package de.maxgb.minecraft.second_screen; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.ConfigCategory; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.event.ConfigChangedEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import de.maxgb.minecraft.second_screen.util.Constants; import de.maxgb.minecraft.second_screen.util.Logger; public class Configs { public static final String CATEGORY_UPDATE_TIMES = "update times"; public static final String CATEGORY_CONNECTION_SETTINGS = "connection settings"; public static final String CATEGORY_GENERAL = Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL; public static String hostname; public static int port; public static int server_info_update_time; public static int world_info_update_time; public static int player_info_update_time; public static int chat_update_time; public static boolean auth_required; public static boolean obs_publ_admin; public static boolean debug_mode; public static Configuration config; private static String TAG = "Configs"; /** * Creates a Configuration from the given config file and loads configs afterwards * @param configFile */ public static void init(File configFile) { if (config == null) { config = new Configuration(configFile); } loadConfiguration(); } /** * Loads/refreshes the configuration and adds comments if there aren't any * {@link #init(File) init} has to be called once before using this */ public static void loadConfiguration() { // Categegories ConfigCategory update_times = config.getCategory(CATEGORY_UPDATE_TIMES); update_times .setComment("How often are the information updated (Measured in ServerTicks, just try out some values)."); ConfigCategory con = config.getCategory(CATEGORY_CONNECTION_SETTINGS); con.setComment("On what Ip and port should the mod listen"); // Connection settings try { hostname = config.get(con.getQualifiedName(), "hostname", InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()) .getString(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Logger.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve host address" + e); hostname = "localhost"; } port = config.get(con.getQualifiedName(), "port", 25566).getInt(); // Update times Property prop = config.get(update_times.getQualifiedName(), "server_info_update_time", 500); prop.comment = "General server info"; server_info_update_time = prop.getInt(); prop = config.get(update_times.getQualifiedName(), "world_info_update_time", 200); prop.comment = "World info"; world_info_update_time = prop.getInt(); prop = config.get(update_times.getQualifiedName(), "player_info_update_time", 40); prop.comment = "Player info"; player_info_update_time = prop.getInt(); prop = config.get(update_times.getQualifiedName(), "chat_update_time", 10); prop.comment = "Chat"; chat_update_time = prop.getInt(); // General configs prop = config.get(CATEGORY_GENERAL, "auth_required", false); prop.comment = "Whether the second screen user need to login with username and password, which can be set in game"; auth_required = prop.getBoolean(true); prop = config.get(CATEGORY_GENERAL, "public_observer_admin_only", false); prop.comment = "If true, only admins can create public block observations"; obs_publ_admin = prop.getBoolean(false); prop = config.get(CATEGORY_GENERAL, "debug_mode", false); prop.comment = "Enable logging debug messages to file"; debug_mode=prop.getBoolean(false); if (config.hasChanged()) {; } } @SubscribeEvent public void onConfigurationChanged(ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent e) { if (e.modID.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.MOD_ID)) { // Resync configs Logger.i(TAG, "Configuration has changed"); Configs.loadConfiguration(); } } }