/* * Copyright (c) 2014. Marshal Chen. */ package com.marshalchen.common.usefulModule.standuptimer.dao; import static android.provider.BaseColumns._ID; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.marshalchen.common.usefulModule.standuptimer.model.Team; import com.marshalchen.common.usefulModule.standuptimer.utils.Logger; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; public class TeamDAO extends DAOHelper { public TeamDAO(Context ctx) { super(ctx, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION); } public Team save(Team team) { SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase(); if (team.getId() != null) { return updateExistingTeam(db, team); } else { return createNewTeam(db, team); } } public Team findById(Long id) { Cursor cursor = null; Team team = null; try { SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase(); cursor = db.query(TEAMS_TABLE_NAME, TEAMS_ALL_COLUMS, _ID + " = ?", new String[]{id.toString()}, null, null, null); if (cursor.getCount() == 1) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { String name = cursor.getString(1); team = new Team(id, name); } } } finally { closeCursor(cursor); } return team; } public Team findByName(String name) { Cursor cursor = null; Team team = null; name = name.trim(); try { SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase(); cursor = db.query(TEAMS_TABLE_NAME, TEAMS_ALL_COLUMS, TEAMS_NAME + " = ?", new String[]{name}, null, null, null); if (cursor.getCount() == 1) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { long id = cursor.getLong(0); name = cursor.getString(1); team = new Team(id, name); } } } finally { closeCursor(cursor); } Logger.d((team == null ? "Unsuccessfully" : "Successfully") + " found team with a name of '" + name + "'"); return team; } public List<String> findAllTeamNames() { List<String> teamNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Cursor cursor = null; try { SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase(); cursor = db.query(TEAMS_TABLE_NAME, new String[]{TEAMS_NAME}, null, null, null, null, TEAMS_NAME); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { teamNames.add(cursor.getString(0)); } } finally { closeCursor(cursor); } Logger.d("Found " + teamNames.size() + " teams"); return teamNames; } public void deleteAll() { Logger.d("Deleting all teams"); SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase(); db.delete(TEAMS_TABLE_NAME, null, null); } public void delete(Team team) { Logger.d("Deleting team with the name of '" + team.getName() + "'"); if (team.getId() != null) { SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase(); db.delete(TEAMS_TABLE_NAME, _ID + " = ?", new String[]{team.getId().toString()}); } } private boolean attemptingToCreateDuplicateTeam(Team team) { return team.getId() == null && findByName(team.getName()) != null; } private Team createNewTeam(SQLiteDatabase db, Team team) { if (team.getName() == null || team.getName().trim().length() == 0) { String msg = "Attempting to create a team with an empty name"; Logger.w(msg); throw new InvalidTeamNameException(msg); } if (attemptingToCreateDuplicateTeam(team)) { String msg = "Attempting to create duplicate team with the name " + team.getName(); Logger.w(msg); throw new DuplicateTeamException(msg); } Logger.d("Creating new team with a name of '" + team.getName() + "'"); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(TEAMS_NAME, team.getName()); long id = db.insertOrThrow(TEAMS_TABLE_NAME, null, values); return new Team(id, team.getName()); } private Team updateExistingTeam(SQLiteDatabase db, Team team) { Logger.d("Updating team with the name of '" + team.getName() + "'"); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(TEAMS_NAME, team.getName()); long id = db.update(TEAMS_TABLE_NAME, values, _ID + " = ?", new String[]{team.getId().toString()}); return new Team(id, team.getName()); } }