package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import com.ensoftcorp.atlas.core.db.graph.GraphElement; import com.ensoftcorp.atlas.core.db.set.AtlasHashSet; import com.ensoftcorp.atlas.core.query.Q; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Applies permission mapping results on the Atlas program graph * * @author Ben Holland, Yuqing Chen, Xing Yan */ public class PermissionMapping { /** * Defines the highest available permission mapping, if no mapping can be found * for the requested version this is the default. */ public static final int HIGHEST_AVAILABLE_MAPPING = 22; private static final String MAPPING_FILENAME_PREFIX = "API"; private static final ArrayList<InputStream> PERMISSION_MAPPING_RESOURCES = findPermissionMappingResources(); // helper method to locate all available mappings up to the highest available mapping private static ArrayList<InputStream> findPermissionMappingResources(){ ArrayList<InputStream> permissionMappingResources = new ArrayList<InputStream>(); for(int apiVersion = 1; apiVersion <= HIGHEST_AVAILABLE_MAPPING; apiVersion++){ String xmlFile = MAPPING_FILENAME_PREFIX + apiVersion + ".xml"; permissionMappingResources.add(PermissionMapping.class.getResourceAsStream(xmlFile)); } return permissionMappingResources; } /** * Returns the permission tagged methods for the permission instance * Assumes the permission mapping tags have already been applied * @param apiVersion * @return */ public static Q getMethods(Permission permission, int apiVersion){ return PermissionMapping.getPermissionTaggedMethods(permission, apiVersion); } /** * Returns the permission tagged methods for the permissions in the permission group * Assumes the permission mapping tags have already been applied * @param apiVersion * @return */ public static Q getMethods(PermissionGroup permissionGroup, int apiVersion){ AtlasHashSet<GraphElement> methods = new AtlasHashSet<GraphElement>(); for(Permission permission : permissionGroup.getPermissions()){ methods.addAll(getMethods(permission, apiVersion).eval().nodes()); } return Common.toQ(Common.toGraph(methods)); } /** * Returns the permission tagged methods for the permissions in the protection level * Assumes the permission mapping tags have already been applied * @param apiVersion * @return */ public static Q getMethods(ProtectionLevel protectionLevel, int apiVersion){ AtlasHashSet<GraphElement> methods = new AtlasHashSet<GraphElement>(); for(Permission permission : protectionLevel.getPermissions()){ methods.addAll(getMethods(permission, apiVersion).eval().nodes()); } return Common.toQ(Common.toGraph(methods)); } /** * Returns the tagging prefix for a given android api version * @param apiVersion * @return */ public static String getTagPrefix(int apiVersion) { return getBestAvailableMapping(apiVersion) + "-"; } /** * Returns a sorted list of Android API versions that mappings exist for * @return */ public static ArrayList<Integer> getAvailableMappings() { ArrayList<Integer> availableMappings = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int i = 0; i>=0 && i<PERMISSION_MAPPING_RESOURCES.size(); i++){ if(PERMISSION_MAPPING_RESOURCES.get(i) != null){ int version = (i+1); availableMappings.add(version); } } Collections.sort(availableMappings); return availableMappings; } /** * Returns the api version of the closest available permission mapping to a given android api version * Searches for forward for next higher available mapping * If no mapping is found, defaults to the highest available mapping * @param apiVersion * @return */ public static int getBestAvailableMapping(int apiVersion) { int version = -1; // search for the requested mapping or next available mapping for(int i = (apiVersion-1); i>=0 && i<PERMISSION_MAPPING_RESOURCES.size(); i++){ if(PERMISSION_MAPPING_RESOURCES.get(i) != null){ version = (i+1); break; } } // if mapping is still not found, just default to the highest available mapping if(version == -1){ version = HIGHEST_AVAILABLE_MAPPING; } return version; } /** * Returns a Q of permission tagged nodes for the given API version * @param permission * @param apiVersion * @return */ public static Q getPermissionTaggedMethods(Permission permission, int apiVersion){ return Common.universe().nodesTaggedWithAll(getPermissionTag(permission, apiVersion)); } /** * Returns the tag string for a given permission and Android api version * @param permission * @param apiVersion * @return */ private static String getPermissionTag(Permission permission, int apiVersion){ return Integer.toString(apiVersion) + "-" + permission.getQualifiedName(); } /** * This method applies tags to the Android api's. The versions with no * Permission mapping will switch to the next available version. */ public static HashMap<Permission, AtlasHashSet<GraphElement>> applyTags(int apiVersion) {"Applying tags for permission mapping " + apiVersion + "..."); // based on the input API version, round up to the nearest available API mapping apiVersion = getBestAvailableMapping(apiVersion); // apply the mapping tags HashMap<Permission, AtlasHashSet<GraphElement>> permissionMap = new HashMap<Permission, AtlasHashSet<GraphElement>>(); try { // read xml file that is under the same package of this class String xmlFile = MAPPING_FILENAME_PREFIX + apiVersion + ".xml"; DocumentBuilderFactory documentFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = documentBuilder.parse(PermissionMapping.class.getResourceAsStream(xmlFile)); // get the permission tag list NodeList permissionList = doc.getElementsByTagName("permission"); for (int permissionNum = 0; permissionNum < permissionList.getLength(); permissionNum++) { Node permissionNode = permissionList.item(permissionNum); if (permissionNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // select the current permission tag Element permission = (Element) permissionNode; String permissionName = permission.getAttribute("name"); // get the call tag list under current permission tag NodeList callList = permission.getElementsByTagName("call"); // initialize the hashset for storing found method AtlasHashSet<GraphElement> methods = new AtlasHashSet<GraphElement>(); for (int callNum = 0; callNum < callList.getLength(); callNum++) { Node callNode = callList.item(callNum); if (callNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // select current call tag Element call = (Element) callNode; // get package, class, method, return type // under this call tag String packageName = call.getElementsByTagName("package").item(0).getTextContent(); String className = call.getElementsByTagName("class").item(0).getTextContent(); String methodName = call.getElementsByTagName("method").item(0).getTextContent(); // // TODO: optionally use return type to enhance method check // String returnType = call.getElementsByTagName("returnType").item(0).getTextContent(); // get parameters tag under call tag Node parameterNodes = call.getElementsByTagName("parameters").item(0); Element parameters = (Element) parameterNodes; // get parameter names under parameters tags NodeList parameterList = parameters.getElementsByTagName("parameter"); int parametersNum = parameterList.getLength(); ArrayList<String> paramList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int parameterNum = 0; parameterNum < parametersNum; parameterNum++) { Element parameter = (Element) parameterList.item(parameterNum); paramList.add(parameter.getTextContent()); } // find Method to search inside index workspace and apply tag String apiWithQualifiedPermissionTag = apiVersion + "-" + permissionName; String qualifiedPermissionTag = permissionName; GraphElement methodNode = PermissionUtils.tagMethod(packageName, className, methodName, paramList.toArray(new String[0]), apiWithQualifiedPermissionTag, qualifiedPermissionTag); // add method node to hashset if (methodNode != null){ methods.add(methodNode); } } }// end the for loop for each call(method) // add permission->methods to the map for each permission permissionMap.put(Permission.getPermissionByQualifiedName(permissionName), methods); }// end the if for each permission }// end the for loop for permission } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Tagging permissions failed", e); } return permissionMap; } }