package; import; import; import; import static; public final class Reaction { private final ReactionType aType, bType; private final int aState, bState; private final boolean bondedBefore, bondedAfter; private final int futureAState, futureBState; public Reaction(final ReactionType aType, final int aState, final boolean bondedBefore, final ReactionType bType, final int bState, final int futureAState, final boolean bondedAfter, final int futureBState) { this.aType = checkNotNull(aType); this.aState = aState; this.bondedBefore = bondedBefore; this.bType = checkNotNull(bType); this.bState = bState; this.futureAState = futureAState; this.bondedAfter = bondedAfter; this.futureBState = futureBState; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(15); stringBuffer.append(aType.getCharacterIdentifier()).append(aState); if (!bondedBefore) { stringBuffer.append(" + "); } stringBuffer.append(bType.getCharacterIdentifier()).append(bState); stringBuffer.append(" => "); stringBuffer.append(aType.getCharacterIdentifier()) .append(futureAState); if (!bondedAfter) { stringBuffer.append(" + "); } stringBuffer.append(bType.getCharacterIdentifier()) .append(futureBState); return stringBuffer.toString(); } public boolean tryOn(final Atom a, final Atom b) { if (rejectReactionOn(a, b)) { return false; } applyReactionOn(a, b); return true; } private boolean rejectReactionOn(final Atom a, final Atom b) { // is the type for 'a' specified and correct? if (aType instanceof AtomType && a.getType() != aType) { return true; } // is the type for 'b' specified and correct? if (bType instanceof AtomType && b.getType() != bType) { return true; } // is the type for 'b' specified as matching that of 'a' and correct? if (bType instanceof WildcardType && bType == aType && b.getType() != a.getType()) { return true; // both x or both y } // is the state of 'a' and 'b' correct? if (aState != a.getState() || bState != b.getState()) { return true; } // is the bonded/not status correct? if (bondedBefore && !a.hasBondWith(b) || !bondedBefore && a.hasBondWith(b)) { return true; } return false; } private void applyReactionOn(final Atom a, final Atom b) { if (!bondedBefore && bondedAfter) { a.bondWith(b); } else if (bondedBefore && !bondedAfter) { a.breakBondWith(b); } a.setState(futureAState); b.setState(futureBState); } }