package com.ftloverdrive.ui.screen; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputMultiplexer; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.FileHandleResolver; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Window; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Align; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.NinePatchDrawable; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Logger; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Pools; import com.ftloverdrive.blueprint.ship.TestShipBlueprint; import com.ftloverdrive.core.OverdriveContext; import com.ftloverdrive.event.OVDEventManager; import com.ftloverdrive.event.TickEvent; import com.ftloverdrive.event.TickListener; import; import; import com.ftloverdrive.event.handler.GameEventHandler; import com.ftloverdrive.event.handler.ShipEventHandler; import com.ftloverdrive.event.handler.TickEventHandler; import com.ftloverdrive.event.ship.ShipPropertyEvent; import com.ftloverdrive.event.ship.ShipPropertyListener; import com.ftloverdrive.model.DefaultGameModel; import com.ftloverdrive.model.DefaultPlayerModel; import com.ftloverdrive.model.GameModel; import com.ftloverdrive.model.PlayerModel; import com.ftloverdrive.model.ship.ShipModel; import com.ftloverdrive.model.ship.TestShipModel; import com.ftloverdrive.script.OVDScriptManager; import com.ftloverdrive.ui.ShatteredImage; import com.ftloverdrive.ui.hud.PlayerShipHullMonitor; import com.ftloverdrive.ui.screen.OVDScreen; import com.ftloverdrive.ui.screen.OVDStageManager; import com.ftloverdrive.ui.ship.ShipActor; import com.ftloverdrive.util.OVDConstants; public class TestScreen implements Disposable, OVDScreen { protected static final String BKG_ATLAS = "img/stars/bg-dullstars-bigcols5.atlas"; protected static final String ROOT_ATLAS = "img/pack.atlas"; protected static final String MISC_ATLAS = "img/misc/pack.atlas"; protected static final String PEOPLE_ATLAS = "img/people/pack.atlas"; protected static final String PLOT_FONT = "fonts/JustinFont12Bold.ttf?size=13"; private Logger log; private TextureAtlas bgAtlas; private TextureAtlas rootAtlas; private TextureAtlas miscAtlas; private TextureAtlas peopleAtlas; private SpriteBatch batch; private boolean renderedPreviousFrame = false; private float elapsed = 0; private OVDStageManager stageManager = null; private OVDEventManager eventManager = null; private OVDScriptManager scriptManager = null; private InputMultiplexer inputMultiplexer; private Stage mainStage; private Stage hudStage; private Stage popupStage; private Sprite driftSprite = null; private Animation walkAnim = null; private PlayerShipHullMonitor playerShipHullMonitor; private ShipActor shipActor; private OverdriveContext context; public TestScreen( OverdriveContext srcContext ) { this.context = Pools.get( OverdriveContext.class ).obtain(); this.context.init( srcContext ); this.context.setScreen( this ); log = new Logger( TestScreen.class.getCanonicalName(), Logger.DEBUG ); stageManager = new OVDStageManager(); eventManager = new OVDEventManager(); scriptManager = new OVDScriptManager(); mainStage = new Stage(); stageManager.putStage( "Main", mainStage ); hudStage = new Stage(); stageManager.putStage( "HUD", hudStage ); popupStage = new Stage(); stageManager.putStage( "Popup", popupStage ); // These layers are mainly notes. Many will probably be moved inside // actors. Array<String> mainLayerNames = new Array<String>(); mainLayerNames.add( "Background" ); mainLayerNames.add( "BackgroundAccent" ); // Planet. mainLayerNames.add( "ShipShield" ); mainLayerNames.add( "ShipGib" ); mainLayerNames.add( "ShipWeapon" ); mainLayerNames.add( "ShipBase" ); mainLayerNames.add( "ShipFloor" ); mainLayerNames.add( "ShipFloorSheen" ); // Oxygen stripes. mainLayerNames.add( "ShipRoomDecor" ); mainLayerNames.add( "ShipRoomAccent" ); // Terminal. mainLayerNames.add( "ShipBreach" ); mainLayerNames.add( "ShipFire" ); mainLayerNames.add( "ShipSystemIcon" ); mainLayerNames.add( "ShipPersonnelDot" ); // Sensor blip or walk target. mainLayerNames.add( "ShipPersonnel" ); mainLayerNames.add( "ShipWall" ); mainLayerNames.add( "ShipDoor" ); mainLayerNames.add( "Satellite" ); // Flying drones. mainLayerNames.add( "Debris" ); // Crystal lockdown chunks. Explosions. for ( String layerName : mainLayerNames ) { Group tmpGroup = new Group(); tmpGroup.setName( layerName ); mainStage.getRoot().addActor( tmpGroup ); } Array<String> hudLayerNames = new Array<String>(); hudLayerNames.add( "Warning" ); // "Danger", "Intruders Detected" and "O2 Low". hudLayerNames.add( "UnitStatus" ); // Health bars over crew. hudLayerNames.add( "ShipDoorHighlight" ); hudLayerNames.add( "FloatyDamageNumber" ); // When hit. hudLayerNames.add( "Beam" ); hudLayerNames.add( "Reticle" ); hudLayerNames.add( "CtrlPanel" ); for ( String layerName : hudLayerNames ) { Group tmpGroup = new Group(); tmpGroup.setName( layerName ); hudStage.getRoot().addActor( tmpGroup ); } // Layers can be looked up with stage.getRoot().findActor( layerName ); // A layer can be inserted like this... // Group stageRoot = stage.getRoot(); // Group lowerLayer = (Group)stageRoot.findActor( layerName ); // stageRoot.addActorAfter( lowerLayer, newGroup ); context.getAssetManager().load( BKG_ATLAS, TextureAtlas.class ); context.getAssetManager().load( ROOT_ATLAS, TextureAtlas.class ); context.getAssetManager().load( MISC_ATLAS, TextureAtlas.class ); context.getAssetManager().load( PEOPLE_ATLAS, TextureAtlas.class ); context.getAssetManager().load( PLOT_FONT, BitmapFont.class ); context.getAssetManager().finishLoading(); bgAtlas = context.getAssetManager().get( BKG_ATLAS, TextureAtlas.class ); ShatteredImage bgImage = new ShatteredImage( bgAtlas.findRegions( "bg-dullstars" ), 5 ); bgImage.setFillParent( true ); bgImage.setPosition( 0, 0 ); ((Group)mainStage.getRoot().findActor( "Background" )).addActor( bgImage ); textWindowDemo(); movingSpriteDemo(); walkAnimDemo(); batch = new SpriteBatch(); int playerRefId = context.getNetManager().requestNewRefId(); PlayerModel playerModel = new DefaultPlayerModel(); context.getReferenceManager().addObject( playerModel, playerRefId ); context.getNetManager().setLocalPlayerRefId( playerRefId ); int gameRefId = context.getNetManager().requestNewRefId(); GameModel gameModel = new DefaultGameModel(); context.getReferenceManager().addObject( gameModel, gameRefId ); context.setGameModelRefId( gameRefId ); playerShipHullMonitor = new PlayerShipHullMonitor( context ); playerShipHullMonitor.setPosition( 0, hudStage.getHeight()-playerShipHullMonitor.getHeight() ); hudStage.addActor( playerShipHullMonitor ); shipActor = new ShipActor( context ); shipActor.setPosition( 200, 100 ); // TODO: Magic numbers (~200x200 on 1280x768). mainStage.addActor( shipActor ); inputMultiplexer = new InputMultiplexer(); inputMultiplexer.addProcessor( popupStage ); inputMultiplexer.addProcessor( hudStage ); inputMultiplexer.addProcessor( mainStage ); // Wire up the event manager... TickEventHandler tickHandler = new TickEventHandler(); for ( Class c : tickHandler.getEventClasses() ) eventManager.setEventHandler( c, tickHandler ); GameEventHandler gameHandler = new GameEventHandler(); for ( Class c : gameHandler.getEventClasses() ) eventManager.setEventHandler( c, gameHandler ); ShipEventHandler shipHandler = new ShipEventHandler(); for ( Class c : shipHandler.getEventClasses() ) eventManager.setEventHandler( c, shipHandler ); eventManager.addEventListener( playerShipHullMonitor, GamePlayerShipChangeListener.class ); eventManager.addEventListener( playerShipHullMonitor, ShipPropertyListener.class ); eventManager.addEventListener( shipActor, GamePlayerShipChangeListener.class ); eventManager.addEventListener( shipActor, ShipPropertyListener.class ); // When there's a ship, increment its hull after every tick. eventManager.addEventListener(new TickListener() { @Override public void ticksAccumulated( TickEvent e ) { //System.out.println( "Tick ("+ e.getTickCount() +")" ); GameModel gameModel = context.getReferenceManager().getObject( context.getGameModelRefId(), GameModel.class ); int shipRefId = gameModel.getPlayerShip( context.getNetManager().getLocalPlayerRefId() ); if ( shipRefId != -1 ) { ShipModel shipModel = context.getReferenceManager().getObject( shipRefId, ShipModel.class ); int hull = shipModel.getProperties().getInt( OVDConstants.HULL ); int hullMax = shipModel.getProperties().getInt( OVDConstants.HULL_MAX ); if ( hull < hullMax ) { ShipPropertyEvent event = Pools.get( ShipPropertyEvent.class ).obtain(); event.init( shipRefId, ShipPropertyEvent.INT_TYPE, ShipPropertyEvent.INCREMENT_ACTION, OVDConstants.HULL, 1 ); context.getScreenEventManager().postDelayedEvent( event ); } } // Eventually a PropertyEvent would have an INC_IF_LESS_THAN flag // or something. Or maybe a sentinel event listener - set to watch // certain property names - vetoing attempts to increment beyond // the names' associated maxes? } }, TickListener.class); // Create a test ship. int shipRefId = new TestShipBlueprint().createShip( context ); // Set it as the player's ship. GamePlayerShipChangeEvent shipChangeEvent = Pools.get( GamePlayerShipChangeEvent.class ).obtain(); shipChangeEvent.init( gameRefId, playerRefId, shipRefId ); eventManager.postDelayedEvent( shipChangeEvent ); try { FileHandleResolver resolver = context.getFileHandleResolver(); //scriptManager.eval( resolver.resolve( "" ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { log.error( "Error evaluating script.", e ); } } private void textWindowDemo() { BitmapFont plotFont = context.getAssetManager().get( PLOT_FONT, BitmapFont.class ); String loremIpsum = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, "; loremIpsum += "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."; loremIpsum += "\n\nThis window is draggable."; rootAtlas = context.getAssetManager().get( ROOT_ATLAS, TextureAtlas.class ); TextureRegion plotDlgRegion = rootAtlas.findRegion( "box-text1" ); NinePatchDrawable plotDlgBgDrawable = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( plotDlgRegion, 20, 20, 35, 20 ) ); Window plotDlg = new Window( "", new Window.WindowStyle( plotFont, new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f ), plotDlgBgDrawable ) ); plotDlg.setKeepWithinStage( true ); plotDlg.setMovable( true ); plotDlg.setSize( 200, 250 ); plotDlg.setPosition( 765, 60 ); plotDlg.row().top().expand().fill(); Label plotLbl = new Label( loremIpsum, new Label.LabelStyle( plotFont, new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f ) ) ); plotLbl.setAlignment(|Align.left,|Align.left ); plotLbl.setWrap( true ); plotDlg.add( plotLbl ); // setKeepWithinStage() only applies if added to the stage root. :/ popupStage.addActor( plotDlg ); } private void movingSpriteDemo() { miscAtlas = context.getAssetManager().get( MISC_ATLAS, TextureAtlas.class ); driftSprite = miscAtlas.createSprite( "crosshairs-placed" ); } private void walkAnimDemo() { peopleAtlas = context.getAssetManager().get( PEOPLE_ATLAS, TextureAtlas.class ); TextureRegion crewRegion = peopleAtlas.findRegion( "human-player-yellow" ); // FTL's animations.xml counts 0-based rows from the bottom. TextureRegion[][] tmpFrames = crewRegion.split( 35, 35 ); TextureRegion[] walkFrames = new TextureRegion[ 4 ]; int walkStart = 4; for ( int i=0; i < walkFrames.length; i++ ) { walkFrames[i] = tmpFrames[0][ walkStart + i ]; } walkAnim = new Animation( .3f, walkFrames ); } @Override public void resize( int width, int height ) { hudStage.setViewport( width, height, true ); // TODO: Re-layout Stages. // SpriteBatches get resized to match the new aspect ratio, // need to counteract this. // playerShipHullMonitor.setPosition( 0, hudStage.getHeight()-playerShipHullMonitor.getHeight() ); Matrix4 matrix = new Matrix4(); matrix.setToOrtho2D( 0, 0, width, height ); batch.setProjectionMatrix( matrix ); } @Override public void show() { Gdx.input.setInputProcessor( inputMultiplexer ); } @Override public void hide() { Gdx.input.setInputProcessor( null ); renderedPreviousFrame = false; } @Override public void render( float delta ) { if ( renderedPreviousFrame ) eventManager.secondsElapsed( delta ); eventManager.processEvents( context ); 0, 0, 0, 0 ); GL10.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ); if ( renderedPreviousFrame ) elapsed += delta; mainStage.act( delta ); mainStage.draw(); batch.begin(); if ( driftSprite != null ) { driftSprite.setPosition( 100+100*(float)Math.cos(elapsed), 100+25*(float)Math.sin(elapsed) ); driftSprite.draw( batch ); } if ( walkAnim != null ) { TextureRegion walkFrame = walkAnim.getKeyFrame( elapsed, true ); batch.draw( walkFrame, 50, 50 ); } batch.end(); hudStage.act( delta ); hudStage.draw(); popupStage.act( delta ); popupStage.draw(); renderedPreviousFrame = true; } @Override public void pause() { renderedPreviousFrame = false; } @Override public void resume() { } @Override public void dispose() { hudStage.dispose(); playerShipHullMonitor.dispose(); shipActor.dispose(); context.getAssetManager().unload( BKG_ATLAS ); context.getAssetManager().unload( ROOT_ATLAS ); context.getAssetManager().unload( MISC_ATLAS ); context.getAssetManager().unload( PEOPLE_ATLAS ); context.getAssetManager().unload( PLOT_FONT ); Pools.get( OverdriveContext.class ).free( context ); } @Override public OVDStageManager getStageManager() { return stageManager; } @Override public OVDEventManager getEventManager() { return eventManager; } @Override public OVDScriptManager getScriptManager() { return scriptManager; } }