package Laborator_3_Structures.Problema_matrix; import java.util.Scanner; /** * This Class impliments a simple Program that allow you to choose what element to rewrite from a matrix * entered by User. * @author Dan * */ public class Matrix_Choose { /** * Number that is a mirror of option Menu. */ public static int choose; /** * Size of Array Rows */ public static int n = 0; /** * Size of Array Columns */ public static int m = 0; /** * String that will get answer of User. */ public static String answer = ""; /** * Bidimensional Matrix unalocated with memory. */ public static int[][] matrix; /** * Scanner Object - Scans Stream from Keyboard. */ public static Scanner in = new Scanner(; /** * In main will be called methods of Program. * @param args Console */ public static void main(String[] args) { inputNumbers(); printMatrix(); menu(); } /** * Function that alloc memory for matrix and fill it with numbers. * Numbers are entered by Object {@link #in} and and placed in {@link #matrix}. */ public static void inputNumbers() { System.out.print("Enter the dimension of matrix Rows x Columns : "); n=in.nextInt(); System.out.print(" X "); m=in.nextInt(); matrix = new int[n][m]; System.out.println("Enter elements in Rows :"); //Filling Up Matrix for(int Row = 0; Row<matrix.length ; Row++) { System.out.println("Row " + (Row+1)); for(int Column = 0 ;Column < matrix[Row].length;Column++) { System.out.println("Element "+ (Column+1)); matrix[Row][Column]=in.nextInt(); } } } /** * Print the elements of matrix */ public static void printMatrix() { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Matrix contains:"); for(int Row = 0; Row < matrix.length; Row++) { for(int Column = 0; Column < matrix[Row].length; Column++) { System.out.print(matrix[Row][Column]+" "); } System.out.println(); } } /** * Draw in Console an interface of simple menu for user. */ public static void menu() { System.out.printf("\nMENU:\n1.Print Matrix\n2.Change an Element from matrix\n3.About\n4.Exit"); answer="Retry"; choose = in.nextInt(); setChoose(); } /** * Change an element from matrix. * First of all Input indexes then value of element. * @param choose The choose from menu. */ public static void changeElement() { printMatrix(); //if answer of user is Retry if(answer.equals("Retry")) { System.out.println("What are the indexes Row x Column element?: "); int fn = in.nextInt(); int fm = in.nextInt(); //if indexes are in range of matrix if(fn<n && fm <m) { System.out.println(); System.out.printf("What is the new value of element[%d][%d]? :",fn,fm); int value = in.nextInt(); String tmp = Integer.toString(matrix[fn][fm]); if(tmp != null) { matrix[fn][fm]=value; } System.out.println("Done.."); getAnswer(); }else { System.out.printf("\nNot In Range Of Matrix\n"); getAnswer(); } }else menu(); } /** * Function that is used to ask user for Retrying last operation or get back in Menu. */ public static void getAnswer() { System.out.println("Go Back/Retry?");; while(!answer.equals("Back") || !answer.equals("Retry")) { if(answer.equals("Back")) { menu(); } else if(answer.equals("Retry")) { setChoose(); } System.out.println("Enter 'Back' or 'Retry' ");; } } /** * switching the choose of user in different cases. */ public static void setChoose() { switch(choose) { case 1: {printMatrix();menu();} break; case 2: changeElement(); break; case 3: {aboutProgram();menu();} break; case 4: System.exit(0); } } /** * About Program for User */ public static void aboutProgram() { System.out.println("Autor: Cebotarenco Dan, Infa-111"); } }