package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import; import; public class JoinSameValidator extends SetuplessAtomValidator { @Override public String evaluate(final Collection<? extends Atom> atoms, final LevelMessages messages) { for (final Atom atom : atoms) { // get everything that's joined to this atom final LinkedList<Atom> joined = new LinkedList<Atom>(); atom.getAllConnectedAtoms(joined); // is there any atom in this list of a different type? final Iterator<Atom> it = joined.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final Atom other =; if (other.getType() != atom.getType()) { return messages.getError(1); } } // are there any atoms of the same type not on this list? for (final Atom otherAtom : atoms) { if (otherAtom.getType() == atom.getType() && !joined.contains(otherAtom)) { return messages.getError(2); } } } return null; } }