package; import android.util.Log; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import de.westnordost.osmapi.common.SingleElementHandler; import de.westnordost.osmapi.common.errors.OsmConflictException; import; import; import; import de.westnordost.osmapi.notes.Note; import de.westnordost.osmapi.notes.NotesDao; public class CreateNoteUpload { private static final String TAG = "CreateNoteUpload"; private final NotesDao osmDao; private final CreateNoteDao createNoteDB; private final NoteDao noteDB; private final OsmNoteQuestDao noteQuestDB; private final MapDataDao mapDataDao; @Inject public CreateNoteUpload( CreateNoteDao createNoteDB, NotesDao osmDao, NoteDao noteDB, OsmNoteQuestDao noteQuestDB, MapDataDao mapDataDao) { this.createNoteDB = createNoteDB; this.noteQuestDB = noteQuestDB; this.noteDB = noteDB; this.osmDao = osmDao; this.mapDataDao = mapDataDao; } public void upload(AtomicBoolean cancelState) { int created = 0, obsolete = 0; for(CreateNote createNote : createNoteDB.getAll(null)) { if(cancelState.get()) break; if(uploadCreateNote(createNote) != null) { created++; } else { obsolete++; } } String logMsg = "Created " + created + " notes"; if(obsolete > 0) { logMsg += " but dropped " + obsolete + " because they were obsolete already"; } Log.i(TAG, logMsg); } Note uploadCreateNote(CreateNote n) { if(isAssociatedElementDeleted(n)) { Log.i(TAG, "Dropped to be created note " + getCreateNoteStringForLog(n) + " because the associated element has already been deleted"); createNoteDB.delete(; return null; } Note newNote = createOrCommentNote(n); if (newNote != null) { // add a hidden quest as a blocker so that at this location no quests are created. // if the note was not added, don't do this (see below) -> probably based on old data OsmNoteQuest noteQuest = new OsmNoteQuest(newNote); noteQuest.setStatus(QuestStatus.HIDDEN); noteDB.put(newNote); noteQuestDB.add(noteQuest); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Dropped a to be created note " + getCreateNoteStringForLog(n) + " because a note with the same associated element has already been closed"); // so the problem has likely been solved by another mapper } createNoteDB.delete(; return newNote; } private static String getCreateNoteStringForLog(CreateNote n) { return "\"" + n.text + "\" at " + n.position.getLatitude() + ", " + n.position.getLongitude(); } private boolean isAssociatedElementDeleted(CreateNote n) { return n.hasAssociatedElement() && retrieveElement(n) == null; } private Element retrieveElement(CreateNote n) { switch(n.elementType) { case NODE: return mapDataDao.getNode(n.elementId); case WAY: return mapDataDao.getWay(n.elementId); case RELATION: return mapDataDao.getRelation(n.elementId); } return null; } /** Create a note at the given position, or, if there is already a note at the exact same * position AND its associated element is the same, adds the user's message as another comment. * * Returns null and does not add the note comment if that note has already been closed because * the contribution is very likely obsolete (based on old data)*/ private Note createOrCommentNote(CreateNote n) { if(n.hasAssociatedElement()) { Note oldNote = findAlreadyExistingNoteWithSameAssociatedElement(n); if(oldNote != null) { if(oldNote.isOpen()) { try { return osmDao.comment(, n.text); } catch (OsmConflictException e) { return null; } } else { return null; } } } return osmDao.create(n.position, n.text + getAssociatedElementString(n)); } private Note findAlreadyExistingNoteWithSameAssociatedElement(final CreateNote newNote) { SingleElementHandler<Note> handler = new SingleElementHandler<Note>() { @Override public void handle(Note oldNote) { if(newNote.hasAssociatedElement()) { String firstCommentText = oldNote.comments.get(0).text; if(firstCommentText.matches(getAssociatedElementRegex(newNote))) { super.handle(oldNote); } } } }; final int hideClosedNoteAfter = 7; osmDao.getAll(new BoundingBox( newNote.position.getLatitude(), newNote.position.getLongitude(), newNote.position.getLatitude(), newNote.position.getLongitude() ), handler, 10, hideClosedNoteAfter); return handler.get(); } private static String getAssociatedElementRegex(CreateNote n) { String elementType =; // before 0.11 - i.e. "way #123" String oldStyleRegex = elementType+"\\s*#"+n.elementId; // i.e. String newStyleRegex = "openstreetmap\\.org\\/"+elementType+"\\/"+n.elementId; return ".*(("+oldStyleRegex+")|("+newStyleRegex+")).*"; } static String getAssociatedElementString(CreateNote n) { if(!n.hasAssociatedElement()) return ""; String elementName =; return "\n\n" + elementName + "/" + n.elementId; } }