package KruskalBeta; import java.awt.* ; import javax.swing.*; /** *Draw is only the part where the trees will be shape. After the user chooses the *number of node that he wants, nodes will be shape on the second part. On first time, the application *shapes as much as oval that node define on the first main part. And it writes the number of each node in *their center. * @author Dan * */ public class Draw extends JPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private int numberOfNodes=0; private String choiceKp="Kruskal"; Arc[] tree; public int numberOfArc=0; Arc[] finalTree=new Arc[2500]; public boolean end=false; public boolean again=false; private int cpt=0; public Draw() { tree = new Arc[2500]; setBackground(Color.white); } /* * We call to the constructor of parent class to * initialize the graphics g, and we create a graphics2D 18 * from g.Then we recover the height and the width which * we will use to place different design. */ public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; int width = getSize().width; int height = getSize().height; double angle = 0; Stroke s = g2.getStroke(); for(int i=0;i<numberOfArc;i++) { int node1=tree[i].getNode1(); int node2=tree[i].getNode2(); /* * Now we will draw the initial arcs that the user * enters one by one. After the user clicks on the * send�s button, we must refresh the display, and draw * the last arc that the user enters. In a loop going of * 0 to number of arcs, we will pick up the two vertices * of each arc, and we will calculate the angle that its * fact compared to the trigonometrical circle. */ angle =(node1-1)*(2*Math.PI / numberOfNodes); double angle1=(node2-1)*(2*Math.PI / numberOfNodes); g2.setColor(Color.gray); /* * Then we will calculate the coordinates to draw * the arc selected with the height and the width and * with cosine and sine. */ int x=(int)( (width/2)-( (width/4)*Math.cos(angle))+15 ); int y =(int) ( height/2- (height/4)*Math.sin(angle)+15 ); int x2=(int)( (width/2)-( (width/4)*Math.cos(angle1))+15 ); int y2=(int) ( height/2- (height/4)*Math.sin(angle1)+15 ); /* * When we have the coordinates, we change the * color and we draw the line and this weight. */ g2.drawLine(x,y,x2,y2); g.setColor(Color.gray); g.drawString(""+(tree[i].getCost()),(int) ((x+x2)/2+30), (int) ((y+y2)/2 +30) ); } for(int i=0;i<getCpt();i++) { if(finalTree[i]!=null) { int top1=finalTree[i].getNode1(); int top2=finalTree[i].getNode2(); angle =(top1-1)*(2*Math.PI / numberOfNodes); double angle1=(top2-1)*(2*Math.PI / numberOfNodes); g2.setColor(; /* * After we test if the final tree is create. If the array is not empty and if the user * clicks on the step�s button, we draw as much arcs as the user hasclicked on the button. * These arcs will be drawing in red and they will be largest. Before drawing we save the graphical context, * we practice a zoom of two pixels, we draw arcs and weight of arcs and we 19restore the old graphical context. */ g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); int x=(int) ((width/2)-( (width/4)*Math.cos(angle))+15 ); int y =(int) (height/2- (height/4)*Math.sin(angle)+15 ); int x2=(int) ((width/2)-( (width/4)*Math.cos(angle1))+15 ); int y2=(int) (height/2- (height/4)*Math.sin(angle1)+15 ); g2.drawLine(x,y,x2,y2); g2.setStroke(s); g.setColor(; g.drawString(""+(finalTree[i].getCost()) , (int)((x+x2)/2 +30), (int) ((y+y2)/2 +30) ); } } angle=0; /* * To finish we will draw each vertices. For each vertex we will change the color in dark gray and * we will draw oval around the trigonometrical circle. Then we change the color in white and we * draw the number of the vertex in the oval. At last we modifythe angle to be able to draw other vertex. */ for(int i=0;i<numberOfNodes;i++) { g2.setColor(Color.darkGray); g2.fillOval( (int)( (width/2)-( (width/4)*Math.cos(angle)) ), (int) ( height/2- (height/4)*Math.sin(angle) ), 30, 30) ; g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString(""+(i+1) , (int)( (width/2)-( (width/4)*Math.cos(angle)) +10), (int) ( height/2- (height/4)*Math.sin(angle)+20 )); angle+=2*Math.PI / numberOfNodes; } } public int getCpt() { return cpt; } public void setCpt(int i) { this.cpt=i; } public int getNumberOfNodes() { return numberOfNodes; } public void setNumberOfNodes(int i) { this.numberOfNodes = i ; } public void setChoice(String s) { this.choiceKp = s ; } public String getChoice() { return choiceKp; } public int getNumberOfArc() { return numberOfArc; } public void addArc(Arc a,int nbarc) { tree[nbarc]=a; numberOfArc++; } public void modifArc(int emplacement, int poid) { tree[emplacement].setCost(poid); } }