/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.pig.FuncSpec; import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigMapReduce; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.POStatus; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.PhysicalOperator; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.Result; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.expressionOperators.POProject; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.expressionOperators.POUserFunc; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.plans.PhysicalPlan; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POPartialAgg; import org.apache.pig.builtin.IntSum; import org.apache.pig.data.DataType; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.PlanException; import org.apache.pig.parser.ParserException; import org.apache.pig.test.utils.GenPhyOp; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * Test POPartialAgg runtime */ public class TestPOPartialAgg { POPartialAgg partAggOp; PhysicalPlan parentPlan; Tuple dummyTuple = null; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { createPOPartialPlan(); } private void createPOPartialPlan() throws PlanException { parentPlan = new PhysicalPlan(); partAggOp = GenPhyOp.topPOPartialAgg(); partAggOp.setParentPlan(parentPlan); // setup key plan PhysicalPlan keyPlan = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject keyProj = new POProject(GenPhyOp.getOK(), -1, 0); keyProj.setResultType(DataType.INTEGER); keyPlan.add(keyProj); partAggOp.setKeyPlan(keyPlan); // setup value plan // project arg for udf PhysicalPlan valPlan1 = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject projVal1 = new POProject(GenPhyOp.getOK(), -1, 1); projVal1.setResultType(DataType.BAG); valPlan1.add(projVal1); // setup udf List<PhysicalOperator> udfInps = new ArrayList<PhysicalOperator>(); udfInps.add(projVal1); FuncSpec sumSpec = new FuncSpec(IntSum.Intermediate.class.getName()); POUserFunc sumUdf = new POUserFunc(GenPhyOp.getOK(), -1, udfInps, sumSpec); valPlan1.add(sumUdf); valPlan1.connect(projVal1, sumUdf); List<PhysicalPlan> valuePlans = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); valuePlans.add(valPlan1); partAggOp.setValuePlans(valuePlans); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { } @Test public void testPartialOneInput1() throws ExecException, ParserException { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output String[] tups1 = { "(1,(2L))" }; Tuple t = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings(tups1).get(0); checkSingleRow(t); } @Test public void testPartialOneInput2() throws ExecException, ParserException { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output String[] tups1 = { "(null,(2L))" }; Tuple t = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings(tups1).get(0); checkSingleRow(t); } @Test public void testPartialOneInput3() throws ExecException, ParserException { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output String[] tups1 = { "(1,(null))" }; Tuple t = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings(tups1).get(0); checkSingleRow(t); } private void checkSingleRow(Tuple t) throws ExecException { Result res; // attaching one input tuple, result tuple stays in operator, expect EOP partAggOp.attachInput(t); res = partAggOp.getNext(dummyTuple); assertEquals(POStatus.STATUS_EOP, res.returnStatus); // end of all input, now expecting results parentPlan.endOfAllInput = true; res = partAggOp.getNext(dummyTuple); assertEquals(POStatus.STATUS_OK, res.returnStatus); assertEquals(t, res.result); } @Test public void testPartialAggNoInput() throws ExecException, ParserException { // nothing attached, expecting EOP Result res = partAggOp.getNext(dummyTuple); assertEquals(POStatus.STATUS_EOP, res.returnStatus); // end of all input, still no results parentPlan.endOfAllInput = true; res = partAggOp.getNext(dummyTuple); assertEquals(POStatus.STATUS_EOP, res.returnStatus); } @Test public void testPartialMultiInput1() throws Exception { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output String[] inputTups = { "(1,(1L))", "(1,(2L))", "(2,(1L))" }; String[] outputTups = { "(1,(3L))", "(2,(1L))" }; checkInputAndOutput(inputTups, outputTups, false); } @Test public void testPartialMultiInput2() throws Exception { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output String[] inputTups = { "(1,(1L))", "(2,(2L))", "(1,(2L))" }; String[] outputTups = { "(1,(3L))", "(2,(2L))" }; checkInputAndOutput(inputTups, outputTups, false); } @Test public void testPartialMultiInput3() throws Exception { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output String[] inputTups = { "(null,(1L))", "(null,(2L))", "(null,(2L))" }; String[] outputTups = { "(null,(5L))" }; checkInputAndOutput(inputTups, outputTups, false); } @Test public void testPartialMultiInput4() throws Exception { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output String[] inputTups = { "(1,(1L))", "(2,(2L))", "(null,(2L))" }; String[] outputTups = { "(1,(1L))", "(2,(2L))", "(null,(2L))" }; checkInputAndOutput(inputTups, outputTups, false); } @Test // The case where there is no memory for use by hashmap public void testPartialMultiInputHashMemEmpty1() throws Exception { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output String[] inputTups = { "(1,(1L))", "(2,(2L))", "(null,(2L))" }; String[] outputTups = { "(1,(1L))", "(2,(2L))", "(null,(2L))" }; checkInputAndOutput(inputTups, outputTups, true); } @Test // The case where there is no memory for use by hashmap public void testPartialMultiInputHashMemEmpty2() throws Exception { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output String[] inputTups = { "(1,(1L))", "(2,(2L))", "(1,(2L))" }; // since the group keys with same value are not in consecutive rows // and hashmap is not given any memory they don't get // aggreated with POPartialAgg String[] outputTups = { "(1,(1L))", "(2,(2L))", "(1,(2L))" }; checkInputAndOutput(inputTups, outputTups, true); } @Test public void testPartialMultiInput1HashMemEmpty() throws Exception { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output // gby keys in consecutive row, they get aggregated even when // hashmap is not given any memory String[] inputTups = { "(1,(1L))", "(1,(2L))", "(2,(1L))" }; String[] outputTups = { "(1,(3L))", "(2,(1L))" }; checkInputAndOutput(inputTups, outputTups, true); } @Test public void testMultiInput1HashMemEmpty() throws Exception { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output String[] inputTups = { "(1,(1L))", "(2,(2L))", "(1,(2L))" }; String[] outputTups = { "(1,(3L))", "(2,(2L))" }; checkInputAndOutput(inputTups, outputTups, false); } @Test public void testPartialMultiInputMultiInput1HashMemEmpty() throws Exception { // input tuple has key, and bag containing SUM.Init output String[] inputTups = { "(null,(1L))", "(null,(2L))", "(null,(2L))" }; String[] outputTups = { "(null,(5L))" }; checkInputAndOutput(inputTups, outputTups, false); } /** * run the plan on inputTups and check if output matches outputTups if * isMapMemEmpty is set to true, set memory available for the hash-map to * zero * * @param inputTups * @param outputTups * @param isMapMemEmpty * @throws ParserException * @throws ExecException * @throws PlanException */ private void checkInputAndOutput(String[] inputTups, String[] outputTups, boolean isMapMemEmpty) throws Exception { PigMapReduce.sJobConfInternal.set(new Configuration()); if (isMapMemEmpty) { PigMapReduce.sJobConfInternal.get().set("pig.cachedbag.memusage", "0"); } List<Tuple> inputs = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings(inputTups); List<Tuple> expectedOuts = Util .getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings(outputTups); List<Tuple> outputs = new ArrayList<Tuple>(); // run through the inputs for (Tuple t : inputs) { Result res; // attaching one input tuple, result tuple stays in operator, expect // EOP partAggOp.attachInput(t); res = partAggOp.getNext(dummyTuple); if (isMapMemEmpty) { addResults(res, outputs); } else { assertEquals(POStatus.STATUS_EOP, res.returnStatus); } } // start getting the outputs // end of all input, now expecting results parentPlan.endOfAllInput = true; if (isMapMemEmpty) { Result res = partAggOp.getNext(dummyTuple); // only one last output expected addResults(res, outputs); res = partAggOp.getNext(dummyTuple); assertEquals(POStatus.STATUS_EOP, res.returnStatus); Util.compareActualAndExpectedResults(outputs, expectedOuts); } else { while (true) { Result res = partAggOp.getNext(dummyTuple); if (!addResults(res, outputs)) { break; } } Util.compareActualAndExpectedResults(outputs, expectedOuts); } } private boolean addResults(Result res, List<Tuple> outputs) { if (res.returnStatus == POStatus.STATUS_EOP) { return false; } else if (res.returnStatus == POStatus.STATUS_OK) { outputs.add((Tuple) res.result); return true; } else { fail("Invalid result status " + res.returnStatus); return false; // to keep compiler happy } } }