/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.ambari.server.topology; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.internal.Stack; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.AutoDeployInfo; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.DependencyConditionInfo; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.DependencyInfo; import org.apache.ambari.server.utils.SecretReference; import org.apache.ambari.server.utils.VersionUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Default blueprint validator. */ public class BlueprintValidatorImpl implements BlueprintValidator { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlueprintValidatorImpl.class); private final Blueprint blueprint; private final Stack stack; public BlueprintValidatorImpl(Blueprint blueprint) { this.blueprint = blueprint; this.stack = blueprint.getStack(); } @Override public void validateTopology() throws InvalidTopologyException { LOGGER.info("Validating topology for blueprint: [{}]", blueprint.getName()); Collection<HostGroup> hostGroups = blueprint.getHostGroups().values(); Map<String, Map<String, Collection<DependencyInfo>>> missingDependencies = new HashMap<>(); for (HostGroup group : hostGroups) { Map<String, Collection<DependencyInfo>> missingGroupDependencies = validateHostGroup(group); if (!missingGroupDependencies.isEmpty()) { missingDependencies.put(group.getName(), missingGroupDependencies); } } Collection<String> cardinalityFailures = new HashSet<>(); Collection<String> services = blueprint.getServices(); for (String service : services) { for (String component : stack.getComponents(service)) { Cardinality cardinality = stack.getCardinality(component); AutoDeployInfo autoDeploy = stack.getAutoDeployInfo(component); if (cardinality.isAll()) { cardinalityFailures.addAll(verifyComponentInAllHostGroups(component, autoDeploy)); } else { cardinalityFailures.addAll(verifyComponentCardinalityCount( component, cardinality, autoDeploy)); } } } if (!missingDependencies.isEmpty() || !cardinalityFailures.isEmpty()) { generateInvalidTopologyException(missingDependencies, cardinalityFailures); } } @Override public void validateRequiredProperties() throws InvalidTopologyException { // we don't want to include default stack properties so we can't just use hostGroup full properties Map<String, Map<String, String>> clusterConfigurations = blueprint.getConfiguration().getProperties(); // we need to have real passwords, not references if (clusterConfigurations != null) { StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder(); boolean containsSecretReferences = false; for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> configEntry : clusterConfigurations.entrySet()) { String configType = configEntry.getKey(); if (configEntry.getValue() != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> propertyEntry : configEntry.getValue().entrySet()) { String propertyName = propertyEntry.getKey(); String propertyValue = propertyEntry.getValue(); if (propertyValue != null) { if (SecretReference.isSecret(propertyValue)) { errorMessage.append(" Config:" + configType + " Property:" + propertyName + "\n"); containsSecretReferences = true; } } } } } if (containsSecretReferences) { throw new InvalidTopologyException("Secret references are not allowed in blueprints, " + "replace following properties with real passwords:\n" + errorMessage.toString()); } } for (HostGroup hostGroup : blueprint.getHostGroups().values()) { Collection<String> processedServices = new HashSet<>(); Map<String, Collection<String>> allRequiredProperties = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Map<String, String>> operationalConfiguration = new HashMap<>(clusterConfigurations); operationalConfiguration.putAll(hostGroup.getConfiguration().getProperties()); for (String component : hostGroup.getComponentNames()) { //check that MYSQL_SERVER component is not available while hive is using existing db if (component.equals("MYSQL_SERVER")) { Map<String, String> hiveEnvConfig = clusterConfigurations.get("hive-env"); if (hiveEnvConfig != null && !hiveEnvConfig.isEmpty() && hiveEnvConfig.get("hive_database") != null && hiveEnvConfig.get("hive_database").startsWith("Existing")) { throw new InvalidTopologyException("Incorrect configuration: MYSQL_SERVER component is available but hive" + " using existing db!"); } } if (ClusterTopologyImpl.isNameNodeHAEnabled(clusterConfigurations) && component.equals("NAMENODE")) { Map<String, String> hadoopEnvConfig = clusterConfigurations.get("hadoop-env"); if(hadoopEnvConfig != null && !hadoopEnvConfig.isEmpty() && hadoopEnvConfig.containsKey("dfs_ha_initial_namenode_active") && hadoopEnvConfig.containsKey("dfs_ha_initial_namenode_standby")) { ArrayList<HostGroup> hostGroupsForComponent = new ArrayList<>(blueprint.getHostGroupsForComponent(component)); Set<String> givenHostGroups = new HashSet<>(); givenHostGroups.add(hadoopEnvConfig.get("dfs_ha_initial_namenode_active")); givenHostGroups.add(hadoopEnvConfig.get("dfs_ha_initial_namenode_standby")); if(givenHostGroups.size() != hostGroupsForComponent.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NAMENODE HA host groups mapped incorrectly for properties 'dfs_ha_initial_namenode_active' and 'dfs_ha_initial_namenode_standby'. Expected Host groups are :" + hostGroupsForComponent); } if(HostGroup.HOSTGROUP_REGEX.matcher(hadoopEnvConfig.get("dfs_ha_initial_namenode_active")).matches() && HostGroup.HOSTGROUP_REGEX.matcher(hadoopEnvConfig.get("dfs_ha_initial_namenode_standby")).matches()){ for (HostGroup hostGroupForComponent : hostGroupsForComponent) { Iterator<String> itr = givenHostGroups.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()){ if(itr.next().contains(hostGroupForComponent.getName())){ itr.remove(); } } } if(!givenHostGroups.isEmpty()){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("NAMENODE HA host groups mapped incorrectly for properties 'dfs_ha_initial_namenode_active' and 'dfs_ha_initial_namenode_standby'. Expected Host groups are :" + hostGroupsForComponent); } } } } if (component.equals("HIVE_METASTORE")) { Map<String, String> hiveEnvConfig = clusterConfigurations.get("hive-env"); if (hiveEnvConfig != null && !hiveEnvConfig.isEmpty() && hiveEnvConfig.get("hive_database") != null && hiveEnvConfig.get("hive_database").equals("Existing SQL Anywhere Database") && VersionUtils.compareVersions(stack.getVersion(), "") < 0 && stack.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("HDP")) { throw new InvalidTopologyException("Incorrect configuration: SQL Anywhere db is available only for stack HDP-2.3+ " + "and repo version 2.3.2+!"); } } if (component.equals("OOZIE_SERVER")) { Map<String, String> oozieEnvConfig = clusterConfigurations.get("oozie-env"); if (oozieEnvConfig != null && !oozieEnvConfig.isEmpty() && oozieEnvConfig.get("oozie_database") != null && oozieEnvConfig.get("oozie_database").equals("Existing SQL Anywhere Database") && VersionUtils.compareVersions(stack.getVersion(), "") < 0 && stack.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("HDP")) { throw new InvalidTopologyException("Incorrect configuration: SQL Anywhere db is available only for stack HDP-2.3+ " + "and repo version 2.3.2+!"); } } } } } /** * Verify that a component is included in all host groups. * For components that are auto-install enabled, will add component to topology if needed. * * @param component component to validate * @param autoDeploy auto-deploy information for component * * @return collection of missing component information */ private Collection<String> verifyComponentInAllHostGroups(String component, AutoDeployInfo autoDeploy) { Collection<String> cardinalityFailures = new HashSet<>(); int actualCount = blueprint.getHostGroupsForComponent(component).size(); Map<String, HostGroup> hostGroups = blueprint.getHostGroups(); if (actualCount != hostGroups.size()) { if (autoDeploy != null && autoDeploy.isEnabled()) { for (HostGroup group : hostGroups.values()) { group.addComponent(component); } } else { cardinalityFailures.add(component + "(actual=" + actualCount + ", required=ALL)"); } } return cardinalityFailures; } private Map<String, Collection<DependencyInfo>> validateHostGroup(HostGroup group) { LOGGER.info("Validating hostgroup: {}", group.getName()); Map<String, Collection<DependencyInfo>> missingDependencies = new HashMap<>(); for (String component : new HashSet<>(group.getComponentNames())) { LOGGER.debug("Processing component: {}", component); for (DependencyInfo dependency : stack.getDependenciesForComponent(component)) { LOGGER.debug("Processing dependency [{}] for component [{}]", dependency.getName(), component); String conditionalService = stack.getConditionalServiceForDependency(dependency); if (conditionalService != null && !blueprint.getServices().contains(conditionalService)) { LOGGER.debug("Conditional service [{}] is missing from the blueprint, skipping dependency [{}]", conditionalService, dependency.getName()); continue; } // dependent components from the stack definitions are only added if related services are explicitly added to the blueprint! boolean isClientDependency = stack.getComponentInfo(dependency.getComponentName()).isClient(); if (isClientDependency && !blueprint.getServices().contains(dependency.getServiceName())) { LOGGER.debug("The service [{}] for component [{}] is missing from the blueprint [{}], skipping dependency", dependency.getServiceName(), dependency.getComponentName(), blueprint.getName()); continue; } String dependencyScope = dependency.getScope(); String componentName = dependency.getComponentName(); AutoDeployInfo autoDeployInfo = dependency.getAutoDeploy(); boolean resolved = false; //check if conditions are met, if any if(dependency.hasDependencyConditions()) { boolean conditionsSatisfied = true; for (DependencyConditionInfo dependencyCondition : dependency.getDependencyConditions()) { if (!dependencyCondition.isResolved(blueprint.getConfiguration().getFullProperties())) { conditionsSatisfied = false; break; } } if(!conditionsSatisfied){ continue; } } if (dependencyScope.equals("cluster")) { Collection<String> missingDependencyInfo = verifyComponentCardinalityCount( componentName, new Cardinality("1+"), autoDeployInfo); resolved = missingDependencyInfo.isEmpty(); } else if (dependencyScope.equals("host")) { if (group.getComponentNames().contains(componentName) || (autoDeployInfo != null && autoDeployInfo.isEnabled())) { resolved = true; group.addComponent(componentName); } } if (! resolved) { Collection<DependencyInfo> missingCompDependencies = missingDependencies.get(component); if (missingCompDependencies == null) { missingCompDependencies = new HashSet<>(); missingDependencies.put(component, missingCompDependencies); } missingCompDependencies.add(dependency); } } } return missingDependencies; } /** * Verify that a component meets cardinality requirements. For components that are * auto-install enabled, will add component to topology if needed. * * @param component component to validate * @param cardinality required cardinality * @param autoDeploy auto-deploy information for component * * @return collection of missing component information */ public Collection<String> verifyComponentCardinalityCount(String component, Cardinality cardinality, AutoDeployInfo autoDeploy) { Map<String, Map<String, String>> configProperties = blueprint.getConfiguration().getProperties(); Collection<String> cardinalityFailures = new HashSet<>(); //todo: don't hard code this HA logic here if (ClusterTopologyImpl.isNameNodeHAEnabled(configProperties) && (component.equals("SECONDARY_NAMENODE"))) { // override the cardinality for this component in an HA deployment, // since the SECONDARY_NAMENODE should not be started in this scenario cardinality = new Cardinality("0"); } int actualCount = blueprint.getHostGroupsForComponent(component).size(); if (! cardinality.isValidCount(actualCount)) { boolean validated = ! isDependencyManaged(stack, component, configProperties); if (! validated && autoDeploy != null && autoDeploy.isEnabled() && cardinality.supportsAutoDeploy()) { String coLocateName = autoDeploy.getCoLocate(); if (coLocateName != null && ! coLocateName.isEmpty()) { Collection<HostGroup> coLocateHostGroups = blueprint.getHostGroupsForComponent(coLocateName.split("/")[1]); if (! coLocateHostGroups.isEmpty()) { validated = true; HostGroup group = coLocateHostGroups.iterator().next(); group.addComponent(component); } } } if (! validated) { cardinalityFailures.add(component + "(actual=" + actualCount + ", required=" + cardinality.getValue() + ")"); } } return cardinalityFailures; } /** * Determine if a component is managed, meaning that it is running inside of the cluster * topology. Generally, non-managed dependencies will be database components. * * @param stack stack instance * @param component component to determine if it is managed * @param clusterConfig cluster configuration * * @return true if the specified component managed by the cluster; false otherwise */ protected boolean isDependencyManaged(Stack stack, String component, Map<String, Map<String, String>> clusterConfig) { boolean isManaged = true; String externalComponentConfig = stack.getExternalComponentConfig(component); if (externalComponentConfig != null) { String[] toks = externalComponentConfig.split("/"); String externalComponentConfigType = toks[0]; String externalComponentConfigProp = toks[1]; Map<String, String> properties = clusterConfig.get(externalComponentConfigType); if (properties != null && properties.containsKey(externalComponentConfigProp)) { if (properties.get(externalComponentConfigProp).startsWith("Existing")) { isManaged = false; } } } return isManaged; } /** * Generate an exception for topology validation failure. * * @param missingDependencies missing dependency information * @param cardinalityFailures missing service component information * * @throws IllegalArgumentException Always thrown and contains information regarding the topology validation failure * in the msg */ private void generateInvalidTopologyException(Map<String, Map<String, Collection<DependencyInfo>>> missingDependencies, Collection<String> cardinalityFailures) throws InvalidTopologyException { //todo: encapsulate some of this in exception? String msg = "Cluster Topology validation failed."; if (! cardinalityFailures.isEmpty()) { msg += " Invalid service component count: " + cardinalityFailures; } if (! missingDependencies.isEmpty()) { msg += " Unresolved component dependencies: " + missingDependencies; } msg += ". To disable topology validation and create the blueprint, " + "add the following to the end of the url: '?validate_topology=false'"; throw new InvalidTopologyException(msg); } }