package de.idyl.winzipaes; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.rareventure.util.OutputStreamToInputStreamPipe; import com.rareventure.util.OutputStreamToInputStreamPipe.PipeClosedException; import de.idyl.winzipaes.impl.AESDecrypter; import de.idyl.winzipaes.impl.ByteArrayHelper; import de.idyl.winzipaes.impl.CentralDirectoryEntry; import de.idyl.winzipaes.impl.ExtRandomAccessFile; import de.idyl.winzipaes.impl.ExtZipEntry; import de.idyl.winzipaes.impl.ExtZipOutputStream; import de.idyl.winzipaes.impl.ZipConstants; /** * List/Extract data from AES encrypted WinZip file (readOnly). * * TODO - support 128 + 192 keys * TODO - refactor this class to use an ExtZipInputStream and put all "offset handling" there * * @see * * @author * @author */ public class AesZipFileDecrypter implements ZipConstants { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger( AesZipFileDecrypter.class.getName() ); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** charset to use for filename(s) - defaults to iso-8859-1 */ public static String charset = "iso-8859-1"; /** size of buffer to use for byte[] operations - defaults to 1024 */ protected static int bufferSize = 1024 * 10; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected AESDecrypter decrypter; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** random access file to access the archive data */ protected ExtRandomAccessFile raFile; /** where does the directory (after file data) start? */ protected long dirOffsetPos; protected File zipFile; protected String comment; private static final int LOOP_COUNT_BEFORE_UPDATE = 10; public AesZipFileDecrypter( File zipFile, AESDecrypter decrypter ) throws IOException { this.zipFile = zipFile; this.decrypter = decrypter; this.raFile = new ExtRandomAccessFile( zipFile ); initDirOffsetPosAndComment(); } protected void initDirOffsetPosAndComment() throws IOException { // zip files without a comment contain the offset/position of the central directory at this fixed position this.dirOffsetPos = zipFile.length() - 6; final int dirOffset = raFile.readInt( this.dirOffsetPos - 16 ); if( dirOffset!=ENDSIG ) { // if a comment is present, search the ENDSIG constant, starting at the end of the zip file byte[] endsig = ByteArrayHelper.toByteArray((int)ZipConstants.ENDSIG); long endsigPos = raFile.lastPosOf(endsig); if( endsigPos==-1 ) { throw new ZipException("expected ENDSIC not found (marks the beginning of the central directory at end of the zip file)"); } else { this.dirOffsetPos = endsigPos+16; short commentLength = raFile.readShort( this.dirOffsetPos + 4 ); this.comment = new String( raFile.readByteArray( this.dirOffsetPos+6, commentLength ) ); } } } public void close() throws IOException { raFile.close(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * return list of entries from zip file - the list contains files as well as non-decryptable (!) * directories, that can be determined by using the isDirectory() method */ public List<ExtZipEntry> getEntryList() throws IOException, ZipException { List<ExtZipEntry> out = new ArrayList<ExtZipEntry>(); short totalNumberOfEntries = this.getNumberOfEntries(); final int dirOffset = raFile.readInt( this.dirOffsetPos ); long fileOffset = dirOffset; for( int i=0; i<totalNumberOfEntries; i++ ) { int censig = raFile.readInt( fileOffset ); if( censig!=CENSIG ) { throw new ZipException("expected CENSIC not found at entry no " + (i+1) + " in central directory at end of zip file at " + fileOffset); } short fileNameLength = raFile.readShort( fileOffset + 28 ); short extraFieldLength = raFile.readShort( fileOffset + 30 ); long fileOffsetPos = fileOffset + 28 + 14; long fileDataOffset = raFile.readInt( fileOffsetPos ); int locsig = raFile.readInt( fileDataOffset ); if( locsig!=LOCSIG ) { throw new ZipException("expected LOCSIC not found at alleged position of data for file no " + (i+1)); } byte[] fileNameBytes = raFile.readByteArray( fileOffsetPos+4, fileNameLength ); long nextFileOffset = raFile.getFilePointer(); String fileName = new String( fileNameBytes, charset ); CentralDirectoryEntry cde = new CentralDirectoryEntry( raFile, fileOffset ); ExtZipEntry zipEntry = new ExtZipEntry( fileName, cde ); zipEntry.setCompressedSize( cde.getCompressedSize() ); zipEntry.setSize( cde.getUncompressedSize() ); long dosTime = raFile.readInt( fileOffset + 12 ); zipEntry.setTime( ExtZipEntry.dosToJavaTime(dosTime) ); if( cde.isEncrypted() ) { zipEntry.setMethod( cde.getActualCompressionMethod() ); zipEntry.setOffset( (int)(cde.getLocalHeaderOffset() + cde.getLocalHeaderSize()) + cde.getCryptoHeaderLength() ); zipEntry.initEncryptedEntry(); } else { zipEntry.setMethod( ZipEntry.DEFLATED ); zipEntry.setPrimaryCompressionMethod( ZipEntry.DEFLATED ); } nextFileOffset += extraFieldLength; out.add(zipEntry); fileOffset = nextFileOffset; } return out; } public ExtZipEntry getEntry( String name ) throws IOException, ZipException, DataFormatException { for( ExtZipEntry zipEntry : getEntryList() ) { if( name.equals(zipEntry.getName()) ) { return zipEntry; } } return null; } protected void checkZipEntry(ExtZipEntry zipEntry) throws ZipException { if( zipEntry==null ) { throw new ZipException("zipEntry must NOT be NULL"); } if( zipEntry.isDirectory() ) { throw new ZipException("directory entries cannot be decrypted"); } if( !zipEntry.isEncrypted() ) { throw new ZipException( "currently only extracts encrypted files - use to unzip" ); } } public void extractEntryWithTmpFile( ExtZipEntry zipEntry, File outFile, String password ) throws IOException, ZipException, DataFormatException { checkZipEntry(zipEntry); CentralDirectoryEntry cde = zipEntry.getCentralDirectoryEntry(); if( !cde.isAesEncrypted() ) { throw new ZipException("only AES encrypted files are supported"); } int cryptoHeaderOffset = zipEntry.getOffset() - cde.getCryptoHeaderLength(); byte[] salt = raFile.readByteArray( cryptoHeaderOffset, 16 ); byte[] pwVerification = raFile.readByteArray( cryptoHeaderOffset+16, 2 ); if( LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) ) { LOG.finest( "\n" + cde.toString() ); LOG.finest( "offset = " + zipEntry.getOffset() ); LOG.finest( "cryptoOff = " + cryptoHeaderOffset ); LOG.finest( "password = " + password + " - " + password.length() ); LOG.finest( "salt = " + ByteArrayHelper.toString(salt) + " - " + salt.length ); LOG.finest( "pwVerif = " + ByteArrayHelper.toString(pwVerification) + " - " + pwVerification.length ); } // encrypter throws ZipException for wrong password decrypter.init( password, 256, salt, pwVerification ); // create tmp file that contains the decrypted, but still compressed data File tmpFile = new File( outFile.getPath() + "" ); makeDir( tmpFile.getParent() ); ExtZipOutputStream zos = null; ZipFile zf = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; InputStream is = null; try { zos = new ExtZipOutputStream( tmpFile ); ExtZipEntry tmpEntry = new ExtZipEntry( zipEntry ); tmpEntry.setPrimaryCompressionMethod( zipEntry.getMethod() ); zos.putNextEntry( tmpEntry ); cde.getOffset() ); byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int remaining = (int)zipEntry.getEncryptedDataSize(); while( remaining>0 ) { int len = (remaining>buffer.length) ? buffer.length : remaining; int read = raFile.readByteArray(buffer,len); decrypter.decrypt( buffer, read ); zos.writeBytes( buffer, 0, read ); remaining -= len; } zos.finish(); zos = null; byte[] storedMac = new byte[10]; raFile.readByteArray(storedMac,10); byte[] calcMac = decrypter.getFinalAuthentication(); if( LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) { LOG.fine( "storedMac=" + Arrays.toString(storedMac) ); LOG.fine( "calcMac=" + Arrays.toString(calcMac) ); } if( !Arrays.equals(storedMac, calcMac ) ) { throw new ZipException("stored authentication (mac) value does not match calculated one"); } zf = new ZipFile( tmpFile ); ZipEntry ze = zf.entries().nextElement(); is = zf.getInputStream( ze ); fos = new FileOutputStream ( outFile.getPath() ); int read = buffer ); while( read>0 ) { fos.write( buffer, 0, read ); read = buffer ); } } finally { if (zos != null) { zos.close(); } if (zf != null) { zf.close(); } if (fos != null) { fos.close(); } if (is != null) { is.close(); } } tmpFile.delete(); } /** number of entries in file (files AND directories) */ public short getNumberOfEntries() throws IOException { return raFile.readShort( this.dirOffsetPos-6 ); } protected static void makeDir(String dirStr) { if(dirStr!=null) { makeDir(new File(dirStr)); } } protected static void makeDir(File dir) { if( dir!=null ) { if( !dir.exists() ) { if( dir.getParent()!=null ) { File parentDir = new File(dir.getParent()); if( !parentDir.exists() ) { makeDir(parentDir); } } dir.mkdir(); } } } /** return the zip file's comment (if defined) */ public String getComment() { return comment; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * extract zipEntry - uses in-memory, so your file (stream contents) should not be too big */ public void extractEntry(ExtZipEntry zipEntry, OutputStream outStream, String password) throws IOException, ZipException, DataFormatException { checkZipEntry(zipEntry); ZipInputStream zipInputStream = null; ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null; try { CentralDirectoryEntry cde = zipEntry.getCentralDirectoryEntry(); if (!cde.isAesEncrypted()) { throw new ZipException("only AES encrypted files are supported"); } int cryptoHeaderOffset = zipEntry.getOffset() - cde.getCryptoHeaderLength(); byte[] salt = raFile.readByteArray(cryptoHeaderOffset, 16); byte[] pwVerification = raFile.readByteArray(cryptoHeaderOffset + 16, 2); if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { LOG.finest("\n" + cde.toString()); LOG.finest("offset = " + zipEntry.getOffset()); LOG.finest("cryptoOff = " + cryptoHeaderOffset); LOG.finest("password = " + password + " - " + password.length()); LOG.finest("salt = " + ByteArrayHelper.toString(salt) + " - " + salt.length); LOG.finest("pwVerif = " + ByteArrayHelper.toString(pwVerification) + " - " + pwVerification.length); } // encrypter throws ZipException for wrong password decrypter.init(password, 256, salt, pwVerification); bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(bufferSize); ExtZipOutputStream zos = new ExtZipOutputStream(bos); ExtZipEntry tmpEntry = new ExtZipEntry(zipEntry); tmpEntry.setPrimaryCompressionMethod(zipEntry.getMethod()); tmpEntry.setCompressedSize(zipEntry.getEncryptedDataSize()); zos.putNextEntry(tmpEntry);; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32(); int remaining = (int) zipEntry.getEncryptedDataSize(); while (remaining > 0) { int len = (remaining > buffer.length) ? buffer.length : remaining; int read = raFile.readByteArray(buffer, len); decrypter.decrypt(buffer, read); zos.writeBytes(buffer, 0, read); remaining -= len; crc32.update(buffer, 0, read); } tmpEntry.setCrc(crc32.getValue()); zos.finish(); byte[] storedMac = new byte[10]; raFile.readByteArray(storedMac, 10); byte[] calcMac = decrypter.getFinalAuthentication(); if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("storedMac=" + Arrays.toString(storedMac)); LOG.fine("calcMac=" + Arrays.toString(calcMac)); } if (!Arrays.equals(storedMac, calcMac)) { throw new ZipException("stored authentication (mac) value does not match calculated one"); } zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray())); ZipEntry entry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry(); // At the end of the entry read-cycle a CRC check is performed. // Because our entry doesn't have a CRC this will result in an Exception // we solve this by updating a CRC and pass this to the entry. entry.setCrc( crc32.getValue() ); if( entry.getSize()!=0 ) { crc32 = new CRC32(); int read =; while (read > 0) { outStream.write(buffer, 0, read); crc32.update(buffer, 0, read); entry.setCrc(crc32.getValue()); read =; } } } finally { if (bos != null) { bos.close(); } if (zipInputStream != null) { zipInputStream.close(); } // not opened here, so we don't close it here // if (outStream != null) { // outStream.close(); // } } } /** * extract zipEntry - uses in-memory, so your file should not be too big */ public void extractEntry(ExtZipEntry zipEntry, File outFile, String password) throws IOException, ZipException, DataFormatException { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(bufferSize); fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile); extractEntry(zipEntry, bos, password); byte[] buffer = bos.toByteArray(); fos.write(buffer); } finally { if (bos != null) { bos.close(); } if (fos != null) { fos.close(); } } } public static interface ProgressListener { void notifyProgress(int count, int total); /** * If true, extractEnteryToZippedByteArray will stop */ boolean isCanceled(); } /** * extract zipEntry - uses in-memory, so your file (stream contents) should not be too big * @param progressListener * @return */ public byte[] extractEntryToZippedByteArray(ExtZipEntry zipEntry, String password, ProgressListener progressListener) throws IOException, ZipException, DataFormatException { checkZipEntry(zipEntry); ZipInputStream zipInputStream = null; BufAccessibleByteArrayOutputStream bos = null; try { CentralDirectoryEntry cde = zipEntry.getCentralDirectoryEntry(); if (!cde.isAesEncrypted()) { throw new ZipException("only AES encrypted files are supported"); } int cryptoHeaderOffset = zipEntry.getOffset() - cde.getCryptoHeaderLength(); byte[] salt = raFile.readByteArray(cryptoHeaderOffset, 16); byte[] pwVerification = raFile.readByteArray(cryptoHeaderOffset + 16, 2); if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { LOG.finest("\n" + cde.toString()); LOG.finest("offset = " + zipEntry.getOffset()); LOG.finest("cryptoOff = " + cryptoHeaderOffset); LOG.finest("password = " + password + " - " + password.length()); LOG.finest("salt = " + ByteArrayHelper.toString(salt) + " - " + salt.length); LOG.finest("pwVerif = " + ByteArrayHelper.toString(pwVerification) + " - " + pwVerification.length); } // encrypter throws ZipException for wrong password decrypter.init(password, 256, salt, pwVerification); bos = new BufAccessibleByteArrayOutputStream(bufferSize); ExtZipOutputStream zos = new ExtZipOutputStream(bos); ExtZipEntry tmpEntry = new ExtZipEntry(zipEntry); tmpEntry.setPrimaryCompressionMethod(zipEntry.getMethod()); tmpEntry.setCompressedSize(zipEntry.getEncryptedDataSize()); zos.putNextEntry(tmpEntry);; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int total = (int) zipEntry.getEncryptedDataSize(); int count = 0; int loops = 0; while (count < total) { int remaining = total - count; int len = (remaining > buffer.length) ? buffer.length : remaining; int read = raFile.readByteArray(buffer, len); decrypter.decrypt(buffer, read); zos.writeBytes(buffer, 0, read); count += len; if(progressListener != null && loops % LOOP_COUNT_BEFORE_UPDATE == 0) { progressListener.notifyProgress(count, total); if(progressListener.isCanceled()) { return null; } } } zos.finish(); byte[] storedMac = new byte[10]; raFile.readByteArrayFully(storedMac, 0, 10); byte[] calcMac = decrypter.getFinalAuthentication(); if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("storedMac=" + Arrays.toString(storedMac)); LOG.fine("calcMac=" + Arrays.toString(calcMac)); } if (!Arrays.equals(storedMac, calcMac)) { throw new ZipException("stored authentication (mac) value does not match calculated one"); } byte [] data = bos.getBuf(); return data; } finally { if (zipInputStream != null) { zipInputStream.close(); } } } }