package splar.plugins.reasoners.bdd.javabdd; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import splar.core.constraints.BooleanVariable; import splar.core.constraints.BooleanVariableInterface; import net.sf.javabdd.BDD; import net.sf.javabdd.BDDFactory; /* * Propositional Formulas Grammar * ------------------------------ * F ::= p | ~F | F op F | (F) * op ::= | | & | -> | <-> | OR | AND | IMP | BIIMP (case INsensitive) * p ::= variable (letter + letter|digit|_) * * Remarks: * Operator "~" should only precede variables (never formulas) * */ public class PF2BDDParser { private long maxParsingTimeAllowed; private long parsingTime; private int index = 0; private static final int AND = 1; private static final int OR = 2; private static final int IMP = 3; private static final int BIIMP = 4; private static String letters = "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; private static String digits = "0123456789"; private static String others = "_"; private String all = letters + digits + others; private BDDFactory bddFactory; protected Map<String,Integer> variable2indexMap; protected ArrayList<BooleanVariableInterface> variables; public PF2BDDParser(BDDFactory bddFactory, Map<String,Integer> variable2indexMap, long maxParsingTimeAllowed) { this.bddFactory = bddFactory; this.variable2indexMap = variable2indexMap; variables = new ArrayList<BooleanVariableInterface>(); this.maxParsingTimeAllowed = maxParsingTimeAllowed; this.parsingTime = -1; } public long getPFParsingTime() { return parsingTime; } public BDD parse(String formula) throws Exception { index = 0; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); BDD bdd = F(formula.trim(), start); parsingTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; return bdd; } private String currentChar(String formula) { return formula.substring(index,index+1); } private BDD F(String formula, long start) throws Exception { BDD bdd =; BDD tempBDD1, tempBDD2; long elapsedTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start); if ( elapsedTime > maxParsingTimeAllowed ) { throw new BDDExceededBuildingTimeException("PF2BDDParser: Maximum time allowed for BDD construction exceeded: " + maxParsingTimeAllowed + " ms", ""); } // end of the formula if (!EOF(formula)) { // operator ! if (currentChar(formula).equals("~")) { incrementIndex(formula); skipBlanks(formula); if ( isLetter(currentChar(formula)) ){ int varIndex = extractVar(formula, false); if ( varIndex == -1 ) { throw new Exception("Error on formula: " + formula + " at index (" + index + ")"); } tempBDD1 = bddFactory.ithVar(varIndex); } else { tempBDD1 = F(formula, start); } tempBDD1 = tempBDD1.not(); skipBlanks(formula); if (!EOF(formula)) { if (isLetter(currentChar(formula)) || currentChar(formula).equals("&") || currentChar(formula).equals("|") || currentChar(formula).equals("-") ||currentChar(formula).equals("<")) { int op = operator(formula); skipBlanks(formula); tempBDD2 = F(formula, start); bdd.andWith(applyBDDOp(tempBDD1, tempBDD2, op, start)); } else { bdd.andWith(tempBDD1); } } else { bdd.andWith(tempBDD1); } } // parenthesis "(" else if (currentChar(formula).equals("(")) { incrementIndex(formula); skipBlanks(formula); tempBDD1 = F(formula, start); if (!currentChar(formula).equals(")")){ throw new Exception("Error on formula: " + formula + " at index (" + index + ")"); } incrementIndex(formula); if (!EOF(formula)) { skipBlanks(formula); if (isLetter(currentChar(formula))||currentChar(formula).equals("&") || currentChar(formula).equals("|") || currentChar(formula).equals("-") ||currentChar(formula).equals("<")) { int op = operator(formula); skipBlanks(formula); tempBDD2 = F(formula, start); bdd.andWith(applyBDDOp(tempBDD1, tempBDD2, op, start)); } else if (!currentChar(formula).equals(")")) { throw new Exception("Error on formula: " + formula + " at index (" + index + ")"); } else { bdd.andWith(tempBDD1); } } else { bdd.andWith(tempBDD1); } } // variable name else { int varIndex = extractVar(formula, true); if ( varIndex == -1 ) { throw new Exception("Error on formula: " + formula + " at index (" + index + ")"); } tempBDD1 = bddFactory.ithVar(varIndex); skipBlanks(formula); if ( !EOF(formula) && !currentChar(formula).startsWith(")")) { int op = operator(formula); skipBlanks(formula); tempBDD2 = F(formula, start); bdd.andWith(applyBDDOp(tempBDD1, tempBDD2, op, start)); } else { bdd.andWith(tempBDD1); } } } return bdd; } private BDD applyBDDOp(BDD bdd1, BDD bdd2, int op, long start) throws Exception { long elapsedTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start); if ( elapsedTime > maxParsingTimeAllowed ) { throw new BDDExceededBuildingTimeException("PF2BDDParser: Maximum time allowed for BDD construction exceeded: " + maxParsingTimeAllowed + " ms", ""); } BDD resultBDD =; switch(op) { case AND: resultBDD.andWith(bdd1.and(bdd2)); break; case OR: resultBDD.andWith(bdd1.or(bdd2)); break; case IMP: resultBDD.andWith(bdd1.imp(bdd2)); break; case BIIMP: resultBDD.andWith(bdd1.biimp(bdd2)); break; } return resultBDD; } private int operator(String formula) throws Exception { int op = -1; if ( isLetter(currentChar(formula))) { String opStr = extractOperator(formula); if ( opStr.compareToIgnoreCase("and") == 0 ) { op = AND; } else if ( opStr.compareToIgnoreCase("or") == 0 ) { op = OR; } else if ( opStr.compareToIgnoreCase("imp") == 0 ) { op = IMP; } else if ( opStr.compareToIgnoreCase("biimp") == 0 ) { op = BIIMP; } else { throw new Exception("Error on formula: " + formula + " at index (" + index + ")"); } } else if ( currentChar(formula).startsWith("|")) { incrementIndex(formula); op = OR; } else if (currentChar(formula).startsWith("&")) { incrementIndex(formula); op = AND; } else if (currentChar(formula).startsWith("-")) { incrementIndex(formula); if (!currentChar(formula).startsWith(">")) { throw new Exception("Error on formula: " + formula + " at index (" + index + ")"); } incrementIndex(formula); op = IMP; } else if (currentChar(formula).startsWith("<")) { incrementIndex(formula); if (!currentChar(formula).startsWith("-")) { throw new Exception("Error on formula: " + formula + " at index (" + index + ")"); } incrementIndex(formula); if (!currentChar(formula).startsWith(">")) { throw new Exception("Error on formula: " + formula + " at index (" + index + ")"); } incrementIndex(formula); op = BIIMP; } else { throw new Exception("Error on formula: " + formula + " at index (" + index + ")"); } return op; } private String extractOperator(String formula) { StringBuffer opName = new StringBuffer(); if ( isLetter(currentChar(formula)) ) { opName.append(currentChar(formula)); incrementIndex(formula); while( !EOF(formula) && isValidChar(currentChar(formula))) { opName.append(currentChar(formula)); incrementIndex(formula); } } return opName.toString(); } private int extractVar(String formula, boolean varState) { StringBuffer varName = new StringBuffer(); if ( isLetter(currentChar(formula)) ) { varName.append(currentChar(formula)); incrementIndex(formula); while( !EOF(formula) && isValidChar(currentChar(formula))) { varName.append(currentChar(formula)); incrementIndex(formula); } int index = createVarIndex(varName.toString()); if ( index != -1 ) { BooleanVariable variable = new BooleanVariable(varName.toString()); variable.setState(varState); variables.add(variable); } return index; } return -1; } public ArrayList<BooleanVariableInterface> getVariables() { return variables; } private int createVarIndex(String varName) { Integer index = variable2indexMap.get(varName); if (index != null ){ return index.intValue(); } return -1; } private boolean EOF(String formula) { if ( index >= formula.length() ) { return true; } return false; } private boolean isLetter(String str) { if (letters.indexOf(str)!= -1) { return true; } return false; } private boolean isValidChar(String str) { if (all.indexOf(str) != -1) { return true; } return false; } private void skipBlanks(String formula) { if (!EOF(formula)) { while (currentChar(formula).startsWith(" ")) { incrementIndex(formula); } } } private void incrementIndex(String formula) { index++; } }