package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; /** A boolean expression of values that are connected by ANDs and ORs */ public class BooleanExpression<T extends BooleanExpressionValue> { public enum Type { AND, OR, ROOT, LEAF } // once set, these are final private Type type; private T value; private BooleanExpression<T> parent; private LinkedList<BooleanExpression<T>> children = new LinkedList<>(); public BooleanExpression(boolean asRoot) { if(asRoot) setType(Type.ROOT); } public BooleanExpression() { } /** --------------------- Methods for extending the boolean expression ---------------------- */ public BooleanExpression<T> addAnd() { if(!isAnd()) { BooleanExpression<T> newChild = createIntermediateChild(); newChild.setType(Type.AND); return newChild; } return this; } public BooleanExpression<T> addOr() { BooleanExpression<T> node = this; if(isAnd()) { if (getParent().isRoot()) { node = createIntermediateParent(); node.setType(Type.OR); } else { node = getParent(); } } if (!node.isOr()) { BooleanExpression<T> newChild = node.createIntermediateChild(); newChild.setType(Type.OR); return newChild; } return node; } public void addValue(T t) { BooleanExpression<T> child = createChild(); child.setType(Type.LEAF); child.value = t; } public BooleanExpression<T> addOpenBracket() { return createChild(); } private BooleanExpression<T> createChild() { BooleanExpression<T> child = new BooleanExpression<>(); addChild(child); return child; } private BooleanExpression<T> createIntermediateParent() { BooleanExpression<T> newParent = new BooleanExpression<>(); BooleanExpression<T> parent = getParent(); parent.removeChild(this); newParent.addChild(this); parent.addChild(newParent); return newParent; } private BooleanExpression<T> createIntermediateChild() { BooleanExpression<T> lastChild = removeLastChild(); BooleanExpression<T> newNode = createChild(); if(lastChild != null) newNode.addChild(lastChild); return newNode; } private BooleanExpression<T> removeLastChild() { if(children.isEmpty()) return null; return children.removeLast(); } private void addChild(BooleanExpression<T> child) { child.setParent(this); children.add(child); } private void removeChild(BooleanExpression<T> child) { children.remove(child); child.setParent(null); } /** --------------------- Methods for accessing the boolean expression ---------------------- */ public boolean matches(Object element) { switch(type) { case LEAF: return value.matches(element); case OR: for(BooleanExpression<T> child : children) { if(child.matches(element)) return true; } return false; case AND: for(BooleanExpression<T> child : children) { if(!child.matches(element)) return false; } return true; case ROOT: return children.getFirst().matches(element); } return false; } public BooleanExpression<T> getFirstChild() { return children.isEmpty() ? null : children.getFirst(); } public Iterable<BooleanExpression<T>> getChildren() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(children); } public T getValue() { return value; } public BooleanExpression<T> getParent() { return parent; } private void setParent(BooleanExpression<T> newParent) { parent = newParent; } public boolean isOr() { return type == Type.OR; } public boolean isAnd() { return type == Type.AND; } public boolean isValue() { return type == Type.LEAF; } public boolean isRoot() { return type == Type.ROOT; } private void setType(Type op) { if(type != null) throw new IllegalStateException(); type = op; } /** Removes unnecessary depth in the expression tree */ public void flatten() { removeEmptyNodes(); mergeNodesWithSameOperator(); } /** remove nodes from superfluous brackets */ private void removeEmptyNodes() { ListIterator<BooleanExpression<T>> it = children.listIterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { BooleanExpression<T> child =; if(child.type == null && child.children.size() == 1) { replaceChildAt(it, child.children.getFirst()); it.previous(); // = the just replaced node will be checked again } else { child.removeEmptyNodes(); } } } /** merge children recursively which do have the same operator set (and, or) */ private void mergeNodesWithSameOperator() { if(isValue()) return; ListIterator<BooleanExpression<T>> it = children.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BooleanExpression<T> child =; child.mergeNodesWithSameOperator(); // merge two successive nodes of same type if (child.type == type) { replaceChildAt(it, child.children); } } } private void replaceChildAt(ListIterator<BooleanExpression<T>> at, BooleanExpression<T> with) { replaceChildAt(at, Collections.singletonList(with)); } private void replaceChildAt(ListIterator<BooleanExpression<T>> at, Collection<BooleanExpression<T>> with) { at.remove(); for(BooleanExpression<T> withEle : with) { at.add(withEle); withEle.setParent(this); } } /** Expand the expression so that all ANDs have only leaves */ public void expand() { moveDownAnds(); mergeNodesWithSameOperator(); } private void moveDownAnds() { if(isValue()) return; if(isAnd()) { BooleanExpression<T> rest = removeFirstOr(); if(rest != null) { // the first OR moves into our place, we are now an orphan getParent().replaceChild(this, rest); addCopiesOfMyselfInBetweenChildrenOf(rest); rest.mergeNodesWithSameOperator(); rest.moveDownAnds(); return; } } for(BooleanExpression<T> child : new LinkedList<>(children)) child.moveDownAnds(); } private void replaceChild(BooleanExpression<T> replace, BooleanExpression<T> with) { ListIterator<BooleanExpression<T>> it = children.listIterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { BooleanExpression<T> child =; if(child == replace) { replaceChildAt(it, with); return; } } } public BooleanExpression<T> copy() { BooleanExpression<T> result = new BooleanExpression<>(); result.type = type; result.value = value; // <- this is a a reference! value should be immutable result.parent = null; // parent is set on parent.addChild, see for loop result.children = new LinkedList<>(); for(BooleanExpression<T> child : children) { result.addChild(child.copy()); } return result; } /** Adds deep copies of this as children to other, each taking one original child as its own */ private void addCopiesOfMyselfInBetweenChildrenOf(BooleanExpression<T> other) { ListIterator<BooleanExpression<T>> it = other.children.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BooleanExpression<T> child =; BooleanExpression<T> clone = copy(); clone.replacePlaceholder(child); other.replaceChildAt(it, clone); } } private void replacePlaceholder(BooleanExpression<T> with) { ListIterator<BooleanExpression<T>> it = children.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BooleanExpression<T> child =; if(child.type == null) { replaceChildAt(it, with); return; } } } /** Find first OR child and remove it from my children */ private BooleanExpression<T> removeFirstOr() { ListIterator<BooleanExpression<T>> it = children.listIterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { BooleanExpression<T> child =; if (child.isOr()) { it.remove(); BooleanExpression<T> placeholder = new BooleanExpression<>(); it.add(placeholder); return child; } } return null; } @Override public String toString() { if(type == Type.LEAF) return value.toString(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if(isOr() && !getParent().isRoot()) builder.append('('); boolean first = true; for(BooleanExpression<T> child : children) { if(first) first = false; else { builder.append(' '); builder.append(type.toString().toLowerCase()); builder.append(' '); } builder.append(child.toString()); } if(isOr() && !getParent().isRoot()) builder.append(')'); return builder.toString(); } }