package de.westnordost.streetcomplete.tangram; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mapzen.tangram.LabelPickResult; import com.mapzen.tangram.LngLat; import com.mapzen.tangram.MapController; import com.mapzen.tangram.MapData; import com.mapzen.tangram.TouchInput; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import de.westnordost.streetcomplete.util.SlippyMapMath; import; import; import de.westnordost.streetcomplete.util.SphericalEarthMath; public class QuestsMapFragment extends MapFragment implements TouchInput.TapResponder, MapController.LabelPickListener { private static final String MARKER_QUEST_ID = "quest_id"; private static final String MARKER_QUEST_GROUP = "quest_group"; private static final String GEOMETRY_LAYER = "streetcomplete_geometry"; private static final String QUESTS_LAYER = "streetcomplete_quests"; private MapData questsLayer; private MapData geometryLayer; private Float previousZoom = null; private LngLat lastPos; private Rect lastDisplayedRect; private Set<Point> retrievedTiles; private static final int TILES_ZOOM = 14; private Listener listener; public interface Listener { void onClickedQuest(QuestGroup questGroup, Long questId); void onClickedMapAt(@Nullable LatLon position); /** Called once the given bbox comes into view first (listener should get quests there) */ void onFirstInView(BoundingBox bbox); } @Override public void onAttach(Activity activity) { super.onAttach(activity); listener = (Listener) activity; } @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); /* while the map fragment is stopped, there could still be a download which retrieves new * quests in progress. If the retrieved tiles memory would not be cleared, the map would not * retrieve these new quests from DB when the user scrolls over the map because the map * thinks it already retrieved the quests from DB. * (If a download is active while the user views the map, the quests are added on the fly) */ retrievedTiles = new HashSet<>(); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); questsLayer = geometryLayer = null; } protected void initMap() { super.initMap(); retrievedTiles = new HashSet<>(); geometryLayer = controller.addDataLayer(GEOMETRY_LAYER); questsLayer = controller.addDataLayer(QUESTS_LAYER); controller.setTapResponder(this); controller.setLabelPickListener(this); controller.setPickRadius(1); } private BitmapDrawable createBitmapDrawableFrom(int resId) { Drawable drawable = getResources().getDrawable(resId); if(drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) return (BitmapDrawable) drawable; Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); drawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()); drawable.draw(canvas); return new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap); } @Override public boolean onShove(float distance) { // no tilting the map! (for now) return true; } @Override public boolean onRotate(float x, float y, float rotation) { // no rotating the map! (for now) return true; } @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp(float x, float y) { return false; } @Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(float x, float y) { controller.pickLabel(x,y); return true; } @Override public void onLabelPick(LabelPickResult labelPickResult, float positionX, float positionY) { if(labelPickResult == null || labelPickResult.getType() != LabelPickResult.LabelType.ICON || labelPickResult.getProperties() == null || !labelPickResult.getProperties().containsKey(MARKER_QUEST_ID)) { onClickedMap(positionX, positionY); return; } previousZoom = Math.max(17.5f,controller.getZoom()); // never zoom back further than 17.5 if(controller.getZoom() < 19) { LatLon pos = TangramConst.toLatLon(labelPickResult.getCoordinates()); LngLat zoomTo = TangramConst.toLngLat(SphericalEarthMath.translate(pos,20,180)); // move center a little because we have the bottom sheet blocking part of the map (hopefully temporary solution) controller.setPositionEased(zoomTo, 500); controller.setZoomEased(19, 500); } else { controller.setPositionEased(labelPickResult.getCoordinates(), 500); } updateView(); Map<String,String> props = labelPickResult.getProperties(); listener.onClickedQuest( QuestGroup.valueOf(props.get(MARKER_QUEST_GROUP)), Long.valueOf(props.get(MARKER_QUEST_ID)) ); } private void onClickedMap(float positionX, float positionY) { final LngLat pos = controller.screenPositionToLngLat(new PointF(positionX, positionY)); // necessary until/if not is fixed getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { listener.onClickedMapAt(TangramConst.toLatLon(pos)); } }); } protected void updateView() { super.updateView(); if(controller.getZoom() < TILES_ZOOM) return; // check if anything changed (needs to be extended when I reenable tilt and rotation) LngLat positionNow = controller.getPosition(); if(lastPos != null && lastPos.equals(positionNow)) return; lastPos = positionNow; BoundingBox displayedArea = getDisplayedArea(); if(displayedArea == null) return; Rect tilesRect = SlippyMapMath.enclosingTiles(displayedArea, TILES_ZOOM); if(lastDisplayedRect != null && lastDisplayedRect.equals(tilesRect)) return; lastDisplayedRect = tilesRect; // area to big -> skip ( see ) if(tilesRect.width() * tilesRect.height() > 4) { return; } List<Point> tiles = SlippyMapMath.asTileList(tilesRect); tiles.removeAll(retrievedTiles); Rect minRect = SlippyMapMath.minRect(tiles); if(minRect == null) return; BoundingBox bbox = SlippyMapMath.asBoundingBox(minRect, TILES_ZOOM); listener.onFirstInView(bbox); // debugging /*List<LatLon> corners = new ArrayList<LatLon>(5); corners.add(bbox.getMin()); corners.add(new OsmLatLon(bbox.getMinLatitude(), bbox.getMaxLongitude())); corners.add(bbox.getMax()); corners.add(new OsmLatLon(bbox.getMaxLatitude(), bbox.getMinLongitude())); corners.add(bbox.getMin()); ElementGeometry e = new ElementGeometry(null, Collections.singletonList(corners)); addQuestGeometry(e);*/ retrievedTiles.addAll(tiles); } public void addQuestGeometry(ElementGeometry g) { if(geometryLayer == null) return; // might still be null - async calls... Map<String,String> props = new HashMap<>(); if(g.polygons != null) { props.put("type", "poly"); geometryLayer.addPolygon(TangramConst.toLngLat(g.polygons), props); } else if(g.polylines != null) { props.put("type", "line"); List<List<LngLat>> polylines = TangramConst.toLngLat(g.polylines); for(List<LngLat> polyline : polylines) { geometryLayer.addPolyline(polyline, props); } } else if( != null) { props.put("type", "point"); geometryLayer.addPoint(TangramConst.toLngLat(, props); } controller.applySceneUpdates(); } public void removeQuestGeometry() { if(geometryLayer != null) geometryLayer.clear(); if(controller != null) { if (previousZoom != null) controller.setZoomEased(previousZoom, 500); } } /* public void addQuest(Quest quest, QuestGroup group) { // TODO: this method may also be called for quests that are already displayed on this map if(questsLayer == null) return; LngLat pos = TangramConst.toLngLat(quest.getMarkerLocation()); Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(); props.put("type", "point"); props.put("kind", quest.getType().getIconName()); props.put(MARKER_QUEST_GROUP,; props.put(MARKER_QUEST_ID, String.valueOf(quest.getId())); questsLayer.addPoint(pos, props); controller.applySceneUpdates(); } */ public void addQuests(Iterable quests, QuestGroup group) { if(questsLayer == null) return; StringBuilder geoJson = new StringBuilder(); geoJson.append("{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",\"features\": ["); boolean first = true; for(Object q : quests) { Quest quest = (Quest) q; if(first) first = false; else geoJson.append(","); LatLon pos = quest.getMarkerLocation(); geoJson.append("{\"type\":\"Feature\","); geoJson.append("\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\": ["); geoJson.append(pos.getLongitude()); geoJson.append(","); geoJson.append(pos.getLatitude()); geoJson.append("]},\"properties\": {\"type\":\"point\", \"kind\":\""); geoJson.append(quest.getType().getIconName()); geoJson.append("\",\""); geoJson.append(MARKER_QUEST_GROUP); geoJson.append("\":\""); geoJson.append(; geoJson.append("\",\""); geoJson.append(MARKER_QUEST_ID); geoJson.append("\":\""); geoJson.append(quest.getId()); geoJson.append("\"}}"); } geoJson.append("]}"); questsLayer.addGeoJson(geoJson.toString()); } public void removeQuests(Collection<Long> questIds, QuestGroup group) { // TODO: this method may also be called for quests that are not displayed on this map (anymore) if(questsLayer == null) return; // TODO (currently not possible with tangram, but it has been announced that this will soon // be added // so for now...: questsLayer.clear(); retrievedTiles.clear(); lastPos = null; lastDisplayedRect = null; updateView(); } public BoundingBox getDisplayedArea() { if(controller == null) return null; if(getView() == null) return null; Point size = new Point(getView().getMeasuredWidth(), getView().getMeasuredHeight()); // the special cases here are: map tilt and map rotation: // * map tilt makes the screen area -> world map area into a trapezoid // * map rotation makes the screen area -> world map area into a rotated rectangle // dealing with tilt: this method is just not defined if the tilt is above a certain limit if(controller.getTilt() > Math.PI / 4f) return null; // 45° LatLon[] positions = new LatLon[4]; positions[0] = getLatLonAtPos(new PointF(0,0)); positions[1] = getLatLonAtPos(new PointF(size.x, 0)); positions[2] = getLatLonAtPos(new PointF(0,size.y)); positions[3] = getLatLonAtPos(new PointF(size)); // dealing with rotation: find each the largest latlon and the smallest latlon, that'll // be our bounding box Double latMin = null, lonMin = null, latMax = null, lonMax = null; for (LatLon position : positions) { double lat = position.getLatitude(); double lon = position.getLongitude(); if (latMin == null || latMin > lat) latMin = lat; if (latMax == null || latMax < lat) latMax = lat; if (lonMin == null || lonMin > lon) lonMin = lon; if (lonMax == null || lonMax < lon) lonMax = lon; } return new BoundingBox(latMin, lonMin, latMax, lonMax); } private LatLon getLatLonAtPos(PointF pointF) { return TangramConst.toLatLon(controller.screenPositionToLngLat(pointF)); } public LatLon getPosition() { if(controller == null) return null; return TangramConst.toLatLon(controller.getPosition()); } }