package aimax.osm.gui.swing.applications; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import aima.core.util.CancelableThread; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import aimax.osm.gps.GpsFix; import aimax.osm.gps.GpsLocator; import aimax.osm.gps.GpsPositionListener; import aimax.osm.gps.NmeaReader.MessageToFileListener; import aimax.osm.routing.RouteCalculator; import aimax.osm.viewer.AbstractEntityRenderer; import aimax.osm.viewer.MapStyleFactory; import aimax.osm.gui.swing.viewer.MapViewFrame; /** * Configurable application which shows a map and location information from a * GPS connection, and additionally provides routing functionality. * <p> * This implementation provides a simple reflection-based mechanism which allows * to replace the standard implementations of all fundamental components by * other implementations. For example, to replace the route calculator just * create a class <code>x.y.ZRouteCalculator</code> as subclass of * <code>RouteCalculator</code> and add in the main method the line * <code>System.setProperty(MiniNaviApp.MAP_CLASS_PROPERTY, "x.y.ZRouteCalculator</code> * . Analogously, renderer, entity classifier, and even the map representation * itself can be replaced. Note, that system properties can also be set by VM * argument (-Dpropertyname=value). * </p> * <p> * To enable the GPS interface, download the rs232 serial port library from *, install it correctly, and rename file * <code>NmeaSerialPortReader.txt</code> in package <code>aimax.osm.gps</code> * to <code></code>. One possible choice for * installation is, to add the jar-file to the class path (project properties, * add jar), to store the DDL locally (e.g. in project-root/lib), and start the * application with VM argument <code>-Djava.library.path=lib -Xmx1500M</code>. * </p> * * @author Ruediger Lunde */ public class MiniNaviApp implements ActionListener { protected static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("aimax.osm"); public final static String MAP_CLASS_PROPERTY = "aimax.osm.navi.mapclass"; public final static String CLASSIFIER_CLASS_PROPERTY = "aimax.osm.navi.classifierclass"; public final static String RENDERER_CLASS_PROPERTY = "aimax.osm.navi.rendererclass"; public final static String ROUTECALCULATOR_CLASS_PROPERTY = "aimax.osm.navi.routecalculatorclass"; public final static String ROUTE_TRACK_NAME = "Route"; public final static String GPS_TRACK_NAME = "GPS"; protected MapViewFrame frame; protected GpsLocator locator; protected MessageToFileListener nmeaLogger; protected RouteCalculator routeCalculator; protected RoutingThread routingThread; protected JComboBox<String> gpsCombo; protected JFileChooser gpsFileChooser; protected JComboBox<String> waySelection; protected JButton calcButton; public MiniNaviApp(String[] args) { initFrame(args); locator = new GpsLocator(); locator.addGpsPositionListener(new MyGpsPositionListener()); routeCalculator = (RouteCalculator) createComponent( ROUTECALCULATOR_CLASS_PROPERTY, RouteCalculator.class); if (routeCalculator == null) routeCalculator = new RouteCalculator(); JToolBar toolbar = frame.getToolbar(); gpsCombo = new JComboBox<String>(new String[] { "GPS Off", "GPS On", "GPS Center", "GPS Cen+Log", "Read Log" }); gpsCombo.addActionListener(this); toolbar.addSeparator(); toolbar.add(gpsCombo); waySelection = new JComboBox<String>( routeCalculator.getTaskSelectionOptions()); toolbar.add(waySelection); toolbar.addSeparator(); calcButton = new JButton("Calculate Route"); toolbar.add(calcButton); calcButton.addActionListener(this); } protected void initFrame(String[] args) { frame = new ConfigurableMapViewFrame(args); frame.setTitle("MiniNavi"); } public MapViewFrame getFrame() { return frame; } public OsmMap getMap() { return frame.getMap(); } public void showFrame() { frame.setSize(800, 600); frame.setVisible(true); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == gpsCombo) { getMap().clearTrack(GPS_TRACK_NAME); try { if (gpsFileChooser == null) gpsFileChooser = new JFileChooser(); if (nmeaLogger != null) { nmeaLogger.closeFile(); locator.getNmeaReader().removeListener(nmeaLogger); nmeaLogger = null; } if (gpsCombo.getSelectedIndex() < 1) { // GPS Off locator.closeConnection(); } else if (gpsCombo.getSelectedIndex() < 4) { // GPS On locator.openSerialPortConnection(); if (locator.isConnected()) { if (gpsCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 3 && gpsFileChooser.showSaveDialog(frame) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { nmeaLogger = new MessageToFileListener(); locator.getNmeaReader().addListener(nmeaLogger); nmeaLogger.openFile(gpsFileChooser .getSelectedFile()); } } else { // Establishing connection to GPS failed gpsCombo.setSelectedIndex(0); } } else if (gpsFileChooser.showOpenDialog(frame) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { // simulate // GPS locator.openFileConnection(gpsFileChooser.getSelectedFile()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (event.getSource() == calcButton) { if (routingThread != null) { routingThread.cancel(); } else { List<MapNode> markers = getMap().getMarkers(); if (!markers.isEmpty()) { List<MapNode> routeMarkers = new ArrayList<MapNode>(); Track gpsTrack = getMap().getTrack(GPS_TRACK_NAME); if (gpsTrack != null) { routeMarkers.add(gpsTrack.getLastNode()); routeMarkers.add(markers.get(0)); } else { routeMarkers.addAll(markers); } routingThread = new RoutingThread(routeMarkers); updateEnabledState(); routingThread.start(); } } } } protected void updateEnabledState() { frame.getLoadButton().setEnabled(routingThread == null); frame.getSaveButton().setEnabled(routingThread == null); calcButton.setText(routingThread == null ? "Calculate Route" : "Cancel Calculation"); } protected static Object createComponent(String property, Class<?> oclass) { Object result = null; String className = System.getProperty(property); if (className != null) { try { Class<?> c = Class.forName(className); result = c.newInstance(); if (!oclass.isInstance(result)) { LOG.warning("Component instantiation failed. Class " + className + " is not of type " + oclass.getCanonicalName() + "."); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warning("Component instantiation failed. Class " + className + " could not be loaded correctly."); } } return result; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // inner classes class RoutingThread extends CancelableThread { List<MapNode> routeMarkers; List<Position> positions; public RoutingThread(List<MapNode> routeMarkers) { this.routeMarkers = routeMarkers; } @Override public void interrupt() { cancel(); super.interrupt(); } @Override public void run() { try { positions = routeCalculator.calculateRoute(routeMarkers, frame.getMap(), waySelection.getSelectedIndex()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // for debugging } try { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { frame.getMap().createTrack(ROUTE_TRACK_NAME, positions); routingThread = null; updateEnabledState(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // for debugging } } } class MyGpsPositionListener implements GpsPositionListener { @Override public void positionUpdated(GpsFix pos) { if (pos.isPosOk()) { OsmMap mapData = frame.getMap(); Track track = mapData.getTrack(GPS_TRACK_NAME); MapNode node = null; if (track != null) node = track.getLastNode(); if (node == null || pos.getDistKM(node) > 0.01) { mapData.addToTrack(GPS_TRACK_NAME, pos); if (gpsCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 2 || gpsCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 3) frame.getView().adjustToCenter(pos.getLat(), pos.getLon()); } } } } static class ConfigurableMapViewFrame extends MapViewFrame { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; ConfigurableMapViewFrame(String[] args) { super(args); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void initMapAndClassifier() { OsmMap map = (OsmMap) createComponent(MAP_CLASS_PROPERTY, OsmMap.class); if (map == null) map = new DefaultMap(); view.setMap(map); viewInfo = (EntityClassifier<EntityViewInfo>) createComponent( CLASSIFIER_CLASS_PROPERTY, EntityClassifier.class); if (viewInfo == null) viewInfo = new MapStyleFactory().createDefaultClassifier(); AbstractEntityRenderer renderer = (AbstractEntityRenderer) createComponent( RENDERER_CLASS_PROPERTY, AbstractEntityRenderer.class); if (renderer != null) view.setRenderer(renderer); } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // application starter /** * Start application with VM arg <code>-Djava.library.path=lib</code> and * program arg <code>-screenwidth=xx</code> (with xx the width in cm) or * <code>-screensize=yy</code> (with yy measured diagonally in inch). */ public static void main(String[] args) { // indicates progress when reading large maps (for testing only) Logger.getLogger("aimax.osm").setLevel(Level.FINEST); Logger.getLogger("").getHandlers()[0].setLevel(Level.FINE); Locale.setDefault(Locale.US); // System.setProperty(MiniNaviApp.MAP_CLASS_PROPERTY, // ""); MiniNaviApp demo = new MiniNaviApp(args); demo.getFrame().readMap(DataResource.getULMFileResource()); // demo.getFrame().readMap(new File("maps/ulm.osm")); demo.showFrame(); } }