/** * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * Copyright 2014 Andreas Schildbach * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core; import com.google.common.annotations.*; import com.google.common.base.*; import com.google.common.collect.*; import com.google.common.net.*; import com.google.common.primitives.*; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.*; import com.squareup.okhttp.*; import com.subgraph.orchid.*; import net.jcip.annotations.*; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.crypto.*; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.net.*; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.net.discovery.*; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.script.*; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.utils.*; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.utils.Threading; import org.slf4j.*; import javax.annotation.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.*; /** * <p>Runs a set of connections to the P2P network, brings up connections to replace disconnected nodes and manages * the interaction between them all. Most applications will want to use one of these.</p> * * <p>PeerGroup tries to maintain a constant number of connections to a set of distinct peers. * Each peer runs a network listener in its own thread. When a connection is lost, a new peer * will be tried after a delay as long as the number of connections less than the maximum.</p> * * <p>Connections are made to addresses from a provided list. When that list is exhausted, * we start again from the head of the list.</p> * * <p>The PeerGroup can broadcast a transaction to the currently connected set of peers. It can * also handle download of the blockchain from peers, restarting the process when peers die.</p> * * <p>A PeerGroup won't do anything until you call the {@link PeerGroup#start()} method * which will block until peer discovery is completed and some outbound connections * have been initiated (it will return before handshaking is done, however). * You should call {@link PeerGroup#stop()} when finished. Note that not all methods * of PeerGroup are safe to call from a UI thread as some may do network IO, * but starting and stopping the service should be fine.</p> */ public class PeerGroup implements TransactionBroadcaster { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PeerGroup.class); // All members in this class should be marked with final, volatile, @GuardedBy or a mix as appropriate to define // their thread safety semantics. Volatile requires a Hungarian-style v prefix. /** * The default number of connections to the p2p network the library will try to build. This is set to 12 empirically. * It used to be 4, but because we divide the connection pool in two for broadcasting transactions, that meant we * were only sending transactions to two peers and sometimes this wasn't reliable enough: transactions wouldn't * get through. */ public static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS = 12; private static final int TOR_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 60; private volatile int vMaxPeersToDiscoverCount = 100; private static final long DEFAULT_PEER_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 5000; private volatile long vPeerDiscoveryTimeoutMillis = DEFAULT_PEER_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT_MILLIS; protected final ReentrantLock lock = Threading.lock("peergroup"); private final NetworkParameters params; @Nullable private final AbstractBlockChain chain; // This executor is used to queue up jobs: it's used when we don't want to use locks for mutual exclusion, // typically because the job might call in to user provided code that needs/wants the freedom to use the API // however it wants, or because a job needs to be ordered relative to other jobs like that. protected final ListeningScheduledExecutorService executor; // Whether the peer group is currently running. Once shut down it cannot be restarted. private volatile boolean vRunning; // Whether the peer group has been started or not. An unstarted PG does not try to access the network. private volatile boolean vUsedUp; // Addresses to try to connect to, excluding active peers. @GuardedBy("lock") private final PriorityQueue<PeerAddress> inactives; @GuardedBy("lock") private final Map<PeerAddress, ExponentialBackoff> backoffMap; // Currently active peers. This is an ordered list rather than a set to make unit tests predictable. private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<Peer> peers; // Currently connecting peers. private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<Peer> pendingPeers; private final ClientConnectionManager channels; @Nullable private final TorClient torClient; // The peer that has been selected for the purposes of downloading announced data. @GuardedBy("lock") private Peer downloadPeer; // Callback for events related to chain download. @Nullable @GuardedBy("lock") private PeerEventListener downloadListener; // Callbacks for events related to peer connection/disconnection private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<ListenerRegistration<PeerEventListener>> peerEventListeners; // Peer discovery sources, will be polled occasionally if there aren't enough inactives. private final CopyOnWriteArraySet<PeerDiscovery> peerDiscoverers; // The version message to use for new connections. @GuardedBy("lock") private VersionMessage versionMessage; // Switch for enabling download of pending transaction dependencies. @GuardedBy("lock") private boolean downloadTxDependencies; // How many connections we want to have open at the current time. If we lose connections, we'll try opening more // until we reach this count. @GuardedBy("lock") private int maxConnections; // If a local peer is attempted then the max connections would be set to zero. Remember the previous value in case the local // peer does not work. private int rememberMaxConnections; // Minimum protocol version we will allow ourselves to connect to: Do not require bloom filtering as it doesn't exist in Nubits private volatile int vMinRequiredProtocolVersion = 50000; /** How many milliseconds to wait after receiving a pong before sending another ping. */ public static final long DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL_MSEC = 2000; @GuardedBy("lock") private long pingIntervalMsec = DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL_MSEC; @GuardedBy("lock") private boolean useLocalhostPeerWhenPossible = true; @GuardedBy("lock") private boolean ipv6Unreachable = false; @GuardedBy("lock") private long fastCatchupTimeSecs; private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<Wallet> wallets; private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<PeerFilterProvider> peerFilterProviders; // This event listener is added to every peer. It's here so when we announce transactions via an "inv", every // peer can fetch them. private final AbstractPeerEventListener peerListener = new AbstractPeerEventListener() { @Override public List<Message> getData(Peer peer, GetDataMessage m) { return handleGetData(m); } @Override public void onBlocksDownloaded(Peer peer, Block block, @Nullable FilteredBlock filteredBlock, int blocksLeft) { if (chain == null) return; final double rate = chain.getFalsePositiveRate(); final double target = bloomFilterMerger.getBloomFilterFPRate() * MAX_FP_RATE_INCREASE; if (rate > target) { // TODO: Avoid hitting this path if the remote peer didn't acknowledge applying a new filter yet. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Force update Bloom filter due to high false positive rate ({} vs {})", rate, target); recalculateFastCatchupAndFilter(FilterRecalculateMode.FORCE_SEND_FOR_REFRESH); } } }; private int minBroadcastConnections = 0; private final AbstractWalletEventListener walletEventListener = new AbstractWalletEventListener() { @Override public void onScriptsChanged(Wallet wallet, List<Script> scripts, boolean isAddingScripts) { recalculateFastCatchupAndFilter(FilterRecalculateMode.SEND_IF_CHANGED); } @Override public void onKeysAdded(List<ECKey> keys) { recalculateFastCatchupAndFilter(FilterRecalculateMode.SEND_IF_CHANGED); } @Override public void onCoinsReceived(Wallet wallet, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) { // We received a relevant transaction. We MAY need to recalculate and resend the Bloom filter, but only // if we have received a transaction that includes a relevant pay-to-pubkey output. // // The reason is that pay-to-pubkey outputs, when spent, will not repeat any data we can predict in their // inputs. So a remote peer will update the Bloom filter for us when such an output is seen matching the // existing filter, so that it includes the tx hash in which the pay-to-pubkey output was observed. Thus // the spending transaction will always match (due to the outpoint structure). // // Unfortunately, whilst this is required for correct sync of the chain in blocks, there are two edge cases. // // (1) If a wallet receives a relevant, confirmed p2pubkey output that was not broadcast across the network, // for example in a coinbase transaction, then the node that's serving us the chain will update its filter // but the rest will not. If another transaction then spends it, the other nodes won't match/relay it. // // (2) If we receive a p2pubkey output broadcast across the network, all currently connected nodes will see // it and update their filter themselves, but any newly connected nodes will receive the last filter we // calculated, which would not include this transaction. // // For this reason we check if the transaction contained any relevant pay to pubkeys and force a recalc // and possibly retransmit if so. The recalculation process will end up including the tx hash into the // filter. In case (1), we need to retransmit the filter to the connected peers. In case (2), we don't // and shouldn't, we should just recalculate and cache the new filter for next time. for (TransactionOutput output : tx.getOutputs()) { if (output.getScriptPubKey().isSentToRawPubKey() && output.isMine(wallet)) { if (tx.getConfidence().getConfidenceType() == TransactionConfidence.ConfidenceType.BUILDING) recalculateFastCatchupAndFilter(FilterRecalculateMode.SEND_IF_CHANGED); else recalculateFastCatchupAndFilter(FilterRecalculateMode.DONT_SEND); return; } } } }; // Exponential backoff for peers starts at 1 second and maxes at 10 minutes. private final ExponentialBackoff.Params peerBackoffParams = new ExponentialBackoff.Params(1000, 1.5f, 10 * 60 * 1000); // Tracks failures globally in case of a network failure. @GuardedBy("lock") private ExponentialBackoff groupBackoff = new ExponentialBackoff(new ExponentialBackoff.Params(1000, 1.5f, 10 * 1000)); // This is a synchronized set, so it locks on itself. We use it to prevent TransactionBroadcast objects from // being garbage collected if nothing in the apps code holds on to them transitively. See the discussion // in broadcastTransaction. private final Set<TransactionBroadcast> runningBroadcasts; private class PeerStartupListener extends AbstractPeerEventListener { @Override public void onPeerConnected(Peer peer, int peerCount) { handleNewPeer(peer); } @Override public void onPeerDisconnected(Peer peer, int peerCount) { // The channel will be automatically removed from channels. handlePeerDeath(peer, null); } } private final PeerEventListener startupListener = new PeerStartupListener(); /** * The default Bloom filter false positive rate, which is selected to be extremely low such that you hardly ever * download false positives. This provides maximum performance. Although this default can be overridden to push * the FP rate higher, due to <a href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/bitcoinj/Ys13qkTwcNg/9qxnhwnkeoIJ"> * various complexities</a> there are still ways a remote peer can deanonymize the users wallet. This is why the * FP rate is chosen for performance rather than privacy. If a future version of nubitsj fixes the known * de-anonymization attacks this FP rate may rise again (or more likely, become expressed as a bandwidth allowance). */ public static final double DEFAULT_BLOOM_FILTER_FP_RATE = 0.00001; /** Maximum increase in FP rate before forced refresh of the bloom filter */ public static final double MAX_FP_RATE_INCREASE = 10.0f; // An object that calculates bloom filters given a list of filter providers, whilst tracking some state useful // for privacy purposes. private final FilterMerger bloomFilterMerger; /** The default timeout between when a connection attempt begins and version message exchange completes */ public static final int DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 12000; private volatile int vConnectTimeoutMillis = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS; /** Whether bloom filter support is enabled when using a non FullPrunedBlockchain*/ private volatile boolean vBloomFilteringEnabled = false; /** See {@link #PeerGroup(Context)} */ public PeerGroup(NetworkParameters params) { this(params, null); } /** * Creates a PeerGroup with the given context. No chain is provided so this node will report its chain height * as zero to other peers. This constructor is useful if you just want to explore the network but aren't interested * in downloading block data. */ public PeerGroup(Context context) { this(context, null); } /** See {@link #PeerGroup(Context, AbstractBlockChain)} */ public PeerGroup(NetworkParameters params, @Nullable AbstractBlockChain chain) { this(Context.getOrCreate(params), chain, new NioClientManager()); } /** * Creates a PeerGroup for the given context and chain. Blocks will be passed to the chain as they are broadcast * and downloaded. This is probably the constructor you want to use. */ public PeerGroup(Context context, @Nullable AbstractBlockChain chain) { this(context, chain, new NioClientManager()); } /** See {@link #newWithTor(Context, AbstractBlockChain, TorClient)} */ public static PeerGroup newWithTor(NetworkParameters params, @Nullable AbstractBlockChain chain, TorClient torClient) throws TimeoutException { return newWithTor(Context.getOrCreate(params), chain, torClient); } /** * <p>Creates a PeerGroup that accesses the network via the Tor network. The provided TorClient is used so you can * preconfigure it beforehand. It should not have been already started. You can just use "new TorClient()" if * you don't have any particular configuration requirements.</p> * * <p>Peer discovery is automatically configured to use DNS seeds resolved via a random selection of exit nodes. * If running on the Oracle JDK the unlimited strength jurisdiction checks will also be overridden, * as they no longer apply anyway and can cause startup failures due to the requirement for AES-256.</p> * * <p>The user does not need any additional software for this: it's all pure Java. As of April 2014 <b>this mode * is experimental</b>.</p> * * @throws TimeoutException if Tor fails to start within 20 seconds. */ public static PeerGroup newWithTor(Context context, @Nullable AbstractBlockChain chain, TorClient torClient) throws TimeoutException { return newWithTor(context, chain, torClient, true); } /** * <p>Creates a PeerGroup that accesses the network via the Tor network. The provided TorClient is used so you can * preconfigure it beforehand. It should not have been already started. You can just use "new TorClient()" if * you don't have any particular configuration requirements.</p> * * <p>If running on the Oracle JDK the unlimited strength jurisdiction checks will also be overridden, * as they no longer apply anyway and can cause startup failures due to the requirement for AES-256.</p> * * <p>The user does not need any additional software for this: it's all pure Java. As of April 2014 <b>this mode * is experimental</b>.</p> * * @params doDiscovery if true, DNS or HTTP peer discovery will be performed via Tor: this is almost always what you want. * @throws java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException if Tor fails to start within 20 seconds. */ public static PeerGroup newWithTor(Context context, @Nullable AbstractBlockChain chain, TorClient torClient, boolean doDiscovery) throws TimeoutException { checkNotNull(torClient); DRMWorkaround.maybeDisableExportControls(); BlockingClientManager manager = new BlockingClientManager(torClient.getSocketFactory()); final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MSEC = TOR_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000; manager.setConnectTimeoutMillis(CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MSEC); PeerGroup result = new PeerGroup(context, chain, manager, torClient); result.setConnectTimeoutMillis(CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MSEC); if (doDiscovery) { NetworkParameters params = context.getParams(); HttpDiscovery.Details[] httpSeeds = params.getHttpSeeds(); if (httpSeeds.length > 0) { // Use HTTP discovery when Tor is active and there is a Cartographer seed, for a much needed speed boost. OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient(); httpClient.setSocketFactory(torClient.getSocketFactory()); List<PeerDiscovery> discoveries = Lists.newArrayList(); for (HttpDiscovery.Details httpSeed : httpSeeds) discoveries.add(new HttpDiscovery(params, httpSeed, httpClient)); result.addPeerDiscovery(new MultiplexingDiscovery(params, discoveries)); } else { result.addPeerDiscovery(new TorDiscovery(params, torClient)); } } return result; } /** See {@link #PeerGroup(Context, AbstractBlockChain, ClientConnectionManager)} */ public PeerGroup(NetworkParameters params, @Nullable AbstractBlockChain chain, ClientConnectionManager connectionManager) { this(Context.getOrCreate(params), chain, connectionManager, null); } /** * Creates a new PeerGroup allowing you to specify the {@link ClientConnectionManager} which is used to create new * connections and keep track of existing ones. */ public PeerGroup(Context context, @Nullable AbstractBlockChain chain, ClientConnectionManager connectionManager) { this(context, chain, connectionManager, null); } /** * Creates a new PeerGroup allowing you to specify the {@link ClientConnectionManager} which is used to create new * connections and keep track of existing ones. */ private PeerGroup(Context context, @Nullable AbstractBlockChain chain, ClientConnectionManager connectionManager, @Nullable TorClient torClient) { checkNotNull(context); this.params = context.getParams(); this.chain = chain; fastCatchupTimeSecs = params.getGenesisBlock().getTimeSeconds(); wallets = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Wallet>(); peerFilterProviders = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<PeerFilterProvider>(); this.torClient = torClient; executor = createPrivateExecutor(); // This default sentinel value will be overridden by one of two actions: // - adding a peer discovery source sets it to the default // - using connectTo() will increment it by one maxConnections = 0; int height = chain == null ? 0 : chain.getBestChainHeight(); versionMessage = new VersionMessage(params, height); // We never request that the remote node wait for a bloom filter yet, as we have no wallets versionMessage.relayTxesBeforeFilter = true; downloadTxDependencies = false; // NuDroid: not supported inactives = new PriorityQueue<PeerAddress>(1, new Comparator<PeerAddress>() { @SuppressWarnings("FieldAccessNotGuarded") // only called when inactives is accessed, and lock is held then. @Override public int compare(PeerAddress a, PeerAddress b) { checkState(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()); int result = backoffMap.get(a).compareTo(backoffMap.get(b)); // Sort by port if otherwise equals - for testing if (result == 0) result = Ints.compare(a.getPort(), b.getPort()); return result; } }); backoffMap = new HashMap<PeerAddress, ExponentialBackoff>(); peers = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Peer>(); pendingPeers = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Peer>(); channels = connectionManager; peerDiscoverers = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<PeerDiscovery>(); peerEventListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<ListenerRegistration<PeerEventListener>>(); runningBroadcasts = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<TransactionBroadcast>()); bloomFilterMerger = new FilterMerger(DEFAULT_BLOOM_FILTER_FP_RATE); } private CountDownLatch executorStartupLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); protected ListeningScheduledExecutorService createPrivateExecutor() { ListeningScheduledExecutorService result = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator( new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1, new ContextPropagatingThreadFactory("PeerGroup Thread")) ); // Hack: jam the executor so jobs just queue up until the user calls start() on us. For example, adding a wallet // results in a bloom filter recalc being queued, but we don't want to do that until we're actually started. result.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Uninterruptibles.awaitUninterruptibly(executorStartupLatch); } }); return result; } /** * This is how many milliseconds we wait for peer discoveries to return their results. */ public void setPeerDiscoveryTimeoutMillis(long peerDiscoveryTimeoutMillis) { this.vPeerDiscoveryTimeoutMillis = peerDiscoveryTimeoutMillis; } /** * Adjusts the desired number of connections that we will create to peers. Note that if there are already peers * open and the new value is lower than the current number of peers, those connections will be terminated. Likewise * if there aren't enough current connections to meet the new requested max size, some will be added. */ public void setMaxConnections(int maxConnections) { int adjustment; lock.lock(); try { this.maxConnections = maxConnections; if (!isRunning()) return; } finally { lock.unlock(); } // We may now have too many or too few open connections. Add more or drop some to get to the right amount. adjustment = maxConnections - channels.getConnectedClientCount(); if (adjustment > 0) triggerConnections(); if (adjustment < 0) channels.closeConnections(-adjustment); } /** * Switch for enabling download of pending transaction dependencies. A change of value only takes effect for newly * connected peers. */ public void setDownloadTxDependencies(boolean downloadTxDependencies) { lock.lock(); try { this.downloadTxDependencies = downloadTxDependencies; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private Runnable triggerConnectionsJob = new Runnable() { private boolean firstRun = true; @Override public void run() { try { go(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Exception when trying to build connections", e); // The executor swallows exceptions :( } } public void go() { if (!vRunning) return; boolean doDiscovery = false; long now = Utils.currentTimeMillis(); lock.lock(); try { // First run: try and use a local node if there is one, for the additional security it can provide. // But, not on Android as there are none for this platform: it could only be a malicious app trying // to hijack our traffic. if (!Utils.isAndroidRuntime() && useLocalhostPeerWhenPossible && maybeCheckForLocalhostPeer() && firstRun) { log.info("Localhost peer detected, trying to use it instead of P2P discovery"); rememberMaxConnections = maxConnections; maxConnections = 0; connectToLocalHost(); return; } else if (localhostCheckState == LocalhostCheckState.FOUND) // Restore max connections maxConnections = rememberMaxConnections; boolean havePeerWeCanTry = !inactives.isEmpty() && backoffMap.get(inactives.peek()).getRetryTime() <= now; doDiscovery = !havePeerWeCanTry; } finally { firstRun = false; lock.unlock(); } // Don't hold the lock across discovery as this process can be very slow. boolean discoverySuccess = false; if (doDiscovery) { try { discoverySuccess = discoverPeers() > 0; } catch (PeerDiscoveryException e) { log.error("Peer discovery failure", e); } } long retryTime; PeerAddress addrToTry; lock.lock(); try { if (doDiscovery) { if (discoverySuccess) { groupBackoff.trackSuccess(); } else { groupBackoff.trackFailure(); } } // Inactives is sorted by backoffMap time. if (inactives.isEmpty()) { if (countConnectedAndPendingPeers() < getMaxConnections()) { log.info("Peer discovery didn't provide us any more peers, will try again later."); executor.schedule(this, groupBackoff.getRetryTime() - now, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } else { // We have enough peers and discovery provided no more, so just settle down. Most likely we // were given a fixed set of addresses in some test scenario. } return; } else { do { addrToTry = inactives.poll(); } while (ipv6Unreachable && addrToTry.getAddr() instanceof Inet6Address); retryTime = backoffMap.get(addrToTry).getRetryTime(); } retryTime = Math.max(retryTime, groupBackoff.getRetryTime()); if (retryTime > now) { long delay = retryTime - now; log.info("Waiting {} msec before next connect attempt {}", delay, addrToTry == null ? "" : "to " + addrToTry); inactives.add(addrToTry); executor.schedule(this, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return; } connectTo(addrToTry, false, vConnectTimeoutMillis); } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (countConnectedAndPendingPeers() < getMaxConnections()) { executor.execute(this); // Try next peer immediately. } } }; private void triggerConnections() { // Run on a background thread due to the need to potentially retry and back off in the background. if (!executor.isShutdown()) executor.execute(triggerConnectionsJob); } /** The maximum number of connections that we will create to peers. */ public int getMaxConnections() { lock.lock(); try { return maxConnections; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private List<Message> handleGetData(GetDataMessage m) { // Scans the wallets and memory pool for transactions in the getdata message and returns them. // Runs on peer threads. lock.lock(); try { LinkedList<Message> transactions = new LinkedList<Message>(); LinkedList<InventoryItem> items = new LinkedList<InventoryItem>(m.getItems()); Iterator<InventoryItem> it = items.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { InventoryItem item = it.next(); // Check the wallets. for (Wallet w : wallets) { Transaction tx = w.getTransaction(item.hash); if (tx == null) continue; transactions.add(tx); it.remove(); break; } } return transactions; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sets the {@link VersionMessage} that will be announced on newly created connections. A version message is * primarily interesting because it lets you customize the "subVer" field which is used a bit like the User-Agent * field from HTTP. It means your client tells the other side what it is, see * <a href="https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0014.mediawiki">BIP 14</a>. * * The VersionMessage you provide is copied and the best chain height/time filled in for each new connection, * therefore you don't have to worry about setting that. The provided object is really more of a template. */ public void setVersionMessage(VersionMessage ver) { lock.lock(); try { versionMessage = ver; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the version message provided by setVersionMessage or a default if none was given. */ public VersionMessage getVersionMessage() { lock.lock(); try { return versionMessage; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sets information that identifies this software to remote nodes. This is a convenience wrapper for creating * a new {@link VersionMessage}, calling {@link VersionMessage#appendToSubVer(String, String, String)} on it, * and then calling {@link PeerGroup#setVersionMessage(VersionMessage)} on the result of that. See the docs for * {@link VersionMessage#appendToSubVer(String, String, String)} for information on what the fields should contain. */ public void setUserAgent(String name, String version, @Nullable String comments) { //TODO Check that height is needed here (it wasnt, but it should be, no?) int height = chain == null ? 0 : chain.getBestChainHeight(); VersionMessage ver = new VersionMessage(params, height); ver.relayTxesBeforeFilter = false; updateVersionMessageRelayTxesBeforeFilter(ver); ver.appendToSubVer(name, version, comments); setVersionMessage(ver); } // Updates the relayTxesBeforeFilter flag of ver private void updateVersionMessageRelayTxesBeforeFilter(VersionMessage ver) { // We will provide the remote node with a bloom filter (ie they shouldn't relay yet) // if chain == null || !chain.shouldVerifyTransactions() and a wallet is added and bloom filters are enabled // Note that the default here means that no tx invs will be received if no wallet is ever added lock.lock(); try { boolean spvMode = chain != null && !chain.shouldVerifyTransactions(); boolean willSendFilter = spvMode && peerFilterProviders.size() > 0 && vBloomFilteringEnabled; ver.relayTxesBeforeFilter = !willSendFilter; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sets information that identifies this software to remote nodes. This is a convenience wrapper for creating * a new {@link VersionMessage}, calling {@link VersionMessage#appendToSubVer(String, String, String)} on it, * and then calling {@link PeerGroup#setVersionMessage(VersionMessage)} on the result of that. See the docs for * {@link VersionMessage#appendToSubVer(String, String, String)} for information on what the fields should contain. */ public void setUserAgent(String name, String version) { setUserAgent(name, version, null); } /** * <p>Adds a listener that will be notified on the given executor when:</p> * <ol> * <li>New peers are connected to.</li> * <li>Peers are disconnected from.</li> * <li>A message is received by the download peer (there is always one peer which is elected as a peer which * will be used to retrieve data). * <li>Blocks are downloaded by the download peer.</li> * </li> * </ol> */ public void addEventListener(PeerEventListener listener, Executor executor) { peerEventListeners.add(new ListenerRegistration<PeerEventListener>(checkNotNull(listener), executor)); for (Peer peer : getConnectedPeers()) peer.addEventListener(listener, executor); for (Peer peer: getPendingPeers()) peer.addEventListener(listener, executor); } /** * Same as {@link PeerGroup#addEventListener(PeerEventListener, java.util.concurrent.Executor)} but defaults * to running on the user thread. */ public void addEventListener(PeerEventListener listener) { addEventListener(listener, Threading.USER_THREAD); } /** The given event listener will no longer be called with events. */ public boolean removeEventListener(PeerEventListener listener) { boolean result = ListenerRegistration.removeFromList(listener, peerEventListeners); for (Peer peer : getConnectedPeers()) peer.removeEventListener(listener); for (Peer peer : getPendingPeers()) peer.removeEventListener(listener); return result; } /** * Removes all event listeners simultaneously. Note that this includes listeners added internally by the framework * so it's generally not advised to use this - it exists for special purposes only. */ public void clearEventListeners() { peerEventListeners.clear(); } /** * Returns a newly allocated list containing the currently connected peers. If all you care about is the count, * use numConnectedPeers(). */ public List<Peer> getConnectedPeers() { lock.lock(); try { return new ArrayList<Peer>(peers); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns a list containing Peers that did not complete connection yet. */ public List<Peer> getPendingPeers() { lock.lock(); try { return new ArrayList<Peer>(pendingPeers); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Add an address to the list of potential peers to connect to. It won't necessarily be used unless there's a need * to build new connections to reach the max connection count. * * @param peerAddress IP/port to use. */ public void addAddress(PeerAddress peerAddress) { int newMax; lock.lock(); try { addInactive(peerAddress); newMax = getMaxConnections() + 1; } finally { lock.unlock(); } setMaxConnections(newMax); } private void addInactive(PeerAddress peerAddress) { lock.lock(); try { // Deduplicate if (backoffMap.containsKey(peerAddress)) return; backoffMap.put(peerAddress, new ExponentialBackoff(peerBackoffParams)); inactives.offer(peerAddress); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** Convenience method for addAddress(new PeerAddress(address, params.port)); */ public void addAddress(InetAddress address) { addAddress(new PeerAddress(address, params.getPort())); } /** * Add addresses from a discovery source to the list of potential peers to connect to. If max connections has not * been configured, or set to zero, then it's set to the default at this point. */ public void addPeerDiscovery(PeerDiscovery peerDiscovery) { lock.lock(); try { if (getMaxConnections() == 0) setMaxConnections(DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS); peerDiscoverers.add(peerDiscovery); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** Returns number of discovered peers. */ protected int discoverPeers() throws PeerDiscoveryException { // Don't hold the lock whilst doing peer discovery: it can take a long time and cause high API latency. checkState(!lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()); int maxPeersToDiscoverCount = this.vMaxPeersToDiscoverCount; long peerDiscoveryTimeoutMillis = this.vPeerDiscoveryTimeoutMillis; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final List<PeerAddress> addressList = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (PeerDiscovery peerDiscovery : peerDiscoverers /* COW */) { InetSocketAddress[] addresses; addresses = peerDiscovery.getPeers(peerDiscoveryTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); for (InetSocketAddress address : addresses) { if (address == null) break; addressList.add(new PeerAddress(address)); } if (addressList.size() >= maxPeersToDiscoverCount) break; } if (!addressList.isEmpty()) { for (PeerAddress address : addressList) { addInactive(address); } final ImmutableSet<PeerAddress> peersDiscoveredSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(addressList); for (final ListenerRegistration<PeerEventListener> registration : peerEventListeners /* COW */) { registration.executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { registration.listener.onPeersDiscovered(peersDiscoveredSet); } }); } } log.info("Peer discovery took {}ms and returned {} items", System.currentTimeMillis() - start, addressList.size()); return addressList.size(); } @VisibleForTesting void waitForJobQueue() { Futures.getUnchecked(executor.submit(Runnables.doNothing())); } private int countConnectedAndPendingPeers() { lock.lock(); try { return peers.size() + pendingPeers.size(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private enum LocalhostCheckState { NOT_TRIED, FOUND, FOUND_AND_CONNECTED, NOT_THERE } private LocalhostCheckState localhostCheckState = LocalhostCheckState.NOT_TRIED; private boolean maybeCheckForLocalhostPeer() { checkState(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()); if (localhostCheckState == LocalhostCheckState.NOT_TRIED) { // Do a fast blocking connect to see if anything is listening. Socket socket = null; try { socket = new Socket(); socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddresses.forString(""), params.getPort()), vConnectTimeoutMillis); localhostCheckState = LocalhostCheckState.FOUND; return true; } catch (IOException e) { log.info("Localhost peer not detected."); localhostCheckState = LocalhostCheckState.NOT_THERE; } finally { if (socket != null) { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore. } } } } return false; } /** * Starts the PeerGroup and begins network activity. * @return A future that completes when first connection activity has been triggered (note: not first connection made). */ public ListenableFuture startAsync() { // This is run in a background thread by the Service implementation. if (chain == null) { // Just try to help catch what might be a programming error. log.warn("Starting up with no attached block chain. Did you forget to pass one to the constructor?"); } checkState(!vUsedUp, "Cannot start a peer group twice"); vRunning = true; vUsedUp = true; executorStartupLatch.countDown(); // We do blocking waits during startup, so run on the executor thread. return executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { log.info("Starting ..."); if (torClient != null) { log.info("Starting Tor/Orchid ..."); torClient.start(); try { torClient.waitUntilReady(TOR_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } log.info("Tor ready"); } channels.startAsync(); channels.awaitRunning(); triggerConnections(); setupPinging(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Exception when starting up", e); // The executor swallows exceptions :( } } }); } /** Does a blocking startup. */ public void start() { Futures.getUnchecked(startAsync()); } /** Can just use start() for a blocking start here instead of startAsync/awaitRunning: PeerGroup is no longer a Guava service. */ @Deprecated public void awaitRunning() { waitForJobQueue(); } public ListenableFuture stopAsync() { checkState(vRunning); vRunning = false; ListenableFuture future = executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { log.info("Stopping ..."); // Blocking close of all sockets. channels.stopAsync(); channels.awaitTerminated(); for (PeerDiscovery peerDiscovery : peerDiscoverers) { peerDiscovery.shutdown(); } if (torClient != null) { torClient.stop(); } vRunning = false; log.info("Stopped."); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Exception when shutting down", e); // The executor swallows exceptions :( } } }); executor.shutdown(); return future; } /** Does a blocking stop */ public void stop() { try { stopAsync(); log.info("Awaiting PeerGroup shutdown ..."); executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** Can just use stop() here instead of stopAsync/awaitTerminated: PeerGroup is no longer a Guava service. */ @Deprecated public void awaitTerminated() { try { executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * <p>Link the given wallet to this PeerGroup. This is used for three purposes:</p> * * <ol> * <li>So the wallet receives broadcast transactions.</li> * <li>Announcing pending transactions that didn't get into the chain yet to our peers.</li> * <li>Set the fast catchup time using {@link PeerGroup#setFastCatchupTimeSecs(long)}, to optimize chain * download.</li> * </ol> * * <p>Note that this should be done before chain download commences because if you add a wallet with keys earlier * than the current chain head, the relevant parts of the chain won't be redownloaded for you.</p> * * <p>The Wallet will have an event listener registered on it, so to avoid leaks remember to use * {@link PeerGroup#removeWallet(Wallet)} on it if you wish to keep the Wallet but lose the PeerGroup.</p> */ public void addWallet(Wallet wallet) { lock.lock(); try { checkNotNull(wallet); checkState(!wallets.contains(wallet)); wallets.add(wallet); wallet.setTransactionBroadcaster(this); wallet.addEventListener(walletEventListener, Threading.SAME_THREAD); addPeerFilterProvider(wallet); for (Peer peer : peers) { peer.addWallet(wallet); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * <p>Link the given PeerFilterProvider to this PeerGroup. DO NOT use this for Wallets, use * {@link PeerGroup#addWallet(Wallet)} instead.</p> * * <p>Note that this should be done before chain download commences because if you add a listener with keys earlier * than the current chain head, the relevant parts of the chain won't be redownloaded for you.</p> * * <p>This method invokes {@link PeerGroup#recalculateFastCatchupAndFilter(FilterRecalculateMode)}. * The return value of this method is the <code>ListenableFuture</code> returned by that invocation.</p> * * @return a future that completes once each <code>Peer</code> in this group has had its * <code>BloomFilter</code> (re)set. */ public ListenableFuture<BloomFilter> addPeerFilterProvider(PeerFilterProvider provider) { lock.lock(); try { checkNotNull(provider); checkState(!peerFilterProviders.contains(provider)); // Insert provider at the start. This avoids various concurrency problems that could occur because we need // all providers to be in a consistent, unchanging state whilst the filter is built. Providers can give // this guarantee by taking a lock in their begin method, but if we add to the end of the list here, it // means we establish a lock ordering a > b > c if that's the order the providers were added in. Given that // the main wallet will usually be first, this establishes an ordering wallet > other-provider, which means // other-provider can then not call into the wallet itself. Other providers installed by the API user should // come first so the expected ordering is preserved. This can also manifest itself in providers that use // synchronous RPCs into an actor instead of locking, but the same issue applies. peerFilterProviders.add(0, provider); // Don't bother downloading block bodies before the oldest keys in all our wallets. Make sure we recalculate // if a key is added. Of course, by then we may have downloaded the chain already. Ideally adding keys would // automatically rewind the block chain and redownload the blocks to find transactions relevant to those keys, // all transparently and in the background. But we are a long way from that yet. ListenableFuture<BloomFilter> future = recalculateFastCatchupAndFilter(FilterRecalculateMode.SEND_IF_CHANGED); updateVersionMessageRelayTxesBeforeFilter(getVersionMessage()); return future; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Opposite of {@link #addPeerFilterProvider(PeerFilterProvider)}. Again, don't use this for wallets. Does not * trigger recalculation of the filter. */ public void removePeerFilterProvider(PeerFilterProvider provider) { lock.lock(); try { checkNotNull(provider); checkArgument(peerFilterProviders.remove(provider)); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Unlinks the given wallet so it no longer receives broadcast transactions or has its transactions announced. */ public void removeWallet(Wallet wallet) { wallets.remove(checkNotNull(wallet)); peerFilterProviders.remove(wallet); wallet.removeEventListener(walletEventListener); wallet.setTransactionBroadcaster(null); for (Peer peer : peers) { peer.removeWallet(wallet); } } public enum FilterRecalculateMode { SEND_IF_CHANGED, FORCE_SEND_FOR_REFRESH, DONT_SEND, } private final Map<FilterRecalculateMode, SettableFuture<BloomFilter>> inFlightRecalculations = Maps.newHashMap(); /** * Recalculates the bloom filter given to peers as well as the timestamp after which full blocks are downloaded * (instead of only headers). Note that calls made one after another may return the same future, if the request * wasn't processed yet (i.e. calls are deduplicated). * * @param mode In what situations to send the filter to connected peers. * @return a future that completes once the filter has been calculated (note: this does not mean acknowledged by remote peers). */ public ListenableFuture<BloomFilter> recalculateFastCatchupAndFilter(final FilterRecalculateMode mode) { final SettableFuture<BloomFilter> future = SettableFuture.create(); synchronized (inFlightRecalculations) { if (inFlightRecalculations.get(mode) != null) return inFlightRecalculations.get(mode); inFlightRecalculations.put(mode, future); } Runnable command = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { go(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Exception when trying to recalculate Bloom filter", e); // The executor swallows exceptions :( } } public void go() { checkState(!lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()); // Fully verifying mode doesn't use this optimization (it can't as it needs to see all transactions). if ((chain != null && chain.shouldVerifyTransactions()) || !vBloomFilteringEnabled) return; // We only ever call bloomFilterMerger.calculate on jobQueue, so we cannot be calculating two filters at once. FilterMerger.Result result = bloomFilterMerger.calculate(ImmutableList.copyOf(peerFilterProviders /* COW */)); boolean send; switch (mode) { case SEND_IF_CHANGED: send = result.changed; break; case DONT_SEND: send = false; break; case FORCE_SEND_FOR_REFRESH: send = true; break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } if (send) { for (Peer peer : peers /* COW */) { // Only query the mempool if this recalculation request is not in order to lower the observed FP // rate. There's no point querying the mempool when doing this because the FP rate can only go // down, and we will have seen all the relevant txns before: it's pointless to ask for them again. peer.setBloomFilter(result.filter, mode != FilterRecalculateMode.FORCE_SEND_FOR_REFRESH); } // Reset the false positive estimate so that we don't send a flood of filter updates // if the estimate temporarily overshoots our threshold. if (chain != null) chain.resetFalsePositiveEstimate(); } // Do this last so that bloomFilter is already set when it gets called. setFastCatchupTimeSecs(result.earliestKeyTimeSecs); synchronized (inFlightRecalculations) { inFlightRecalculations.put(mode, null); } future.set(result.filter); } }; try { executor.execute(command); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { // Can happen during shutdown. } return future; } /** * <p>Sets the false positive rate of bloom filters given to peers. The default is {@link #DEFAULT_BLOOM_FILTER_FP_RATE}.</p> * * <p>Be careful regenerating the bloom filter too often, as it decreases anonymity because remote nodes can * compare transactions against both the new and old filters to significantly decrease the false positive rate.</p> * * <p>See the docs for {@link BloomFilter#BloomFilter(int, double, long, BloomFilter.BloomUpdate)} for a brief * explanation of anonymity when using bloom filters.</p> */ public void setBloomFilterFalsePositiveRate(double bloomFilterFPRate) { lock.lock(); try { bloomFilterMerger.setBloomFilterFPRate(bloomFilterFPRate); recalculateFastCatchupAndFilter(FilterRecalculateMode.SEND_IF_CHANGED); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the number of currently connected peers. To be informed when this count changes, register a * {@link PeerEventListener} and use the onPeerConnected/onPeerDisconnected methods. */ public int numConnectedPeers() { return peers.size(); } /** * Connect to a peer by creating a channel to the destination address. This should not be * used normally - let the PeerGroup manage connections through {@link #start()} * * @param address destination IP and port. * @return The newly created Peer object or null if the peer could not be connected. * Use {@link com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.Peer#getConnectionOpenFuture()} if you * want a future which completes when the connection is open. */ @Nullable public Peer connectTo(InetSocketAddress address) { lock.lock(); try { PeerAddress peerAddress = new PeerAddress(address); backoffMap.put(peerAddress, new ExponentialBackoff(peerBackoffParams)); return connectTo(peerAddress, true, vConnectTimeoutMillis); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Helper for forcing a connection to localhost. Useful when using regtest mode. Returns the peer object. */ @Nullable public Peer connectToLocalHost() { lock.lock(); try { final PeerAddress localhost = PeerAddress.localhost(params); backoffMap.put(localhost, new ExponentialBackoff(peerBackoffParams)); return connectTo(localhost, true, vConnectTimeoutMillis); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Creates a version message to send, constructs a Peer object and attempts to connect it. Returns the peer on * success or null on failure. * @param address Remote network address * @param incrementMaxConnections Whether to consider this connection an attempt to fill our quota, or something * explicitly requested. * @return Peer or null. */ @Nullable @GuardedBy("lock") protected Peer connectTo(PeerAddress address, boolean incrementMaxConnections, int connectTimeoutMillis) { checkState(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()); VersionMessage ver = getVersionMessage().duplicate(); ver.bestHeight = chain == null ? 0 : chain.getBestChainHeight(); ver.time = Utils.currentTimeSeconds(); Peer peer = new Peer(params, ver, address, chain, downloadTxDependencies, this); peer.addEventListener(startupListener, Threading.SAME_THREAD); peer.setMinProtocolVersion(vMinRequiredProtocolVersion); pendingPeers.add(peer); try { log.info("Attempting connection to {} ({} connected, {} pending, {} max)", address, peers.size(), pendingPeers.size(), maxConnections); ListenableFuture<SocketAddress> future = channels.openConnection(address.toSocketAddress(), peer); if (future.isDone()) Uninterruptibles.getUninterruptibly(future); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwable cause = Throwables.getRootCause(e); log.warn("Failed to connect to " + address + ": " + cause.getMessage()); handlePeerDeath(peer, cause); return null; } peer.setSocketTimeout(connectTimeoutMillis); // When the channel has connected and version negotiated successfully, handleNewPeer will end up being called on // a worker thread. if (incrementMaxConnections) { // We don't use setMaxConnections here as that would trigger a recursive attempt to establish a new // outbound connection. maxConnections++; } return peer; } /** * Sets the timeout between when a connection attempt to a peer begins and when the version message exchange * completes. This does not apply to currently pending peers. */ public void setConnectTimeoutMillis(int connectTimeoutMillis) { this.vConnectTimeoutMillis = connectTimeoutMillis; } /** * <p>Start downloading the blockchain from the first available peer.</p> * * <p>If no peers are currently connected, the download will be started once a peer starts. If the peer dies, * the download will resume with another peer.</p> * * @param listener a listener for chain download events, may not be null */ public void startBlockChainDownload(PeerEventListener listener) { lock.lock(); try { if (downloadPeer != null && this.downloadListener != null) downloadPeer.removeEventListener(this.downloadListener); if (downloadPeer != null && listener != null) downloadPeer.addEventListener(listener); this.downloadListener = listener; // TODO: be more nuanced about which peer to download from. We can also try // downloading from multiple peers and handle the case when a new peer comes along // with a longer chain after we thought we were done. if (!peers.isEmpty()) { startBlockChainDownloadFromPeer(peers.iterator().next()); // Will add the new download listener } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Download the blockchain from peers. Convenience that uses a {@link DownloadProgressTracker} for you.<p> * * This method waits until the download is complete. "Complete" is defined as downloading * from at least one peer all the blocks that are in that peer's inventory. */ public void downloadBlockChain() { DownloadProgressTracker listener = new DownloadProgressTracker(); startBlockChainDownload(listener); try { listener.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected void handleNewPeer(final Peer peer) { int newSize = -1; lock.lock(); try { groupBackoff.trackSuccess(); backoffMap.get(peer.getAddress()).trackSuccess(); // Sets up the newly connected peer so it can do everything it needs to. pendingPeers.remove(peer); peers.add(peer); newSize = peers.size(); log.info("{}: New peer ({} connected, {} pending, {} max)", peer, newSize, pendingPeers.size(), maxConnections); // Give the peer a filter that can be used to probabilistically drop transactions that // aren't relevant to our wallet. We may still receive some false positives, which is // OK because it helps improve wallet privacy. Old nodes will just ignore the message. if (bloomFilterMerger.getLastFilter() != null) peer.setBloomFilter(bloomFilterMerger.getLastFilter()); peer.setDownloadData(false); // TODO: The peer should calculate the fast catchup time from the added wallets here. for (Wallet wallet : wallets) peer.addWallet(wallet); if (downloadPeer == null) { // Kick off chain download if we aren't already doing it. setDownloadPeer(selectDownloadPeer(peers)); boolean shouldDownloadChain = downloadListener != null && chain != null; if (shouldDownloadChain) { startBlockChainDownloadFromPeer(downloadPeer); } } // Make sure the peer knows how to upload transactions that are requested from us. peer.addEventListener(peerListener, Threading.SAME_THREAD); // And set up event listeners for clients. This will allow them to find out about new transactions and blocks. for (ListenerRegistration<PeerEventListener> registration : peerEventListeners) { peer.addEventListenerWithoutOnDisconnect(registration.listener, registration.executor); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } final int fNewSize = newSize; for (final ListenerRegistration<PeerEventListener> registration : peerEventListeners) { registration.executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { registration.listener.onPeerConnected(peer, fNewSize); } }); } } @Nullable private volatile ListenableScheduledFuture<?> vPingTask; @SuppressWarnings("NonAtomicOperationOnVolatileField") private void setupPinging() { if (getPingIntervalMsec() <= 0) return; // Disabled. vPingTask = executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { if (getPingIntervalMsec() <= 0) { ListenableScheduledFuture<?> task = vPingTask; if (task != null) { task.cancel(false); vPingTask = null; } return; // Disabled. } for (Peer peer : getConnectedPeers()) { if (peer.getPeerVersionMessage().clientVersion < Pong.MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) continue; peer.ping(); } } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Exception in ping loop", e); // The executor swallows exceptions :( } } }, getPingIntervalMsec(), getPingIntervalMsec(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } private void setDownloadPeer(@Nullable Peer peer) { lock.lock(); try { if (downloadPeer == peer) return; if (downloadPeer != null) { log.info("Unsetting download peer: {}", downloadPeer); if (downloadListener != null) downloadPeer.removeEventListener(downloadListener); downloadPeer.setDownloadData(false); } downloadPeer = peer; if (downloadPeer != null) { log.info("Setting download peer: {}", downloadPeer); if (downloadListener != null) peer.addEventListener(downloadListener, Threading.SAME_THREAD); downloadPeer.setDownloadData(true); if (chain != null) downloadPeer.setDownloadParameters(fastCatchupTimeSecs, bloomFilterMerger.getLastFilter() != null); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** Use "Context.get().getConfidenceTable()" instead */ @Deprecated @Nullable public TxConfidenceTable getMemoryPool() { return Context.get().getConfidenceTable(); } /** * Tells the PeerGroup to download only block headers before a certain time and bodies after that. Call this * before starting block chain download. * Do not use a time > NOW - 1 block, as it will break some block download logic. */ public void setFastCatchupTimeSecs(long secondsSinceEpoch) { lock.lock(); try { checkState(chain == null || !chain.shouldVerifyTransactions(), "Fast catchup is incompatible with fully verifying"); fastCatchupTimeSecs = secondsSinceEpoch; if (downloadPeer != null) { downloadPeer.setDownloadParameters(secondsSinceEpoch, bloomFilterMerger.getLastFilter() != null); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the current fast catchup time. The contents of blocks before this time won't be downloaded as they * cannot contain any interesting transactions. If you use {@link PeerGroup#addWallet(Wallet)} this just returns * the min of the wallets earliest key times. * @return a time in seconds since the epoch */ public long getFastCatchupTimeSecs() { lock.lock(); try { return fastCatchupTimeSecs; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } protected void handlePeerDeath(final Peer peer, @Nullable Throwable exception) { // Peer deaths can occur during startup if a connect attempt after peer discovery aborts immediately. if (!isRunning()) return; int numPeers; int numConnectedPeers = 0; lock.lock(); try { pendingPeers.remove(peer); peers.remove(peer); PeerAddress address = peer.getAddress(); log.info("{}: Peer died ({} connected, {} pending, {} max)", address, peers.size(), pendingPeers.size(), maxConnections); if (peer == downloadPeer) { log.info("Download peer died. Picking a new one."); setDownloadPeer(null); // Pick a new one and possibly tell it to download the chain. final Peer newDownloadPeer = selectDownloadPeer(peers); if (newDownloadPeer != null) { setDownloadPeer(newDownloadPeer); if (downloadListener != null) { startBlockChainDownloadFromPeer(newDownloadPeer); } } } numPeers = peers.size() + pendingPeers.size(); numConnectedPeers = peers.size(); groupBackoff.trackFailure(); if (exception instanceof NoRouteToHostException) { if (address.getAddr() instanceof Inet6Address && !ipv6Unreachable) { ipv6Unreachable = true; log.warn("IPv6 peer connect failed due to routing failure, ignoring IPv6 addresses from now on"); } } else { backoffMap.get(address).trackFailure(); // Put back on inactive list inactives.offer(address); } if (numPeers < getMaxConnections()) { triggerConnections(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } peer.removeEventListener(peerListener); for (Wallet wallet : wallets) { peer.removeWallet(wallet); } final int fNumConnectedPeers = numConnectedPeers; for (final ListenerRegistration<PeerEventListener> registration : peerEventListeners) { registration.executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { registration.listener.onPeerDisconnected(peer, fNumConnectedPeers); } }); peer.removeEventListener(registration.listener); } } @GuardedBy("lock") private int stallPeriodSeconds = 10; @GuardedBy("lock") private int stallMinSpeedBytesSec = Block.HEADER_SIZE * 20; /** * Configures the stall speed: the speed at which a peer is considered to be serving us the block chain * unacceptably slowly. Once a peer has served us data slower than the given data rate for the given * number of seconds, it is considered stalled and will be disconnected, forcing the chain download to continue * from a different peer. The defaults are chosen conservatively, but if you are running on a platform that is * CPU constrained or on a very slow network e.g. EDGE, the default settings may need adjustment to * avoid false stalls. * * @param periodSecs How many seconds the download speed must be below blocksPerSec, defaults to 10. * @param bytesPerSecond Download speed (only blocks/txns count) must be consistently below this for a stall, defaults to the bandwidth required for 20 block headers per second. */ public void setStallThreshold(int periodSecs, int bytesPerSecond) { lock.lock(); try { stallPeriodSeconds = periodSecs; stallMinSpeedBytesSec = bytesPerSecond; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private class ChainDownloadSpeedCalculator extends AbstractPeerEventListener implements Runnable { private int blocksInLastSecond, txnsInLastSecond, origTxnsInLastSecond; private long bytesInLastSecond; // If we take more stalls than this, we assume we're on some kind of terminally slow network and the // stall threshold just isn't set properly. We give up on stall disconnects after that. private int maxStalls = 3; // How many seconds the peer has until we start measuring its speed. private int warmupSeconds = -1; // Used to calculate a moving average. private long[] samples; private int cursor; private boolean syncDone; // NuDroid: Track when valid hashes are being downloaded so we do not penalise the peer for the time this takes. private boolean downloadingHashes = false; @Override public synchronized void onBlocksDownloaded(Peer peer, Block block, @Nullable FilteredBlock filteredBlock, int blocksLeft) { blocksInLastSecond++; bytesInLastSecond += 80; // For the header. List<Transaction> blockTransactions = block.getTransactions(); // This whole area of the type hierarchy is a mess. int txCount = (blockTransactions != null ? countAndMeasureSize(blockTransactions) : 0) + (filteredBlock != null ? countAndMeasureSize(filteredBlock.getAssociatedTransactions().values()) : 0); txnsInLastSecond = txnsInLastSecond + txCount; if (filteredBlock != null) origTxnsInLastSecond += filteredBlock.getTransactionCount(); } @Override public synchronized void onDownloadingHashes(Peer peer, boolean isDownloading) { downloadingHashes = isDownloading; } private int countAndMeasureSize(Collection<Transaction> transactions) { for (Transaction transaction : transactions) bytesInLastSecond += transaction.getMessageSize(); return transactions.size(); } @Override public void run() { try { calculate(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Error in speed calculator", e); } } private void calculate() { if (getDownloadPeer() == null) // Do not do anything unless we are downloading from a peer. return; int minSpeedBytesPerSec; int period; lock.lock(); try { minSpeedBytesPerSec = stallMinSpeedBytesSec; period = stallPeriodSeconds; } finally { lock.unlock(); } synchronized (this) { if (samples == null || samples.length != period) { samples = new long[period]; // *2 because otherwise a single low sample could cause an immediate disconnect which is too harsh. Arrays.fill(samples, minSpeedBytesPerSec * 2); warmupSeconds = 15; } boolean behindPeers = chain != null && chain.getBestChainHeight() < getMostCommonChainHeight(); if (!behindPeers) syncDone = true; // NuDroid: Stop measuring whilst downloading hashes as this can take up time. if (!syncDone && !downloadingHashes) { if (warmupSeconds < 0) { // Calculate the moving average. samples[cursor++] = bytesInLastSecond; if (cursor == samples.length) cursor = 0; long average = 0; for (long sample : samples) average += sample; average /= samples.length; log.info(String.format(Locale.US, "%d blocks/sec, %d tx/sec, %d pre-filtered tx/sec, avg/last %.2f/%.2f kilobytes per sec (stall threshold <%.2f KB/sec for %d seconds)", blocksInLastSecond, txnsInLastSecond, origTxnsInLastSecond, average / 1024.0, bytesInLastSecond / 1024.0, minSpeedBytesPerSec / 1024.0, samples.length)); if (average < minSpeedBytesPerSec && maxStalls > 0) { maxStalls--; if (maxStalls == 0) { // We could consider starting to drop the Bloom filtering FP rate at this point, because // we tried a bunch of peers and no matter what we don't seem to be able to go any faster. // This implies we're bandwidth bottlenecked and might want to start using bandwidth // more effectively. Of course if there's a MITM that is deliberately throttling us, // this is a good way to make us take away all the FPs from our Bloom filters ... but // as they don't give us a whole lot of privacy either way that's not inherently a big // deal. log.warn("This network seems to be slower than the requested stall threshold - won't do stall disconnects any more."); } else { Peer peer = getDownloadPeer(); log.warn(String.format(Locale.US, "Chain download stalled: received %.2f KB/sec for %d seconds, require average of %.2f KB/sec, disconnecting %s", average / 1024.0, samples.length, minSpeedBytesPerSec / 1024.0, peer)); peer.close(); // Reset the sample buffer and give the next peer time to get going. samples = null; warmupSeconds = period; } } } else { warmupSeconds--; if (bytesInLastSecond > 0) log.info(String.format(Locale.US, "%d blocks/sec, %d tx/sec, %d pre-filtered tx/sec, last %.2f kilobytes per sec", blocksInLastSecond, txnsInLastSecond, origTxnsInLastSecond, bytesInLastSecond / 1024.0)); } } blocksInLastSecond = 0; txnsInLastSecond = 0; origTxnsInLastSecond = 0; bytesInLastSecond = 0; } } } @Nullable private ChainDownloadSpeedCalculator chainDownloadSpeedCalculator; private void startBlockChainDownloadFromPeer(Peer peer) { lock.lock(); try { setDownloadPeer(peer); if (chainDownloadSpeedCalculator == null) { // Every second, run the calculator which will log how fast we are downloading the chain. chainDownloadSpeedCalculator = new ChainDownloadSpeedCalculator(); executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(chainDownloadSpeedCalculator, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } peer.addEventListener(chainDownloadSpeedCalculator, Threading.SAME_THREAD); // startBlockChainDownload will setDownloadData(true) on itself automatically. peer.startBlockChainDownload(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns a future that is triggered when the number of connected peers is equal to the given number of * peers. By using this with {@link com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.PeerGroup#getMaxConnections()} you can wait until the * network is fully online. To block immediately, just call get() on the result. Just calls * {@link #waitForPeersOfVersion(int, long)} with zero as the protocol version. * * @param numPeers How many peers to wait for. * @return a future that will be triggered when the number of connected peers >= numPeers */ public ListenableFuture<List<Peer>> waitForPeers(final int numPeers) { return waitForPeersOfVersion(numPeers, 0); } /** * Returns a future that is triggered when there are at least the requested number of connected peers that support * the given protocol version or higher. To block immediately, just call get() on the result. * * @param numPeers How many peers to wait for. * @param protocolVersion The protocol version the awaited peers must implement (or better). * @return a future that will be triggered when the number of connected peers implementing protocolVersion or higher >= numPeers */ public ListenableFuture<List<Peer>> waitForPeersOfVersion(final int numPeers, final long protocolVersion) { List<Peer> foundPeers = findPeersOfAtLeastVersion(protocolVersion); if (foundPeers.size() >= numPeers) { return Futures.immediateFuture(foundPeers); } final SettableFuture<List<Peer>> future = SettableFuture.create(); addEventListener(new AbstractPeerEventListener() { @Override public void onPeerConnected(Peer peer, int peerCount) { final List<Peer> peers = findPeersOfAtLeastVersion(protocolVersion); if (peers.size() >= numPeers) { future.set(peers); removeEventListener(this); } } }); return future; } /** * Returns an array list of peers that implement the given protocol version or better. */ public List<Peer> findPeersOfAtLeastVersion(long protocolVersion) { lock.lock(); try { ArrayList<Peer> results = new ArrayList<Peer>(peers.size()); for (Peer peer : peers) if (peer.getPeerVersionMessage().clientVersion >= protocolVersion) results.add(peer); return results; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns a future that is triggered when there are at least the requested number of connected peers that support * the given protocol version or higher. To block immediately, just call get() on the result. * * @param numPeers How many peers to wait for. * @param mask An integer representing a bit mask that will be ANDed with the peers advertised service masks. * @return a future that will be triggered when the number of connected peers implementing protocolVersion or higher >= numPeers */ public ListenableFuture<List<Peer>> waitForPeersWithServiceMask(final int numPeers, final int mask) { lock.lock(); try { List<Peer> foundPeers = findPeersWithServiceMask(mask); if (foundPeers.size() >= numPeers) return Futures.immediateFuture(foundPeers); final SettableFuture<List<Peer>> future = SettableFuture.create(); addEventListener(new AbstractPeerEventListener() { @Override public void onPeerConnected(Peer peer, int peerCount) { final List<Peer> peers = findPeersWithServiceMask(mask); if (peers.size() >= numPeers) { future.set(peers); removeEventListener(this); } } }); return future; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns an array list of peers that match the requested service bit mask. */ public List<Peer> findPeersWithServiceMask(int mask) { lock.lock(); try { ArrayList<Peer> results = new ArrayList<Peer>(peers.size()); for (Peer peer : peers) if ((peer.getPeerVersionMessage().localServices & mask) == mask) results.add(peer); return results; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the number of connections that are required before transactions will be broadcast. If there aren't * enough, {@link PeerGroup#broadcastTransaction(Transaction)} will wait until the minimum number is reached so * propagation across the network can be observed. If no value has been set using * {@link PeerGroup#setMinBroadcastConnections(int)} a default of 80% of whatever * {@link com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.PeerGroup#getMaxConnections()} returns is used. */ public int getMinBroadcastConnections() { lock.lock(); try { if (minBroadcastConnections == 0) { int max = getMaxConnections(); if (max <= 1) return max; else return (int) Math.round(getMaxConnections() * 0.8); } return minBroadcastConnections; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * See {@link com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.PeerGroup#getMinBroadcastConnections()}. */ public void setMinBroadcastConnections(int value) { lock.lock(); try { minBroadcastConnections = value; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Calls {@link PeerGroup#broadcastTransaction(Transaction,int)} with getMinBroadcastConnections() as the number * of connections to wait for before commencing broadcast. */ @Override public TransactionBroadcast broadcastTransaction(final Transaction tx) { return broadcastTransaction(tx, Math.max(1, getMinBroadcastConnections())); } /** * <p>Given a transaction, sends it un-announced to one peer and then waits for it to be received back from other * peers. Once all connected peers have announced the transaction, the future available via the * {@link com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.TransactionBroadcast#future()} method will be completed. If anything goes * wrong the exception will be thrown when get() is called, or you can receive it via a callback on the * {@link ListenableFuture}. This method returns immediately, so if you want it to block just call get() on the * result.</p> * * <p>Note that if the PeerGroup is limited to only one connection (discovery is not activated) then the future * will complete as soon as the transaction was successfully written to that peer.</p> * * <p>The transaction won't be sent until there are at least minConnections active connections available. * A good choice for proportion would be between 0.5 and 0.8 but if you want faster transmission during initial * bringup of the peer group you can lower it.</p> * * <p>The returned {@link com.matthewmitchell.nubits.core.TransactionBroadcast} object can be used to get progress feedback, * which is calculated by watching the transaction propagate across the network and be announced by peers.</p> */ public TransactionBroadcast broadcastTransaction(final Transaction tx, final int minConnections) { // If we don't have a record of where this tx came from already, set it to be ourselves so Peer doesn't end up // redownloading it from the network redundantly. if (tx.getConfidence().getSource().equals(TransactionConfidence.Source.UNKNOWN)) { log.info("Transaction source unknown, setting to SELF: {}", tx.getHashAsString()); tx.getConfidence().setSource(TransactionConfidence.Source.SELF); } final TransactionBroadcast broadcast = new TransactionBroadcast(this, tx); broadcast.setMinConnections(minConnections); // Send the TX to the wallet once we have a successful broadcast. Futures.addCallback(broadcast.future(), new FutureCallback<Transaction>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Transaction transaction) { runningBroadcasts.remove(broadcast); // OK, now tell the wallet about the transaction. If the wallet created the transaction then // it already knows and will ignore this. If it's a transaction we received from // somebody else via a side channel and are now broadcasting, this will put it into the // wallet now we know it's valid. for (Wallet wallet : wallets) { // Assumption here is there are no dependencies of the created transaction. // // We may end up with two threads trying to do this in parallel - the wallet will // ignore whichever one loses the race. try { wallet.receivePending(transaction, null); } catch (VerificationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot fail to verify a tx we created ourselves. } } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { // This can happen if we get a reject message from a peer. runningBroadcasts.remove(broadcast); } }); // Keep a reference to the TransactionBroadcast object. This is important because otherwise, the entire tree // of objects we just created would become garbage if the user doesn't hold on to the returned future, and // eventually be collected. This in turn could result in the transaction not being committed to the wallet // at all. runningBroadcasts.add(broadcast); broadcast.broadcast(); return broadcast; } /** * Returns the period between pings for an individual peer. Setting this lower means more accurate and timely ping * times are available via {@link com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.Peer#getLastPingTime()} but it increases load on the * remote node. It defaults to 5000. */ public long getPingIntervalMsec() { lock.lock(); try { return pingIntervalMsec; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Sets the period between pings for an individual peer. Setting this lower means more accurate and timely ping * times are available via {@link com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.Peer#getLastPingTime()} but it increases load on the * remote node. It defaults to {@link PeerGroup#DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL_MSEC}. * Setting the value to be <= 0 disables pinging entirely, although you can still request one yourself * using {@link com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.Peer#ping()}. */ public void setPingIntervalMsec(long pingIntervalMsec) { lock.lock(); try { this.pingIntervalMsec = pingIntervalMsec; ListenableScheduledFuture<?> task = vPingTask; if (task != null) task.cancel(false); setupPinging(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * If a peer is connected to that claims to speak a protocol version lower than the given version, it will * be disconnected and another one will be tried instead. */ public void setMinRequiredProtocolVersion(int minRequiredProtocolVersion) { this.vMinRequiredProtocolVersion = minRequiredProtocolVersion; } /** The minimum protocol version required: defaults to the version required for Bloom filtering. */ public int getMinRequiredProtocolVersion() { return vMinRequiredProtocolVersion; } /** * Returns our peers most commonly reported chain height. If multiple heights are tied, the highest is returned. * If no peers are connected, returns zero. */ public int getMostCommonChainHeight() { lock.lock(); try { return getMostCommonChainHeight(this.peers); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns most commonly reported chain height from the given list of {@link Peer}s. * If multiple heights are tied, the highest is returned. If no peers are connected, returns zero. */ public static int getMostCommonChainHeight(final List<Peer> peers) { if (peers.isEmpty()) return 0; List<Integer> heights = new ArrayList<Integer>(peers.size()); for (Peer peer : peers) heights.add((int) peer.getBestHeight()); return Utils.maxOfMostFreq(heights); } /** * Given a list of Peers, return a Peer to be used as the download peer. If you don't want PeerGroup to manage * download peer statuses for you, just override this and always return null. */ @Nullable protected Peer selectDownloadPeer(List<Peer> peers) { // Characteristics to select for in order of importance: // - Chain height is reasonable (majority of nodes) // - High enough protocol version for the features we want (but we'll settle for less) // - Randomly, to try and spread the load. if (peers.isEmpty()) return null; // Make sure we don't select a peer that is behind/synchronizing itself. int mostCommonChainHeight = getMostCommonChainHeight(peers); List<Peer> candidates = new ArrayList<Peer>(); for (Peer peer : peers) { if (peer.getBestHeight() == mostCommonChainHeight) candidates.add(peer); } // Of the candidates, find the peers that meet the minimum protocol version we want to target. We could select // the highest version we've seen on the assumption that newer versions are always better but we don't want to // zap peers if they upgrade early. If we can't find any peers that have our preferred protocol version or // better then we'll settle for the highest we found instead. int highestVersion = 0, preferredVersion = 0; // If/when PREFERRED_VERSION is not equal to vMinRequiredProtocolVersion, reenable the last test in PeerGroupTest.downloadPeerSelection final int PREFERRED_VERSION = FilteredBlock.MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION; for (Peer peer : candidates) { highestVersion = Math.max(peer.getPeerVersionMessage().clientVersion, highestVersion); preferredVersion = Math.min(highestVersion, PREFERRED_VERSION); } ArrayList<Peer> candidates2 = new ArrayList<Peer>(candidates.size()); for (Peer peer : candidates) { if (peer.getPeerVersionMessage().clientVersion >= preferredVersion) { candidates2.add(peer); } } int index = (int) (Math.random() * candidates2.size()); return candidates2.get(index); } /** * Returns the currently selected download peer. Bear in mind that it may have changed as soon as this method * returns. Can return null if no peer was selected. */ public Peer getDownloadPeer() { lock.lock(); try { return downloadPeer; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the {@link com.subgraph.orchid.TorClient} object for this peer group, if Tor is in use, null otherwise. */ @Nullable public TorClient getTorClient() { return torClient; } /** * Returns the maximum number of {@link Peer}s to discover. This maximum is checked after * each {@link PeerDiscovery} so this max number can be surpassed. * @return the maximum number of peers to discover */ public int getMaxPeersToDiscoverCount() { return vMaxPeersToDiscoverCount; } /** * Sets the maximum number of {@link Peer}s to discover. This maximum is checked after * each {@link PeerDiscovery} so this max number can be surpassed. * @param maxPeersToDiscoverCount the maximum number of peers to discover */ public void setMaxPeersToDiscoverCount(int maxPeersToDiscoverCount) { this.vMaxPeersToDiscoverCount = maxPeersToDiscoverCount; } /** See {@link #setUseLocalhostPeerWhenPossible(boolean)} */ public boolean getUseLocalhostPeerWhenPossible() { lock.lock(); try { return useLocalhostPeerWhenPossible; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * When true (the default), PeerGroup will attempt to connect to a Nu node running on localhost before * attempting to use the P2P network. If successful, only localhost will be used. This makes for a simple * and easy way for a user to upgrade a bitcoinj based app running in SPV mode to fully validating security. */ public void setUseLocalhostPeerWhenPossible(boolean useLocalhostPeerWhenPossible) { lock.lock(); try { this.useLocalhostPeerWhenPossible = useLocalhostPeerWhenPossible; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public boolean isRunning() { return vRunning; } /** * Can be used to disable Bloom filtering entirely, even in SPV mode. You are very unlikely to need this, it is * an optimisation for rare cases when full validation is not required but it's still more efficient to download * full blocks than filtered blocks. */ public void setBloomFilteringEnabled(boolean bloomFilteringEnabled) { this.vBloomFilteringEnabled = bloomFilteringEnabled; } /** Returns whether the Bloom filtering protocol optimisation is in use: defaults to true. */ public boolean isBloomFilteringEnabled() { return vBloomFilteringEnabled; } }