package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; /** * A helper utility for parsing online Android documentation and generating documented Android permission objects * @author Ben Holland */ public class GenerateDocumentedPermissions { public static String DOCUMENTED_PERMISSIONS_REFERENCE = ""; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { HashSet<String> permissions = new HashSet<String>(); System.out.println("// documented Android permission objects generated from " + DOCUMENTED_PERMISSIONS_REFERENCE + " on " + new Date()); // parse documented permission Document doc = Jsoup.connect(DOCUMENTED_PERMISSIONS_REFERENCE).get(); Elements documentedPermissionsTable ="#constants"); // webpage has a table element with id "constants" for(Element row :"tr.api")){ // select table rows with class of "api" for each entry // get the api level int addedInAPILevel = -1; for(String className : row.classNames()){ if(className.startsWith("apilevel-")){ addedInAPILevel = Integer.parseInt(className.substring("apilevel-".length())); } } // get the constant's name and reference link String simpleName = ""; String reference = ""; Element link = row.children().select("td.jd-linkcol").first().child(0); simpleName = link.text().trim(); reference = "" + link.attr("href"); // get the constant's qualified name and full description String description = ""; String qualifiedName = ""; for(Element detailDiv :"div.jd-details.api")){ // expanded details are in a div with classes "jd-details" and "api" // note use of ownText method excludes text in inner span if(detailDiv.children().select("h4.jd-details-title").first().ownText().trim().equals(simpleName)){ // qualified name is in a span without a class in a div with the class "jd-tagdata" inside a div with the class "jd-details-descr" for(Element jdTagDataDiv : detailDiv.children().select("div.jd-details-descr").first().children().select("div.jd-tagdata")){ // we want the div that only has the jd-tagdata class if(jdTagDataDiv.className().equals("jd-tagdata")){ for(Element span : jdTagDataDiv.children().select("span")){ if(span.className().equals("")){ qualifiedName = span.text().replaceAll("\"", "").trim(); } } } } // description is in multiple paragraph elements nested inside a div with classes "jd-tagdata" and "jd-tagdescr" // within a div with the class "jd-details-descr" for(Element paragraph : detailDiv.children().select("div.jd-details-descr").first().children() .select("div.jd-tagdata.jd-tagdescr").first().children() .select("p")){ description += "\n" + paragraph.text().trim(); description = description.trim(); // some descriptions are missing a period, adding one to be consistent if(!description.isEmpty() && (!description.endsWith(".") && !description.endsWith("!"))){ description += "."; } } // description may be for a deprecated method, in which case some info is in a special paragraph with a "caution" class for(Element paragraph : detailDiv.children().select("div.jd-details-descr").first().children() .select("p.caution")){ description += "\n" + paragraph.text().trim(); description = description.trim(); } } } // SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_WRITE has no documentation it seems (as of 1/14/2015) if(description.equals("")){ description = "No description available."; } // get the deprecated in version if it exists // TODO: find a better way to do this, currently this is a sloppy way, but it works int deprecatedInAPILevel = -1; if(description.contains("deprecated in API level ")){ String deprecatedInString = description.substring(description.indexOf("deprecated in API level ") + "deprecated in API level ".length()); deprecatedInString = deprecatedInString.substring(0, deprecatedInString.indexOf(".")); deprecatedInAPILevel = Integer.parseInt(deprecatedInString); } // sanity checks if(addedInAPILevel == -1){ throw new Exception("Invalid API level!\nRow:\n" + row); } if(simpleName == null || simpleName.equals("")){ throw new Exception("Empty constant simple name!\nRow:\n" + row); } if(qualifiedName == null || qualifiedName.equals("")){ throw new Exception("Empty constant qualified name!\nRow:\n" + row); } if(reference == null || reference.equals("")){ throw new Exception("Empty reference link!\nRow:\n" + row); } if(description.equals("")){ throw new Exception("Empty description!\nRow:\n" + row); } // format as Permission(String qualifiedName, int addedInLevel, int deprecatedInApi, String description, String reference) System.out.println("public static final Permission " + simpleName + " = new Permission(\"" + qualifiedName + "\"" + ", " + addedInAPILevel + ", " + deprecatedInAPILevel + ", \"" + description.replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"" + ", \"" + reference + "\");"); // keep track of the permission we added to generate the code to add the static field to the allPermissions set if(permissions.contains(simpleName)){ throw new Exception("Duplicate permission! - " + simpleName); } permissions.add(simpleName); } System.out.println("\n-------------------------\n"); for(String permission : permissions){ System.out.println("allDocumentedPermissions.add(" + permission + ");"); } } }