package; import org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionEvent; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException; import com.ensoftcorp.atlas.core.query.Q; import com.ensoftcorp.atlas.core.xcsg.XCSG; import com.ensoftcorp.atlas.ui.viewer.graph.XCSGHierarchyGraphUtil; import; import; /** * A menu handler for the Android subsystem tag hierarchy * * @author Ben Holland */ public class ShowAndroidSubsystemTagHierarchyHandler extends AbstractHandler { public ShowAndroidSubsystemTagHierarchyHandler() {} /** * Opens a prompt to enter a graph element address to show */ public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { // check to see if the subsystems have been registered yet boolean subsystemTagHierarchyExists = false; for(String tag : XCSG.HIERARCHY.registeredTags()){ if(tag.equals(AndroidSubsystem.TAG)){ subsystemTagHierarchyExists = true; } } // show the subsystem hierarchy if(subsystemTagHierarchyExists){ Q hierarchy = XCSGHierarchyGraphUtil.getXCSGHiearchyQ(AndroidSubsystem.TAG);, "Android Subsystem Hierarchy"); } else { DisplayUtils.showError("Android subsystems have not been registered yet!"); } // returns the result of the execution (reserved for future use, must be null) return null; } }