/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.ambari; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.ambari.eventdb.model.WorkflowContext; import org.apache.ambari.eventdb.model.WorkflowDag.WorkflowDagEntry; import org.apache.ambari.log4j.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.MapReduceJobHistoryUpdater; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobHistory; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobID; import org.apache.hadoop.tools.rumen.JobSubmittedEvent; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; /** * */ public class TestJobHistoryParsing extends TestCase { static final char LINE_DELIMITER_CHAR = '.'; static final char[] charsToEscape = new char[] {'"', '=', LINE_DELIMITER_CHAR}; private static final char DELIMITER = ' '; private static final String ID = "WORKFLOW_ID"; private static final String NAME = "WORKFLOW_NAME"; private static final String NODE = "WORKFLOW_NODE_NAME"; private static final String ADJ = "WORKFLOW_ADJACENCIES"; private static final String ID_PROP = "mapreduce.workflow.id"; private static final String NAME_PROP = "mapreduce.workflow.name"; private static final String NODE_PROP = "mapreduce.workflow.node.name"; private static final String ADJ_PROP = "mapreduce.workflow.adjacency"; public void test1() { Map<String,String[]> adj = new HashMap<String,String[]>(); adj.put("10", new String[] {"20", "30"}); adj.put("20", new String[] {"30"}); adj.put("30", new String[] {}); test("id_0-1", "something.name", "10", adj); } public void test2() { Map<String,String[]> adj = new HashMap<String,String[]>(); adj.put("1=0", new String[] {"2 0", "3\"0."}); adj.put("2 0", new String[] {"3\"0."}); adj.put("3\"0.", new String[] {}); test("id_= 0-1", "something.name", "1=0", adj); } public void test3() { String s = "`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}|,.<>/?;:'\""; test(s, s, s, new HashMap<String,String[]>()); } public void test4() { Map<String,String[]> adj = new HashMap<String,String[]>(); adj.put("X", new String[] {}); test("", "jobName", "X", adj); } public void test(String workflowId, String workflowName, String workflowNodeName, Map<String,String[]> adjacencies) { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); setProperties(conf, workflowId, workflowName, workflowNodeName, adjacencies); String log = log("JOB", new String[] {ID, NAME, NODE, ADJ}, new String[] {conf.get(ID_PROP), conf.get(NAME_PROP), conf.get(NODE_PROP), JobHistory.JobInfo.getWorkflowAdjacencies(conf)}); ParsedLine line = new ParsedLine(log); JobID jobid = new JobID("id", 1); JobSubmittedEvent event = new JobSubmittedEvent(jobid, workflowName, "", 0l, "", null, "", line.get(ID), line.get(NAME), line.get(NODE), line.get(ADJ)); WorkflowContext context = MapReduceJobHistoryUpdater.buildWorkflowContext(event); String resultingWorkflowId = workflowId; if (workflowId.isEmpty()) resultingWorkflowId = jobid.toString().replace("job_", "mr_"); assertEquals("Didn't recover workflowId", resultingWorkflowId, context.getWorkflowId()); assertEquals("Didn't recover workflowName", workflowName, context.getWorkflowName()); assertEquals("Didn't recover workflowNodeName", workflowNodeName, context.getWorkflowEntityName()); Map<String,String[]> resultingAdjacencies = adjacencies; if (resultingAdjacencies.size() == 0) { resultingAdjacencies = new HashMap<String,String[]>(); resultingAdjacencies.put(workflowNodeName, new String[] {}); } assertEquals("Got incorrect number of adjacencies", resultingAdjacencies.size(), context.getWorkflowDag().getEntries().size()); for (WorkflowDagEntry entry : context.getWorkflowDag().getEntries()) { String[] sTargets = resultingAdjacencies.get(entry.getSource()); assertNotNull("No original targets for " + entry.getSource(), sTargets); List<String> dTargets = entry.getTargets(); assertEquals("Got incorrect number of targets for " + entry.getSource(), sTargets.length, dTargets.size()); for (int i = 0; i < sTargets.length; i++) { assertEquals("Got incorrect target for " + entry.getSource(), sTargets[i], dTargets.get(i)); } } } private static void setProperties(Configuration conf, String workflowId, String workflowName, String workflowNodeName, Map<String,String[]> adj) { conf.set(ID_PROP, workflowId); conf.set(NAME_PROP, workflowName); conf.set(NODE_PROP, workflowNodeName); for (Entry<String,String[]> entry : adj.entrySet()) { conf.setStrings(ADJ_PROP + "." + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } private static String log(String recordType, String[] keys, String[] values) { int length = recordType.length() + keys.length * 4 + 2; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { values[i] = StringUtils.escapeString(values[i], StringUtils.ESCAPE_CHAR, charsToEscape); length += values[i].length() + keys[i].toString().length(); } // We have the length of the buffer, now construct it. StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(length); builder.append(recordType); builder.append(DELIMITER); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { builder.append(keys[i]); builder.append("=\""); builder.append(values[i]); builder.append("\""); builder.append(DELIMITER); } builder.append(LINE_DELIMITER_CHAR); return builder.toString(); } private static class ParsedLine { static final String KEY = "(\\w+)"; static final String VALUE = "([^\"\\\\]*+(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*+)*+)"; static final Pattern keyValPair = Pattern.compile(KEY + "=" + "\"" + VALUE + "\""); Map<String,String> props = new HashMap<String,String>(); private String type; ParsedLine(String fullLine) { int firstSpace = fullLine.indexOf(" "); if (firstSpace < 0) { firstSpace = fullLine.length(); } if (firstSpace == 0) { return; // This is a junk line of some sort } type = fullLine.substring(0, firstSpace); String propValPairs = fullLine.substring(firstSpace + 1); Matcher matcher = keyValPair.matcher(propValPairs); while (matcher.find()) { String key = matcher.group(1); String value = matcher.group(2); props.put(key, value); } } protected String getType() { return type; } protected String get(String key) { return props.get(key); } } }