package org.apache.pig.backend.stratosphere.executionengine.contractsLayer.stubs; import; import org.apache.pig.backend.stratosphere.executionengine.pactLayer.PactOperator; import; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.ObjectSerializer; import eu.stratosphere.nephele.configuration.Configuration; import eu.stratosphere.pact.common.stubs.ReduceStub; import eu.stratosphere.pact.common.type.PactRecord; public abstract class PigGenericReduceStub extends ReduceStub { protected PactRecord outputRecord = new PactRecord(); private static final Tuple DUMMYTUPLE = null; //the PactOperator corresponding to this Input Contract protected PactOperator pactOp; /** * Setup before the map method is called on the records. * Retrieves the PactOperator plan that needs to be implemented in the <code>map()</code> * and sets the {@link pactOp} attribute **/ @Override public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception{ try { this.pactOp = (PactOperator) ObjectSerializer.deserialize(parameters.getString("pactOp", null)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void runPipeline() throws IOException, InterruptedException { //do nothing } }