package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; import javax.swing.Action; import org.springframework.context.MessageSource; import org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import static; /** * Uses properties and i18n messages for configuring the properties of * {@link Action} at runtime, performing the required conversion logic through a * {@link ConversionService}. * * Messages can be empty but conversion failure are not expected ie * {@link RuntimeException} will be thrown. * */ public class ActionConfigurer { private final Properties properties; private final MessageSource messageSource; private final ConversionService conversionService; private final Collection<? extends ActionProperty> actionProperties; /* package */ActionConfigurer(final Properties properties, final MessageSource messageSource, final ConversionService conversionService, final Collection<? extends ActionProperty> actionProperties) { = checkNotNull(properties); this.messageSource = checkNotNull(messageSource); this.conversionService = checkNotNull(conversionService); this.actionProperties = checkNotNull(actionProperties); } /** * @param action * the action that should be configured * @param identifier * what characterize the messages for the provided action with * regards to the others */ public Action configure(final Action action, final String identifier) { for (final ActionProperty property : actionProperties) { final String messageCode = property.getMessageCode(identifier); final String message = getMessage(messageCode); if (!StringUtils.hasText(message)) { continue; } final Object value = conversionService.convert(message, property.getTargetType()); if (value == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Error during the conversion of " + message); } action.putValue(property.getSwingKey(), value); } return action; } /** * Search properties and if not found messages. */ private String getMessage(final String messageCode) { final String messageFromProperty = properties.getProperty(messageCode); if (messageFromProperty != null) { return messageFromProperty; } return messageSource.getMessage(messageCode, null, null, Locale.getDefault()); } }