/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.upgrades; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException; import org.apache.ambari.server.actionmanager.HostRoleStatus; import org.apache.ambari.server.agent.CommandReport; import org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.AbstractServerAction; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Cluster; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Clusters; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Config; import com.google.inject.Inject; /** * yarn.log.server.web-service.url is added in HDP 2.6 * It takes value from yarn.timeline-service.webapp.address if the yarn.http.policy is HTTP_ONLY * and takes value from yarn.timeline-service.webapp.https.address if the yarn.http.policy is HTTPS_ONLY. * This class is used when moving from HDP-2.3/HDP-2.4/HDP-2.5 to HDP2.6 */ public class FixYarnWebServiceUrl extends AbstractServerAction { private static final String SOURCE_CONFIG_TYPE = "yarn-site"; private static final String YARN_TIMELINE_WEBAPP_HTTPADDRESS = "yarn.timeline-service.webapp.address"; private static final String YARN_TIMELINE_WEBAPP_HTTPSADDRESS = "yarn.timeline-service.webapp.https.address"; private static final String YARN_LOGSERVER_WEBSERVICE_URL = "yarn.log.server.web-service.url"; private static final String YARN_HTTP_POLICY = "yarn.http.policy"; private static final String HTTP = "HTTP_ONLY"; private static final String HTTPS = "HTTPS_ONLY"; @Inject private Clusters clusters; @Override public CommandReport execute(ConcurrentMap<String, Object> requestSharedDataContext) throws AmbariException, InterruptedException{ String clusterName = getExecutionCommand().getClusterName(); Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(clusterName); Config config = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(SOURCE_CONFIG_TYPE); if (config == null) { return createCommandReport(0, HostRoleStatus.FAILED,"{}", String.format("Source type %s not found", SOURCE_CONFIG_TYPE), ""); } Map<String, String> properties = config.getProperties(); String policy = properties.get(YARN_HTTP_POLICY); if (policy == null) { return createCommandReport(0, HostRoleStatus.COMPLETED, "{}", String.format("%s/%s property is null", SOURCE_CONFIG_TYPE,YARN_HTTP_POLICY), ""); } if (policy.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP)) { String webappHttpAddress = properties.get(YARN_TIMELINE_WEBAPP_HTTPADDRESS); if (webappHttpAddress == null) { return createCommandReport(0, HostRoleStatus.COMPLETED, "{}", String.format("%s/%s property is null", SOURCE_CONFIG_TYPE, YARN_TIMELINE_WEBAPP_HTTPADDRESS), ""); } properties.put(YARN_LOGSERVER_WEBSERVICE_URL, "http://" + webappHttpAddress + "/ws/v1/applicationhistory"); } else if (policy.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTPS)) { String webappHttpsAddress = properties.get(YARN_TIMELINE_WEBAPP_HTTPSADDRESS); if (webappHttpsAddress == null) { return createCommandReport(0, HostRoleStatus.COMPLETED, "{}", String.format("%s/%s property is null", SOURCE_CONFIG_TYPE, YARN_TIMELINE_WEBAPP_HTTPSADDRESS), ""); } properties.put(YARN_LOGSERVER_WEBSERVICE_URL, "https://"+webappHttpsAddress+"/ws/v1/applicationhistory"); } else { return createCommandReport(0, HostRoleStatus.COMPLETED, "{}", String.format("%s/%s property contains an invalid value. It should be from [%s,%s]", SOURCE_CONFIG_TYPE, YARN_HTTP_POLICY,HTTP,HTTPS), ""); } config.setProperties(properties); config.save(); return createCommandReport(0, HostRoleStatus.COMPLETED, "{}", String.format("The %s/%s property was changed based on %s. ", SOURCE_CONFIG_TYPE, YARN_LOGSERVER_WEBSERVICE_URL, YARN_HTTP_POLICY),""); } }