package; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9.ECNamedCurveTable; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9.X9ECParameters; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bouncycastle.util.BigIntegers; public class DiscoverEndomorphisms { private static final int radix = 16; public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { System.err.println("Expected a list of curve names as arguments"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { discoverEndomorphism(args[i]); } } private static void discoverEndomorphism(String curveName) { X9ECParameters x9 = ECNamedCurveTable.getByName(curveName); if (x9 == null) { System.err.println("Unknown curve: " + curveName); return; } ECCurve c = x9.getCurve(); if (ECAlgorithms.isFpCurve(c)) { BigInteger characteristic = c.getField().getCharacteristic(); if (c.getA().isZero() && characteristic.mod(ECConstants.THREE).equals(ECConstants.ONE)) { System.out.println("Curve '" + curveName + "' has a 'GLV Type B' endomorphism with these parameters: "); printGLVTypeBParameters(x9); } } } private static void printGLVTypeBParameters(X9ECParameters x9) { BigInteger n = x9.getN(); BigInteger[] v1 = null; BigInteger[] v2 = null; // x^2 + x + 1 = 0 mod n BigInteger lambda = solveQuadraticEquation(n, ECConstants.ONE, ECConstants.ONE); BigInteger[] rt = extEuclidGLV(n, lambda); v1 = new BigInteger[]{ rt[2], rt[3].negate() }; v2 = chooseShortest(new BigInteger[]{ rt[0], rt[1].negate() }, new BigInteger[]{ rt[4], rt[5].negate() }); /* * If elements of v2 are not bounded by sqrt(n), then if r1/t1 are relatively prime there * _may_ yet be a GLV generator, so search for it. See * "Integer Decomposition for Fast Scalar Multiplication on Elliptic Curves", D. Kim, S. Lim * (SAC 2002) */ if (!isVectorBoundedBySqrt(v2, n) && areRelativelyPrime(v1[0], v1[1])) { BigInteger r = v1[0], t = v1[1], s = r.add(t.multiply(lambda)).divide(n); BigInteger[] vw = extEuclidBezout(new BigInteger[]{ s.abs(), t.abs() }); BigInteger v = vw[0], w = vw[1]; if (s.signum() < 0) { v = v.negate(); } if (t.signum() > 0) { w = w.negate(); } BigInteger check = s.multiply(v).subtract(t.multiply(w)); if (!check.equals(ECConstants.ONE)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } BigInteger x = w.multiply(n).subtract(v.multiply(lambda)); BigInteger base1 = v.negate(); BigInteger base2 = x.negate(); /* * We calculate the range(s) conservatively large to avoid messy rounding issues, so * there may be spurious candidate generators, but we won't miss any. */ BigInteger sqrtN = isqrt(n.subtract(ECConstants.ONE)).add(ECConstants.ONE); BigInteger[] I1 = calculateRange(base1, sqrtN, t); BigInteger[] I2 = calculateRange(base2, sqrtN, r); BigInteger[] range = intersect(I1, I2); if (range != null) { for (BigInteger alpha = range[0]; alpha.compareTo(range[1]) <= 0; alpha = alpha.add(ECConstants.ONE)) { BigInteger[] candidate = new BigInteger[]{ x.add(alpha.multiply(r)), v.add(alpha.multiply(t)) }; if (isShorter(candidate, v2)) { v2 = candidate; } } } } /* * 'Beta' is a field element of order 3. There are only two such values besides 1; determine which of them * corresponds to our choice for 'Lambda'. */ ECFieldElement beta; { ECPoint G = x9.getG().normalize(); ECPoint mapG = G.multiply(lambda).normalize(); if (!G.getYCoord().equals(mapG.getYCoord())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Derivation of GLV Type B parameters failed unexpectedly"); } BigInteger q = x9.getCurve().getField().getCharacteristic(); BigInteger e = q.divide(ECConstants.THREE); SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); BigInteger b; do { BigInteger r = BigIntegers.createRandomInRange(ECConstants.TWO, q.subtract(ECConstants.TWO), random); b = r.modPow(e, q); } while (b.equals(ECConstants.ONE)); beta = x9.getCurve().fromBigInteger(ECConstants.TWO.modPow(e, q)); if (!G.getXCoord().multiply(beta).equals(mapG.getXCoord())) { beta = beta.square(); if (!G.getXCoord().multiply(beta).equals(mapG.getXCoord())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Derivation of GLV Type B parameters failed unexpectedly"); } } } /* * These parameters are used to avoid division when decomposing the scalar in a GLV point multiplication */ BigInteger d = (v1[0].multiply(v2[1])).subtract(v1[1].multiply(v2[0])); int bits = n.bitLength() + 16 - (n.bitLength() & 7); BigInteger g1 = roundQuotient(v2[1].shiftLeft(bits), d); BigInteger g2 = roundQuotient(v1[1].shiftLeft(bits), d).negate(); printProperty("Beta", beta.toBigInteger().toString(radix)); printProperty("Lambda", lambda.toString(radix)); printProperty("v1", "{ " + v1[0].toString(radix) + ", " + v1[1].toString(radix) + " }"); printProperty("v2", "{ " + v2[0].toString(radix) + ", " + v2[1].toString(radix) + " }"); printProperty("(OPT) g1", g1.toString(radix)); printProperty("(OPT) g2", g2.toString(radix)); printProperty("(OPT) bits", Integer.toString(bits)); } private static void printProperty(String name, Object value) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(" "); sb.append(name); while (sb.length() < 20) { sb.append(' '); } sb.append("= "); sb.append(value.toString()); System.out.println(sb.toString()); } private static boolean areRelativelyPrime(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) { return a.gcd(b).equals(ECConstants.ONE); } private static BigInteger[] calculateRange(BigInteger mid, BigInteger off, BigInteger div) { BigInteger i1 = mid.subtract(off).divide(div); BigInteger i2 = mid.add(off).divide(div); return order(i1, i2); } private static BigInteger[] extEuclidBezout(BigInteger[] ab) { boolean swap = ab[0].compareTo(ab[1]) < 0; if (swap) { swap(ab); } BigInteger r0 = ab[0], r1 = ab[1]; BigInteger s0 = ECConstants.ONE, s1 = ECConstants.ZERO; BigInteger t0 = ECConstants.ZERO, t1 = ECConstants.ONE; while (r1.compareTo(ECConstants.ONE) > 0) { BigInteger[] qr = r0.divideAndRemainder(r1); BigInteger q = qr[0], r2 = qr[1]; BigInteger s2 = s0.subtract(q.multiply(s1)); BigInteger t2 = t0.subtract(q.multiply(t1)); r0 = r1; r1 = r2; s0 = s1; s1 = s2; t0 = t1; t1 = t2; } if (r1.signum() <= 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } BigInteger[] st = new BigInteger[]{ s1, t1 }; if (swap) { swap(st); } return st; } private static BigInteger[] extEuclidGLV(BigInteger n, BigInteger lambda) { BigInteger r0 = n, r1 = lambda; // BigInteger s0 = ECConstants.ONE, s1 = ECConstants.ZERO; BigInteger t0 = ECConstants.ZERO, t1 = ECConstants.ONE; for (;;) { BigInteger[] qr = r0.divideAndRemainder(r1); BigInteger q = qr[0], r2 = qr[1]; // BigInteger s2 = s0.subtract(q.multiply(s1)); BigInteger t2 = t0.subtract(q.multiply(t1)); if (isLessThanSqrt(r1, n)) { return new BigInteger[]{ r0, t0, r1, t1, r2, t2 }; } r0 = r1; r1 = r2; // s0 = s1; // s1 = s2; t0 = t1; t1 = t2; } } private static BigInteger[] chooseShortest(BigInteger[] u, BigInteger[] v) { return isShorter(u, v) ? u : v; } private static BigInteger[] intersect(BigInteger[] ab, BigInteger[] cd) { BigInteger min = ab[0].max(cd[0]); BigInteger max = ab[1].min(cd[1]); if (min.compareTo(max) > 0) { return null; } return new BigInteger[]{ min, max }; } private static boolean isLessThanSqrt(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) { a = a.abs(); b = b.abs(); int target = b.bitLength(), maxBits = a.bitLength() * 2, minBits = maxBits - 1; return minBits <= target && (maxBits < target || a.multiply(a).compareTo(b) < 0); } private static boolean isShorter(BigInteger[] u, BigInteger[] v) { BigInteger u1 = u[0].abs(), u2 = u[1].abs(), v1 = v[0].abs(), v2 = v[1].abs(); // TODO Check whether "shorter" just means by rectangle norm: // return u1.max(u2).compareTo(v1.max(v2)) < 0; boolean c1 = u1.compareTo(v1) < 0, c2 = u2.compareTo(v2) < 0; if (c1 == c2) { return c1; } BigInteger du = u1.multiply(u1).add(u2.multiply(u2)); BigInteger dv = v1.multiply(v1).add(v2.multiply(v2)); return du.compareTo(dv) < 0; } private static boolean isVectorBoundedBySqrt(BigInteger[] v, BigInteger n) { BigInteger max = v[0].abs().max(v[1].abs()); return isLessThanSqrt(max, n); } private static BigInteger[] order(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) { if (a.compareTo(b) <= 0) { return new BigInteger[]{ a, b }; } return new BigInteger[]{ b, a }; } private static BigInteger roundQuotient(BigInteger x, BigInteger y) { boolean negative = (x.signum() != y.signum()); x = x.abs(); y = y.abs(); BigInteger result = x.add(y.shiftRight(1)).divide(y); return negative ? result.negate() : result; } private static BigInteger solveQuadraticEquation(BigInteger n, BigInteger r, BigInteger s) { BigInteger det = r.multiply(r).subtract(s.shiftLeft(2)).mod(n); BigInteger root = new ECFieldElement.Fp(n, det).sqrt().toBigInteger(); if (!root.testBit(0)) { root = n.subtract(root); } return root.shiftRight(1); // NOTE: implicit -1 of the low-bit } private static BigInteger isqrt(BigInteger x) { BigInteger g0 = x.shiftRight(x.bitLength() / 2); for (;;) { BigInteger g1 = g0.add(x.divide(g0)).shiftRight(1); if (g1.equals(g0)) { return g1; } g0 = g1; } } private static void swap(BigInteger[] ab) { BigInteger tmp = ab[0]; ab[0] = ab[1]; ab[1] = tmp; } }