/* * file: SDEFWriter.java * author: William (Bill) Iverson * copyright: (c) GeoComputer 2011 * date: 05/14/2012 * * started with net.sf.mpxj.mpx MPXWriter.java as template for writing all of below * so it follows the logic and style of other MPXJ classes * * SDEF is the Standard Data Exchange Format, as defined by the USACE (United States * Army Corp of Engineers). SDEF is a fixed column format text file, used to import * a project schedule up into the QCS (Quality Control System) software from USACE * * Precise specification of SDEF can be found at the USACE library: * * */ /* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package net.sf.mpxj.sdef; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.Format; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import net.sf.mpxj.Duration; import net.sf.mpxj.EventManager; import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectCalendar; import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectCalendarException; import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile; import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectProperties; import net.sf.mpxj.Relation; import net.sf.mpxj.Task; import net.sf.mpxj.TimeUnit; /** * This class creates a new SDEF file from the contents of * a ProjectFile instance. */ public final class SDEFWriter // extends AbstractProjectWriter { private ProjectFile m_projectFile; // from MPXJ library private EventManager m_eventManager; private PrintStream m_writer; // line out to a text file private StringBuilder m_buffer; // used to accumulate characters private Format m_formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMMyy"); // USACE required format private double m_minutesPerDay; private double m_minutesPerWeek; // needed to get everything into days private double m_daysPerMonth; /** * Write a project file in SDEF format to an output stream. * * @param projectFile ProjectFile instance * @param out output stream */ public void write(ProjectFile projectFile, OutputStream out) { m_projectFile = projectFile; m_eventManager = projectFile.getEventManager(); m_writer = new PrintStream(out); // the print stream class is the easiest way to create a text file m_buffer = new StringBuilder(); try { write(); // method call a method, this is how MPXJ is structured, so I followed the lead? } catch (Exception e) { // used during console debugging System.out.println("Caught Exception in SDEFWriter.java"); System.out.println(" " + e.toString()); } finally { // keeps things cool after we're done m_writer = null; m_projectFile = null; m_buffer = null; } } /** * Writes the contents of the project file as MPX records. * * @throws IOException */ private void write() throws IOException { // Following USACE specification from writeFileCreationRecord(); // VOLM writeProjectProperties(m_projectFile.getProjectProperties()); // PROJ writeCalendars(m_projectFile.getCalendars()); // CLDR writeExceptions(m_projectFile.getCalendars()); // HOLI writeTasks(m_projectFile.getAllTasks()); // ACTV writePredecessors(m_projectFile.getAllTasks()); // PRED // skipped UNIT cost record for now writeProgress(m_projectFile.getAllTasks()); // PROG m_writer.println("END"); // last line, that's the end!!! } /** * Write file creation record. * * @throws IOException */ private void writeFileCreationRecord() throws IOException { m_writer.println("VOLM 1"); // first line in file } /** * Write project properties. * * @param record project properties * @throws IOException * */ private void writeProjectProperties(ProjectProperties record) throws IOException { // the ProjectProperties class from MPXJ has the details of how many days per week etc.... // so I've assigned these variables in here, but actually use them in other methods // see the write task method, that's where they're used, but that method only has a Task object m_minutesPerDay = record.getMinutesPerDay().doubleValue(); m_minutesPerWeek = record.getMinutesPerWeek().doubleValue(); m_daysPerMonth = record.getDaysPerMonth().doubleValue(); // reset buffer to be empty, then concatenate data as required by USACE m_buffer.setLength(0); m_buffer.append("PROJ "); m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getStartDate()).toUpperCase() + " "); // DataDate m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getManager(), 4) + " "); // ProjIdent m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getProjectTitle(), 48) + " "); // ProjName m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getSubject(), 36) + " "); // ContrName m_buffer.append("P "); // ArrowP m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getKeywords(), 7)); // ContractNum m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getStartDate()).toUpperCase() + " "); // ProjStart m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getFinishDate()).toUpperCase()); // ProjEnd m_writer.println(m_buffer); } /** * This will create a line in the SDEF file for each calendar * if there are more than 9 calendars, you'll have a big error, * as USACE numbers them 0-9. * * @param records list of ProjectCalendar instances */ private void writeCalendars(List<ProjectCalendar> records) { // // Write project calendars // for (ProjectCalendar record : records) { m_buffer.setLength(0); m_buffer.append("CLDR "); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getUniqueID().toString(), 2)); // 2 character used, USACE allows 1 String workDays = SDEFmethods.workDays(record); // custom line, like NYYYYYN for a week m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(workDays, 8)); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getName(), 30)); m_writer.println(m_buffer); } } /** * Write calendar exceptions. * * @param records list of ProjectCalendars * @throws IOException */ private void writeExceptions(List<ProjectCalendar> records) throws IOException { for (ProjectCalendar record : records) { if (!record.getCalendarExceptions().isEmpty()) { // Need to move HOLI up here and get 15 exceptions per line as per USACE spec. // for now, we'll write one line for each calendar exception, hope there aren't too many // // changing this would be a serious upgrade, too much coding to do today.... for (ProjectCalendarException ex : record.getCalendarExceptions()) { writeCalendarException(record, ex); } } m_eventManager.fireCalendarWrittenEvent(record); // left here from MPX template, maybe not needed??? } } /** * Write a calendar exception. * * @param parentCalendar parent calendar instance * @param record calendar exception instance * @throws IOException */ private void writeCalendarException(ProjectCalendar parentCalendar, ProjectCalendarException record) throws IOException { m_buffer.setLength(0); Calendar stepDay = Calendar.getInstance(); stepDay.setTime(record.getFromDate()); // Start at From Date, then step through days... Calendar lastDay = Calendar.getInstance(); lastDay.setTime(record.getToDate()); // last day in this exception m_buffer.append("HOLI "); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(parentCalendar.getUniqueID().toString(), 2)); while (stepDay.compareTo(lastDay) <= 0) { m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(stepDay.getTime()).toUpperCase() + " "); stepDay.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); } m_writer.println(m_buffer.toString()); } /** * Write a task. * * @param record task instance * @throws IOException */ private void writeTask(Task record) throws IOException { m_buffer.setLength(0); if (!record.getSummary()) { m_buffer.append("ACTV "); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.rset(record.getUniqueID().toString(), 10) + " "); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getName(), 30) + " "); // Following just makes certain we have days for duration, as per USACE spec. Duration dd = record.getDuration(); double duration = dd.getDuration(); if (dd.getUnits() != TimeUnit.DAYS) { dd = Duration.convertUnits(duration, dd.getUnits(), TimeUnit.DAYS, m_minutesPerDay, m_minutesPerWeek, m_daysPerMonth); } Double days = Double.valueOf(dd.getDuration() + 0.5); // Add 0.5 so half day rounds up upon truncation Integer est = Integer.valueOf(days.intValue()); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.rset(est.toString(), 3) + " "); // task duration in days required by USACE String conType = "ES "; // assume early start Date conDate = record.getEarlyStart(); int test = record.getConstraintType().getValue(); // test for other types if (test == 1 || test == 3 || test == 6 || test == 7) { conType = "LF "; // see ConstraintType enum for definitions conDate = record.getLateFinish(); } m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(conDate).toUpperCase() + " "); // Constraint Date m_buffer.append(conType); // Constraint Type if (record.getCalendar() == null) { m_buffer.append("1 "); } else { m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.lset(record.getCalendar().getUniqueID().toString(), 1) + " "); } // skipping hammock code in here // use of text fields for extra USACE data is suggested at my web site: www.geocomputer.com // not documented on how to do this here, so I need to comment out at present // m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.Lset(record.getText1(), 3) + " "); // m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.Lset(record.getText2(), 4) + " "); // m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.Lset(record.getText3(), 4) + " "); // m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.Lset(record.getText4(), 6) + " "); // m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.Lset(record.getText5(), 6) + " "); // m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.Lset(record.getText6(), 2) + " "); // m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.Lset(record.getText7(), 1) + " "); // m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.Lset(record.getText8(), 30) + " "); m_writer.println(m_buffer.toString()); m_eventManager.fireTaskWrittenEvent(record); } } /** * Write an SDEF line for each task ACTV. * * @param tasks list of Task instances * @throws IOException */ private void writeTasks(List<Task> tasks) throws IOException { for (Task task : tasks) { writeTask(task); // writes one line to SDEF file } } /** * For each task, write an SDEF line for each PRED. * * @param tasks list of Task instances */ private void writePredecessors(List<Task> tasks) { for (Task task : tasks) { writeTaskPredecessors(task); } } /** * Write each predecessor for a task. * * @param record Task instance */ private void writeTaskPredecessors(Task record) { m_buffer.setLength(0); // // Write the task predecessor // if (!record.getSummary() && record.getPredecessors() != null) { // I don't use summary tasks for SDEF m_buffer.append("PRED "); List<Relation> predecessors = record.getPredecessors(); for (Relation pred : predecessors) { m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.rset(pred.getSourceTask().getUniqueID().toString(), 10) + " "); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.rset(pred.getTargetTask().getUniqueID().toString(), 10) + " "); String type = "C"; // default finish-to-start if (!pred.getType().toString().equals("FS")) { type = pred.getType().toString().substring(0, 1); } m_buffer.append(type + " "); Duration dd = pred.getLag(); double duration = dd.getDuration(); if (dd.getUnits() != TimeUnit.DAYS) { dd = Duration.convertUnits(duration, dd.getUnits(), TimeUnit.DAYS, m_minutesPerDay, m_minutesPerWeek, m_daysPerMonth); } Double days = Double.valueOf(dd.getDuration() + 0.5); // Add 0.5 so half day rounds up upon truncation Integer est = Integer.valueOf(days.intValue()); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.rset(est.toString(), 4) + " "); // task duration in days required by USACE } m_writer.println(m_buffer.toString()); } } /** * Writes a progress line to the SDEF file. * * Progress lines in SDEF are a little tricky, you need to assume a percent complete * this could be physical or temporal, I don't know what you're using??? * So in this version of SDEFwriter, I just put in 0.00 for cost progress to date, see *** below * * @param record Task instance */ private void writePROG(Task record) { m_buffer.setLength(0); // // Write the progress record // if (!record.getSummary()) { // I don't use summary tasks for SDEF m_buffer.append("PROG "); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.rset(record.getUniqueID().toString(), 10) + " "); Date temp = record.getActualStart(); if (temp == null) { m_buffer.append(" "); // SDEf is column sensitive, so the number of blanks here is crucial } else { m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getActualStart()).toUpperCase() + " "); // ACTUAL START DATE } temp = record.getActualFinish(); if (temp == null) { m_buffer.append(" "); } else { m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getActualFinish()).toUpperCase() + " "); // ACTUAL FINISH DATE } Duration dd = record.getRemainingDuration(); double duration = dd.getDuration(); if (dd.getUnits() != TimeUnit.DAYS) { dd = Duration.convertUnits(duration, dd.getUnits(), TimeUnit.DAYS, m_minutesPerDay, m_minutesPerWeek, m_daysPerMonth); } Double days = Double.valueOf(dd.getDuration() + 0.5); // Add 0.5 so half day rounds up upon truncation Integer est = Integer.valueOf(days.intValue()); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.rset(est.toString(), 3) + " "); // task duration in days required by USACE DecimalFormat twoDec = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); // USACE required currency format m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.rset(twoDec.format(record.getCost().floatValue()), 12) + " "); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.rset(twoDec.format(0.00), 12) + " "); // *** assume zero progress on cost m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.rset(twoDec.format(0.00), 12) + " "); // *** assume zero progress on cost m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getEarlyStart()).toUpperCase() + " "); m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getEarlyFinish()).toUpperCase() + " "); m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getLateStart()).toUpperCase() + " "); m_buffer.append(m_formatter.format(record.getLateFinish()).toUpperCase() + " "); dd = record.getTotalSlack(); duration = dd.getDuration(); if (dd.getUnits() != TimeUnit.DAYS) { dd = Duration.convertUnits(duration, dd.getUnits(), TimeUnit.DAYS, m_minutesPerDay, m_minutesPerWeek, m_daysPerMonth); } days = Double.valueOf(dd.getDuration() + 0.5); // Add 0.5 so half day rounds up upon truncation est = Integer.valueOf(days.intValue()); char slack; if (est.intValue() >= 0) { slack = '+'; // USACE likes positive slack, so they separate the sign from the value } else { slack = '-'; // only write a negative when it's negative, i.e. can't be done in project management terms!!! } m_buffer.append(slack + " "); est = Integer.valueOf(Math.abs(days.intValue())); m_buffer.append(SDEFmethods.rset(est.toString(), 4)); // task duration in days required by USACE m_writer.println(m_buffer.toString()); m_eventManager.fireTaskWrittenEvent(record); } } /** * Write a progress line for each task. * * @param tasks list of Task instances */ private void writeProgress(List<Task> tasks) { for (Task task : tasks) { writePROG(task); } } }