package com.codetroopers.betterpickers.datepicker; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import android.text.format.DateFormat; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import com.codetroopers.betterpickers.R; import com.codetroopers.betterpickers.widget.PickerLinearLayout; import com.codetroopers.betterpickers.widget.UnderlinePageIndicatorPicker; import com.codetroopers.betterpickers.widget.ZeroTopPaddingTextView; public class DateView extends PickerLinearLayout { private ZeroTopPaddingTextView mMonth; private ZeroTopPaddingTextView mDate; private ZeroTopPaddingTextView mYearLabel; private final Typeface mAndroidClockMonoThin; private Typeface mOriginalNumberTypeface; private UnderlinePageIndicatorPicker mUnderlinePageIndicatorPicker; private ColorStateList mTitleColor; /** * Instantiate a DateView * * @param context the Context in which to inflate the View */ public DateView(Context context) { this(context, null); } /** * Instantiate a DateView * * @param context the Context in which to inflate the View * @param attrs attributes that define the title color */ public DateView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); mAndroidClockMonoThin = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), "fonts/AndroidClockMono-Thin.ttf"); mOriginalNumberTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), "fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf"); // Init defaults mTitleColor = getResources().getColorStateList(R.color.dialog_text_color_holo_dark); setWillNotDraw(false); } /** * Set a theme and restyle the views. This View will change its title color. * * @param themeResId the resource ID for theming */ public void setTheme(int themeResId) { if (themeResId != -1) { TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResId, R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment); mTitleColor = a.getColorStateList(R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment_bpTitleColor); } restyleViews(); } private void restyleViews() { if (mMonth != null) { mMonth.setTextColor(mTitleColor); } if (mDate != null) { mDate.setTextColor(mTitleColor); } if (mYearLabel != null) { mYearLabel.setTextColor(mTitleColor); } } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); mMonth = (ZeroTopPaddingTextView) findViewById(; mDate = (ZeroTopPaddingTextView) findViewById(; mYearLabel = (ZeroTopPaddingTextView) findViewById(; // Reorder based on locale char[] dateFormatOrder = DateFormat.getDateFormatOrder(getContext()); removeAllViews(); for (int i = 0; i < dateFormatOrder.length; i++) { switch (dateFormatOrder[i]) { case 'd': addView(mDate); break; case 'M': addView(mMonth); break; case 'y': addView(mYearLabel); break; } } if (mMonth != null) { //mOriginalNumberTypeface = mMonth.getTypeface(); } // Set both TextViews with thin font (for hyphen) if (mDate != null) { mDate.setTypeface(mAndroidClockMonoThin); mDate.updatePadding(); } if (mMonth != null) { mMonth.setTypeface(mAndroidClockMonoThin); mMonth.updatePadding(); } restyleViews(); } /** * Set the date shown * * @param month a String representing the month of year * @param dayOfMonth an int representing the day of month * @param year an int representing the year */ public void setDate(String month, int dayOfMonth, int year) { if (mMonth != null) { if (month.equals("")) { mMonth.setText("-"); mMonth.setTypeface(mAndroidClockMonoThin); mMonth.setEnabled(false); mMonth.updatePadding(); } else { mMonth.setText(month); mMonth.setTypeface(mOriginalNumberTypeface); mMonth.setEnabled(true); mMonth.updatePaddingForBoldDate(); } } if (mDate != null) { if (dayOfMonth <= 0) { mDate.setText("-"); mDate.setEnabled(false); mDate.updatePadding(); } else { mDate.setText(Integer.toString(dayOfMonth)); mDate.setEnabled(true); mDate.updatePadding(); } } if (mYearLabel != null) { if (year <= 0) { mYearLabel.setText("----"); mYearLabel.setEnabled(false); mYearLabel.updatePadding(); } else { String yearString = Integer.toString(year); // Pad to 4 digits while (yearString.length() < 4) { yearString = "-" + yearString; } mYearLabel.setText(yearString); mYearLabel.setEnabled(true); mYearLabel.updatePadding(); } } } /** * Allow attachment of the UnderlinePageIndicator * * @param indicator the indicator to attach */ public void setUnderlinePage(UnderlinePageIndicatorPicker indicator) { mUnderlinePageIndicatorPicker = indicator; } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); mUnderlinePageIndicatorPicker.setTitleView(this); } /** * Set an onClickListener for notification * * @param mOnClickListener an OnClickListener from the parent */ public void setOnClick(OnClickListener mOnClickListener) { mDate.setOnClickListener(mOnClickListener); mMonth.setOnClickListener(mOnClickListener); mYearLabel.setOnClickListener(mOnClickListener); } /** * Get the date TextView * * @return the date TextView */ public ZeroTopPaddingTextView getDate() { return mDate; } /** * Get the month TextView * * @return the month TextView */ public ZeroTopPaddingTextView getMonth() { return mMonth; } /** * Get the year TextView * * @return the year TextView */ public ZeroTopPaddingTextView getYear() { return mYearLabel; } @Override public View getViewAt(int index) { return getChildAt(index); } }