package; import; import; import; /** * Parse tokens for the Tokeniser. */ abstract class Token { TokenType type; private Token() { } String tokenType() { return this.getClass().getSimpleName(); } static class Doctype extends Token { final StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); final StringBuilder publicIdentifier = new StringBuilder(); final StringBuilder systemIdentifier = new StringBuilder(); boolean forceQuirks = false; Doctype() { type = TokenType.Doctype; } String getName() { return name.toString(); } String getPublicIdentifier() { return publicIdentifier.toString(); } public String getSystemIdentifier() { return systemIdentifier.toString(); } public boolean isForceQuirks() { return forceQuirks; } } static abstract class Tag extends Token { protected String tagName; private String pendingAttributeName; // attribute names are generally // caught in one hop, not // accumulated private StringBuilder pendingAttributeValue; // but values are // accumulated, from // e.g. & in hrefs boolean selfClosing = false; Attributes attributes; // start tags get attributes on construction. End // tags get attributes on first new attribute // (but only for parser convenience, not used). void newAttribute() { if (attributes == null) attributes = new Attributes(); if (pendingAttributeName != null) { Attribute attribute; if (pendingAttributeValue == null) attribute = new Attribute(pendingAttributeName, ""); else attribute = new Attribute(pendingAttributeName, pendingAttributeValue.toString()); attributes.put(attribute); } pendingAttributeName = null; if (pendingAttributeValue != null) pendingAttributeValue.delete(0, pendingAttributeValue.length()); } void finaliseTag() { // finalises for emit if (pendingAttributeName != null) { // todo: check if attribute name exists; if so, drop and error newAttribute(); } } String name() { Validate.isFalse(tagName.length() == 0); return tagName; } Tag name(String name) { tagName = name; return this; } boolean isSelfClosing() { return selfClosing; } @SuppressWarnings({ "TypeMayBeWeakened" }) Attributes getAttributes() { return attributes; } // these appenders are rarely hit in not null state-- caused by null // chars. void appendTagName(String append) { tagName = tagName == null ? append : tagName.concat(append); } void appendTagName(char append) { appendTagName(String.valueOf(append)); } void appendAttributeName(String append) { pendingAttributeName = pendingAttributeName == null ? append : pendingAttributeName.concat(append); } void appendAttributeName(char append) { appendAttributeName(String.valueOf(append)); } void appendAttributeValue(String append) { ensureAttributeValue(); pendingAttributeValue.append(append); } void appendAttributeValue(char append) { ensureAttributeValue(); pendingAttributeValue.append(append); } void appendAttributeValue(char[] append) { ensureAttributeValue(); pendingAttributeValue.append(append); } private final void ensureAttributeValue() { if (pendingAttributeValue == null) pendingAttributeValue = new StringBuilder(); } } static class StartTag extends Tag { StartTag() { super(); attributes = new Attributes(); type = TokenType.StartTag; } StartTag(String name) { this(); this.tagName = name; } StartTag(String name, Attributes attributes) { this(); this.tagName = name; this.attributes = attributes; } @Override public String toString() { if (attributes != null && attributes.size() > 0) return "<" + name() + " " + attributes.toString() + ">"; else return "<" + name() + ">"; } } static class EndTag extends Tag { EndTag() { super(); type = TokenType.EndTag; } EndTag(String name) { this(); this.tagName = name; } @Override public String toString() { return "</" + name() + ">"; } } static class Comment extends Token { final StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); boolean bogus = false; Comment() { type = TokenType.Comment; } String getData() { return data.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return "<!--" + getData() + "-->"; } } static class Character extends Token { private final String data; Character(String data) { type = TokenType.Character; = data; } String getData() { return data; } @Override public String toString() { return getData(); } } static class EOF extends Token { EOF() { type = Token.TokenType.EOF; } } boolean isDoctype() { return type == TokenType.Doctype; } Doctype asDoctype() { return (Doctype) this; } boolean isStartTag() { return type == TokenType.StartTag; } StartTag asStartTag() { return (StartTag) this; } boolean isEndTag() { return type == TokenType.EndTag; } EndTag asEndTag() { return (EndTag) this; } boolean isComment() { return type == TokenType.Comment; } Comment asComment() { return (Comment) this; } boolean isCharacter() { return type == TokenType.Character; } Character asCharacter() { return (Character) this; } boolean isEOF() { return type == TokenType.EOF; } enum TokenType { Doctype, StartTag, EndTag, Comment, Character, EOF } }