package com.codetroopers.betterpickers.expirationpicker; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import android.text.format.DateFormat; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import com.codetroopers.betterpickers.R; import com.codetroopers.betterpickers.datepicker.DatePicker; import com.codetroopers.betterpickers.widget.UnderlinePageIndicatorPicker; import java.util.Calendar; public class ExpirationPicker extends LinearLayout implements Button.OnClickListener, Button.OnLongClickListener { private final static int EXPIRATION_MONTH_POSITION = 0; private final static int EXPIRATION_YEAR_POSITION = 1; protected int mYearInputSize = 4; protected int mMonthInput = -1; protected int mYearInput[] = new int[mYearInputSize]; protected int mYearInputPointer = -1; protected int mMinimumYear; protected final Button mMonths[] = new Button[12]; protected final Button mYearNumbers[] = new Button[10]; protected Button mYearLeft, mYearRight; protected UnderlinePageIndicatorPicker mKeyboardIndicator; protected ViewPager mKeyboardPager; protected KeyboardPagerAdapter mKeyboardPagerAdapter; protected ImageButton mDelete; protected ExpirationView mEnteredExpiration; protected String[] mMonthAbbreviations; protected final Context mContext; private char[] mDateFormatOrder; private static final String KEYBOARD_MONTH = "month"; private static final String KEYBOARD_YEAR = "year"; private static int sMonthKeyboardPosition = -1; private static int sYearKeyboardPosition = -1; private Button mSetButton; protected View mDivider; private ColorStateList mTextColor; private int mKeyBackgroundResId; private int mButtonBackgroundResId; private int mTitleDividerColor; private int mKeyboardIndicatorColor; private int mCheckDrawableSrcResId; private int mDeleteDrawableSrcResId; private int mTheme = -1; /** * Instantiates an ExpirationPicker object * * @param context the Context required for creation */ public ExpirationPicker(Context context) { this(context, null); } /** * Instantiates an ExpirationPicker object * * @param context the Context required for creation * @param attrs additional attributes that define custom colors, selectors, and backgrounds. */ public ExpirationPicker(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); mContext = context; mDateFormatOrder = DateFormat.getDateFormatOrder(mContext); mMonthAbbreviations = DatePicker.makeLocalizedMonthAbbreviations(); LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); layoutInflater.inflate(getLayoutId(), this); // Init defaults mTextColor = getResources().getColorStateList(R.color.dialog_text_color_holo_dark); mKeyBackgroundResId = R.drawable.key_background_dark; mButtonBackgroundResId = R.drawable.button_background_dark; mTitleDividerColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.default_divider_color_dark); mKeyboardIndicatorColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.default_keyboard_indicator_color_dark); mDeleteDrawableSrcResId = R.drawable.ic_backspace_dark; mCheckDrawableSrcResId = R.drawable.ic_check_dark; mMinimumYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); } protected int getLayoutId() { return R.layout.expiration_picker_view; } /** * Change the theme of the Picker * * @param themeResId the resource ID of the new style */ public void setTheme(int themeResId) { mTheme = themeResId; if (mTheme != -1) { TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResId, R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment); mTextColor = a.getColorStateList(R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment_bpTextColor); mKeyBackgroundResId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment_bpKeyBackground, mKeyBackgroundResId); mButtonBackgroundResId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment_bpButtonBackground, mButtonBackgroundResId); mCheckDrawableSrcResId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment_bpCheckIcon, mCheckDrawableSrcResId); mTitleDividerColor = a .getColor(R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment_bpTitleDividerColor, mTitleDividerColor); mKeyboardIndicatorColor = a .getColor(R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment_bpKeyboardIndicatorColor, mKeyboardIndicatorColor); mDeleteDrawableSrcResId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.BetterPickersDialogFragment_bpDeleteIcon, mDeleteDrawableSrcResId); } restyleViews(); } /** * Set the minimum allowed year * * @param year the minimum year to restrict the picker to */ public void setMinYear(int year) { mMinimumYear = year; } private void restyleViews() { for (Button month : mMonths) { if (month != null) { month.setTextColor(mTextColor); month.setBackgroundResource(mKeyBackgroundResId); } } for (Button yearNumber : mYearNumbers) { if (yearNumber != null) { yearNumber.setTextColor(mTextColor); yearNumber.setBackgroundResource(mKeyBackgroundResId); } } if (mKeyboardIndicator != null) { mKeyboardIndicator.setSelectedColor(mKeyboardIndicatorColor); } if (mDivider != null) { mDivider.setBackgroundColor(mTitleDividerColor); } if (mDelete != null) { mDelete.setBackgroundResource(mButtonBackgroundResId); mDelete.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(mDeleteDrawableSrcResId)); } if (mYearLeft != null) { mYearLeft.setTextColor(mTextColor); mYearLeft.setBackgroundResource(mKeyBackgroundResId); } if (mYearRight != null) { mYearRight.setTextColor(mTextColor); mYearRight.setBackgroundResource(mKeyBackgroundResId); } if (mEnteredExpiration != null) { mEnteredExpiration.setTheme(mTheme); } } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); mDivider = findViewById(; for (int i = 0; i < mYearInput.length; i++) { mYearInput[i] = 0; } mKeyboardIndicator = (UnderlinePageIndicatorPicker) findViewById(; mKeyboardPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; mKeyboardPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(2); mKeyboardPagerAdapter = new KeyboardPagerAdapter( (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)); mKeyboardPager.setAdapter(mKeyboardPagerAdapter); mKeyboardIndicator.setViewPager(mKeyboardPager); mKeyboardPager.setCurrentItem(0); mEnteredExpiration = (ExpirationView) findViewById(; mEnteredExpiration.setTheme(mTheme); mEnteredExpiration.setUnderlinePage(mKeyboardIndicator); mEnteredExpiration.setOnClick(this); mDelete = (ImageButton) findViewById(; mDelete.setOnClickListener(this); mDelete.setOnLongClickListener(this); addClickedYearNumber(mMinimumYear / 1000); addClickedYearNumber((mMinimumYear % 1000) / 100); mKeyboardPager.setCurrentItem(mKeyboardPager.getCurrentItem() - 1, true); setLeftRightEnabled(); updateExpiration(); updateKeypad(); } private class KeyboardPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter { private LayoutInflater mInflater; public KeyboardPagerAdapter(LayoutInflater inflater) { super(); mInflater = inflater; } /** * Based on the Locale, inflate the month, or year keyboard * * @param collection the ViewPager collection group * @param position the position within the ViewPager * @return an inflated View representing the keyboard for this position */ public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup collection, int position) { View view; Resources res = mContext.getResources(); if (position == EXPIRATION_MONTH_POSITION) { // Months sMonthKeyboardPosition = position; view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.keyboard_text, collection, false); View v1 = view.findViewById(; View v2 = view.findViewById(; View v3 = view.findViewById(; View v4 = view.findViewById(; mMonths[0] = (Button) v1.findViewById(; mMonths[1] = (Button) v1.findViewById(; mMonths[2] = (Button) v1.findViewById(; mMonths[3] = (Button) v2.findViewById(; mMonths[4] = (Button) v2.findViewById(; mMonths[5] = (Button) v2.findViewById(; mMonths[6] = (Button) v3.findViewById(; mMonths[7] = (Button) v3.findViewById(; mMonths[8] = (Button) v3.findViewById(; mMonths[9] = (Button) v4.findViewById(; mMonths[10] = (Button) v4.findViewById(; mMonths[11] = (Button) v4.findViewById(; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { mMonths[i].setOnClickListener(ExpirationPicker.this); //mMonths[i].setText(mMonthAbbreviations[i]); mMonths[i].setText(String.format("%02d", i + 1)); mMonths[i].setTextColor(mTextColor); mMonths[i].setBackgroundResource(mKeyBackgroundResId); mMonths[i].setTag(, KEYBOARD_MONTH); mMonths[i].setTag(, i + 1); } } else if (position == EXPIRATION_YEAR_POSITION) { // Year sYearKeyboardPosition = position; view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.keyboard, collection, false); View v1 = view.findViewById(; View v2 = view.findViewById(; View v3 = view.findViewById(; View v4 = view.findViewById(; mYearNumbers[1] = (Button) v1.findViewById(; mYearNumbers[2] = (Button) v1.findViewById(; mYearNumbers[3] = (Button) v1.findViewById(; mYearNumbers[4] = (Button) v2.findViewById(; mYearNumbers[5] = (Button) v2.findViewById(; mYearNumbers[6] = (Button) v2.findViewById(; mYearNumbers[7] = (Button) v3.findViewById(; mYearNumbers[8] = (Button) v3.findViewById(; mYearNumbers[9] = (Button) v3.findViewById(; mYearLeft = (Button) v4.findViewById(; mYearLeft.setTextColor(mTextColor); mYearLeft.setBackgroundResource(mKeyBackgroundResId); mYearNumbers[0] = (Button) v4.findViewById(; mYearRight = (Button) v4.findViewById(; mYearRight.setTextColor(mTextColor); mYearRight.setBackgroundResource(mKeyBackgroundResId); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { mYearNumbers[i].setOnClickListener(ExpirationPicker.this); mYearNumbers[i].setText(String.format("%d", i)); mYearNumbers[i].setTextColor(mTextColor); mYearNumbers[i].setBackgroundResource(mKeyBackgroundResId); mYearNumbers[i].setTag(, KEYBOARD_YEAR); mYearNumbers[i].setTag(, i); } } else { view = new View(mContext); } setLeftRightEnabled(); updateExpiration(); updateKeypad(); collection.addView(view, 0); return view; } @Override public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) { container.removeView((View) object); } @Override public int getCount() { return 2; } @Override public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object o) { return view == o; } } /** * Update the delete button to determine whether it is able to be clicked. */ public void updateDeleteButton() { boolean enabled = mMonthInput != -1 || mYearInputPointer != -1; if (mDelete != null) { mDelete.setEnabled(enabled); } } @Override public void onClick(View v) { v.performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.VIRTUAL_KEY); doOnClick(v); updateDeleteButton(); } protected void doOnClick(View v) { if (v == mDelete) { // Delete is dependent on which keyboard switch (mKeyboardPager.getCurrentItem()) { case EXPIRATION_MONTH_POSITION: if (mMonthInput != -1) { mMonthInput = -1; } break; case EXPIRATION_YEAR_POSITION: if (mYearInputPointer >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < mYearInputPointer; i++) { mYearInput[i] = mYearInput[i + 1]; } mYearInput[mYearInputPointer] = 0; mYearInputPointer--; } else if (mKeyboardPager.getCurrentItem() > 0) { mKeyboardPager.setCurrentItem(mKeyboardPager.getCurrentItem() - 1, true); } break; } } else if (v == mEnteredExpiration.getMonth()) { mKeyboardPager.setCurrentItem(sMonthKeyboardPosition); } else if (v == mEnteredExpiration.getYear()) { mKeyboardPager.setCurrentItem(sYearKeyboardPosition); } else if (v.getTag( { // A month was pressed mMonthInput = (Integer) v.getTag(; if (mKeyboardPager.getCurrentItem() < 2) { mKeyboardPager.setCurrentItem(mKeyboardPager.getCurrentItem() + 1, true); } } else if (v.getTag( { // A year number was pressed addClickedYearNumber((Integer) v.getTag(; } updateKeypad(); } @Override public boolean onLongClick(View v) { v.performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS); if (v == mDelete) { mDelete.setPressed(false); reset(); updateKeypad(); return true; } return false; } private void updateKeypad() { // Update state of keypad // Update the number updateExpiration(); // enable/disable the "set" key enableSetButton(); // Update the backspace button updateDeleteButton(); updateMonthKeys(); updateYearKeys(); } /** * Reset all inputs and dates, and scroll to the first shown keyboard. */ public void reset() { for (int i = 0; i < mYearInputSize; i++) { mYearInput[i] = 0; } mYearInputPointer = -1; mMonthInput = -1; mKeyboardPager.setCurrentItem(0, true); updateExpiration(); } @SuppressLint("DefaultLocale") protected void updateExpiration() { String month; if (mMonthInput < 0) { month = ""; } else { // month = mMonthAbbreviations[mMonthInput]; month = String.format("%02d", mMonthInput); } mEnteredExpiration.setExpiration(month, getYear()); } protected void setLeftRightEnabled() { if (mYearLeft != null) { mYearLeft.setEnabled(false); } if (mYearRight != null) { mYearRight.setEnabled(false); } } private void addClickedYearNumber(int val) { if (mYearInputPointer < mYearInputSize - 1) { for (int i = mYearInputPointer; i >= 0; i--) { mYearInput[i + 1] = mYearInput[i]; } mYearInputPointer++; mYearInput[0] = val; } if (mKeyboardPager.getCurrentItem() < 2) { mKeyboardPager.setCurrentItem(mKeyboardPager.getCurrentItem() + 1, true); } } /** * Enable/disable keys on the month key pad according to the data entered */ private void updateMonthKeys() { for (int i = 0; i < mMonths.length; i++) { if (mMonths[i] != null) { mMonths[i].setEnabled(true); } } } /** * Enable/disable keys on the year key pad according to the data entered */ private void updateYearKeys() { if (mYearInputPointer == 1) { setYearMinKeyRange((mMinimumYear % 100) / 10); } else if (mYearInputPointer == 2) { setYearMinKeyRange(Math.max(0, (mMinimumYear % 100) - (mYearInput[0] * 10))); } else if (mYearInputPointer == 3) { setYearKeyRange(-1); } } /** * Enables a range of numeric keys from zero to maxKey. The rest of the keys will be disabled * * @param maxKey the maximum key that can be pressed */ private void setYearKeyRange(int maxKey) { for (int i = 0; i < mYearNumbers.length; i++) { if (mYearNumbers[i] != null) { mYearNumbers[i].setEnabled(i <= maxKey); } } } /** * Enables a range of numeric keys from minKey up. The rest of the keys will be disabled * * @param minKey the minimum key that can be pressed */ private void setYearMinKeyRange(int minKey) { for (int i = 0; i < mYearNumbers.length; i++) { if (mYearNumbers[i] != null) { mYearNumbers[i].setEnabled(i >= minKey); } } } /** * Enable/disable the "Set" button */ private void enableSetButton() { if (mSetButton == null) { return; } mSetButton.setEnabled(getYear() >= mMinimumYear && getMonthOfYear() > 0); } /** * Expose the set button to allow communication with the parent Fragment. * * @param b the parent Fragment's "Set" button */ public void setSetButton(Button b) { mSetButton = b; enableSetButton(); } /** * Returns the year as currently inputted by the user. * * @return the inputted year */ public int getYear() { return mYearInput[3] * 1000 + mYearInput[2] * 100 + mYearInput[1] * 10 + mYearInput[0]; } /** * Returns the zero-indexed month of year as currently inputted by the user. * * @return the zero-indexed inputted month */ public int getMonthOfYear() { return mMonthInput; } /** * Set the expiration shown in the date picker * * @param year the new year to set * @param monthOfYear the new zero-indexed month to set */ public void setExpiration(int year, int monthOfYear) { if (year != 0 && year < mMinimumYear) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Years past the minimum set year are not allowed. Specify " + mMinimumYear + " or above."); } mMonthInput = monthOfYear; mYearInput[3] = year / 1000; mYearInput[2] = (year % 1000) / 100; mYearInput[1] = (year % 100) / 10; mYearInput[0] = year % 10; if (year >= 1000) { mYearInputPointer = 3; } else if (year >= 100) { mYearInputPointer = 2; } else if (year >= 10) { mYearInputPointer = 1; } else if (year > 0) { mYearInputPointer = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < mDateFormatOrder.length; i++) { char c = mDateFormatOrder[i]; if (c == 'M' && monthOfYear == -1) { mKeyboardPager.setCurrentItem(i, true); break; } else if (c == 'y' && year <= 0) { mKeyboardPager.setCurrentItem(i, true); break; } } updateKeypad(); } @Override public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() { final Parcelable parcel = super.onSaveInstanceState(); final SavedState state = new SavedState(parcel); state.mMonthInput = mMonthInput; state.mYearInput = mYearInput; state.mYearInputPointer = mYearInputPointer; return state; } @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { if (!(state instanceof SavedState)) { super.onRestoreInstanceState(state); return; } final SavedState savedState = (SavedState) state; super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedState.getSuperState()); mYearInputPointer = savedState.mYearInputPointer; mYearInput = savedState.mYearInput; if (mYearInput == null) { mYearInput = new int[mYearInputSize]; mYearInputPointer = -1; } mMonthInput = savedState.mMonthInput; updateKeypad(); } private static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState { int mYearInputPointer; int[] mYearInput; int mMonthInput; public SavedState(Parcelable superState) { super(superState); } private SavedState(Parcel in) { super(in); mYearInputPointer = in.readInt(); in.readIntArray(mYearInput); mMonthInput = in.readInt(); } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { super.writeToParcel(dest, flags); dest.writeInt(mYearInputPointer); dest.writeIntArray(mYearInput); dest.writeInt(mMonthInput); } public static final Creator<SavedState> CREATOR = new Creator<SavedState>() { public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new SavedState(in); } public SavedState[] newArray(int size) { return new SavedState[size]; } }; } }