package net.sf.mpxj.mpp; import; import; import net.sf.mpxj.Duration; import net.sf.mpxj.EventManager; import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile; import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectProperties; import net.sf.mpxj.Relation; import net.sf.mpxj.RelationType; import net.sf.mpxj.Task; import net.sf.mpxj.TimeUnit; import net.sf.mpxj.common.NumberHelper; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DirectoryEntry; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DocumentEntry; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DocumentInputStream; /** * Common implementation detail to extract task constraint data from * MPP9, MPP12, and MPP14 files. */ public class ConstraintFactory { /** * Main entry point when called to process constraint data. * * @param projectDir project directory * @param file parent project file * @param inputStreamFactory factory to create input stream */ public void process(DirectoryEntry projectDir, ProjectFile file, DocumentInputStreamFactory inputStreamFactory) throws IOException { DirectoryEntry consDir; try { consDir = (DirectoryEntry) projectDir.getEntry("TBkndCons"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { consDir = null; } if (consDir != null) { FixedMeta consFixedMeta = new FixedMeta(new DocumentInputStream(((DocumentEntry) consDir.getEntry("FixedMeta"))), 10); FixedData consFixedData = new FixedData(consFixedMeta, 20, inputStreamFactory.getInstance(consDir, "FixedData")); // FixedMeta consFixed2Meta = new FixedMeta(new DocumentInputStream(((DocumentEntry) consDir.getEntry("Fixed2Meta"))), 9); // FixedData consFixed2Data = new FixedData(consFixed2Meta, 48, getEncryptableInputStream(consDir, "Fixed2Data")); int count = consFixedMeta.getAdjustedItemCount(); int lastConstraintID = -1; ProjectProperties properties = file.getProjectProperties(); EventManager eventManager = file.getEventManager(); boolean project15 = NumberHelper.getInt(properties.getMppFileType()) == 14 && properties.getFullApplicationName().equals("Microsoft.Project 15.0"); int durationUnitsOffset = project15 ? 18 : 14; int durationOffset = project15 ? 14 : 16; for (int loop = 0; loop < count; loop++) { byte[] metaData = consFixedMeta.getByteArrayValue(loop); // // SourceForge bug 2209477: we were reading an int here, but // it looks like the deleted flag is just a short. // if (MPPUtility.getShort(metaData, 0) == 0) { int index = consFixedData.getIndexFromOffset(MPPUtility.getInt(metaData, 4)); if (index != -1) { // byte[] metaData2 = consFixed2Meta.getByteArrayValue(loop); // int index2 = consFixed2Data.getIndexFromOffset(MPPUtility.getInt(metaData2, 4)); // byte[] data2 = consFixed2Data.getByteArrayValue(index2); byte[] data = consFixedData.getByteArrayValue(index); int constraintID = MPPUtility.getInt(data, 0); if (constraintID > lastConstraintID) { lastConstraintID = constraintID; int taskID1 = MPPUtility.getInt(data, 4); int taskID2 = MPPUtility.getInt(data, 8); if (taskID1 != taskID2) { Task task1 = file.getTaskByUniqueID(Integer.valueOf(taskID1)); Task task2 = file.getTaskByUniqueID(Integer.valueOf(taskID2)); if (task1 != null && task2 != null) { RelationType type = RelationType.getInstance(MPPUtility.getShort(data, 12)); TimeUnit durationUnits = MPPUtility.getDurationTimeUnits(MPPUtility.getShort(data, durationUnitsOffset)); Duration lag = MPPUtility.getAdjustedDuration(properties, MPPUtility.getInt(data, durationOffset), durationUnits); Relation relation = task2.addPredecessor(task1, type, lag); eventManager.fireRelationReadEvent(relation); } } } } } } } } }