package streamcruncher.test.func.generic; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import org.testng.Assert; import streamcruncher.api.DBName; import streamcruncher.api.StreamCruncherException; import streamcruncher.api.aggregator.AbstractAggregator; import streamcruncher.api.aggregator.AbstractAggregatorHelper; import streamcruncher.api.artifact.RowSpec; import streamcruncher.api.artifact.RowSpec.Info; import streamcruncher.test.func.BatchResult; /* * Author: Ashwin Jayaprakash Date: Oct 3, 2006 Time: 10:55:32 PM */ /** * This Test lists all the Aggregate Functions that are available. It also shows * how the create and plug in a custom Aggregate Function. */ public abstract class TimeWF2PartitionAggTest extends OrderGeneratorTest { @Override protected void beforeQueryParse() { try { cruncher.registerAggregator(new TestAggregatorHelper()); } catch (StreamCruncherException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override protected String[] getResultColumnNames() { return new String[] { "country", "avg_qty", "num_skus", "geo_qty", "kurt_qty", "max_skus", "median_qty", "min_skus", "skew_qty", "std_qty", "sum_qty", "sumsq_qty", "var_qty", "test_fn_val" }; } @Override protected String[] getColumnTypes() { /* * "country", "state", "city", "item_sku", "item_qty", "order_time", * "order_id" */ return new String[] { RowSpec.addInfo(java.lang.String.class.getName(), Info.SIZE, 15), RowSpec.addInfo(java.lang.String.class.getName(), Info.SIZE, 15), RowSpec.addInfo(java.lang.String.class.getName(), Info.SIZE, 15), RowSpec.addInfo(java.lang.String.class.getName(), Info.SIZE, 15), java.lang.Integer.class.getName(), java.sql.Timestamp.class.getName(), java.lang.Long.class.getName() }; } @Override protected String[] getResultColumnTypes() { return new String[] { RowSpec.addInfo(java.lang.String.class.getName(), Info.SIZE, 15), java.lang.Double.class.getName(), java.lang.Integer.class.getName(), java.lang.Double.class.getName(), java.lang.Double.class.getName(), RowSpec.addInfo(java.lang.String.class.getName(), Info.SIZE, 15), java.lang.Double.class.getName(), RowSpec.addInfo(java.lang.String.class.getName(), Info.SIZE, 15), java.lang.Double.class.getName(), java.lang.Double.class.getName(), java.lang.Double.class.getName(), java.lang.Double.class.getName(), java.lang.Double.class.getName(), RowSpec.addInfo(java.lang.String.class.getName(), Info.SIZE, 15), }; } @Override protected String getRQL() { String csv = getRQLColumnsCSV(); return "select " + csv + " from test (partition by country store last 5 seconds" + " with avg(item_qty) as avg_qty, count(item_sku) as num_skus" + ", geomean(item_qty) as geo_qty, kurtosis(item_qty) as kurt_qty, max(item_sku) as max_skus" + ", median(item_qty) as median_qty, min(item_sku) as min_skus, skewness(item_qty) as skew_qty" + ", stddev(item_qty) as std_qty, sum(item_qty) as sum_qty" + ", sumsq(item_qty) as sumsq_qty, variance(item_qty) as var_qty" + ", custom(test_fn, order_id, J) as test_fn_val)" + " as testStr where testStr.$row_status is new order by country;"; } @Override protected void verify(List<BatchResult> results) { HashMap<String, Integer> countryVsCount = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); HashMap<String, Double> countryVsAvg = new HashMap<String, Double>(); System.out.println("--Results--"); for (BatchResult result : results) { System.out.println("Batch created at: " + new Timestamp(result.getTimestamp()) + ". Rows: " + result.getRows().size()); List<Object[]> rows = result.getRows(); System.out.println(" Batch results"); for (Object[] objects : rows) { System.out.print(" "); int i = 0; String[] colNames = getResultColumnNames(); for (Object object : objects) { if (i > 0) { System.out.print("(" + colNames[i - 1] + ") "); } System.out.print(object + " "); i++; } /* * "country", "avg_qty", "num_skus", "geo_qty", "kurt_qty", * "max_skus", "median_qty", "min_skus", "skew_qty", "std_qty", * "sum_qty", "sumsq_qty", "var_qty", "test_fn_val". */ String country = (String) objects[0]; double avg = ((Number) objects[1]).doubleValue(); int count = ((Number) objects[2]).intValue(); double sum = ((Number) objects[10]).doubleValue(); Integer oldCount = countryVsCount.get(country); if (oldCount != null && oldCount.intValue() == count) {"For Country: " + country + ", new count: " + count + " is still the same as old: " + oldCount); } countryVsCount.put(country, count); Double oldAvg = countryVsAvg.get(country); if (oldAvg != null && oldAvg.doubleValue() == avg) {"For Country: " + country + ", new avg: " + avg + " is still the same as old: " + oldAvg); } countryVsAvg.put(country, oldAvg); double derivedSum = sum / (1.0 * count); Assert.assertEquals(derivedSum, avg, "Average and Sum/Count are not the same."); System.out.println(); } int totalCount = 0; for (Integer count : countryVsCount.values()) { totalCount = totalCount + count; } if (totalCount > getMaxDataRows()) {"Total count:" + totalCount + " cannot be greated than the max rows: " + getMaxDataRows()); } } } // ---------- public static class TestAggregatorHelper extends AbstractAggregatorHelper { public TestAggregatorHelper() { super("test_fn", TestAggregator.class); } @Override public String getAggregatedColumnDDLFragment(DBName dbName, String[] params, LinkedHashMap<String, String> columnNamesAndTypes) throws Exception { return RowSpec.addInfo(java.lang.String.class.getName(), Info.SIZE, 2); } } /** * Adds up the int-values of the Order-Id's in the Window and then converts * the sum into a char. */ public static class TestAggregator extends AbstractAggregator { private int columnPosition; private int sumOfOrderIds; private char suffix; @Override public void init(String[] params, LinkedHashMap<String, String> columnNamesAndTypes, AggregationStage aggregationStage) { super.init(params, columnNamesAndTypes, aggregationStage); for (String column : columnNamesAndTypes.keySet()) { if (params[0].equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { break; } columnPosition++; } suffix = params[1].charAt(0); } @Override public String aggregate(List<Object[]> removedValues, List<Object[]> addedValues) { if (removedValues != null && getAggregationStage() != AggregationStage.ENTRANCE) { for (Object[] objects : removedValues) { Object object = objects[columnPosition]; // Consider only non-nulls. if (object != null && object instanceof Long) { Long l = (Long) object; sumOfOrderIds = sumOfOrderIds - l.intValue(); } } } if (addedValues != null) { for (Object[] objects : addedValues) { Object object = objects[columnPosition]; // Consider only non-nulls. if (object != null && object instanceof Long) { Long l = (Long) object; sumOfOrderIds = sumOfOrderIds + l.intValue(); } } } int i = (sumOfOrderIds % 26) + 65; char c = (char) i; return new String(new char[] { c, suffix }); } } }