package LinGUIne.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; /** * Generalized format for Results which can be expressed as key-value pairs. * Note: It is assumed that the keys used are consistent and that all uses of a * given key are of the same data type. * * @author Peter Dimou * @author Kyle Mullins */ public class KeyValueResultContents implements IProjectDataContents, Iterable<HashMap<String, ResultData>>, IPlaintextViewable { private List<HashMap<String, ResultData>> contents; /** * Constructs a new empty set of data. */ public KeyValueResultContents() { contents = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, ResultData>>(); } /** * Constructs a new result object from a previously constructed set of data. * * @param contents The previously constructed set of data. */ public KeyValueResultContents(List<HashMap<String, ResultData>> otherContents) { contents = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, ResultData>>(otherContents); } /** * Adds the given set of key-value pairs to the List of data. * * @param pairs A set of key-value pairs to be added to the data set. */ public void addKeyValuePairs(HashMap<String, ResultData> pairs){ contents.add(pairs); } /** * Returns a set of all keys used in this instance's data. * Note: It is assumed that all entries utilize the same set of keys. * * @return A set of all keys. */ public Set<String> getKeys(){ return contents.get(0).keySet(); } /** * Returns the data type of values associated with the given key if it * exists, otherwise null is returned. * * @param key The key for which the data type is to be returned. * * @return The type of values associated with the given key. */ public Class<?> getDataTypeForKey(String key){ if(!contents.isEmpty() && contents.get(0).containsKey(key)){ return contents.get(0).get(key).getClass(); } return null; } @Override public int compareTo(IProjectDataContents otherContents) { if(otherContents != null && otherContents instanceof KeyValueResultContents){ KeyValueResultContents otherKeyValueContents = (KeyValueResultContents)otherContents; List<HashMap<String, ResultData>> otherEntries = otherKeyValueContents.contents; if(contents.size() != otherEntries.size()){ return, otherEntries.size()); } else if(getKeys().size() != otherKeyValueContents.getKeys().size()){ return, otherKeyValueContents.getKeys().size()); } for(int x = 0; x < contents.size(); x++){ for(String key: getKeys()){ ResultData myVal = contents.get(x).get(key); ResultData otherVal = otherEntries.get(x).get(key); if(!myVal.equals(otherVal)){ return myVal.compareTo(otherVal); } } } } return 0; } /** * Deep-copies this object */ @Override public IProjectDataContents copy() { KeyValueResultContents newContents = new KeyValueResultContents(); for(HashMap<String, ResultData> pairs: contents){ HashMap<String, ResultData> newPairSet = new HashMap<String, ResultData>(); for(Entry<String, ResultData> pair: pairs.entrySet()){ newPairSet.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue()); } newContents.addKeyValuePairs(newPairSet); } return newContents; } @Override public Class<? extends IProjectData> getAssociatedDataType() { return KeyValueResult.class; } /** * Returns an iterator over the data in this instance. */ @Override public Iterator<HashMap<String, ResultData>> iterator(){ return contents.iterator(); } @Override public String getAsPlaintext() { String resultText = ""; for(HashMap<String, ResultData> pairs: contents){ for(Entry<String, ResultData> pair: pairs.entrySet()){ resultText += pair.getKey() + " = " + pair.getValue().getAsString(); resultText += ", "; } resultText = resultText.substring(0, resultText.length() - 2); resultText += "\n"; } return resultText; } }