do it manually on the string. if (wsFolderPath.startsWith(RES_FOLDER_ABS)) { wsFolderPath = wsFolderPath.replaceFirst( "^(" + RES_FOLDER_ABS +")[^-]*(.*)", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ "\\1" + type.getResFolderName() + "\\2"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else { newPath = RES_FOLDER_ABS + mTempConfig.getFolderName(type.getResFolderType()); } } if (newPath != null && !newPath.equals(wsFolderPath)) { mInternalWsFolderPathUpdate = true; mWsFolderPathTextField.setText(newPath); mInternalWsFolderPathUpdate = false; } validatePage(); } /** * Helper method that fills the values of the "root element" combo box based * on the currently selected type radio button. Also disables the combo is there's * only one choice. Always select the first root element for the given type. * * @param type The currently selected {@link TypeInfo}. Cannot be null. */ private void updateRootCombo(TypeInfo type) { // reset all the values in the combo mRootElementCombo.removeAll(); if (type != null) { // get the list of roots. The list can be empty but not null. ArrayList<String> roots = type.getRoots(); // enable the combo if there's more than one choice mRootElementCombo.setEnabled(roots != null && roots.size() > 1); if (roots != null) { for (String root : roots) { mRootElementCombo.add(root); } int index = 0; // default is to select the first one String defaultRoot = type.getDefaultRoot(); if (defaultRoot != null) { index = roots.indexOf(defaultRoot); } mRootElementCombo.select(index < 0 ? 0 : index); } } } /** * Callback called when the configuration has changed in the {@link ConfigurationSelector}. */ private class onConfigSelectorUpdated implements Runnable { public void run() { if (mInternalConfigSelectorUpdate) { return; } resetFolderPath(true /*validate*/); } } /** * Helper method to select on of the type radio buttons. * * @param type The TypeInfo matching the radio button to selected or null to deselect them all. */ private void selectType(TypeInfo type) { if (type == null || !type.getWidget().getSelection()) { mInternalTypeUpdate = true; mCurrentTypeInfo = type; for (TypeInfo type2 : sTypes) { type2.getWidget().setSelection(type2 == type); } updateRootCombo(type); mInternalTypeUpdate = false; } } /** * Helper method to enable the type radio buttons depending on the current API level. * <p/> * A type radio button is enabled either if: * - if mProject is null, API level 1 is considered valid * - if mProject is !null, the project->target->API must be >= to the type's API level. */ private void enableTypesBasedOnApi() { IAndroidTarget target = mProject != null ? Sdk.getCurrent().getTarget(mProject) : null; int currentApiLevel = 1; if (target != null) { currentApiLevel = target.getVersion().getApiLevel(); } for (TypeInfo type : sTypes) { type.getWidget().setEnabled(type.getTargetApiLevel() <= currentApiLevel); } } /** * Reset the current Folder path based on the UI selection * @param validate if true, force a call to {@link #validatePage()}. */ private void resetFolderPath(boolean validate) { TypeInfo type = getSelectedType(); if (type != null) { mConfigSelector.getConfiguration(mTempConfig); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(RES_FOLDER_ABS); sb.append(mTempConfig.getFolderName(type.getResFolderType())); mInternalWsFolderPathUpdate = true; mWsFolderPathTextField.setText(sb.toString()); mInternalWsFolderPathUpdate = false; if (validate) { validatePage(); } } } /** * Validates the fields, displays errors and warnings. * Enables the finish button if there are no errors. */ private void validatePage() { String error = null; String warning = null; // -- validate project if (getProject() == null) { error = "Please select an Android project."; } // -- validate type if (error == null) { TypeInfo type = getSelectedType(); if (type == null) { error = "One of the types must be selected (e.g. layout, values, etc.)"; } } // -- validate filename if (error == null) { String fileName = getFileName(); ResourceFolderType folderType = getSelectedType().getResFolderType(); error = ResourceNameValidator.create(true, folderType).isValid(fileName); } // -- validate type API level if (error == null) { IAndroidTarget target = Sdk.getCurrent().getTarget(mProject); int currentApiLevel = 1; if (target != null) { currentApiLevel = target.getVersion().getApiLevel(); } TypeInfo type = getSelectedType(); if (type.getTargetApiLevel() > currentApiLevel) { error = "The API level of the selected type (e.g. AppWidget, etc.) is not " + "compatible with the API level of the project."; } } // -- validate folder configuration if (error == null) { ConfigurationState state = mConfigSelector.getState(); if (state == ConfigurationState.INVALID_CONFIG) { ResourceQualifier qual = mConfigSelector.getInvalidQualifier(); if (qual != null) { error = String.format("The qualifier '%1$s' is invalid in the folder configuration.", qual.getName()); } } else if (state == ConfigurationState.REGION_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE) { error = "The Region qualifier requires the Language qualifier."; } } // -- validate generated path if (error == null) { String wsFolderPath = getWsFolderPath(); if (!wsFolderPath.startsWith(RES_FOLDER_ABS)) { error = String.format("Target folder must start with %1$s.", RES_FOLDER_ABS); } } // -- validate destination file doesn't exist if (error == null) { IFile file = getDestinationFile(); if (file != null && file.exists()) { warning = "The destination file already exists"; } } // -- update UI & enable finish if there's no error setPageComplete(error == null); if (error != null) { setMessage(error, IMessageProvider.ERROR); } else if (warning != null) { setMessage(warning, IMessageProvider.WARNING); } else { setErrorMessage(null); setMessage(null); } } }