package com.subgraph.orchid.circuits; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.subgraph.orchid.Cell; import com.subgraph.orchid.CircuitNode; import com.subgraph.orchid.Connection; import com.subgraph.orchid.ConnectionIOException; import com.subgraph.orchid.RelayCell; import com.subgraph.orchid.Stream; import com.subgraph.orchid.Threading; import com.subgraph.orchid.TorException; import com.subgraph.orchid.circuits.cells.CellImpl; import com.subgraph.orchid.circuits.cells.RelayCellImpl; import com.subgraph.orchid.dashboard.DashboardRenderable; import com.subgraph.orchid.dashboard.DashboardRenderer; public class CircuitIO implements DashboardRenderable { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CircuitIO.class.getName()); private final static long CIRCUIT_BUILD_TIMEOUT_MS = 30 * 1000; private final static long CIRCUIT_RELAY_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 20 * 1000; private final CircuitImpl circuit; private final Connection connection; private final int circuitId; private final BlockingQueue<RelayCell> relayCellResponseQueue; private final BlockingQueue<Cell> controlCellResponseQueue; private final Map<Integer, StreamImpl> streamMap; private final ReentrantLock streamLock = Threading.lock("stream"); private final ReentrantLock relaySendLock = Threading.lock("relaySend"); private boolean isMarkedForClose; private boolean isClosed; CircuitIO(CircuitImpl circuit, Connection connection, int circuitId) { this.circuit = circuit; this.connection = connection; this.circuitId = circuitId; this.relayCellResponseQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<RelayCell>(); this.controlCellResponseQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Cell>(); this.streamMap = new HashMap<Integer, StreamImpl>(); } Connection getConnection() { return connection; } int getCircuitId() { return circuitId; } RelayCell dequeueRelayResponseCell() { try { final long timeout = getReceiveTimeout(); return relayCellResponseQueue.poll(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return null; } } private RelayCell decryptRelayCell(Cell cell) { for(CircuitNode node: circuit.getNodeList()) { if(node.decryptBackwardCell(cell)) { return RelayCellImpl.createFromCell(node, cell); } } destroyCircuit(); throw new TorException("Could not decrypt relay cell"); } // Return null on timeout Cell receiveControlCellResponse() { try { final long timeout = getReceiveTimeout(); return controlCellResponseQueue.poll(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return null; } } private long getReceiveTimeout() { if(circuit.getStatus().isBuilding()) return remainingBuildTime(); else return CIRCUIT_RELAY_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT; } private long remainingBuildTime() { final long elapsed = circuit.getStatus().getMillisecondsElapsedSinceCreated(); if(elapsed == 0 || elapsed >= CIRCUIT_BUILD_TIMEOUT_MS) return 0; return CIRCUIT_BUILD_TIMEOUT_MS - elapsed; } /* * This is called by the cell reading thread in ConnectionImpl to deliver control cells * associated with this circuit (CREATED, CREATED_FAST, or DESTROY). */ void deliverControlCell(Cell cell) { if(cell.getCommand() == Cell.DESTROY) { processDestroyCell(cell.getByte()); } else { controlCellResponseQueue.add(cell); } } private void processDestroyCell(int reason) { logger.fine("DESTROY cell received ("+ CellImpl.errorToDescription(reason) +") on "+ circuit); destroyCircuit(); } /* This is called by the cell reading thread in ConnectionImpl to deliver RELAY cells. */ void deliverRelayCell(Cell cell) { circuit.getStatus().updateDirtyTimestamp(); final RelayCell relayCell = decryptRelayCell(cell); logRelayCell("Dispatching: ", relayCell); switch(relayCell.getRelayCommand()) { case RelayCell.RELAY_EXTENDED: case RelayCell.RELAY_EXTENDED2: case RelayCell.RELAY_RESOLVED: case RelayCell.RELAY_TRUNCATED: case RelayCell.RELAY_COMMAND_RENDEZVOUS_ESTABLISHED: case RelayCell.RELAY_COMMAND_INTRODUCE_ACK: case RelayCell.RELAY_COMMAND_RENDEZVOUS2: relayCellResponseQueue.add(relayCell); break; case RelayCell.RELAY_DATA: case RelayCell.RELAY_END: case RelayCell.RELAY_CONNECTED: processRelayDataCell(relayCell); break; case RelayCell.RELAY_SENDME: if(relayCell.getStreamId() != 0) processRelayDataCell(relayCell); else processCircuitSendme(relayCell); break; case RelayCell.RELAY_BEGIN: case RelayCell.RELAY_BEGIN_DIR: case RelayCell.RELAY_EXTEND: case RelayCell.RELAY_RESOLVE: case RelayCell.RELAY_TRUNCATE: destroyCircuit(); throw new TorException("Unexpected 'forward' direction relay cell type: "+ relayCell.getRelayCommand()); } } /* Runs in the context of the connection cell reading thread */ private void processRelayDataCell(RelayCell cell) { if(cell.getRelayCommand() == RelayCell.RELAY_DATA) { cell.getCircuitNode().decrementDeliverWindow(); if(cell.getCircuitNode().considerSendingSendme()) { final RelayCell sendme = createRelayCell(RelayCell.RELAY_SENDME, 0, cell.getCircuitNode()); sendRelayCellTo(sendme, sendme.getCircuitNode()); } } streamLock.lock(); try { final StreamImpl stream = streamMap.get(cell.getStreamId()); // It's not unusual for the stream to not be found. For example, if a RELAY_CONNECTED arrives after // the client has stopped waiting for it, the stream will never be tracked and eventually the edge node // will send a RELAY_END for this stream. if(stream != null) { stream.addInputCell(cell); } } finally { streamLock.unlock(); } } RelayCell createRelayCell(int relayCommand, int streamId, CircuitNode targetNode) { return new RelayCellImpl(targetNode, circuitId, streamId, relayCommand); } void sendRelayCellTo(RelayCell cell, CircuitNode targetNode) { relaySendLock.lock(); try { logRelayCell("Sending: ", cell); cell.setLength(); targetNode.updateForwardDigest(cell); cell.setDigest(targetNode.getForwardDigestBytes()); for(CircuitNode node = targetNode; node != null; node = node.getPreviousNode()) node.encryptForwardCell(cell); if(cell.getRelayCommand() == RelayCell.RELAY_DATA) targetNode.waitForSendWindowAndDecrement(); sendCell(cell); } finally { relaySendLock.unlock(); } } private void logRelayCell(String message, RelayCell cell) { final Level level = getLogLevelForCell(cell); if(!logger.isLoggable(level)) { return; } logger.log(level, message + cell); } private Level getLogLevelForCell(RelayCell cell) { switch(cell.getRelayCommand()) { case RelayCell.RELAY_DATA: case RelayCell.RELAY_SENDME: return Level.FINEST; default: return Level.FINER; } } void sendCell(Cell cell) { final CircuitStatus status = circuit.getStatus(); if(!(status.isConnected() || status.isBuilding())) return; try { status.updateDirtyTimestamp(); connection.sendCell(cell); } catch (ConnectionIOException e) { destroyCircuit(); } } void markForClose() { boolean shouldClose; streamLock.lock(); try { if(isMarkedForClose) { return; } isMarkedForClose = true; shouldClose = streamMap.isEmpty(); } finally { streamLock.unlock(); } if(shouldClose) closeCircuit(); } boolean isMarkedForClose() { streamLock.lock(); try { return isMarkedForClose; } finally { streamLock.unlock(); } } private void closeCircuit() { logger.fine("Closing circuit "+ circuit); sendDestroyCell(Cell.ERROR_NONE); connection.removeCircuit(circuit); circuit.setStateDestroyed(); isClosed = true; } void sendDestroyCell(int reason) { Cell destroy = CellImpl.createCell(circuitId, Cell.DESTROY); destroy.putByte(reason); try { connection.sendCell(destroy); } catch (ConnectionIOException e) { logger.warning("Connection IO error sending DESTROY cell: "+ e.getMessage()); } } private void processCircuitSendme(RelayCell cell) { cell.getCircuitNode().incrementSendWindow(); } void destroyCircuit() { streamLock.lock(); try { if(isClosed) { return; } circuit.setStateDestroyed(); connection.removeCircuit(circuit); final List<StreamImpl> tmpList = new ArrayList<StreamImpl>(streamMap.values()); for(StreamImpl s: tmpList) { s.close(); } isClosed = true; } finally { streamLock.unlock(); } } StreamImpl createNewStream(boolean autoclose) { streamLock.lock(); try { final int streamId = circuit.getStatus().nextStreamId(); final StreamImpl stream = new StreamImpl(circuit, circuit.getFinalCircuitNode(), streamId, autoclose); streamMap.put(streamId, stream); return stream; } finally { streamLock.unlock(); } } void removeStream(StreamImpl stream) { boolean shouldClose; streamLock.lock(); try { streamMap.remove(stream.getStreamId()); shouldClose = streamMap.isEmpty() && isMarkedForClose; } finally { streamLock.unlock(); } if(shouldClose) closeCircuit(); } List<Stream> getActiveStreams() { streamLock.lock(); try { return new ArrayList<Stream>(streamMap.values()); } finally { streamLock.unlock(); } } public void dashboardRender(DashboardRenderer renderer, PrintWriter writer, int flags) throws IOException { if((flags & DASHBOARD_STREAMS) == 0) { return; } for(Stream s: getActiveStreams()) { renderer.renderComponent(writer, flags, s); } } }