package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.event.cover.EventTrackingService; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException; import; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Tool; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolManager; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolSession; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.SessionManager; import org.sakaiproject.util.SortedIterator; import org.sakaiproject.util.Web; import; /** * * @author Joshua Ryan * */ public class SitePageEditHandler { public Site site; public SiteService siteService; public ToolManager toolManager; public SessionManager sessionManager; public ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService; private Map<String, SitePage> pages; public String[] selectedTools = new String[] {}; private Set<String> unhideables; public String state; public String title = ""; public String test; public boolean update; public boolean done; //Just something dumb to bind to in order to supress warning messages public String nil = null; private final String TOOL_CFG_FUNCTIONS = "functions.require"; private final String TOOL_CFG_MULTI = "allowMultiple"; private final String SITE_UPD = "site.upd"; private final String HELPER_ID = ""; private final String UNHIDEABLES_CFG = "poh.unhideables"; private final String PAGE_ADD = "pageorder.add"; private final String PAGE_DELETE = "pageorder.delete"; private final String PAGE_RENAME = "pageorder.rename"; private final String PAGE_SHOW = ""; private final String PAGE_HIDE = "pageorder.hide"; private final String SITE_REORDER = "pageorder.reorder"; private final String SITE_RESET = "pageorder.reset"; //System config for which tools can be added to a site more then once private final String MULTI_TOOLS = ""; // Tool session attribute name used to schedule a whole page refresh. public static final String ATTR_TOP_REFRESH = ""; private String[] defaultMultiTools = {"", "sakai.iframe"}; /** * Gets the current tool * @return Tool */ public Tool getCurrentTool() { return toolManager.getCurrentTool(); } /** * Generates the currentPlacementId as used by the portal to name the iframe the tool lives in * @return String currentPlacementId */ public String getCurrentPlacementId() { return Web.escapeJavascript("Main" + toolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getId()); } /** * Gets the pages for the current site * @return Map of pages (id, page) */ public Map<String, SitePage> getPages() { if (site == null) { init(); } if (update) { pages = new LinkedHashMap<String, SitePage>(); if (site != null) { List<SitePage> pageList = site.getOrderedPages(); for (int i = 0; i < pageList.size(); i++) { SitePage page = pageList.get(i); pages.put(page.getId(), page); } } } return pages; } /** * Initialization method, just gets the current site in preperation for other calls * */ public void init() { if (site == null) { String siteId = null; try { siteId = sessionManager.getCurrentToolSession() .getAttribute(HELPER_ID + ".siteId").toString(); } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException npe) { // Site ID wasn't set in the helper call!! } if (siteId == null) { siteId = toolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext(); } try { site = siteService.getSite(siteId); update = siteService.allowUpdateSite(site.getId()); title = site.getTitle(); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { // The siteId we were given was bogus e.printStackTrace(); } } String conf = serverConfigurationService.getString(UNHIDEABLES_CFG); if (conf != null) { unhideables = new HashSet<String>(); String[] toolIds = conf.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < toolIds.length; i++) { unhideables.add(toolIds[i].trim()); } } } /** * Wrapper around siteService to save a site * @param site * @throws IdUnusedException * @throws PermissionException */ public void saveSite(Site site) { try {; } catch (Exception e) { throw UniversalRuntimeException.accumulate(e, "Error saving site"); } } /** * Gets the list of tools that can be added to the current site * @return List of Tools */ public List<Tool> getAvailableTools() { List<Tool> tools = new ArrayList<Tool>(); if (site == null) { init(); } Set<String> categories = new HashSet<String>(); if (site.getType() == null || siteService.isUserSite(site.getId())) { categories.add("myworkspace"); } else { categories.add(site.getType()); } Set<Tool> toolRegistrations = toolManager.findTools(categories, null); List<String> multiPlacementToolIds = new ArrayList<String>(); String items[]; if (serverConfigurationService.getString(MULTI_TOOLS) != null && !"".equals(serverConfigurationService.getString(MULTI_TOOLS))) items = serverConfigurationService.getString(MULTI_TOOLS).split(","); else items = defaultMultiTools; for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { multiPlacementToolIds.add(items[i]); } SortedIterator i = new SortedIterator(toolRegistrations.iterator(), new ToolComparator()); for (; i.hasNext();) { Tool tr = (Tool); if (tr != null) { Properties config = tr.getRegisteredConfig(); String allowMultiple = config.getProperty(TOOL_CFG_MULTI); if (multiPlacementToolIds.contains(tr.getId()) || "true".equals(allowMultiple)) { tools.add(tr); } else if (site.getToolForCommonId(tr.getId()) == null) { tools.add(tr); } } } return tools; } /** * Process tool adds * @return */ public String addTools () { for (int i = 0; i < selectedTools.length; i++) { SitePage page = null; try { page = site.addPage(); Tool tool = toolManager.getTool(selectedTools[i]); page.setTitle(tool.getTitle()); ToolConfiguration placement = page.addTool(tool.getId());; EventTrackingService.newEvent(PAGE_ADD, "/site/" + site.getId() + "/page/" + page.getId() + "/tool/" + selectedTools[i] + "/placement/" + placement.getId(), false)); } catch(Exception e) { throw UniversalRuntimeException.accumulate(e, "Error adding tool " + selectedTools[i]); } } return "success"; } /** * Process the 'Save' post on page ordering. * */ public String savePages () { if (state != null) { String[] pages = state.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { if (pages[i] != null) { SitePage realPage = site.getPage(pages[i]); realPage.setPosition(i); } } site.setCustomPageOrdered(true); try {; EventTrackingService.newEvent(SITE_REORDER, "/site/" + site.getId(), false)); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (PermissionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } ToolSession session = sessionManager.getCurrentToolSession(); session.setAttribute(ATTR_TOP_REFRESH, Boolean.TRUE); return "done"; } /** * Allows the Cancel button to return control to the tool calling this helper * */ public String cancel() { ToolSession session = sessionManager.getCurrentToolSession(); session.setAttribute(ATTR_TOP_REFRESH, Boolean.TRUE); return "done"; } public String reset() { site.setCustomPageOrdered(false); try {; EventTrackingService.newEvent(SITE_RESET, "/site/" + site.getId(), false)); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (PermissionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } /** * Checks if a given toolId is required or not for the current site being edited * * @param toolId * @return true if the tool is required */ public boolean isRequired(String toolId) { if (site == null) { init(); } List<String> requiredTools = null; if (site.getType() == null || siteService.isUserSite(site.getId())) { requiredTools = serverConfigurationService.getToolsRequired("myworkspace"); } else { requiredTools = serverConfigurationService.getToolsRequired(site.getType()); } if (requiredTools != null && requiredTools.contains(toolId)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if users without site.upd can see a page or not * * @param page The SitePage whose visibility is in question * @return true if users with out site.upd can see the page */ public boolean isVisible(SitePage page) { List<ToolConfiguration> tools = page.getTools(); Iterator<ToolConfiguration> iPt = tools.iterator(); boolean visible = false; while( !visible && iPt.hasNext() ) { ToolConfiguration placement =; Properties roleConfig = placement.getConfig(); String roleList = roleConfig.getProperty(TOOL_CFG_FUNCTIONS); if (roleList == null || !(roleList.indexOf(SITE_UPD) > -1)) { visible = true; } } return visible; } /** * Checks if the site has been ordered yet * * @return true if the site has custom ordering */ public boolean isSiteOrdered() { return site.isCustomPageOrdered(); } /** * Checks to see if a given tool is allowed to be hidden. * * Useful for tools that have other requried permissions where setting the page * as visible may not make it visible to all users and thus causes some confusion. * * @return true if this tool is allowed to be hidden */ public boolean allowsHide(String toolId) { if (unhideables == null || !unhideables.contains(toolId)) return true; return false; } /** * Checks to see if a given SitePage is allowed to be hidden. * * Useful for pages with tools that have other requried permissions where setting * the page as visible may not make it visible to all users and thus causes some * confusion. * * @return true if this tool is allowed to be hidden */ public boolean allowsHide(SitePage page) { List<ToolConfiguration> tools = page.getTools(); Iterator<ToolConfiguration> iPt = tools.iterator(); boolean hideable = true; while( hideable && iPt.hasNext() ) { ToolConfiguration placement =; if (!allowsHide(placement.getToolId())) { hideable = false; } } return hideable; } /** * Hides a page from any user who doesn't have site.upd * Or atleast removes it from the portal navigation list * * @param pageId The Id of the Page * @return true for sucess, false for failuer * @throws IdUnusedException, PermissionException */ public boolean hidePage(String pageId) throws IdUnusedException, PermissionException { EventTrackingService.newEvent(PAGE_HIDE, "/site/" + site.getId() + "/page/" + pageId, false)); return pageVisibilityHelper(pageId, false); } /** * Unhides a page from any user who doesn't have site.upd * Or atleast removes it from the portal navigation list * * @param pageId The Id of the Page * @return true for sucess, false for failuer * @throws IdUnusedException, PermissionException */ public boolean showPage(String pageId) throws IdUnusedException, PermissionException { EventTrackingService.newEvent(PAGE_SHOW, "/site/" + site.getId() + "/page/" + pageId, false)); return pageVisibilityHelper(pageId, true); } /** * Adds or removes the requirement to have site.upd in order to see * a page * @param pageId The Id of the Page * @param visible * @return true for sucess, false for failuer * @throws IdUnusedException, PermissionException */ private boolean pageVisibilityHelper(String pageId, boolean visible) throws IdUnusedException, PermissionException{ if (site == null) { init(); } SitePage page = site.getPage(pageId); List<ToolConfiguration> tools = page.getTools(); Iterator<ToolConfiguration> iterator = tools.iterator(); //If all the tools on a page require site.upd then only users with site.upd will see //the page in the site nav of Charon... not sure about the other Sakai portals floating about while( iterator.hasNext() ) { ToolConfiguration placement =; Properties roleConfig = placement.getPlacementConfig(); String roleList = roleConfig.getProperty(TOOL_CFG_FUNCTIONS); boolean saveChanges = false; if (roleList == null) { roleList = ""; } if (!(roleList.indexOf(SITE_UPD) > -1) && !visible) { if (roleList.length() > 0) { roleList += ","; } roleList += SITE_UPD; saveChanges = true; } else if (visible) { roleList = roleList.replaceAll("," + SITE_UPD, ""); roleList = roleList.replaceAll(SITE_UPD, ""); saveChanges = true; } if (saveChanges) { roleConfig.setProperty(TOOL_CFG_FUNCTIONS, roleList);;; } } return true; } /** * Adds a new single tool page to the current site * @param toolId * @param title * @return the newly added SitePage */ public SitePage addPage (String toolId, String title) { SitePage page = null; try { page = site.addPage(); page.setTitle(title); ToolConfiguration placement = page.addTool(toolId);; EventTrackingService.newEvent(PAGE_ADD, "/site/" + site.getId() + "/page/" + page.getId() + "/tool/" + toolId + "/placement/" + placement.getId(), false)); } catch (Exception e) { throw UniversalRuntimeException.accumulate(e, "Error adding page " + title); } init(); return page; } /** * Removes a page from the site * * @param pageId * @return title of page removed * @throws IdUnusedException * @throws PermissionException */ public String removePage(String pageId) { SitePage page = site.getPage(pageId); site.removePage(page); saveSite(site); EventTrackingService.newEvent(PAGE_DELETE, "/site/" + site.getId() + "/page/" + page.getId(), false)); return page.getTitle(); } /** * Sets the title of a page, and if there is only one tool on a page the title of that tool. * Also optionally will alter the configuration of a tool * * @param pageId * @param newTitle * @param newConfig * @return the old title of the page * @throws IdUnusedException * @throws PermissionException */ public String setTitle(String pageId, String newTitle) { SitePage page = site.getPage(pageId); String oldTitle = page.getTitle(); page.setTitle(newTitle); page.setTitleCustom(true); // TODO: Find a way to call each tool to ask what fields they need configured // and what methods to use to validate the input.. if (page.getTools().size() == 1) { ToolConfiguration tool = (ToolConfiguration) page.getTools().get(0); tool.setTitle(newTitle); } saveSite(site); EventTrackingService.newEvent(PAGE_RENAME, "/site/" + site.getId() + "/page/" + page.getId() + "/old_title/" + oldTitle + "/new_title/" + page.getTitle(), false)); return oldTitle; } /** * Resets page title to the default and resets titleCustom flag * * @param pageId The Id of the Page * @return reset page title * @throws IdUnusedException, PermissionException */ public String resetTitle(String pageId) throws IdUnusedException, PermissionException { SitePage page = site.getPage(pageId); String oldTitle = page.getTitle(); page.setTitleCustom(false); String newTitle = page.getTitle(); page.setTitle(newTitle); // TODO: Find a way to call each tool to ask what fields they need configured // and what methods to use to validate the input.. if (page.getTools().size() == 1) { ToolConfiguration tool = (ToolConfiguration) page.getTools().get(0); tool.setTitle(newTitle); } saveSite(site); EventTrackingService.newEvent(PAGE_RENAME, "/site/" + site.getId() + "/page/" + page.getId() + "/old_title/" + oldTitle + "/new_title/" + page.getTitle(), false)); return newTitle; } /** * Sets property config/value of page tool, if only one tool on page * * @param pageId * @param config * @param value * @return the old title of the page * @throws IdUnusedException * @throws PermissionException */ public void setConfig(String pageId, String config, String value) { SitePage page = site.getPage(pageId); // TODO: Find a way to call each tool to ask what fields they need configured // and what methods to use to validate the input.. if (page.getTools().size() == 1 && !"nil".equals(value)) { ToolConfiguration tool = (ToolConfiguration) page.getTools().get(0); tool.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(config, value); } saveSite(site); } /** * ** Copied from should be in a common place such as util? * * @author joshuaryan * */ private class ToolComparator implements Comparator<Tool> { /** * implementing the Comparator compare function * @param o1 The first object * @param o2 The second object * @return The compare result. 1 is o1 < o2; 0 is o1.equals(o2); -1 otherwise */ public int compare (Tool o1, Tool o2) { try { return o1.getTitle().compareTo(o2.getTitle()); } catch (Exception e) { } return -1; } // compare } //ToolComparator }