/** * This package provides useful classes for building graphical demo * applications based on JavaFX. The framework strongly relies on the builder * pattern (GoF). A pane for controlling and visualizing agents in their * environment can easily be created by means of a * {@link aima.gui.fx.framework.SimulationPaneBuilder}. Using * {@link aima.gui.fx.framework.IntegrableApplication} as super * class for demo applications makes several of them integrable into a * common window. Such an integrated application, which allows to switch between * different demo applications and simple command line demos at * runtime, can easily be created by means of another builder called * {@link aima.gui.fx.framework.IntegratedAppBuilder}. * Note that names of controller classes containing GUI logic (often called * code-behind files) end with <code>Ctrl</code>. * * @author Ruediger Lunde */ package aima.gui.fx.framework;