package com.codetroopers.betterpickers.timepicker; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import com.codetroopers.betterpickers.R; import com.codetroopers.betterpickers.widget.ZeroTopPaddingTextView; public class TimerView extends LinearLayout { private ZeroTopPaddingTextView mHoursOnes, mMinutesOnes; private ZeroTopPaddingTextView mHoursTens, mMinutesTens; private final Typeface mAndroidClockMonoThin; private Typeface mOriginalHoursTypeface; private ZeroTopPaddingTextView mHoursSeperator; private ColorStateList mTextColor; /** * Instantiates a TimerView * * @param context the Context in which to inflate the View */ public TimerView(Context context) { this(context, null); } /** * Instantiates a TimerView * * @param context the Context in which to inflate the View * @param attrs attributes that define the text color */ public TimerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); mAndroidClockMonoThin = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), "fonts/AndroidClockMono-Thin.ttf"); // Init defaults mTextColor = getResources().getColorStateList(R.color.dialog_text_color_holo_dark); } /** * Set a theme and restyle the views. This View will change its title color. * * @param themeResId the resource ID for theming */ public void setTheme(int themeResId) { if (themeResId != -1) { TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResId, R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment); mTextColor = a.getColorStateList(R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment_bpTextColor); } restyleViews(); } private void restyleViews() { if (mHoursOnes != null) { mHoursOnes.setTextColor(mTextColor); } if (mMinutesOnes != null) { mMinutesOnes.setTextColor(mTextColor); } if (mHoursTens != null) { mHoursTens.setTextColor(mTextColor); } if (mMinutesTens != null) { mMinutesTens.setTextColor(mTextColor); } if (mHoursSeperator != null) { mHoursSeperator.setTextColor(mTextColor); } } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); mHoursTens = (ZeroTopPaddingTextView) findViewById(; mMinutesTens = (ZeroTopPaddingTextView) findViewById(; mHoursOnes = (ZeroTopPaddingTextView) findViewById(; mMinutesOnes = (ZeroTopPaddingTextView) findViewById(; mHoursSeperator = (ZeroTopPaddingTextView) findViewById(; if (mHoursOnes != null) { mOriginalHoursTypeface = mHoursOnes.getTypeface(); } // Set the lowest time unit with thin font (excluding hundredths) if (mMinutesTens != null) { mMinutesTens.setTypeface(mAndroidClockMonoThin); mMinutesTens.updatePadding(); } if (mMinutesOnes != null) { mMinutesOnes.setTypeface(mAndroidClockMonoThin); mMinutesOnes.updatePadding(); } } /** * Set the time shown * * @param hoursTensDigit the tens digit of the hours * @param hoursOnesDigit the ones digit of the hours * @param minutesTensDigit the tens digit of the minutes * @param minutesOnesDigit the ones digit of the minutes */ public void setTime(int hoursTensDigit, int hoursOnesDigit, int minutesTensDigit, int minutesOnesDigit) { if (mHoursTens != null) { // Hide digit if (hoursTensDigit == -2) { mHoursTens.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else if (hoursTensDigit == -1) { mHoursTens.setText("-"); mHoursTens.setTypeface(mAndroidClockMonoThin); mHoursTens.setEnabled(false); mHoursTens.updatePadding(); mHoursTens.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { mHoursTens.setText(String.format("%d", hoursTensDigit)); mHoursTens.setTypeface(mOriginalHoursTypeface); mHoursTens.setEnabled(true); mHoursTens.updatePaddingForBoldDate(); mHoursTens.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } if (mHoursOnes != null) { if (hoursOnesDigit == -1) { mHoursOnes.setText("-"); mHoursOnes.setTypeface(mAndroidClockMonoThin); mHoursOnes.setEnabled(false); mHoursOnes.updatePadding(); } else { mHoursOnes.setText(String.format("%d", hoursOnesDigit)); mHoursOnes.setTypeface(mOriginalHoursTypeface); mHoursOnes.setEnabled(true); mHoursOnes.updatePaddingForBoldDate(); } } if (mMinutesTens != null) { if (minutesTensDigit == -1) { mMinutesTens.setText("-"); mMinutesTens.setEnabled(false); } else { mMinutesTens.setEnabled(true); mMinutesTens.setText(String.format("%d", minutesTensDigit)); } } if (mMinutesOnes != null) { if (minutesOnesDigit == -1) { mMinutesOnes.setText("-"); mMinutesOnes.setEnabled(false); } else { mMinutesOnes.setText(String.format("%d", minutesOnesDigit)); mMinutesOnes.setEnabled(true); } } } }