package com.ftloverdrive.ui.ship; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Image; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.SpriteDrawable; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import com.ftloverdrive.core.OverdriveContext; import; import com.ftloverdrive.model.ship.ShipCoordinate; import com.ftloverdrive.util.OVDConstants; /** * All the floor tiles on a ship (but no lines). * * After construction, set the height, then call addTile() for all * ShipCoordinates. */ public class ShipRoomDecorsActor extends Group implements Disposable { protected float tileSize = 35; protected AssetManager assetManager; protected Array<String> atlasPaths; public ShipRoomDecorsActor( OverdriveContext context ) { super(); assetManager = context.getAssetManager(); atlasPaths = new Array<String>( false, 1 ); } /** * Sets a new tile size (default: 35). * * The clear() method should be called first, if tiles have been added. */ public void setTileSize( float n ) { tileSize = n; } @Override public void draw( SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha ) { super.draw( batch, parentAlpha ); } protected float calcTileX( ShipCoordinate coord ) { return ( coord.x * tileSize ); } protected float calcTileY( ShipCoordinate coord ) { return ( this.getHeight() - ( coord.y * tileSize ) ); } /** * Adds a decoration at a rectangle encompassing a room's coordinates. * * TODO: Maybe allow non-rectangular rooms with ScissorsStack clipping. */ public void addDecor( ImageSpec imageSpec, ShipCoordinate[] coords ) { if ( imageSpec == null ) return; Rectangle decorBounds = null; for ( ShipCoordinate coord : coords ) { if ( coord.v != 0 ) continue; Rectangle tmpRect = new Rectangle( calcTileX( coord ), calcTileY( coord ), tileSize, tileSize ); if ( decorBounds == null ) { decorBounds = tmpRect; } else { decorBounds.merge( tmpRect ); } } if ( decorBounds == null ) return; if ( !atlasPaths.contains( imageSpec.getAtlasPath(), false ) ) { assetManager.load( imageSpec.getAtlasPath(), TextureAtlas.class ); assetManager.finishLoading(); atlasPaths.add( imageSpec.getAtlasPath() ); } TextureAtlas decorAtlas = assetManager.get( imageSpec.getAtlasPath(), TextureAtlas.class ); Sprite decorSprite = decorAtlas.createSprite( imageSpec.getRegionName() ); SpriteDrawable decorDrawable = new SpriteDrawable( decorSprite ); Image decorImage = new Image( decorDrawable ); decorImage.setBounds( decorBounds.x, decorBounds.y, decorBounds.width, decorBounds.height ); this.addActor( decorImage ); // These are different floats which can cause gaps when mixed. // (x * size + size) != ((x+1) * size) } @Override public void dispose() { for ( String atlasPath : atlasPaths ) { assetManager.unload( atlasPath ); } } }