package LinGUIne.serialization; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import; import; import; import; import; import LinGUIne.model.AnnotationSetContents; import LinGUIne.model.annotations.IAnnotation; import LinGUIne.model.annotations.MetaAnnotation; import LinGUIne.model.annotations.Tag; import LinGUIne.model.annotations.TextAnnotation; /** * Used to serialize/deserialize AnnotationSets to/from JSON. * * @author Kyle Mullins */ public class AnnotationSetTranslator { private final static String TAGS_ATTRIB = "Tags"; private final static String ANNOTATIONS_ATTRIB = "Annotations"; /** * Converts the given AnnotationSetContents to Json format so that it may * be written to disk. * * @param contents The AnnotationSetContents object to be converted. * * @return A Json String representing the given AnnotationSetContents. */ public static String toJson(AnnotationSetContents contents){ JsonElement json = composeJsonFromContents(contents); return json.toString(); } /** * Converts the given Json String into an AnnotationSetContents object. * * @param jsonStr A Json String to be converted to an in-memory object. * * @return An AnnotationSetContents object representing the given Json * or null if the Json could not be parsed. */ public static AnnotationSetContents fromJson(String jsonStr){ JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonElement json = parser.parse(jsonStr); return parseContentsFromJson(json); } /* * Composing into Json */ /** * Returns the root JsonElement of the given AnnotationSetContents object. */ private static JsonElement composeJsonFromContents(AnnotationSetContents contents){ JsonObject contentsRootObj = new JsonObject(); JsonArray tagsArray = new JsonArray(); JsonArray annotationsArray = new JsonArray(); HashMap<Tag, Integer> tags = new HashMap<Tag, Integer>(); int id = 1; for(Tag tag: contents.getTags()){ tags.put(tag, id); tagsArray.add(composeJsonFromTag(tag, id)); if(!contents.getAnnotations(tag).isEmpty()){ JsonObject annotationRootObj = new JsonObject(); JsonArray locationsArray = new JsonArray(); annotationRootObj.addProperty("TagID", id); annotationRootObj.add("Locations", locationsArray); for(IAnnotation annotation: contents.getAnnotations(tag)){ locationsArray.add(composeJsonFromAnnotation(annotation, tags)); } annotationsArray.add(annotationRootObj); } id++; } contentsRootObj.add(TAGS_ATTRIB, tagsArray); contentsRootObj.add(ANNOTATIONS_ATTRIB, annotationsArray); return contentsRootObj; } /** * Returns the root JsonElement of the given Tag object, assigning it the * provided id. */ private static JsonElement composeJsonFromTag(Tag tag, int id){ JsonObject tagRootObj = new JsonObject(); JsonArray colorArray = new JsonArray(); colorArray.add(new JsonPrimitive(tag.getColor().getRed())); colorArray.add(new JsonPrimitive(tag.getColor().getGreen())); colorArray.add(new JsonPrimitive(tag.getColor().getBlue())); tagRootObj.addProperty("ID", id); tagRootObj.addProperty("Tagname", tag.getName()); tagRootObj.add("Color", colorArray); if(tag.getComment() != null){ tagRootObj.addProperty("Description", tag.getComment()); } return tagRootObj; } /** * Returns the JsonElement of the Location entry corresponding to the given * IAnnotation object. The tags map is used to look up the ids associated * with different Tags. */ private static JsonElement composeJsonFromAnnotation(IAnnotation annotation, HashMap<Tag, Integer> tags){ JsonElement locationElem = null; //TODO: Make all locations objects and add a 'Type' property if(annotation instanceof MetaAnnotation){ MetaAnnotation metaAnnotation = (MetaAnnotation)annotation; locationElem = new JsonPrimitive(tags.get(metaAnnotation.getAnnotatedTag())); } else if(annotation instanceof TextAnnotation){ TextAnnotation textAnnotation = (TextAnnotation)annotation; JsonObject locationObj = new JsonObject(); locationObj.addProperty("Start", textAnnotation.getStartIndex()); locationObj.addProperty("End", textAnnotation.getEndIndex()); locationElem = locationObj; } return locationElem; } /* * Parsing from Json */ /** * Returns the AnnotationSetContents object described by the given Json * root object. */ private static AnnotationSetContents parseContentsFromJson(JsonElement json){ AnnotationSetContents newContents = new AnnotationSetContents(); HashMap<Integer, Tag> tags = new HashMap<Integer, Tag>(); if(json.isJsonObject()){ JsonObject jsonRootObj = json.getAsJsonObject(); for(Entry<String, JsonElement> entry: jsonRootObj.entrySet()){ if(entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(TAGS_ATTRIB)){ JsonArray tagsArray = entry.getValue().getAsJsonArray(); for(JsonElement tagJson: tagsArray){ if(!parseTagFromJson(tagJson, tags, newContents)){ //TODO: Error handling return null; } } } else if(entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(ANNOTATIONS_ATTRIB)){ JsonArray annotationsArray = entry.getValue().getAsJsonArray(); for(JsonElement annotationJson: annotationsArray){ if(!parseAnnotationsFromJson(annotationJson, tags, newContents)){ //TODO: Error handling return null; } } } } } else{ return null; } return newContents; } /** * Parses the Tag described by the given JsonElement and adds it to both * the tags map and the AnnotationSetContents instance being constructed. */ private static boolean parseTagFromJson(JsonElement json, HashMap<Integer, Tag> tags, AnnotationSetContents contents){ if(json.isJsonObject()){ JsonObject tagRootObj = json.getAsJsonObject(); try{ int id = tagRootObj.get("ID").getAsInt(); String tagname = tagRootObj.get("Tagname").getAsString(); String description = null; if(tagRootObj.has("Description")){ description = tagRootObj.get("Description").getAsString(); } JsonArray colorArray = tagRootObj.get("Color").getAsJsonArray(); Color color = new Color(Display.getCurrent(), colorArray.get(0).getAsInt(), colorArray.get(1).getAsInt(), colorArray.get(2).getAsInt()); Tag newTag = new Tag(tagname, color, description); tags.put(id, newTag); contents.addTag(newTag); return true; } catch(ClassCastException | IllegalStateException e){ //Couldn't parse the Tag return false; } } return false; } /** * Parses all of the Annotations described by the given JsonElement and * adds all of them to the AnnotationSetContents instance being constructed. * The tags map is used to look up ids associated with different Tags. */ private static boolean parseAnnotationsFromJson(JsonElement json, HashMap<Integer, Tag> tags, AnnotationSetContents contents){ if(json.isJsonObject()){ JsonObject annotationRootObj = json.getAsJsonObject(); try{ int tagId = annotationRootObj.get("TagID").getAsInt(); JsonArray locationsArray = annotationRootObj.get("Locations"). getAsJsonArray(); if(!tags.containsKey(tagId)){ //TagID doesn't correspond to an existing Tag return false; } Tag myTag = tags.get(tagId); for(JsonElement location: locationsArray){ IAnnotation newAnnotation = null; //TODO: Make all locations objects and add a 'Type' property if(location.isJsonObject()){ //Standard TextAnnotation JsonObject locationObject = location.getAsJsonObject(); int start = locationObject.get("Start").getAsInt(); int end = locationObject.get("End").getAsInt(); newAnnotation = new TextAnnotation(myTag, start, end - start); } else if(location.isJsonPrimitive()){ //MetaAnnotation int annotatedTagId = location.getAsInt(); if(!tags.containsKey(annotatedTagId)){ //TagID doesn't correspond to an existing Tag return false; } Tag annotatedTag = tags.get(annotatedTagId); newAnnotation = new MetaAnnotation(myTag, annotatedTag); } else{ return false; } contents.addAnnotation(newAnnotation); } return true; } catch(ClassCastException | IllegalStateException e){ //Couldn't parse the Annotation return false; } } return false; } }