/* * StreamCruncher: Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Ashwin Jayaprakash. All Rights Reserved. * Contact: ashwin {dot} jayaprakash {at} gmail {dot} com * Web: http://www.StreamCruncher.com * * This file is part of StreamCruncher. * * StreamCruncher is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * StreamCruncher is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with StreamCruncher. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package streamcruncher.innards.impl.query; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.util.Hashtable; import antlr.ANTLRHashString; import antlr.ByteBuffer; import antlr.CharBuffer; import antlr.CharStreamException; import antlr.CharStreamIOException; import antlr.InputBuffer; import antlr.LexerSharedInputState; import antlr.NoViableAltForCharException; import antlr.RecognitionException; import antlr.Token; import antlr.TokenStream; import antlr.TokenStreamException; import antlr.TokenStreamIOException; import antlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException; import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet; public class RQLLexer extends antlr.CharScanner implements RQLTokenTypes, TokenStream { public RQLLexer(InputStream in) { this(new ByteBuffer(in)); } public RQLLexer(Reader in) { this(new CharBuffer(in)); } public RQLLexer(InputBuffer ib) { this(new LexerSharedInputState(ib)); } public RQLLexer(LexerSharedInputState state) { super(state); caseSensitiveLiterals = false; setCaseSensitive(false); literals = new Hashtable(); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("between", this), new Integer(117)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("diff", this), new Integer(97)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("case", this), new Integer(45)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("highest", this), new Integer(86)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("new", this), new Integer(120)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("end", this), new Integer(47)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("alert", this), new Integer(108)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("geomean", this), new Integer(91)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("limit", this), new Integer(137)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("distinct", this), new Integer(40)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("seconds", this), new Integer(104)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("where", this), new Integer(42)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("minutes", this), new Integer(105)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("then", this), new Integer(49)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("select", this), new Integer(38)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("present", this), new Integer(111)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("to", this), new Integer(79)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("and", this), new Integer(112)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("outer", this), new Integer(52)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("not", this), new Integer(113)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("using", this), new Integer(78)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("offset", this), new Integer(138)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("from", this), new Integer(41)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("null", this), new Integer(69)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("count", this), new Integer(71)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("skewness", this), new Integer(94)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("last", this), new Integer(101)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("variance", this), new Integer(76)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("like", this), new Integer(115)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("when", this), new Integer(48)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("inner", this), new Integer(53)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("except", this), new Integer(133)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("custom", this), new Integer(98)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("with", this), new Integer(87)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("escape", this), new Integer(116)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("only", this), new Integer(100)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("intersect", this), new Integer(134)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("join", this), new Integer(54)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("of", this), new Integer(143)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("is", this), new Integer(118)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("kurtosis", this), new Integer(92)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("or", this), new Integer(110)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("any", this), new Integer(122)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("correlate", this), new Integer(109)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("min", this), new Integer(73)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("as", this), new Integer(61)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("first", this), new Integer(136)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("by", this), new Integer(81)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("minus", this), new Integer(132)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("days", this), new Integer(107)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("nulls", this), new Integer(141)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("all", this), new Integer(39)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("union", this), new Integer(131)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("order", this), new Integer(135)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("partition", this), new Integer(80)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("hours", this), new Integer(106)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("sumsq", this), new Integer(95)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("lowest", this), new Integer(85)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("exists", this), new Integer(123)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("milliseconds", this), new Integer(103)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("asc", this), new Integer(139)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("row_status", this), new Integer(119)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("left", this), new Integer(50)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("desc", this), new Integer(140)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("max", this), new Integer(72)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("random", this), new Integer(84)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("sum", this), new Integer(75)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("on", this), new Integer(55)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("else", this), new Integer(46)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("right", this), new Integer(51)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("filter", this), new Integer(77)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("dead", this), new Integer(121)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("store", this), new Integer(83)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("in", this), new Integer(114)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("self", this), new Integer(57)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("avg", this), new Integer(70)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("median", this), new Integer(93)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("update", this), new Integer(88)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("latest", this), new Integer(102)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("stddev", this), new Integer(74)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("pinned", this), new Integer(90)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("entrance", this), new Integer(99)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("group", this), new Integer(89)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("having", this), new Integer(130)); literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("current_timestamp", this), new Integer(142)); } public Token nextToken() throws TokenStreamException { Token theRetToken = null; tryAgain: for (;;) { Token _token = null; int _ttype = Token.INVALID_TYPE; resetText(); try { // for char stream error handling try { // for lexical error handling switch (LA(1)) { case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { mIDENTIFIER(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '\'': { mQUOTED_STRING(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case ';': { mSEMI(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case ',': { mCOMMA(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '*': { mASTERISK(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '@': { mAT_SIGN(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '$': { mDOLLAR(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '#': { mPOUND(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '(': { mOPEN_PAREN(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case ')': { mCLOSE_PAREN(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '%': { mMODULO(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '|': { mVERTBAR(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '=': { mEQ(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '!': case '<': case '^': { mNOT_EQ(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '>': { mGT(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '"': { mDOUBLE_QUOTE(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; break; } default: if ((LA(1) == '/') && (LA(2) == '*')) { mML_COMMENT(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; } else if ((LA(1) == '.') && (true)) { mDOT(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; } else if ((LA(1) == '+') && (true)) { mPLUS(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; } else if ((LA(1) == '-') && (true)) { mMINUS(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; } else if ((LA(1) == '/') && (true)) { mDIVIDE(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; } else if ((_tokenSet_0.member(LA(1))) && (true)) { mNUMBER(true); theRetToken = _returnToken; } else { if (LA(1) == EOF_CHAR) { uponEOF(); _returnToken = makeToken(Token.EOF_TYPE); } else { throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char) LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn()); } } } if (_returnToken == null) continue tryAgain; // found SKIP token _ttype = _returnToken.getType(); _returnToken.setType(_ttype); return _returnToken; } catch (RecognitionException e) { throw new TokenStreamRecognitionException(e); } } catch (CharStreamException cse) { if (cse instanceof CharStreamIOException) { throw new TokenStreamIOException(((CharStreamIOException) cse).io); } else { throw new TokenStreamException(cse.getMessage()); } } } } public final void mIDENTIFIER(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = IDENTIFIER; int _saveIndex; matchRange('a', 'z'); { _loop305: do { switch (LA(1)) { case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { matchRange('a', 'z'); break; } case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { matchRange('0', '9'); break; } case '_': { match('_'); break; } case '$': { match('$'); break; } default: { break _loop305; } } } while (true); } _ttype = testLiteralsTable(_ttype); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mQUOTED_STRING(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = QUOTED_STRING; int _saveIndex; match('\''); { _loop308: do { if ((_tokenSet_1.member(LA(1)))) { matchNot('\''); } else { break _loop308; } } while (true); } match('\''); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mSEMI(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = SEMI; int _saveIndex; match(';'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mDOT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = DOT; int _saveIndex; match('.'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCOMMA(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = COMMA; int _saveIndex; match(','); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mASTERISK(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = ASTERISK; int _saveIndex; match('*'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mAT_SIGN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = AT_SIGN; int _saveIndex; match('@'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mDOLLAR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = DOLLAR; int _saveIndex; match('$'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mPOUND(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = POUND; int _saveIndex; match('#'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOPEN_PAREN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = OPEN_PAREN; int _saveIndex; match('('); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCLOSE_PAREN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = CLOSE_PAREN; int _saveIndex; match(')'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mPLUS(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = PLUS; int _saveIndex; match('+'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mMINUS(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = MINUS; int _saveIndex; match('-'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mDIVIDE(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = DIVIDE; int _saveIndex; match('/'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mMODULO(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = MODULO; int _saveIndex; match('%'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mVERTBAR(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = VERTBAR; int _saveIndex; match('|'); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mEQ(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = EQ; int _saveIndex; match('='); if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mNOT_EQ(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = NOT_EQ; int _saveIndex; switch (LA(1)) { case '<': { match('<'); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { _ttype = LT; } { switch (LA(1)) { case '>': { { match('>'); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { _ttype = NOT_EQ; } } break; } case '=': { { match('='); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { _ttype = LE; } } break; } default: { } } } break; } case '!': { match("!="); break; } case '^': { match("^="); break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char) LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn()); } } if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mGT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = GT; int _saveIndex; match('>'); { if ((LA(1) == '=')) { match('='); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { _ttype = GE; } } else { } } if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mNUMBER(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = NUMBER; int _saveIndex; { switch (LA(1)) { case '+': { mPLUS(false); break; } case '-': { mMINUS(false); break; } case '.': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char) LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn()); } } } { boolean synPredMatched334 = false; if ((((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9')) && (_tokenSet_2.member(LA(2))))) { int _m334 = mark(); synPredMatched334 = true; inputState.guessing++; try { { mN(false); mDOT(false); mN(false); } } catch (RecognitionException pe) { synPredMatched334 = false; } rewind(_m334); inputState.guessing--; } if (synPredMatched334) { mN(false); mDOT(false); mN(false); } else if ((LA(1) == '.')) { mDOT(false); mN(false); } else if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9')) && (true)) { mN(false); } else { throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char) LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn()); } } { if ((LA(1) == 'e')) { match("e"); { switch (LA(1)) { case '+': { mPLUS(false); break; } case '-': { mMINUS(false); break; } case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { break; } default: { throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char) LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn()); } } } mN(false); } else { } } if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mN(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = N; int _saveIndex; matchRange('0', '9'); { _loop339: do { if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9'))) { matchRange('0', '9'); } else { break _loop339; } } while (true); } if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mDOUBLE_QUOTE(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = DOUBLE_QUOTE; int _saveIndex; match('"'); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { _ttype = Token.SKIP; } if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mWS(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = WS; int _saveIndex; { switch (LA(1)) { case ' ': { match(' '); break; } case '\t': { match('\t'); break; } case '\n': { match('\n'); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { newline(); } break; } default: if ((LA(1) == '\r') && (LA(2) == '\n')) { match('\r'); match('\n'); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { newline(); } } else if ((LA(1) == '\r') && (true)) { match('\r'); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { newline(); } } else { throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char) LA(1), getFilename(), getLine(), getColumn()); } } } if (inputState.guessing == 0) { _ttype = Token.SKIP; } if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mML_COMMENT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException { int _ttype; Token _token = null; int _begin = text.length(); _ttype = ML_COMMENT; int _saveIndex; match("/*"); { _loop346: do { switch (LA(1)) { case '\n': { match('\n'); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { newline(); } break; } case '\u0003': case '\u0004': case '\u0005': case '\u0006': case '\u0007': case '\u0008': case '\t': case '\u000b': case '\u000c': case '\u000e': case '\u000f': case '\u0010': case '\u0011': case '\u0012': case '\u0013': case '\u0014': case '\u0015': case '\u0016': case '\u0017': case '\u0018': case '\u0019': case '\u001a': case '\u001b': case '\u001c': case '\u001d': case '\u001e': case '\u001f': case ' ': case '!': case '"': case '#': case '$': case '%': case '&': case '\'': case '(': case ')': case '+': case ',': case '-': case '.': case '/': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case ':': case ';': case '<': case '=': case '>': case '?': case '@': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case '[': case '\\': case ']': case '^': case '_': case '`': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': case '{': case '|': case '}': case '~': case '\u007f': { { match(_tokenSet_3); } break; } default: if (((LA(1) == '*') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0003' && LA(2) <= '\u007f'))) && (LA(2) != '/')) { match('*'); } else if ((LA(1) == '\r') && (LA(2) == '\n')) { match('\r'); match('\n'); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { newline(); } } else if ((LA(1) == '\r') && ((LA(2) >= '\u0003' && LA(2) <= '\u007f'))) { match('\r'); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { newline(); } } else { break _loop346; } } } while (true); } match("*/"); if (inputState.guessing == 0) { _ttype = Token.SKIP; } if (_createToken && _token == null && _ttype != Token.SKIP) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length() - _begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_0() { long[] data = { 288063250384289792L, 0L, 0L }; return data; } public static final BitSet _tokenSet_0 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_0()); private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_1() { long[] data = { -549755813896L, -1L, 0L, 0L }; return data; } public static final BitSet _tokenSet_1 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_1()); private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_2() { long[] data = { 288019269919178752L, 0L, 0L }; return data; } public static final BitSet _tokenSet_2 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_2()); private static final long[] mk_tokenSet_3() { long[] data = { -4398046520328L, -1L, 0L, 0L }; return data; } public static final BitSet _tokenSet_3 = new BitSet(mk_tokenSet_3()); }