package com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.objects; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.GameData; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.GameManager; public class TrailObject { private static final int MAX_QUADS = 80; private static final int QUAD_SIZE = 6 * 3; private static final int FRAME_SKIP = 4; private Mesh mesh = new Mesh(false, MAX_QUADS * 6, 0, VertexAttribute.Position()); private ShaderProgram shader; private int currentQuads; private float[] vertices = new float[MAX_QUADS * QUAD_SIZE]; private Color colorFactor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); private Vector3 tmp = new Vector3(); private Vector3 tmp2 = new Vector3(); private int frameSkipper = 0; public TrailObject(GameManager gameManager) { shader = gameManager.getShader("simple"); } public void init() { currentQuads = 0; frameSkipper = 0; } public void update(ChuckObject co, float deltaTime) { /*++frameSkipper; if (frameSkipper < FRAME_SKIP) { continue; }*/ frameSkipper = 0; Vector3 currPos = co.getCurrentPosition(); Vector3 prevPos = co.getPrevFramePosition(); if (!currPos.idt(prevPos)) { float radius = co.getCurrentRadius(); // tmp will have direction of moving tmp.set(prevPos).sub(currPos).nor(); tmp.scl(radius * 0.8f); // vector tmp and tmp2 must be orthogonal (perpendicular) // so their dot product equals to zero // y coordinate doesn't matter set it to 0 // we have one "jednacina" with two variables // but what is meter that tmp2 must be direction vector (normalized) // so we guess some value for X and calculate Z component according to chosen X // calculate "Left" orthogonal ("right" is -"left") if (tmp.z != 0) { tmp2.set(-1f, 0f, 0f); tmp2.z = (-tmp2.x * tmp.x) / tmp.z; } else { tmp2.set(0f, 0f, 1f); } // don't want trail to be equal width of chuck tmp2.nor().scl(radius * 0.75f); // move current vertices if needed; if (currentQuads > 0) { int len = Math.min(MAX_QUADS - 1, currentQuads); System.arraycopy(vertices, 0, vertices, QUAD_SIZE, len * QUAD_SIZE); } Vector3 zeroPos = GameData.ObjectZero; float defY = radius * 1.5f + zeroPos.y; vertices[0] = currPos.x + zeroPos.x + tmp.x + tmp2.x; vertices[1] = defY; vertices[2] = currPos.z + zeroPos.z + tmp.z + tmp2.z; vertices[3] = vertices[9] = currPos.x + zeroPos.x + tmp.x - tmp2.x; vertices[4] = vertices[10] = defY; vertices[5] = vertices[11] = currPos.z + zeroPos.z + tmp.z - tmp2.z; vertices[6] = vertices[15] = vertices[QUAD_SIZE]; vertices[7] = vertices[16] = vertices[QUAD_SIZE + 1]; vertices[8] = vertices[17] = vertices[QUAD_SIZE + 2]; vertices[12] = vertices[QUAD_SIZE + 3]; vertices[13] = vertices[QUAD_SIZE + 4]; vertices[14] = vertices[QUAD_SIZE + 5]; // else { // vertices[6] = vertices[15] = prevPos.x + zeroPos.x + tmp2.x; // vertices[7] = vertices[16] = defY; // vertices[8] = vertices[17] = prevPos.z + zeroPos.z + tmp2.z; // vertices[12] = prevPos.x + zeroPos.x - tmp2.x; // vertices[13] = defY; // vertices[14] = prevPos.z + zeroPos.z - tmp2.z; // } // increment number of quads currentQuads = Math.min(currentQuads + 1, MAX_QUADS); // UPDATE MESH mesh.setVertices(vertices); // mesh.updateVertices(0, vertices);// } else { currentQuads = Math.max(currentQuads - 1, 0); } } public void draw(Matrix4 projViewMatrix) { if (currentQuads > 1) { shader.begin(); shader.setUniformMatrix("u_projectionViewMatrix", projViewMatrix); shader.setUniformf("u_color_factor", colorFactor); mesh.render(shader, GL20.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, (currentQuads - 1) * QUAD_SIZE); shader.end(); } } public void dispose() { mesh.dispose(); } // tmp2 will have 0-th dot of quad //float angle = (float) Math.atan2(currPos.z, currPos.x); //tmp2.set(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); //tmp2.x = (float)(tmp2.x * Math.cos(angle) - tmp2.z * Math.sin(angle)); //tmp2.z = (float)(tmp2.z * Math.cos(angle) + tmp2.x * Math.sin(angle)); //tmp2.scl(radius); }