/* * StreamCruncher: Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Ashwin Jayaprakash. All Rights Reserved. * Contact: ashwin {dot} jayaprakash {at} gmail {dot} com * Web: http://www.StreamCruncher.com * * This file is part of StreamCruncher. * * StreamCruncher is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * StreamCruncher is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with StreamCruncher. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package streamcruncher.innards.impl.query; public interface RQLTokenTypes { int EOF = 1; int NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD = 3; int SQL_STATEMENT = 4; int SELECT_LIST = 5; int SELECT_EXPRESSION = 6; int DISPLAYED_COLUMN = 7; int CASE_EXPRESSION = 8; int EXP_SIMPLE = 9; int TABLE_REFERENCE_LIST = 10; int SELECTED_TABLE = 11; int TABLE_SPEC = 12; int ALIAS = 13; int FILTER_SPEC = 14; int PARTITION_SPEC_LIST = 15; int PARTITION_SPEC = 16; int ROW_PICK_SPEC = 17; int WHERE_CONDITION = 18; int FIRST_CLAUSE = 19; int LIMIT_CLAUSE = 20; int AGGREGATE_FUNCTION = 21; int AGGREGATE_FUNCTION_SPEC = 22; int MISC_FUNCTION = 23; int WINDOW_FUNCTION = 24; int TIME_UNIT_SPEC = 25; int GROUP_FUNCTION = 26; int ROW_STATUS_CLAUSE = 27; int ROW_STATUS_CONDITION = 28; int CLONE_PARTITION_CLAUSE = 29; int POST_WHERE_CLAUSES = 30; int MONITOR_EXPRESSION = 31; int PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME_LIST = 32; int USING_LIST = 33; int USING_SPEC = 34; int PRESENT_LIST = 35; int PRESENT_SPEC = 36; int SEMI = 37; int LITERAL_select = 38; int LITERAL_all = 39; int LITERAL_distinct = 40; int LITERAL_from = 41; int LITERAL_where = 42; int COMMA = 43; int ASTERISK = 44; int LITERAL_case = 45; int LITERAL_else = 46; int LITERAL_end = 47; int LITERAL_when = 48; int LITERAL_then = 49; int LITERAL_left = 50; int LITERAL_right = 51; int LITERAL_outer = 52; int LITERAL_inner = 53; int LITERAL_join = 54; int LITERAL_on = 55; int DOT = 56; int LITERAL_self = 57; int POUND = 58; int PLUS = 59; int MINUS = 60; int LITERAL_as = 61; int DIVIDE = 62; int MODULO = 63; int VERTBAR = 64; int OPEN_PAREN = 65; int CLOSE_PAREN = 66; int NUMBER = 67; int QUOTED_STRING = 68; int LITERAL_null = 69; int LITERAL_avg = 70; int LITERAL_count = 71; int LITERAL_max = 72; int LITERAL_min = 73; int LITERAL_stddev = 74; int LITERAL_sum = 75; int LITERAL_variance = 76; int LITERAL_filter = 77; int LITERAL_using = 78; int LITERAL_to = 79; int LITERAL_partition = 80; int LITERAL_by = 81; int IDENTIFIER = 82; int LITERAL_store = 83; int LITERAL_random = 84; int LITERAL_lowest = 85; int LITERAL_highest = 86; int LITERAL_with = 87; int LITERAL_update = 88; int LITERAL_group = 89; int LITERAL_pinned = 90; int LITERAL_geomean = 91; int LITERAL_kurtosis = 92; int LITERAL_median = 93; int LITERAL_skewness = 94; int LITERAL_sumsq = 95; int DOLLAR = 96; int LITERAL_diff = 97; int LITERAL_custom = 98; int LITERAL_entrance = 99; int LITERAL_only = 100; int LITERAL_last = 101; int LITERAL_latest = 102; int LITERAL_milliseconds = 103; int LITERAL_seconds = 104; int LITERAL_minutes = 105; int LITERAL_hours = 106; int LITERAL_days = 107; int LITERAL_alert = 108; int LITERAL_correlate = 109; int LITERAL_or = 110; int LITERAL_present = 111; int LITERAL_and = 112; int LITERAL_not = 113; int LITERAL_in = 114; int LITERAL_like = 115; int LITERAL_escape = 116; int LITERAL_between = 117; int LITERAL_is = 118; int LITERAL_row_status = 119; int LITERAL_new = 120; int LITERAL_dead = 121; int LITERAL_any = 122; int LITERAL_exists = 123; int EQ = 124; int LT = 125; int GT = 126; int NOT_EQ = 127; int LE = 128; int GE = 129; int LITERAL_having = 130; int LITERAL_union = 131; int LITERAL_minus = 132; int LITERAL_except = 133; int LITERAL_intersect = 134; int LITERAL_order = 135; int LITERAL_first = 136; int LITERAL_limit = 137; int LITERAL_offset = 138; int LITERAL_asc = 139; int LITERAL_desc = 140; int LITERAL_nulls = 141; int LITERAL_current_timestamp = 142; int LITERAL_of = 143; int AT_SIGN = 144; int N = 145; int DOUBLE_QUOTE = 146; int WS = 147; int ML_COMMENT = 148; }