/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.test; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.pig.ExecType; import org.apache.pig.PigServer; import org.apache.pig.data.DataType; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class TestOrderBy extends TestCase { private static final int DATALEN = 1024; private String[][] DATA = new String[2][DATALEN]; static MiniCluster cluster = MiniCluster.buildCluster(); private PigServer pig; private File tmpFile; public TestOrderBy() throws Throwable { DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat("0000000"); for (int i = 0; i < DATALEN; i++) { DATA[0][i] = myFormatter.format(i); DATA[1][i] = myFormatter.format(DATALEN - i - 1); } pig = new PigServer(ExecType.MAPREDUCE, cluster.getProperties()); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { tmpFile = File.createTempFile("test", "txt"); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)); for(int i = 0; i < DATALEN; i++) { ps.println("1\t" + DATA[1][i] + "\t" + DATA[0][i]); } ps.close(); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { tmpFile.delete(); } @AfterClass public static void oneTimeTearDown() throws Exception { cluster.shutDown(); } private void verify(String query, boolean descending) throws Exception { pig.registerQuery(query); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("myid"); int col = (descending ? 1 : 0); for(int i = 0; i < DATALEN; i++) { Tuple t = (Tuple)it.next(); int value = DataType.toInteger(t.get(1)); assertEquals(Integer.parseInt(DATA[col][i]), value); } assertFalse(it.hasNext()); } @Test public void testTopLevelOrderBy_Star_NoUsing() throws Exception { verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY *;", false); } @Test public void testTopLevelOrderBy_Col1_NoUsing() throws Exception { verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $1;", false); } @Test public void testTopLevelOrderBy_Col2_NoUsing() throws Exception { verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $2;", true); } @Test public void testTopLevelOrderBy_Col21_NoUsing() throws Exception { verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $2, $1;", true); } @Test public void testTopLevelOrderBy_Star_Using() throws Exception { verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY * USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdAsc;", false); verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY * USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdDesc;", true); verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY * USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdDescNumeric;", true); } @Test public void testTopLevelOrderBy_Col1_Using() throws Exception { verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $1 USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdAsc;", false); verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $1 USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdDesc;", true); verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $1 USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdDescNumeric;", true); } @Test public void testTopLevelOrderBy_Col2_Using() throws Exception { verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $2 USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdAsc;", true); verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $2 USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdDesc;", false); verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $2 USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdDescNumeric;", false); } @Test public void testTopLevelOrderBy_Col21_Using() throws Exception { // col2/col1 ascending - verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $2, $1 USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdAsc;", true); verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $2, $1 USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdDesc;", false); verify("myid = order (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') BY $2, $1 USING org.apache.pig.test.OrdDescNumeric;", false); } @Test public void testNestedOrderBy_Star_NoUsing() throws Exception { verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY *; generate flatten(D); };", false); } @Test public void testNestedOrderBy_Col1_NoUsing() throws Exception { verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $1; generate flatten(D); };", false); } @Test public void testNestedOrderBy_Col2_NoUsing() throws Exception { verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $2; generate flatten(D); };", true); } @Test public void testNestedOrderBy_Col21_NoUsing() throws Exception { verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $2, $1; generate flatten(D); };", true); } @Test public void testNestedOrderBy_Star_Using() throws Exception { verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY * USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdAsc; generate flatten(D); };", false); verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY * USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdDesc; generate flatten(D); };", true); verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY * USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdDescNumeric; generate flatten(D); };", true); } @Test public void testNestedOrderBy_Col1_Using() throws Exception { verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $1 USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdAsc; generate flatten(D); };", false); verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $1 USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdDesc; generate flatten(D); };", true); verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $1 USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdDescNumeric; generate flatten(D); };", true); } @Test public void testNestedOrderBy_Col2_Using() throws Exception { verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $2 USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdAsc; generate flatten(D); };", true); verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $2 USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdDesc; generate flatten(D); };", false); verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $2 USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdDescNumeric; generate flatten(D); };", false); } @Test public void testNestedOrderBy_Col21_Using() throws Exception { // col2/col1 ascending - verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $2, $1 USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdAsc; generate flatten(D); };", true); verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $2, $1 USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdDesc; generate flatten(D); };", false); verify("myid = foreach (group (load 'file:" + tmpFile + "') by $0) { D = ORDER $1 BY $2, $1 USING " + "org.apache.pig.test.OrdDescNumeric; generate flatten(D); };", false); } // this test case is for JIRA_1034 @Test public void testOrderByGroup() throws Exception{ tmpFile = File.createTempFile("test", "txt"); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ps.println(i); } ps.close(); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'file:" + tmpFile +"' as (f1:int);"); pig.registerQuery("b = group a by $0;"); pig.registerQuery("c = order b by group;"); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pig.openIterator("c"); int count = 0; while(iter.hasNext()){ Tuple tuple=iter.next(); assertEquals(count, tuple.get(0)); count++; } assertEquals(count, 100); } @Test public void testOrderByBooleanColumn() throws Exception { File tmpFile = genDataSetFileForOrderByBooleanColumn(); List<Tuple> expectedResults = new ArrayList<Tuple>(); expectedResults.add(Util.buildTuple("value3", null)); expectedResults.add(Util.buildTuple("value4", null)); expectedResults.add(Util.buildTuple("value10", null)); expectedResults.add(Util.buildTuple("value2", Boolean.FALSE)); expectedResults.add(Util.buildTuple("value6", Boolean.FALSE)); expectedResults.add(Util.buildTuple("value7", Boolean.FALSE)); expectedResults.add(Util.buildTuple("value1", Boolean.TRUE)); expectedResults.add(Util.buildTuple("value5", Boolean.TRUE)); expectedResults.add(Util.buildTuple("value8", Boolean.TRUE)); expectedResults.add(Util.buildTuple("value9", Boolean.TRUE)); pig.registerQuery("blah = load '" + Util.generateURI(tmpFile.toString(), pig.getPigContext()) + "' as (data:chararray, test:boolean);"); pig.registerQuery("ordered = order blah by test;"); Iterator<Tuple> expectedItr = expectedResults.iterator(); Iterator<Tuple> actualItr = pig.openIterator("ordered"); while (expectedItr.hasNext() && actualItr.hasNext()) { Tuple expectedTuple = expectedItr.next(); Tuple actualTuple = actualItr.next(); assertEquals(expectedTuple, actualTuple); } assertEquals(expectedItr.hasNext(), actualItr.hasNext()); } private File genDataSetFileForOrderByBooleanColumn() throws IOException { File fp1 = File.createTempFile("order_by_boolean", "txt"); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(fp1)); ps.println("value1\ttrue"); ps.println("value2\tfalse"); ps.println("value3\t"); ps.println("value4\t"); ps.println("value5\ttrue"); ps.println("value6\tfalse"); ps.println("value7\tfalse"); ps.println("value8\ttrue"); ps.println("value9\ttrue"); ps.println("value10\t"); ps.close(); return fp1; } }