package KruskalBeta; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.*; /** * The last main part allows the user to define arcs of the tree. He writes the first number of a * node then the second and to finish the weight of this arc. When the user writes theses three information�s, * he can clicks on the send�s button and the arc will be shape on the second main part with the node. * There are for this part,three JtextField,three JLabel and two Jbutton. When the user enters all the information * and clicks on the send's button, we pick up each information and we stock them on different string.We test if each string is * a good number and if the user does not put two same node or number of node so high compared to the highest node. * Finally we test if arc does not in the tree yet. * If he does not in, we put the arc after the last arc that put in the tree. * When the user enters all arcs that he wants, he can click on the step's button, the Kruskal algorithm will be run. * The user must click on the step's button to see step by step the advence of program. * @author Dan * */ public class South extends JPanel implements ActionListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private JTextField attachment1 =new JTextField(""); private JTextField attachment2 =new JTextField(""); private JTextField valueOfArc =new JTextField(""); private JButton send = new JButton("Deseneaza"); private JButton step = new JButton("Solutia"); private JLabel node1 = new JLabel("1 Nod"); private JLabel node2 = new JLabel("2 Nod"); private JLabel cost = new JLabel("Lungime"); private String regularExpression = "([1-9][0-9]*)"; Draw d; public int numberOfNodes =50; Arc[]tree = new Arc[numberOfNodes*numberOfNodes]; Kruskal k; private final JLabel author = new JLabel("llllllllllllllllllll"); private final JLabel lblCebotarencoDan = new JLabel("Cebotarenco Dan"); public South( Draw d) { this.d=d; initTree(tree); setBackground(; send.addActionListener(this); step.addActionListener(this); node1.setForeground(Color.white); this.add(node1); attachment1.setColumns(4); this.add(attachment1); node2.setForeground(Color.white); this.add(node2); attachment2.setColumns(4); this.add(attachment2); cost.setForeground(Color.white); this.add(cost); valueOfArc.setColumns(4); this.add(valueOfArc); this.add(send); this.add(step); author.setFont(new Font("SimSun-ExtB", Font.ITALIC, 10)); author.setForeground(Color.BLACK); this.add(author); lblCebotarencoDan.setFont(new Font("SimSun-ExtB", Font.ITALIC, 10)); lblCebotarencoDan.setForeground(Color.WHITE); add(lblCebotarencoDan); } public void initTree(Arc[]tree) { for(int i=0;i<tree.length;i++) { tree[i]=null; } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if(d.again) { initTree(tree); d.again=false; } if(event.getSource() == send) { String c1=attachment1.getText(); String c2=attachment2.getText(); String c3=valueOfArc.getText(); if(c1.matches(regularExpression ) && c2.matches(regularExpression ) && c3.matches(regularExpression ) ) { int s1 =Integer.parseInt(c1); int s2 =Integer.parseInt(c2); int value=Integer.parseInt(c3); if(s1<=d.getNumberOfNodes() && s2<=d.getNumberOfNodes() && s1!=s2) { Arc a = new Arc(s1,s2,value); boolean already=false; int emplacement =0; int i=0; while(tree[i]!=null && i<tree.length) { if( ( tree[i].getNode1()==a.getNode1()||tree[i].getNode1()==a.getNode2())&&( tree[i].getNode2()==a.getNode1()||tree[i].getNode2()==a.getNode2() ) ) { emplacement=i; already =true; } i++; } if(!already) { tree[d.getNumberOfArc()]=a; d.addArc(a,d.getNumberOfArc()); } else { tree[emplacement].setCost(value); d.modifArc(emplacement,value); } d.repaint(); } } } else if(event.getSource()==step) { if(tree[0]!=null) { if(d.getCpt()==0) { if(d.getChoice().equals("Kruskal")) { k=new Kruskal(tree , d.getNumberOfNodes(), d.getNumberOfArc()); d.finalTree=k.tree; } d.end=true; } if(d.finalTree[d.getCpt()]!=null) { d.setCpt(d.getCpt()+1); } d.repaint(); } } } }