package com.subgraph.orchid.connections; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.subgraph.orchid.Cell; import com.subgraph.orchid.ConnectionHandshakeException; import com.subgraph.orchid.ConnectionIOException; public class ConnectionHandshakeV3 extends ConnectionHandshake { private X509Certificate linkCertificate; private X509Certificate identityCertificate; ConnectionHandshakeV3(ConnectionImpl connection, SSLSocket socket) { super(connection, socket); } void runHandshake() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ConnectionIOException { sendVersions(3); receiveVersions(); recvCerts(); recvAuthChallengeAndNetinfo(); verifyCertificates(); sendNetinfo(); } void recvCerts() throws ConnectionHandshakeException { final Cell cell = expectCell(Cell.CERTS); final int ncerts = cell.getByte(); if(ncerts != 2) { throw new ConnectionHandshakeException("Expecting 2 certificates and got "+ ncerts); } linkCertificate = null; identityCertificate = null; for(int i = 0; i < ncerts; i++) { int type = cell.getByte(); if(type == 1) { linkCertificate = testAndReadCertificate(cell, linkCertificate, "Link (type = 1)"); } else if(type == 2) { identityCertificate = testAndReadCertificate(cell, identityCertificate, "Identity (type = 2)"); } else { throw new ConnectionHandshakeException("Unexpected certificate type = "+ type + " in CERTS cell"); } } } RSAPublicKey getConnectionPublicKey() { try {[] chain = socket.getSession().getPeerCertificateChain(); return (RSAPublicKey) chain[0].getPublicKey(); } catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException e) { return null; } } private X509Certificate testAndReadCertificate(Cell cell, X509Certificate currentValue, String type) throws ConnectionHandshakeException { if(currentValue == null) { return readCertificateFromCell(cell); } else { throw new ConnectionHandshakeException("Duplicate "+ type + " certificates in CERTS cell"); } } private X509Certificate readCertificateFromCell(Cell cell) { try { final CertificateFactory certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); final int clen = cell.getShort(); final byte[] certificateBuffer = new byte[clen]; cell.getByteArray(certificateBuffer); final ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(certificateBuffer); return (X509Certificate) certificateFactory.generateCertificate(bis); } catch (CertificateException e) { return null; } } void verifyCertificates() throws ConnectionHandshakeException { PublicKey publicKey = identityCertificate.getPublicKey(); verifyIdentityKey(publicKey); RSAPublicKey rsaPublicKey = (RSAPublicKey) publicKey; if(rsaPublicKey.getModulus().bitLength() != 1024) { throw new ConnectionHandshakeException("Invalid RSA modulus length in router identity key"); } try { identityCertificate.checkValidity(); identityCertificate.verify(rsaPublicKey); linkCertificate.checkValidity(); linkCertificate.verify(rsaPublicKey); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { throw new ConnectionHandshakeException("Router presented invalid certificate chain in CERTS cell"); } RSAPublicKey rsa2 = (RSAPublicKey) linkCertificate.getPublicKey(); if(!getConnectionPublicKey().getModulus().equals(rsa2.getModulus())) { throw new ConnectionHandshakeException("Link certificate in CERTS cell does not match connection certificate"); } } void recvAuthChallengeAndNetinfo() throws ConnectionHandshakeException { final Cell cell = expectCell(Cell.AUTH_CHALLENGE, Cell.NETINFO); if(cell.getCommand() == Cell.NETINFO) { processNetInfo(cell); return; } final Cell netinfo = expectCell(Cell.NETINFO); processNetInfo(netinfo); } public static boolean sessionSupportsHandshake(SSLSession session) { cert = getConnectionCertificateFromSession(session); if(cert == null) { return false; } return isSelfSigned(cert) || testDName(cert.getSubjectDN()) || testDName(cert.getIssuerDN()) || testModulusLength(cert); } static private getConnectionCertificateFromSession(SSLSession session) { try { final[] chain = session.getPeerCertificateChain(); return chain[0]; } catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException e) { return null; } } static private boolean isSelfSigned( certificate) { try { certificate.verify(certificate.getPublicKey()); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /* * * Some component other than "commonName" is set in the subject or * issuer DN of the certificate. * * * The commonName of the subject or issuer of the certificate ends * with a suffix other than ".net". */ static private boolean testDName(Principal dn) { final String dname = dn.getName(); if(dname.indexOf(",") >= 0) { return true; } return !getCN(dname).endsWith(".net"); } /* * * The certificate's public key modulus is longer than 1024 bits. */ static private boolean testModulusLength( cert) { if(!(cert.getPublicKey() instanceof RSAPublicKey)) { return false; } final RSAPublicKey rsaPublicKey = (RSAPublicKey) cert.getPublicKey(); final BigInteger modulus = rsaPublicKey.getModulus(); return modulus.bitLength() > 1024; } static private String getCN(String dname) { final int idx = dname.indexOf("CN="); if(idx == -1) { return ""; } final int comma = dname.indexOf(',', idx); if(comma == -1) { return dname.substring(idx); } else { return dname.substring(idx, comma); } } }