/********************************************************************************** * $URL: https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/help/branches/sakai-2.8.1/help-tool/src/java/org/sakaiproject/jsf/help/ContextSensitiveTreeRender.java $ * $Id: ContextSensitiveTreeRender.java 74681 2010-03-16 08:08:10Z stephen.marquard@uct.ac.za $ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 The Sakai Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package org.sakaiproject.jsf.help; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.component.UIData; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter; import javax.faces.render.Renderer; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.sakaiproject.api.app.help.Category; import org.sakaiproject.api.app.help.Resource; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService; /** * render response * @version $Id: ContextSensitiveTreeRender.java 74681 2010-03-16 08:08:10Z stephen.marquard@uct.ac.za $ */ public class ContextSensitiveTreeRender extends Renderer { private static String HELP_DOC_REGEXP = org.sakaiproject.api.app.help.HelpManager.HELP_DOC_REGEXP; /** * supports componenet type * @param component * @return true if supported */ public boolean supportsComponentType(UIComponent component) { return (component instanceof UIData); } /** * @see javax.faces.render.Renderer#encodeBegin(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, javax.faces.component.UIComponent) */ public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException { String skinRoot = ServerConfigurationService.getString("skin.repo", "/library/skin"); String skin = ServerConfigurationService.getString("skin.default", "default"); String jsLibraryUrl = "../js"; ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter(); writer.write("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n"); writer.write("<html>"); writer.write("<head>\n"); writer.write("<title>Help Index</title>\n"); writer.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + jsLibraryUrl + "/csTree.js\"></script>\n"); writer.write("<link href=\"" + skinRoot + "/tool_base.css\"" + " type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" />\n"); writer.write("<link href=\"" + skinRoot + "/" + skin + "/tool.css\"" + " type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" />\n"); writer.write("<link href=\"../css/csTree.css\" type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" />"); //writer.write("<body onload='collapseAll([\"ol\"]); openBookMark();'>"); writer.write("</head>\n"); writer.write("<body class=\"helpIndexBody\">\n"); writer.write("<ol id=\"root\">"); UIData data = (UIData) component; Object value = data.getValue(); // Get and validate the help id requested String helpDocId = ((HttpServletRequest) context.getExternalContext() .getRequest()).getParameter("help"); if (helpDocId != null) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(HELP_DOC_REGEXP); Matcher m = p.matcher(helpDocId); if (!m.matches()) { helpDocId = "unknown"; } } Set categories = (Set) value; // filter to only include top-level categories for (Iterator i = categories.iterator(); i.hasNext();){ Category c = (Category) i.next(); if (c.getParent() != null || "home".equalsIgnoreCase(c.getName())){ i.remove(); } } encodeRecursive(writer, categories, helpDocId); writer.write("</ol>"); if (helpDocId != null) { writer.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + jsLibraryUrl + "/search.js\"></script>\n"); } writer.write("</body></html>"); } /** * encode recursively * @param writer * @param categories * @param helpDocId * @throws IOException */ private void encodeRecursive(ResponseWriter writer, Set categories, String helpDocId) throws IOException { for (Iterator i = categories.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Category category = (Category) i.next(); Set resources = new TreeSet(category.getResources()); String id = category.getName(); writer.write("<li class=\"dir helpIndex\">"); writer.write("<h1>"); writer.write("<img src=\"../image/toc_closed.gif\" alt=\"\" /></td>"); writer.write("<a id=\"" + id + "\" href=\"#" + category.getName() + "\" onclick=\"toggle(this)\">" + category.getName() + "</a></td>"); writer.write("</h1>"); writer.write("<ol class=\"docs\">"); Set subCategories = new TreeSet(category.getCategories()); encodeRecursive(writer, subCategories, helpDocId); if (resources != null) { for (Iterator j = resources.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { writer.write("<li>"); Resource resource = (Resource) j.next(); // helpDocId will be a helpDocId (coming from search) or // will be a tool id coming from portal if (helpDocId != null && (helpDocId.equals(resource.getDefaultForTool()) || helpDocId .equals(resource.getDocId()))) { writer.write("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td>"); writer.write("<img src=\"../image/topic.gif\" alt=\"\"/></td>"); writer.write("<td><a id=\"default\"" + " href=\"content.hlp?docId=" + resource.getDocId() + "\" target = \"content\">" + resource.getName() + "</a></td>"); writer.write("</tr></table></li>\n"); } else { writer.write("<h2>"); writer.write("<img src=\"../image/topic.gif\" alt=\"\"/>"); writer.write("<a id=\"" + resource.getDocId() + "\" href=\"content.hlp?docId=" + resource.getDocId() + "\" target = \"content\">" + resource.getName() + "</a>"); writer.write("</h2></li>\n"); } } } writer.write("</ol></li>\n"); } } /** * contains help doc * @param helpDocId * @param resources * @return true if contained */ private boolean containsHelpDoc(String helpDocId, Set resources) { boolean contains = false; if (resources != null) { for (Iterator i = resources.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Resource resource = (Resource) i.next(); if (resource.getDocId().equals(helpDocId)) { contains = true; break; } } } return contains; } }