package LinGUIne.tests; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import LinGUIne.model.TextDataContents; import LinGUIne.model.annotations.MetaAnnotation; import LinGUIne.model.annotations.Tag; import LinGUIne.model.annotations.TextAnnotation; public class TextAnnotationTest { Tag tag; TextAnnotation annotation; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { tag = new Tag("Tag name", new Color(Display.getCurrent(), 255, 255, 255)); annotation = new TextAnnotation(tag, 0, 1); } @Test public void testConstructor() { try{ new TextAnnotation(null, 0, 1); fail("No Annotation should allow Tag to be null."); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae){} try{ new TextAnnotation(tag, 0, 0); fail("TextAnnotation should not allow its length to be zero."); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae){} } @Test public void testShift() { int shiftAmt = 5; annotation.shift(shiftAmt); assertTrue("Start index should be shifted upwards by shiftAmt.", annotation.getStartIndex() == (0 + shiftAmt)); assertTrue("End index should be shifted upwards by shiftAmt.", annotation.getEndIndex() == (1 + shiftAmt)); } @Test public void testExpand() { int expandAmt = 5; annotation.expand(expandAmt); assertTrue("Start index should not change when expanded.", annotation.getStartIndex() == 0); assertTrue("End index should be shifted upwards by expandAmt.", annotation.getEndIndex() == (1 + expandAmt)); } @Test public void testGetText() { TextDataContents contents = new TextDataContents("Some text."); String text = annotation.getText(contents); assertEquals("Text returned should be equal to the first character in the contents String.", "S", text); annotation.shift(5); annotation.expand(3); text = annotation.getText(contents); assertEquals("Text returned should be equal to the last word in the contents String.", "text", text); } @Test public void testEquals() { TextAnnotation duplicate = annotation; TextAnnotation theSameAnnotation = new TextAnnotation(tag, 0, 1); TextAnnotation otherAnnotation = new TextAnnotation(tag, 5, 3); MetaAnnotation meta = new MetaAnnotation(tag, tag); assertEquals("All Annotations should be equal to themselves.", annotation, duplicate); assertEquals("TextAnnotations should be equal to other TextAnnotations with the same start and end characters.", annotation, theSameAnnotation); assertNotEquals("TextAnnotations should not be equal to other TextAnnotations with different start and end characters.", annotation, otherAnnotation); assertNotEquals("No TextAnnotation should be equal to another type of Annotation.", annotation, meta); } }