package ca.pfv.spmf.algorithms.sequential_rules.rulegrowth; /* This file is copyright (c) 2008-2013 Philippe Fournier-Viger * * This file is part of the SPMF DATA MINING SOFTWARE * ( * * SPMF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * SPMF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * SPMF. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import ca.pfv.spmf.input.sequence_database_list_integers.Sequence; import ca.pfv.spmf.input.sequence_database_list_integers.SequenceDatabase; import; /** * This is the original implementation of the ERMiner algorithm for mining sequential rules * common to several sequences where antecedent and consequent are unordered itemsets. * <br/><br/> * The main method of this algorithm is "runAlgorithm". It output the result to a file. * * @see Occurence * @see Sequence * @see SequenceDatabase * @author Philippe Fournier-Viger */ public class AlgoERMiner { //*** for statistics ***/ long timeStart = 0; // start time of latest execution long timeEnd = 0; // end time of latest execution int ruleCount; // number of rules generated //*** parameters ***/ // minimum confidence double minConfidence; // minimum support int minsuppRelative; // this is the sequence database SequenceDatabase database; //*** internal variables ***/ // This map contains for each item (key) a map of occurences (value). // The map of occurences associates to sequence ID (key), an occurence of the item (value). Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Occurence>> mapItemCount; // item, <tid, occurence> // object to write the output file BufferedWriter writer = null; ExpandLeftStore store = new ExpandLeftStore(); SparseMatrix matrix = new SparseMatrix(); private long totalCandidateCount; private long candidatePrunedCount; /** * Default constructor */ public AlgoERMiner() { } /** * The main method to run the algorithm * @param minSupport : the minimum support (percentage as a double value) * @param minConfidence : the minimum confidence threshold * @param input : an input file path of a seq uence database * @param output : a file path for writing the output file containing the seq. rules. * @exception IOException if error reading/writing files */ public void runAlgorithm(double minSupport, double minConfidence, String input, String output) throws IOException { try { // read the input database database = new SequenceDatabase(); database.loadFile(input); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // convert minimum support to an absolute minimum support (integer) this.minsuppRelative = (int) Math.ceil(minSupport * database.size()); // run the algorithm with the just calculated absolute minimum support runAlgorithm(input, output, minsuppRelative, minConfidence); } /** * The main method to run the algorithm * @param relativeMinsup : the minimum support as an integer value (a relative minimum support) * @param minConfidence : the minimum confidence threshold * @param input : an input file path of a sequence database * @param output : a file path for writing the output file containing the seq. rules. * @exception IOException if error reading/writing files */ public void runAlgorithm(String input, String output, int relativeMinsup, double minConfidence) throws IOException { // save the minimum confidence parameter this.minConfidence = minConfidence; // reinitialize the number of rules found ruleCount = 0; // countPruning = 0; // if the database was not loaded, then load it. if(database == null){ try { database = new SequenceDatabase(); database.loadFile(input); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // reset the stats for memory usage MemoryLogger.getInstance().reset(); // prepare the object for writing the output file writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(output)); // if minsup is 0, set it to 1 to avoid generating // rules not in the database this.minsuppRelative = relativeMinsup; if(this.minsuppRelative == 0){ // protection this.minsuppRelative = 1; } // save the start time timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); // for stats // Remove infrequent items from the database in one database scan. // Then perform another database scan to count the // the support of each item in the same database scan // and their occurrences. calculateFrequencyOfEachItem(database); // =================== CALCULATE MATRIX ============== // for each sequence generateMatrix(database); // =================== // We will now generate the equivalence classes of rules of size 1*1 // We create two maps to store the equivalence classes. // The map for left-equivalence classes has a key : item on the right side, value: list of rules Map<Integer, LeftEquivalenceClass> mapEclassLeft = new HashMap<Integer, LeftEquivalenceClass>(); // The map for right-equivalence classes has a key : item on the left side, value: list of rules Map<Integer, RightEquivalenceClass> mapEclassRight = new HashMap<Integer, RightEquivalenceClass>(); // for each entry in the matrix // entry = key: item I value: a map where key: item J and value: the support of {i, j} for(Entry<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> entry : matrix.getMatrix().entrySet()) { Integer intI = entry.getKey(); Map<Integer, Occurence> occurencesI = mapItemCount.get(intI); // get the tidset of item I Set<Integer> tidsI = occurencesI.keySet(); // for each item J that co-occurs with I for(Entry<Integer, Integer> entryJ : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { // if I and J are infrequent, we don't continue if(entryJ.getValue() < minsuppRelative) { continue; } Integer intJ = entryJ.getKey(); Map<Integer, Occurence> occurencesJ = mapItemCount.get(intJ); // (1) We will now calculate the tids of I -->J and J-->I. // initialize the tids sets Set<Integer> tidsIJ = new HashSet<Integer>(); // tidset of I -->J Set<Integer> tidsJI = new HashSet<Integer>(); // tidset of J-->I // for each occurence of I if(occurencesI.size() < occurencesJ.size()) { calculateTidsetsIJandJI(occurencesI, occurencesJ, tidsIJ, tidsJI); }else { calculateTidsetsIJandJI(occurencesJ, occurencesI, tidsJI, tidsIJ); } // (2) check if the two itemsets have enough common tids // if not, we don't need to generate a rule for them. // create rule IJ if(tidsIJ.size() >= minsuppRelative){ // calculate the confidence of I ==> J double confIJ = ((double)tidsIJ.size()) / occurencesI.size(); // create itemset of the rule I ==> J int[] itemsetI = new int[]{intI}; int[] itemsetJ = new int[]{intJ}; Set<Integer> tidsJ = occurencesJ.keySet(); // if the confidence is high enough, save the rule if(confIJ >= minConfidence){ saveRule(tidsIJ, confIJ, itemsetI, itemsetJ); } // register the rule in the appropriate equivalence classes registerRule11(intI, intJ, tidsI, tidsJ, tidsIJ, occurencesI, occurencesJ, mapEclassLeft, mapEclassRight); } // check if J ==> I has enough common tids // If yes, we create the rule J ==> I if(tidsJI.size() >= minsuppRelative){ // create itemset of the rule J ==> I int[] itemsetI = new int[]{intI}; int[] itemsetJ = new int[]{intJ}; // calculate the confidence double confJI = ((double)tidsJI.size()) / occurencesJ.size(); Set<Integer> tidsJ = occurencesJ.keySet(); // if the confidence is high enough, save the rule if(confJI >= minConfidence){ saveRule(tidsJI, confJI, itemsetJ, itemsetI); } // register the rule in the appropriate equivalence classes registerRule11(intJ, intI, tidsJ, tidsI, tidsJI, occurencesJ, occurencesI, mapEclassLeft, mapEclassRight); } } } // PERFORM EXPAND LEFT FOR EACH LEFT-EQUIVALENCE CLASS OF SIZE 1-1 for(LeftEquivalenceClass eclassLeft : mapEclassLeft.values()) { if(eclassLeft.rules.size() != 1) { Collections.sort(eclassLeft.rules, new Comparator<LeftRule>() { public int compare(LeftRule arg0, LeftRule arg1) { return arg0.itemsetI[0] - arg1.itemsetI[0]; }}); expandLeft(eclassLeft); } } mapEclassLeft = null; // PERFORM EXPAND RIGHT FOR EACH RIGHT-EQUIVALENCE CLASS OF SIZE 1-1 for(RightEquivalenceClass eclassRight : mapEclassRight.values()) { if(eclassRight.rules.size() != 1) { Collections.sort(eclassRight.rules, new Comparator<RightRule>() { public int compare(RightRule arg0, RightRule arg1) { return arg0.itemsetJ[0] - arg1.itemsetJ[0]; }}); expandRight(eclassRight, true); } } mapEclassRight = null; // PROCESS ALL EQUIVALENCE CLASSES WITH MORE THAN ONE ITEM IN LEF PART FOR EXPAND LEFT AFTER RIGHT... for(Map<Integer, List<LeftEquivalenceClass>> map : store.getStore().values()) { for(List<LeftEquivalenceClass> eclassList : map.values()) { for(LeftEquivalenceClass eclass : eclassList) { if(eclass.rules.size() != 1) { Collections.sort(eclass.rules, new Comparator<LeftRule>() { public int compare(LeftRule arg0, LeftRule arg1) { return arg0.itemsetI[arg0.itemsetI.length-1] - arg1.itemsetI[arg1.itemsetI.length-1]; }}); expandLeft(eclass); } } } } // save end time timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); // close the file writer.close(); // after the algorithm ends, we don't need a reference to the database anymore. database = null; } private void registerRule11(Integer intI, Integer intJ, Set<Integer> tidsI, Set<Integer> tidsJ, Set<Integer> tidsIJ, Map<Integer, Occurence> occurencesI, Map<Integer, Occurence> occurencesJ, Map<Integer, LeftEquivalenceClass> mapEclassLeft, Map<Integer, RightEquivalenceClass> mapEclassRight) { // add the rule to the left equivalence class LeftEquivalenceClass leftClass = mapEclassLeft.get(intJ); if(leftClass == null) { leftClass = new LeftEquivalenceClass(new int[] {intJ}, tidsJ, occurencesJ); mapEclassLeft.put(intJ, leftClass); } LeftRule ruleL = new LeftRule(new int[] {intI}, tidsI, tidsIJ); leftClass.rules.add(ruleL); // add the rule to the right equivalence class RightEquivalenceClass rightclass = mapEclassRight.get(intI); if(rightclass == null) { rightclass = new RightEquivalenceClass(new int[] {intI}, tidsI, occurencesI); mapEclassRight.put(intI, rightclass); } RightRule ruleR = new RightRule(new int[] {intJ}, tidsJ, tidsIJ, occurencesJ); rightclass.rules.add(ruleR); } private void calculateTidsetsIJandJI(Map<Integer, Occurence> occurencesI, Map<Integer, Occurence> occurencesJ, Set<Integer> tidsIJ, Set<Integer> tidsJI) { for(Entry<Integer, Occurence> entryOccI : occurencesI.entrySet()){ Integer tid = entryOccI.getKey(); // get the occurence of J in the same sequence Occurence occJ = occurencesJ.get(tid); // if J appears in that sequence if(occJ != null){ Occurence occI = entryOccI.getValue(); // if J appeared before I in that sequence, // then we put this tid in the tidset of J-->I if(occJ.firstItemset < occI.lastItemset){ tidsJI.add(tid); } // if I appeared before J in that sequence, // then we put this tid in the tidset of I-->J if(occI.firstItemset < occJ.lastItemset){ tidsIJ.add(tid); } } } } public int[] concatenate(int [] itemset, int item) { int[] newItemset = new int[itemset.length+1]; System.arraycopy(itemset, 0, newItemset, 0, itemset.length); newItemset[itemset.length] = item; return newItemset; } private void expandLeft(LeftEquivalenceClass eclass){ for(int w=0; w < eclass.rules.size()-1; w++){ // IMPORTANT : SIZE -1 BECAUSE THE LAST ONE HAS NOTHING LEFT FOR COMPARISON LeftRule rule1 = eclass.rules.get(w); int d = rule1.itemsetI[rule1.itemsetI.length -1]; LeftEquivalenceClass rulesForRecursion = new LeftEquivalenceClass(eclass.itemsetJ, eclass.tidsJ, eclass.occurencesJ); // for each rule J != I for(int m=w+1; m < eclass.rules.size(); m++) { LeftRule rule2 = eclass.rules.get(m); int c = rule2.itemsetI[rule2.itemsetI.length -1]; if(matrix.getCount(c, d) < minsuppRelative){ candidatePrunedCount++; totalCandidateCount++; continue; } totalCandidateCount++; // CALCULATE TIDS I U {C} Set<Integer> tidsIC = new HashSet<Integer>(); Map<Integer, Occurence> mapC = mapItemCount.get(c); // depending of the relative size of tids of I and tids of {c} we have two ways to calculate it if(rule1.tidsI.size() < mapC.size()) { // EARLY SKIP OPTIMIZATION: <<<<<******** int remains = rule1.tidsI.size(); // for each sequence containing I for(Integer tid: rule1.tidsI){ // Get the first and last occurences of C in that sequence // if there is an occurence if(mapC.get(tid) != null){ // add the tid of the sequence to the tidset of JU{c} tidsIC.add(tid); } remains--; // early skip if(tidsIC.size() + remains < minsuppRelative) { break; } } }else { int remains = mapC.size(); // for each sequence containing I for(Integer tid: mapC.keySet()){ // Get the first and last occurences of C in that sequence // if there is an occurence if(rule1.tidsI.contains(tid)){ // add the tid of the sequence to the tidset of JU{c} tidsIC.add(tid); } remains--; if(tidsIC.size() + remains < minsuppRelative) { break; } } } // CALCULATE TIDS IC ==> J Set<Integer> tidsIC_J = new HashSet<Integer>(); // depending of the relative size of tids of IUJ and tids of {c} we have two ways to calculate it if(rule1.tidsIJ.size() < mapC.size()) { // for each sequence containing I for(Integer tid: rule1.tidsIJ){ // Get the first and last occurences of C in that sequence Occurence occurenceC = mapC.get(tid); // if there is an occurence if(occurenceC != null){ Occurence occurenceJ = eclass.occurencesJ.get(tid); if(occurenceC.firstItemset < occurenceJ.lastItemset){ // add the tid of the sequence to the tidset of JU{c} tidsIC_J.add(tid); } } } }else { // for each sequence containing I for(Entry<Integer, Occurence> entryC: mapC.entrySet()){ int tid = entryC.getKey(); if(rule1.tidsIJ.contains(tid)) { // Get the first and last occurences of C in that sequence Occurence occurenceC = entryC.getValue(); // if there is an occurence Occurence occurenceJ = eclass.occurencesJ.get(tid); if(occurenceC.firstItemset < occurenceJ.lastItemset){ // add the tid of the sequence to the tidset of JU{c} tidsIC_J.add(tid); } } } } if(tidsIC_J.size() >= minsuppRelative) { // Create rule and calculate its confidence of IU{c} ==> J // defined as: sup(IU{c} -->J) / sup(IU{c}) double confIC_J = ((double) tidsIC_J.size()) / tidsIC.size(); // try to combine the rules int itemsetIC[] = new int[rule1.itemsetI.length+1]; System.arraycopy(rule1.itemsetI, 0, itemsetIC, 0, rule1.itemsetI.length); itemsetIC[rule1.itemsetI.length] = c; LeftRule newRule = new LeftRule(itemsetIC, tidsIC, tidsIC_J); // if the confidence is high enough, then it is a valid rule if(confIC_J >= minConfidence){ // save the rule saveRule(tidsIC_J, confIC_J, itemsetIC, eclass.itemsetJ); } rulesForRecursion.rules.add(newRule); } } if(rulesForRecursion.rules.size() >1) { expandLeft(rulesForRecursion); } } // check the memory usage MemoryLogger.getInstance().checkMemory(); } private void expandRight(RightEquivalenceClass eclass, boolean firstTime) { for(int w=0; w < eclass.rules.size()-1; w++){ // IMPORTANT : SIZE -1 BECAUSE THE LAST ONE HAS NOTHING LEFT FOR COMPARISON RightRule rule1 = eclass.rules.get(w); int d = rule1.itemsetJ[rule1.itemsetJ.length -1]; RightEquivalenceClass rulesForRecursion= new RightEquivalenceClass(eclass.itemsetI, eclass.tidsI, eclass.occurencesI); // for each rule J != I for(int m=w+1; m < eclass.rules.size(); m++) { RightRule rule2 = eclass.rules.get(m); int c = rule2.itemsetJ[rule2.itemsetJ.length -1]; if(matrix.getCount(c, d) < minsuppRelative) { candidatePrunedCount++; totalCandidateCount++; continue; } totalCandidateCount++; // CALCULATE TIDS OF I ==> JC Set<Integer> tidsI_JC = new HashSet<Integer>(); // for each sequence containing I Map<Integer, Occurence> mapC = mapItemCount.get(c); // depending of the relative size of tids of IUJ and tids of {c} we have two ways to calculate it if(rule1.tidsIJ.size() < mapC.size()) { // EARLY SKIP OPTIMIZATION: int remains = rule1.tidsIJ.size(); for(Integer tid: rule1.tidsIJ){ // Get the first and last occurences of C in that sequence Occurence occurenceC = mapC.get(tid); // if there is an occurence if(occurenceC != null) { Occurence occurenceI = eclass.occurencesI.get(tid); if(occurenceC.lastItemset > occurenceI.firstItemset){ // add the tid of the sequence to the tidset of JU{c} tidsI_JC.add(tid); } } remains--; if(tidsI_JC.size() + remains < minsuppRelative) { break; } } }else { // EARLY SKIP OPTIMIZATION: int remains = mapC.size(); for(Entry<Integer, Occurence> entryC: mapC.entrySet()){ int tid = entryC.getKey(); // if there is an occurence if(rule1.tidsIJ.contains(tid)) { Occurence occurenceC = entryC.getValue(); Occurence occurenceI = eclass.occurencesI.get(tid); if(occurenceC.lastItemset > occurenceI.firstItemset){ // add the tid of the sequence to the tidset of JU{c} tidsI_JC.add(tid); } } } remains--; if(tidsI_JC.size() + remains < minsuppRelative) { break; } } // if the support of I ==> JU{c} is enough if(tidsI_JC.size() >= minsuppRelative){ // CALCULATE THE OCCURENCES OF JU{c} Set<Integer> tidsJC = new HashSet<Integer>(rule1.tidsJ.size()); Map<Integer, Occurence> occurencesJC = new HashMap<Integer, Occurence>(); // for each sequence containing J if(rule1.tidsJ.size() < mapC.size()) { for(Integer tid: rule1.tidsJ){ // Get the first and last occurences of C in that sequence Occurence occurrenceC = mapC.get(tid); // if there is an occurence if(occurrenceC != null){ // add the tid of the sequence to the tidset of JU{c} tidsJC.add(tid); // calculate last occurence of JU{c} depending on if // the last occurence of J is before the last occurence // of c or not. Occurence occurenceJ = rule1.occurencesJ.get(tid); if(occurrenceC.lastItemset < occurenceJ.lastItemset){ occurencesJC.put(tid, occurrenceC); }else{ occurencesJC.put(tid, occurenceJ); } } } }else { for(Entry<Integer, Occurence> entryC: mapC.entrySet()){ int tid = entryC.getKey(); // if there is an occurence if(rule1.tidsJ.contains(tid)) { // add the tid of the sequence to the tidset of JU{c} tidsJC.add(tid); // calculate last occurence of JU{c} depending on if // the last occurence of J is before the last occurence // of c or not. Occurence occurrenceC = entryC.getValue(); Occurence occurenceJ = rule1.occurencesJ.get(tid); if(occurrenceC.lastItemset < occurenceJ.lastItemset){ occurencesJC.put(tid, occurrenceC); }else{ occurencesJC.put(tid, occurenceJ); } } } } // Create rule I ==> J U{c} and calculate its confidence // defined as: sup(I -->J U{c}) / sup(I) double confI_JC = ((double)tidsI_JC.size()) / eclass.tidsI.size(); int[] itemsetJC = new int[rule1.itemsetJ.length+1]; System.arraycopy(rule1.itemsetJ, 0, itemsetJC, 0, rule1.itemsetJ.length); itemsetJC[rule1.itemsetJ.length]= c; // if the confidence is enough if(confI_JC >= minConfidence){ // then it is a valid rule so save it saveRule(tidsI_JC, confI_JC, eclass.itemsetI, itemsetJC); } // recursively try to expand the left and right side // of the rule RightRule rightRule = new RightRule(itemsetJC, tidsJC, tidsI_JC, occurencesJC); rulesForRecursion.rules.add(rightRule); LeftRule leftRule = new LeftRule(eclass.itemsetI, eclass.tidsI, tidsI_JC); store.register(leftRule, itemsetJC, tidsJC, eclass.occurencesI, occurencesJC); // register for left expansion } } if(rulesForRecursion.rules.size() >1) { expandRight(rulesForRecursion, false); } } // check the memory usage MemoryLogger.getInstance().checkMemory(); } /** * This method calculate the frequency of each item in one database pass. * Then it remove all items that are not frequent. * @param database : a sequence database * @return A map such that key = item * value = a map where a key = tid and a value = Occurence * This map allows knowing the frequency of each item and their first and last occurence in each sequence. */ private Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Occurence>> calculateFrequencyOfEachItem(SequenceDatabase database) { // (1) Count the support of each item in the database in one database pass mapItemCount = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Integer, Occurence>>(); // <item, Map<tid, occurence>> // for each sequence in the database for(int k=0; k< database.size(); k++){ Sequence sequence = database.getSequences().get(k); // for each itemset in that sequence for(short j=0; j< sequence.getItemsets().size(); j++){ List<Integer> itemset = sequence.get(j); // for each item in that itemset for(Integer itemI : itemset){ // get the map of occurences of that item Map<Integer, Occurence> occurences = mapItemCount.get(itemI); // if this map is null, create a new one if(occurences == null){ occurences = new HashMap<Integer, Occurence>(); mapItemCount.put(itemI, occurences); occurences.put(k, new Occurence(j, j)); }else { // then update the occurence by adding j as the // last occurence in sequence k Occurence occurence = occurences.get(k); if(occurence == null){ occurences.put(k, new Occurence(j, j)); }else{ occurence.lastItemset = j; } } } } } // return the map of occurences of items return mapItemCount; } private void generateMatrix(SequenceDatabase database) { // for each sequence for(Sequence sequence : database.getSequences()){ // to remember which items have been processed Set<Integer> alreadyProcessed = new HashSet<Integer>(); // for each itemset for(List<Integer> itemsetj : sequence.getItemsets()) { // for each item for(Integer itemk : itemsetj) { if(alreadyProcessed.contains(itemk) || mapItemCount.get(itemk).size() < minsuppRelative){ continue; } /// for item k we should update the matrix with each item co-occurring Set<Integer> alreadyProcessedWithRespectToK = new HashSet<Integer>(); for(List<Integer> itemsetjj : sequence.getItemsets()) { for(Integer itemkk : itemsetjj) { if(itemkk == itemk || alreadyProcessedWithRespectToK.contains(itemkk) || mapItemCount.get(itemkk).size() < minsuppRelative){ continue; } matrix.increaseCountOfPair(itemk, itemkk); alreadyProcessedWithRespectToK.add(itemkk); } } // end second loop alreadyProcessed.add(itemk); } } } } /** * Save a rule I ==> J to the output file * @param tidsIJ the tids containing the rule * @param confIJ the confidence * @param itemsetI the left part of the rule * @param itemsetJ the right part of the rule * @throws IOException exception if error writing the file */ private void saveRule(Set<Integer> tidsIJ, double confIJ, int[] itemsetI, int[] itemsetJ) { // increase the number of rule found ruleCount++; // create a string buffer StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); // write itemset 1 (antecedent) for(int i=0; i<itemsetI.length; i++){ buffer.append(itemsetI[i]); if(i != itemsetI.length -1){ buffer.append(","); } } // write separator buffer.append(" ==> "); // write itemset 2 (consequent) for(int i=0; i<itemsetJ.length; i++){ buffer.append(itemsetJ[i]); if(i != itemsetJ.length -1){ buffer.append(","); } } // write support buffer.append(" #SUP: "); buffer.append(tidsIJ.size()); // write confidence buffer.append(" #CONF: "); buffer.append(confIJ); try { writer.write(buffer.toString()); writer.newLine(); }catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Print statistics about the last algorithm execution to System.out. */ public void printStats() { System.out.println("============= ERMiner - STATS ========"); System.out.println("Sequential rules count: " + ruleCount); System.out.println("Total time: " + (timeEnd - timeStart) + " ms"); System.out.println("Candidates pruned (%)" + candidatePrunedCount + " of " + totalCandidateCount); System.out.println("Max memory: " + MemoryLogger.getInstance().getMaxMemory()); System.out.println("=========================================="); } }